So at this time, after seeing Wolfe, Chi Yanhou would have such a strong idea of ​​seeking for virtue. Because once Wolf is really a very powerful master of formation, then the existence of Wolf can be related to the overall strength of the practitioners of the main city of Chicheng. In the face of such a situation, how can Chi Yanhou despise it? What.

But seeing that Wolfe is so smooth, even when Chi Yanhou said at the end, he saw that he was always wrapped around by Wolfe, and then after thinking about it, he found that Wolfe rejected himself again, Chi Yan Hou was indeed somewhat discouraged at this time.

Chi Yanhou didn't think that he should be rough at this time. After all, with Wolf's current strength, although the combination of Wolf and Tony is very strong, and they also showed it when they resisted the thunder. In view of their peculiarities, the power of the pure original power also made Chi Yanhou very afraid. But even so, under the huge gap in strength, Chi Yanhou still believes that if he is really rough, Wolfe certainly cannot have any resistance.

However, Chi Yanhou calmly knew that if he really did so, even if Wolff now succumbed, and he took Wolff all the way to participate in the trip to the Celestial Realm, guaranteeing that he would not let Wall Husband committed suicide. But this is only what Chi Yanhou can do. If Wolf really wants to work for Chicheng, this way will not work at all. Because it is not enough to ensure that Wolff will not die, only Wolff can really contribute to Chicheng, but it is inevitable that Wolfe will not be forced to force Wolfe.

So after thinking about it, Chi Yanhou would be so disheartened. If Chi Yanhou's current actions let the city masters of other main cities know, they will surely make them laugh. Because a strong man at the first level of supreme realm worries, I really don't know whether it should be said that Wolf is tough or Chi Yanhou is incompetent.

However, while Chi Yanhou was in a daze, Wolfe suddenly said, "Sir, may I let me consider a few days, and then I will reply to you."

Now that Wolfe has already evaded this, Chi Yanhou knows that even if he asks too much, it is impossible to get a definite reply. After all, Chi Yanhou also knows that outside gangsters like Wolf are naturally aware of the attitude they have shown before, that the thing they want him to do will be very dangerous. thing.

After all, since you can cultivate to this level, everyone is not that kind of stupid person. Therefore, at this time, Chi Yanhou knew that he should also retreat from difficulties. Because no matter how huge the secrets are in Wolf and Tony, the strength of wanting to advance to the supreme realm certainly does not know how many years have been consumed. And just when they have just advanced to the highest level of strength, let them take part in the very dangerous things. Since they can think about it, of course, it is impossible to make a joke about their lives so easily.

Having figured it all out, Chi Yanhou said no more, prepared to say goodbye to Wolf, and turned away.

However, just when Chi Yanhou was just about to leave, Wolfe suddenly said, "Master Lord stays, and there are things to ask next."

Hearing Wolfe’s words, Chi Yanhou, who had been preparing to leave, suddenly turned around, because Chi Yanhou felt that perhaps Wolfe had left to leave at this time, and he must have figured out some problems.

So after turning around, Chi Yanhou immediately smiled and asked: "Oh, I don't know what you have to ask."

"I want to ask, where did my companion Li Yi go, and we have been closed for a while, but we didn’t see him after we went out. He said he was going to participate in the battle of the main city before. How was his performance during the war, and where is he now?" Wolfe asked very seriously, looking at Chi Yanhou.

But after hearing this sentence, Alice on the side almost burst out laughing. However, after she saw Tony's expression, Alice knew that at this time the song didn't show what she was doing wrong, so she immediately converged her expression and watched Wolfe's performance.

In fact, Wolfe was obviously asking a question. Not long before they closed their doors, Wolfe, Tony and Alice saw Li Yi. Moreover, if it was not for Li Yi to appear in time, then Wolfe and Tony did not know how to deal with this situation today. But then Li Yi left very strangely, which really puzzled Wolfe and others.

