After all, no matter how rich the experience is, but now you want to live under this level of attack, experience alone is not enough. In fact, you don’t even need experience now, as long as you have enough strength, you can resist It is impossible to successfully survive the thunderstorm of this degree, otherwise it is impossible to survive under the bombardment of the thunderstorm of this degree, and it is even more impossible to safely cross the robbery, and then become Heavenly Tribulation Strong.

So in this situation now, although the cooperation between Li Yi and Lingxu looks very luxurious, after all, one is a very powerful spirit world strongman, and the other is also a character in the spirit world. . But the undeniable fact is that when the first thunderstorm bombardment came down, Li Yi had already noticed that under such circumstances, it was really difficult for him and Lingxu to resist.

But although there is really no confidence in his heart, Li Yi is not the kind of person who will choose to give up easily. Not only is Li Yi not such a person, but the spirit is not the kind of cultivator who will persuade, if it is not such a character If they are, Li Yi and Lingxu they are absolutely impossible to get to this step today.

When the bombardment of the first Sky Tribulation Thunder passed through the seal and hit Li Yi directly, Li Yi felt that his body suddenly lost control, because at this time, Li Yi was Cooperating with the spirit-deficiency movement as much as possible, and then allowing the spirit-deficiency power to run in his body without hindrance, but at this moment, when Li Yi truly felt the power of the bombardment of the Sky Tribulation Thunder, Li Yi is also really shocked. At this time, even Li Yi has never been a loser, but Li Yi has to admit that if it is not sham, then at this time, he has already become ashes. Even under the bombardment of this level of thunder and thunder, whether Li Yi can leave ashes between heaven and earth after his death is unknown.

Thinking of this, although Li Yi is now very shocked, Li Yi's body is more relaxed. Because Li Yi knows that the real main force now is spiritual deficiency, and now only by constantly relaxing can the power of spiritual deficiency be truly exerted through his body, and it can only be better exerted. Virtual talents can successfully cross the robbery, and Li Yi can survive this crisis. After all, who is willing to die if he can live? After all, in Li Yi’s heart, this is not his true final destination. Li Yi still has a lot of things to do, so at this time, Li Yi simply Impossible to admit your life, ready to put your life here.

Although Li Yi wouldn't blame Lingxu if he really died here, it's one thing to blame it, but it's another thing to think about going through this big crisis.

Although Lingxu is the state of the spirit body, because Li Yi gave up control of his body before, so Lingxu can control his body as freely as possible at this time. It is precisely because of this that the Spiritual Deficiency is able to deal with the attacks of this thunderstorm.

The current situation is somewhat optimistic. After all, after seeing the attack of the current Sky Tribulation Thunder, the Spiritual Deficiency can already be hit from the current first strike. It is estimated that the attack power of the future Sky Tribulation Thunder will see this point. It just became a bit reassuring. In this case, Li Yi has already given all control of his body to Lingxu. In this environment, although I know that my situation is extremely urgent, Li Yi still regards himself as a spectator, so he looks at the sky-tribulation in front of him. The bombardment of the thunder.

Although Lingxu entered Li Yi's body for the first time in the state of a spirit body, and then manipulated Li Yi's body to fight this level of thunder, the performance of Lingxu was still very gratifying. After this turned him into an audience, Li Yi watched Lingxu's various performances when he was fighting the thunder of thunder, and Li Yi was also quite relieved. After all, judging from the situation in front of me, although the spirit is the state of the spirit, at least in this case, the spirit can still successfully control the attacks of the thunderstorms in the past by controlling his body. of.

