So at this time, Li Yi was also to prevent Alice from being ugly, and quickly explained the situation on Wolfe to Alice: "Oh, in fact, you have already forgotten some of us, although we can now exert the power of the original power That’s because we have had this kind of experience too many times. But in fact, it’s impossible for a cultivator to show the experience of the original power without inspiring the seeds of the original power in the body. . Even if it can be exhibited, the degree they exhibited is certainly very weak. And although Wolf can now exert it, he wants to be really strong, and the manipulation of the source power has become very handy. Therefore, Wolfe must inspire the seeds of the inner power of the body, you said, right?"

Li Yi has already mentioned everything to this point. If Alice still doesn't understand, then Li Yi really has the heart to kill Alice. Fortunately, at this time Alice did not perform too badly after all. For Li Yi's statement, Alice finally had her certain eyes.

After seeing this scene, Li Yi was finally relieved, and then Li Yi no longer tried to explain what happened to Wolf through dialogue with Alice. So after Li Yi saw Alice's determined look, Li Yi immediately said, "Look carefully, although Wolff now seems to be in danger, it seems that she may be destroyed by the sky at any time. The power kills are average. But in fact, you see, from the beginning to the end, the guy Wolf did not move much. He actually did this in order to feel the destructive power more closely. And he This kind of adventure is actually to be able to feel the power of the source power more clearly, because only through this experience can Wolfe truly feel the feelings and opportunities of the seeds that stimulate the source power in the body."

After saying this, it seemed that he was afraid that Alice would ask me something stupid again at this time, so Li Yi immediately said, "Wolf must have controlled this psychedelic circle just now. When the magic circle released the power of attack, because the mind was immersed in the magic circle, and the fluctuation of the power of the original force triggered by the magic circle brought Wolf into a body. The feeling of being there. So at that time, Wolf must have mistakenly believed that he was truly showing the power of the original power and the power of the law, so after that, Wolf would suddenly say that he has to advance. Feeling. Afterwards, he only rushed into the circle in such a hurry, and constantly manipulated the circle to make the circle attack himself. Naturally, this kind of thing is to enable him to feel the original power more truly. The rhythm of the power of the wave, now Wolf must have felt how much the seeds of the original power in the body are to be excited, so Wolf will only do this, if he can really succeed this time, then It's really a great thing."

After listening to Li Yi's explanation, everyone including Zongzu was relieved. Because before that, they were all really curious about why Wolfe was so. Although Tony could see some clues, Tony was still puzzled afterwards. So when Li Yi explained it later, Tony finally realized what was happening in front of him.

Although this situation is explained by Li Yi alone, in the eyes of everyone, this should be the most correct explanation. After all, apart from this statement, there is really no other explanation that makes sense for the situation in front of us.

In this case, the only thing that needs to be done is to wait patiently for Wolf to end his crazy behavior. After all, if Wolf now does not stop himself, even a powerful powerhouse like Zongzu , And they all dared not break into the psychedelic circle and bring Wolfe out. Because now Wolf is able to advance, and in order to be able to successfully stimulate the seeds of the power of the original power in his body, Wolf is also able to use all his power to attack the power of this psychedelic circle. It has been released as much as possible, although this is not the strongest stage, but in Zongzu's view, such a degree can already explain all the problems. As far as Wolff is now in control of this psychedelic formation, Zongzu has fully believed that Wolf has possession of the formation of the formation formation that the entire cultivator of the fairy world cannot match. With such a character, Zongzu can finally be considered to be able to raise his eyebrows and take Wolfe with them to the Celestial Immortal Domain. As long as there is a Wolf, the powerful people of the Warcraft family can reduce the number of unknowns. The loss of the strong.

Thinking of this, Zongzu is naturally very happy now. But while happy, Zongzu still worried more. Although Zongzu is very optimistic about Wolf’s control of this psychedelic circle, at this time, Wolf is so crazy that it seems that he does not care about his life at all and constantly excites this circle. The strength of the attack appeared, and then bombarded beside him. Seeing this situation, how could Zongzu be at ease with Wolfe. And in the eyes of Zongzu, Wolfe seemed to be hooked on the hope of the future of the powerful Warcraft. So if at this time, Wolfe really had an accident because of his own mischief, or even if an accident occurred and his life safety was threatened, then Zongzu could not accept this loss. of. After all, in the view of the present Zongzu, if Wolfe dies, then it is equivalent to the death of a large number of strongmen of their Warcraft family. Only when Wolff can live, can the powerful members of the Warcraft family enter the Celestial Realm because of Wolff’s powerful formation skills, thus dying a lot of Warcraft strongmen.

But now, although he is very worried about Wolf's life safety, Zong Zu asks himself not to dare to take the initiative to enter this psychedelic circle, and bring Wolf out of it. Because even Zong Zu is now a high-level strong power, but when Wolff now releases the power of attack in the circle without any care, Zong Zu feels that he is even Going in, it is not only impossible to bring Wolfe out, but it is also possible to pay in and pay compensation. So at this time, Zongzu can only follow Li Yi and patiently outside the circle, waiting quietly for Wolf to go crazy.

Fortunately, Wolf did not allow the Zongzu to wait for how long they waited. After Zongzu, Li Yi and Tony analyzed everything on the periphery of the psychedelic circle, they just waited outside the psychedelic circle Three days and three nights.