And with Wolfe's mind, it is naturally impossible to take such a question for too long. Although he knew that Li Yi could be found if he left the city at this time, Wolfe knew that with his current strength and the situation that Chi Yanhou kept pulling him back, Wolf knew If you want to leave Chicheng now, Chi Yanhou will definitely send someone to stare at you. And even if he knew someone would follow him, Wolfe couldn’t do it at this time. Because once you take action, you will definitely expose your whereabouts and what you want to do.

So at this time, Wolfe must do this scene. After all, Wolfe knows that if he wants to leave Chicheng at this time, he must find a very reasonable excuse. And at this time, under the pretext of looking for Li Yi, it is natural to be overwhelmed enough to want to leave the main city of Chicheng.

After Chi Yanhou heard Wolfe's words, the smile on Chi Yanhou's face subsided unconsciously. Because Chi Yanhou thought before, Wolfe might figure it out at this time, and then help to do that big thing. But Wolfe stopped himself, but asked about Li Yi. Seeing this situation, Chi Yanhou's interest suddenly rose and fell, and naturally it would not be very good.

However, in the face of Wolfe's problem, Chi Yanhou felt very natural. After all, Li Yi and Wolf should both be cultivators from the same world, and in the fairy world, everyone belongs to the outside world, so in the fairy world, they are outsiders. It is understandable to maintain close contact and relationship between the two.

So after figuring this out, Chi Yanhou said to Wolfe with a smile again: "Oh, speaking of your companion Li Yi, he is really a great character. In the battle against the main city of Qingcheng Among them, with one person's strength, he is almost all the cultivators below the Qingcheng's supreme realm strength. This record is very amazing in the fairy world. Then, he was established. After having such a huge achievement, I was worried that if he was allowed to take part in the battle of the main city again in a short period of time, I would be taken care of by the cultivators of other main cities, so I let him go to the barren tribe. The position of cultivator leader. A while ago, he passed by with your other companions. It is only a few months now, I think he should be good there, after all, I gave him a reward before going there. You must know that this is the best treasure in our fairy world. Only with that skill can you advance to the highest realm."

Hearing Chi Yanhou’s answer, Wolfe was surprised for a while, and even Wolf’s wisdom was unclear. How did Li Yi do what Chiyanhou said? With his own strength, he will give all the cultivators under Qingcheng's supreme realm strength to all. To know. Before the retreat, Li Yi’s strength was only the initial strength of the Guiyuan Realm. Although Wolf always values ​​Li Yi very much, Wolf knows that even if Li Yi now has such a magnificent body The power of the source, but this cannot be refined by Li Yi in a short time, and if it is not upgraded to the strength of the supreme realm by means of refining the power of the source, then Wolfe really can’t think of it, if Li Yi is How to do it. So very puzzled, Wolf immediately asked: "I don't know if the words of the Lord Lord are joking. As far as I know, when I was in retreat, my companion Li Yi should only be back to the beginning of the realm. The strength of the rank, even the Xian Qilin with him is just the strength of the peak of Guiyuan Realm, but how did the two of them achieve that kind of record in the battle of the main city?"

"Oh, Wolf, don't you think I'm a joke about this kind of thing, this thing is of course true, but you still ignored it a little bit, I said it was Li Yi himself To achieve this, although his companion Xian Qilin also played a vital role in the war, but in the battle of the cultivators who wiped out the Qingcheng, Xian Qilin did not exert much power, all this It was all Li Yi, relying on his own ability to do it." Watching Wolfe was able to show a doubtful expression, Chi Yanhou was very curious about this. After all, when fighting with Wolfe before, Chi Yanhou found out that Wolf was really an old traitor, but at this time he was able to show this kind of performance, which naturally made Chi Yanhou feel very novel. . However, although the novelty is novel, Chi Yanhou finally answered Wolfe’s question and corrected one of them, telling Wolfe that Li Yi did it all by himself.

"How is this possible? Is it possible that Li Yi was promoted to the highest level of power during our retreat? This is completely impossible. I can't understand his status any more. It can't be like this. It wasn’t Xian Qilin, how did he do this by himself?” Wolfe now does not consider his state at all, but asks with great doubt.