Thinking of this, Li Yi's current situation has become more relaxed. In this state, Lingxu and Li Yi experienced the impact of the two thunderstorms one after another. The power of these two strikes was even more crazier and more terrifying. But maybe it is because the manipulation of Li Yi’s body has become more handy, and the action is easier. When the second and third shots fall on Li Yi, the situation Li Yi feels is better than the first. It's a lot easier to hit. It can be seen that the spirit void is now the state of the spirit body. If the spirit void is now not the state of the spirit body because of being trapped by this seal, then to the extent of the strength of the spirit void now, even if It is not necessary to have many of them who can kill the spirit realm who can really subdue the spirit deficiency. Thinking of this, Li Yi is now even more sorry for the spirit. After all, if Lingxu is not due to such a situation, maybe Lingxu will become more powerful now. It's a pity that all of this is impossible. No matter how pity, the spirit is already in this field today, so Li Yi can't change the status quo any more.

Even the saddest thing is that although Lingxu and Li Yi are now experiencing the bombardment of the thunder of thunder, and the strong man who experienced the bombardment of the thunder of thunder is actually the spirit of Li Yi. If it fails this time, not only will the spirit deficiency be destroyed, but Li Yi will also be buried with the spirit deficiency because of the reason of the spirit deficiency. But even if Lingxu succeeded in forcibly carrying the bombardment of the thunderstorm in Li Yi’s body this time, although Li Yi could survive the baptism of the thunderstorm, but It is impossible for Lingxu to have such good luck as Li Yi.

In fact, when the spirit is now fighting against the thunder of thunder, not only is it through the body of Li Yi to fight against the thunder, but when fighting against the thunder, the spirit is suffering from this seal, the state of the spirit is In fact, it keeps getting worse. So at this time, the situation of spirit deficiency is actually very bad.

And the most important point is that Lingxu now has become a part of this seal, and even has become a seal point in this seal, so at this time, even if the spirit is successful, this day The thunder of thunder has contended with the past, but it is impossible to get rid of the spirit, and has become the fate of a seal point in this seal. The current situation is that even in the presence of the seal master Li Yi, it is impossible for Lingxu to change this very bad situation now.

And because of this, Lingxu finally chose to use this method to fight a dead net with this seal. Since no matter what way Lingxu is trying now, it is impossible to change the current situation, that is to say, in In this seal, the Spiritual Deficiency can only be consumed in such an unrestricted way, until one day, even when the powerful person with a deep background, such as the Spiritual Deficiency, can no longer endure in this Seal, the Spiritual Deficiency It's time to perish. In this case, it is impossible for Lingxu to choose to consume it slowly until one day, knowing that he can no longer survive, Lingxu is very helpless, and may even be infinitely sad. In this seal, The complete extinction disappeared. If the spirit does not fight, this kind of ending is very unacceptable and unwilling to accept, but there are things that must be accepted. So in order to avoid really falling into such a situation, after Lingxu met Li Yi, after thinking about it, Lingxu finally made the current decision.

Lingxu knows that in fact no matter how he fights now, it is impossible to change the present situation and the ending in the future. So at the end, Lingxu made a decision. Since he was dying, at least he had to make a final contribution to his companion before he died. The contribution that Lingxu thinks about is the contribution to Li Yi, and this contribution is that Lingxu is hoping to use this process of experiencing the thunder of thunder, so that Li Yi can truly experience the power of the thunder , And also allow Li Yi to experience the thunder of thunder attack, Li Yi can also control his body by himself, but feel the way of practice of the cultivator who has experienced the earth robbery strong. And just after this experience, although the energy of Lingxu could not be left in Li Yi’s body, it should be known that when Lingxu is fighting this kind of thunder and thunder, it is impossible to receive any energy at all. hand. Therefore, at this time, even if the imaginary spirit used Li Yi's body to fight the thunder of thunder, his own strength would not stay in Li Yi's body too much. But after all, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, so after such a process, the benefits received by Li Yi will definitely reach an unimaginable level. Therefore, in order to be able to leave such benefits to Li Yi, Lingxu would take risks and choose such a path at this time.

Although before this, Lingxu was very uneasy about it. After all, he was only a state of a spirit body. Although in this long period of time, Lingxu’s strength had been more obviously improved, but this is the spirit. The state of the body is already the most fatal injury of the spirit. However, after joining forces with Li Yi, this concern of the spirit deficiency has completely disappeared.

