Now they have certain self-protection ability, so at this time, they are not afraid of any dangerous situation at all. After all, with these people present, they are unlikely to have any accidents. Moreover, Wolfe has advanced to the mid-level strength, in fact, if Xian Qilin can be here, then they are even more fearless.

At this time, Li Yi did not have the good mentality of Wolfe. It is even more impossible to watch the drama, after all, it is Li Yi himself who is acting.

At this time, the only thing Li Yi wanted was not to kill the Zongzu. On the contrary, Li Yi hopes that Zongzu can best live well, and then live until he truly recovers his own strength. Li Yi can truly display his accomplishments on the seal together in a complete and complete manner. In front of the ancestor. Touching Li Yi's counterscale, Li Yi must use this most powerful way to fight back. In Li Yi’s opinion, Zong Zu insulted his ability to seal together. Even if he tried his best now, even if he pulled Wolf and they defeated Zong Zu, or even seriously injured, then Li Yi It will never be satisfied. After all, Li Yi's biggest wish now, even if you want to use your own sealing ability, show it to Zongzu with your own hands, and then use your own hands to make Zongzu really shut up, and before shutting up, let Zongzu take it back Despise yourself. So at this time, Li Yi sneered immediately after hearing Zongzu's words, and said, "Hehe, is there no superior seal in the vast wild land?"

Hearing Li Yi's sarcasm, Zongzu was completely unmoved. After all, what Li Yi said was indeed true. In the wild land, there were no cultivators who had ever set any seals here. So even if Li Yi said this, Zong Zu said very frankly: "Oh, you are right. In the wilderness, there is really no good seal. We don’t study this, we study this. It is impossible to enter here."

"Don't there be any seals that naturally form between heaven and earth?" Li Yi asked after gritting his teeth.

Seeing that Li Yi even said this level, Zongzu naturally heard Li Yi's determination from Li Yi's tone. So after this, Zong Zu froze for a moment and said, "This is true."

Hearing Zongzu's answer, Li Yi finally smiled. Because in Li Yi's view, what he is worried about now is that there might not be any strong seal in the wilderness. If this is the case, then Li Yi will be really difficult to handle. After all, what Li Yi needs most now is an opportunity to prove himself. Because before Wolff successfully proved his accomplishments in the formation of the formation, and it is because of this, the Zongzu will only show a slight contempt for Li Yi because of the existence of Wolff later. heart of.

Although after arriving, because of the anger expressed by Li Yi, Zong Zu has somewhat converged his contempt. And even if Li Yi is constantly irritating, Li Yi can still see that it is just intentional.

But anyway, in Li Yi's heart, if he is despised by others because of his strength, then Li Yi will feel a little uncomfortable in his heart, but Li Yi will definitely not behave like this now. Of anger. After all, Li Yi actually cares most about his attainments on the seal.

After all, for Li Yi, Li Yi suffered from reincarnation again and again, and Li Yi's strength was repeated time and time again. Such an experience has made Li Yi very painful. But no matter when Li Yi can recover his memory, then Li Yi is still lacking in strength, but Li Yi's attainments on the seal are very clear and powerful. In fact, Li Yi is so stubborn now because when there are still many deficiencies in his own strength, at least the attainment of his seal can still give him the greatest encouragement.

That is to say, at this time, while Li Yi was still weak, in fact, the attainment of the seal together was already Li Yi's final glory. But at this time, Li Yi was despised by Zongzu because of this last glory, then it is conceivable how angry Li Yi is now.

So at this time, Li Yi knew that Zong Zu had only been joking with himself. Li Yi still kept asking for a seal in the wild, and then he could show his ability. Afterwards, Zongzu's affirmative answer finally made Li Yi feel completely relieved.

After all, if there is not a very strong presence at this time, so that he can't really show his accomplishments on the seal together, then Li Yi will be very unhappy, but also very disappointed. After all, if you can’t show it now, making Zongzu prepare to move into the Celestial Realm in the future, you have to make more back-hands because you don’t trust your abilities, although this kind of thing is the same as Li Yi. It doesn't matter at all, after all, it's their cultivator's business. But as long as the thought of Zongzu is because of being contemptuous of himself, so those decisions will be made, then Li Yi will feel like he is being insulted.

So after hearing Zongzu's answer, Li Yi immediately asked with great pleasure: "Master Zongzu, what you said is true? Where is the seal and what kind of seal is it."

Seeing that Li Yi was so excited after hearing that there was a seal in the wild land, Zongzu couldn't help but stunned. Because Zongzu really couldn't figure it out, why did Li Yi do this? But after seeing this, Zongzu was really very happy. After all, judging from Li Yi's current state, since Li Yi dared to do so, he must have depended on him. If it wasn’t because Li Yi was really confident in her accomplishments on the seal together, then at this time, Li Yi would certainly not find such a errand to ask for. After all, none of the Zongzu forced Li Yi to do it, but Li Yi took the initiative. And if Li Yi can't do it in this situation, then Li Yi can really be humiliated. So it is conceivable that Li Yi took the initiative to ask for the pressure to crack the seal in the wilderness at this time.

Li Yi couldn't think of the situation he faced, but Li Yi really asked for it in the end, so Zongzu can also imagine how much determination Li Yi is holding now.