"For this, you don’t have to worry about Wolfe. In fact, if it weren’t for me and several strong men in the main city who saw Li Yi doing it at the same time, I couldn’t believe it. It is important to know that during the war, although Li Yi and his opponents did not have cultivators of supreme realm strength, they were also powerful individuals with a large number of high-level Guiyuan realm and even the peak strength of the Guiyuan realm. But no matter what, Li Yi really relied on his own ability to achieve this. As for why he can achieve this, it may be related to a magic weapon he used in the war." said At this point, Chi Yanhou did not forget to glance at the one-shell magic weapon still in Wolfe's hand.

Seeing Chi Yanhou's performance, Wolfe was surprised for a while, then looked at the magic weapon in his hand, and then fell into silence. After a while, Wolfe suddenly looked up and said to Chi Yanhou: "You mean, he also took out this magic weapon during the war, and then based on this magic weapon, what powerful magical powers did he exert?" Thinking of this, Wolf could gradually believe in Chi Yan Hou said all this. After all, as long as Chi Yanhou mentioned this magic weapon, in fact, Wolf should believe it. After all, there were really only two magic instruments, and the one in Li Yi's hands was sacrificed by Li Yi again, becoming a very powerful treasure. So if Li Yi did this in that war with that magic weapon, Wolf could be relieved.

"Well, this is the way. But the battle situation is very complicated. In fact, Li Yi was very prominent in the previous battle with Xian Qilin, so in the second battle with the main city of Qingcheng, He and Xian Qilin had been subjected to each other's calculations. At the beginning, the two of them were still surrounded by each other's heavy encirclement. Afterwards, they relied on a defensive circle above the magic weapon and then broke out of the encirclement. After rushing out, I saw that Li Yi was standing in a safe place, and based on this magic weapon, he exhibited a mighty magical power. This magical power was really powerful, and even I had to move it. When he cast it, I heard what he said seemed to be the word "Stop". After that, he used this "Stop" magical power to kill all the strongmen below Qingcheng's supreme realm. In addition, except for the outermost Qingcheng strongman who escaped, all other strongmen of Qingcheng died, and there was no one left." Having said that, Chi Yanhou seemed to remember Li Yi in that battle again. Among them, the magical power of extinction that was exhibited, so now the expression of Chi Yanhou still looks very fascinated.

After hearing Chi Yanhou's words, Wolfe also had a deeper understanding of Li Yi's performance in that war. Because Wolf is really familiar with the magic of death. In the war that year, the strong men who died under Li Yi’s magic power of annihilation did not know how many, so at this time, Wolf also fully believed what Chi Yanhou said. Of course, at the very beginning, Wolfe didn’t have much doubt about it. The reason why Wu Fu repeatedly asked was because he was more curious about how Li Yi did this.

And Wolfe behaved this way now, in order to be more real in front of Chi Yanhou. Only in this way, Wolfe later proposed to join Li Yi. Even if Chi Yanhou wanted to block it, it was definitely impossible to propose anything that could not be proposed.

After all, his companion has such a miraculous performance, and Wolf responds so much, and wants to see his companion who is a cultivator of the outside world who has made great achievements. Even if Chi Yanhou doesn’t want to, he doesn’t Refused for any reason.

Moreover, after Chi Yanhou's story, Wolf also knew why, after he had just resisted the attack of Sky Thunder, Chi Yanhou focused on the magic weapon in his hand for the first time, not himself. And Tony and Alice herself. Because Chi Yanhou must have recognized it, the magic weapon he held in his hand was exactly the same as the magic weapon Li Yi used in the battle of the main city, and although the magic weapon had some power Insufficient, but it is also very powerful, so Chi Yanhou wanted to find the true essence of this magic weapon at this time. But what disappointed Chi Yanhou very much was that Wolfe almost completely destroyed the magic weapon, so Chi Yanhou could not find what he wanted to find in it.

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