Now not only has the problem of his own state been best resolved, and after three bombardments of the Sky Striker's Thunder, Lingxu still has his full grasp of the fight against this level of Sky Striker's Thunder.

So after three thunders of thunder, and taking advantage of the fourth thunder still falling, Lingxu could not help but feel complacent and said to Li Yi: "Li Yi, how do you feel, I don’t feel my strength Has it made great progress than before?"

Hearing Lingxu's words, although Li Yi no longer had any thoughts of manipulating the body at this time, Li Yi couldn't help but chuckled in his heart, and then conveyed to Lingxu with Shen Nian's words: "Uh um, you are really It’s so powerful that even the Heaven Tribulation can survive it."

Listening to Li Yi's words, although Lingxu could hear the joke in Li Yi's tone, Lingxu did not get angry with Li Yi because of this, but after Li Yi finished speaking, Ling False smile cursed: "Oh, you still have a good mood, it's all around this time, and I'm still joking with me."

"How can I have a good mood? Although the current situation is very dangerous, but the control and decision are still in your hands, I don’t have to worry about anything, even if I am worried, I have no power at all, so this time, I No kidding, don't want to think about some very beautiful things, is it still at this time, before you wait for the thunder of thunder, I will forcefully take back control of my body, and then fall away Escape, or even suicide?" Li Yi's tone became more relaxed when she heard Lingxu's words, and she said to Lingxu. Of course, all these exchanges are between Li Yi and Lingxu's soul.

However, when Li Yi and Lingxu communicated, the situation on the field suddenly changed. That is, after the third strike of the thunderstorm, and the fourth strike finally began to faintly prepare to attack, in the seal where Li Yi and Lingxu were, there was a very huge scene. . That is, at this time, I don't know what the reason is, on the heads of Li Yi and Lingxu, there is no longer a siege of the power of the seal, but there is also that piece in Li Yi and Lingxu. Between the thunder clouds, it has now become unimpeded, and there is no power at all.

Looking at this situation, although Li Yi and Lingxu are also very confused now, but after hesitating for a moment, Li Yi and Lingxu have an idea in their hearts at the same time, that is-fly up .

After all, the reason why Li Yi and Lingxu now experience such a thing is entirely because of the willingness of Lingxu to be besieged by this seal. If it is not for this reason, then Lingxu is simply impossible under the current circumstances. Choose to summon the thunder of thunder, and then even need to borrow Li Yi's body, and then go to fight against the thunder of thunder.

So after seeing that there was an opportunity to break away from the seal at this time, Li Yi and Lingxu could not give up. After all, I said that before, if you can survive, then no one will be willing to choose to die.

Thinking of this, Li Yi and Lingxu flew towards the thunder cloud in the sky quickly, all of this was to try it out, to see if Li Yi could follow Lingxu, the real Escape this seal together. If that is really the case, then this time when fighting against the thunder of thunder, Lingxu can be less pessimistic. After all, if it is really possible, then after experiencing the baptism of the thunder of thunder, not only can Li Yi gain a great benefit, but also the spirit can save his own life, and will not be subjected to soul-stirring doom. .

With this thought, Li Yi and Li Yi flew to the sky. Before this, although there was hope in both Li Yi and Lingxu’s hearts, especially Lingxu, after all, in this seal, Li Yi had been under siege for too long, so at this time, see It seems that when he really hopes to leave this seal, Lingxu is very excited. But at the same time of excitement, more or less pessimistic thoughts were still in the mind of Lingxu. After all, before this, Lingxu had no idea how many times he tried to escape from this seal, but in the end he failed. Only a short time ago, when Li Yi and Toss joined forces to crack the seal, Lingxu got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally leave the seal and get the freedom of his dream. But the final result was that Lingxu might as well not try to escape this time, because it was because of that attempt that Lingxu would now fall into this situation.

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