And it is because of this situation that Zongzu is really very happy now. After all, from the strong attitude Li Yi now shows, Zongzu can feel it. Since Li Yi dares to do this, it must be because Li Yi is sure that he can do it, at least the success rate will be 50%. Up. This performance has made Zongzu's expectations for Li Yi much higher. After all, through these few contacts with Li Yi, Zongzu can also see that Li Yi is not the kind of guy who likes impulsiveness at all, so the more impulsive Li Yi behaves at this time, Zongzu knows Li Yi The greater the grasp.

Seeing this, Zongzu was already very satisfied, and although he believed that Li Yi would crack the seal in the wild land. However, Zongzu thought after calming down, even if Li Yi couldn't crack it, it didn't matter.

Because although Zongzu knew very little about seals, Zongzu had never cracked the seals in his life. But even so, the Zongzu still knew that the seal in the wild land was indeed very difficult. And in the situation learned by Zongzu, the seals that exist in the wild land are actually not even the strongest between the world and the world. Even relying on the incomparable fighting power, it is not possible to forcibly crack any of those seals.

The reason why the Zongzu knew these things was because the spirit guard from the spirit world had said. Because when Lingwei set the psychedelic circle in the wild land, Lingwei also lived in the wild land for some time. And in the days when Lingwei lived in the wild land, Lingwei also had a general understanding of the seals that existed in the wild land.

And after contacting those seals, even the strong like Lingwei, in the end, they said very seriously to the Zongzu, that these seals in the wild land are almost impossible to crack and open. . Because these seals are natural seals that have passed between heaven and earth for an unknown number of years. And like this seal formed after a long period of time, their seal power has actually reached a terrible level.

So after contacting that time, Lingwei also had to admit that the seal in the wild land should not even think about cracking in the end. First of all, this may not be able to be cracked by humans. Secondly, like this naturally-formed seal, there are no rare treasures in them. So even if it takes a lot of effort to crack the seals, you will definitely not get anything useful in it. On that, it is a waste of strength.

Zongzu knew the power of Lingwei very well, so although Lingwei had said this to Zongzu, he admitted that his attainments on the seal were not very strong at all, just because It’s just a matter of knowing this natural seal.

But even so, after the year of Lingwei's explanation, Zong Zu was also far away from the seal in the wild land. Fortunately, although the naturally-formed seal is very difficult to entangle, if that kind of seal is not provoked, it is simply impossible to cause any trouble to people. Although there are some extremely strong seals among the naturally formed seals, if someone is really too close to the seal too much, they will actively attack people who are close to the seal. However, there are not many such seals in the wild land, and the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the wild land do not like to study the seal, so the very strong seal has almost no chance of being hurt. Warcraft cultivator in the wild land.

It was because of these circumstances that Zongzu heard Li Yi was going to provoke some very strong and naturally formed seals. Although Zongzu greatly appreciated Li Yi’s determination and confidence, and because of Li Yi’s This kind of strength, Zongzu now has also believed that Li Yi must have a deep and profound accomplishment in the seal together. However, Zongzu did not think that Li Yi was capable of cracking any naturally-formed seal in the wild land. After all, even a strong person like Lingwei thought that the natural seal here was not something humans could crack, so at this time, although Zong Zu highly praised Li Yi, he was not in Li Yi’s There is too much hope in him.

However, although Zongzu didn't have much confidence in Li Yi in his heart, he did not show such distrust in his face. After all, Zongzu also knows that calm people like Li Yi have been able to become very angry because of some contempt that they inadvertently revealed. From this point, it can be seen that Li Yi certainly cares about his attainments along with his seal. After all, Zongzu is not that kind of fool. Naturally, it can be seen that Li Yi is angry because of something. So at this time, if you have agreed to take Li Yi to try to crack the seal that naturally formed in the wild land, but still show some distrustful expression to Li Yi, then Zongzu knows, this is definitely the case Li Yi will be in a state of violence.

And if Li Yi was offended because of such small things, so that Wolfe, who has a very friendly relationship with Li Yi, is also hostile to himself, then Zongzu can really outweigh the gains. After all, in the view of the present Zongzu, even if Li Yi’s attainments on the seal are only commonplace, then it is also a harmless thing. After all, with Wolff’s accomplishments in the formation of the formation, in fact, it can already allow the practitioners in the wild land to occupy a great advantage in the action of entering the Celestial Realm. In the view of Zongzu, among the human cultivators in the fairy world, there certainly is no such master of the formation that can crack the psychedelic formation, let alone a psychedelic formation. The formation master of the formation. In this case, Wolfe will certainly play a vital role in the next move into the Celestial Realm.

As long as Wolff can crack one, the formation of major cultivators among human cultivators cannot be cracked, so that human cultivators and Warcraft cultivators can continue to move forward, then Warcraft cultivators You can take the absolute advantage in the action of splitting the Celestial Realm.

So after facing this situation, Zongzu now actually has great confidence in the action of entering the Celestial Realm. So whether Li Yi can crack the seal in the wilderness, such a thing is actually completely irrelevant to the Zongzu.

Because of this, Zongzu's attitude towards Li Yi is also very polite. From Zongzu's point of view, he had right to play with Li Yi this time. As long as they don’t bring Li Yi into the very strong or even natural seal with the ability to actively attack, then Zongzu they will certainly not encounter any danger. In this way, Li Yi's requirements can be met without any danger.

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