Although this time is ordinary, in the eyes of Zongzu, it is not even time at all, let alone three days, even three months, three years, there can be no problems at all. But at this time, when Zong Zu was always worried about whether Wolf would be rushed for success, and thus caused himself to be hit hard, Li Yi they did not seem to worry about Wolf’s life at all. In general, it is so patient and leisurely waiting outside the psychedelic circle.

Li Yi did not worry about Wolfe’s safety at all, because in Li Yi’s opinion, Wolfe might die, but even if Wolfe died, he would certainly not die above the formation, and more What's more, he died in a circle he was controlling.

But Zongzu didn't think so. What Zongzu is worried about now is not whether Wolff can advance. After all, in the view of Zongzu, no matter what strength Wolff has, as long as his attainments along with his formation still exist, then it is enough. So at this time, Zongzu is the most hopeful Wolf's crazy move on the field to end as soon as possible. If Wolff knew all of this, he really didn't know if he would be very moved by it.

But no matter what Wolfe thinks, in short, after everyone waited patiently for three days and three nights, Wolfe finally ended his crazy behavior, and then Wolfe ended his that. After this crazy move, as Wolfe ended his first time controlling the psychedelic circle, from the psychedelic circle, a large number of powerful members of the Warcraft family entered the psychedelic circle. Then came in the direction of Zongzu they now. Because in the three days and three nights when Wolfe went crazy, the powerful people of the Warcraft family thought that the human cultivators of the fairy world found the formation master to crack this psychedelic formation. The reason why they think this is because the control method of this psychedelic circle is only the Zongzu society in the entire wild land, but at this time, the Zongzu is not in the wild land. So when a large number of strong Warcraft see the vision in the psychedelic circle, they all think it is a big problem.

Even in order to find out, many of the powerful members of the Warcraft family have entered the psychedelic circle, trying to find out. However, those who entered the psychedelic circle, trying to find out the ultimate Warcraft powerhouse, later died in it. Because when Wolfe was crazy, even Zong Zu was very afraid of this, not to mention that these of their strengths could not keep up with Zu Zu's Warcraft cultivators.

And just after the vision of the magic circle ended, the practitioners of Warcraft finally seized the last space and entered the psychedelic magic circle, trying to find the real reason for the magic phenomenon of the magic circle.

And when a large number of powerful players of Warcraft continued to move towards Wolfe and Zongzu on their side, Wolfe, who had just finished controlling the circle, just sat in the air immediately after leaving the circle. Then began to constantly pinch the trick, and run the breath.

As Wolf's state just stabilized, everyone present felt that the power of the world around Wolf began to show very dramatic fluctuations, and Wolf was like a huge vortex at this time. After the forces of heaven and earth fluctuated, they all rushed toward this center of Wolf.

Seeing this, Li Yi and Tony are very clear. This is the performance of Wolfe to advance to the upper middle level. After all, in this case, even Alice is very clear. Now the situation is very obvious. After three days and three nights of madness, Wolfe actually succeeded in inspiring the seeds of the original power in his body in the fluctuation of the overwhelming original power in the circle. Come out, if this is not the case, Wolf is unlikely to appear after this situation.

At this time, in addition to Li Yi, Tony and Alice, there are actually outsiders. Of course, if calculated carefully, it should be called "outer beast". Zongzu is now a cultivator who is not along with Li Yi. After seeing such a very powerful performance by Wolfe at this time, I really don't know what to say for a while. Because before meeting Li Yi, Wolf never thought that there would still be such a group of people in this world. Although Li Yi is only an elementary strength in the Guiyuan realm, there is a source of shocking origin in Li Yi's body. What's more, Li Yi has only one soul and one soul, but even so, Li Yi is still here. More importantly, Li Yi seems to be someone who has endured several reincarnations. This situation was really shocking to Zongzu, because before Zeng had met Li Yi, Zongzu never thought about it. Even such a cultivator could endure the suffering of several reincarnations, and Finally, I can still practice to a very high level of strength again and again.

This Wolf also surprised Zongzu very much. Although he is just a cultivator of the first-level strength of the supreme realm, but he has the unrivaled attainment of the formation, and from the previous conversation, Zong Zu also learned that this Wolf seems to follow In the wilderness land, the psychedelic magic circle spirit guards had a different relationship with the cultivators of the Warcraft family.

And now no matter whether Wolff is really the master of Lingwei in the formation, but at least, from Wolff’s performance in the past few days, it seems that this Wolff’s attainment in the formation is really okay. It is comparable to Lingwei. If Wolf’s strength is higher, maybe there is no problem at all.

And now the thing that even shocked Zongzu also happened, that is, Wolfe has just advanced to the strength of the first level of the Supreme Realm, but in the past ten days, Wolfe has been promoted to The strength of the upper middle level.

Looking at all this, Zongzu couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Can this world go crazy anymore."

No matter how marvelous Wolfe was to everything in front of him, it all happened after all. Wolf's promotion has become a foregone conclusion. Looking at Wolf, who has now advanced to the mid-level strength of the supreme realm, while Zongzu sighs, he can only start to guess constantly, including Li Yi and others. What kind of identity do these outside human cultivators have?

And before that, Zongzu had already known that Li Yi and Wolfe are both strong people from the spirit world. Since this is the case, what role do they play in the spirit world? You know, Wolf also knows the strength of the strong in the other world, even for a character like Zongzu, for it, the real peerless strong in the spirit world is the existence that makes it very afraid, and Even the spirit guard who set up a psychedelic circle for them afterwards, Zongzu knew that with his current strength, it was impossible to cause any damage to the spirit guard at that time.

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