It is for this reason that Toss is now so patiently waiting here. Toss just wanted to see if Li Yi could persevere with this thunderstorm attack. If you can, it is naturally the best. Toss has always stayed here. It is possible to speak to Li Yi when Li Yi had just succeeded in the robbery after taking the name of worrying that Li Yi had been caught in the seal. And if it fails, there will be no loss, at most, in the camp of the Warcraft cultivator in the wild land, there will be a lack of a strong aid. Regardless of the ending, there will be no danger for Tos, so at this time, Tos is also happy to stay in this place carefully, just to be able to take a good look at the final result of the situation in front of him.

At this time, Li Yi and Lingxu did not have any mood to pay attention to, what kind of people around them were observing their situation. Because at the moment Lingxu and Li Yi had just prepared, the ninth Sky Thunder seemed to have telepathy with Li Yi, and landed directly in front of Li Yi. In fact, when he felt that the ninth Heavenly Thunder had just left Thundercloud, Li Yi had already felt the deep deterrence in his heart. At this time, Li Yi also had to admit that if it is not that the spirit is not in his body, he does not spare his own strength, and fully supports himself to cross the robbery, then Li Yi now feels this coercion, just Has collapsed. Because such a degree of coercion has made it difficult for Li Yi to accept it. After all, the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation is not something that Li Yi's current strength can resist, and even a touch of connection is impossible.

So in the face of this situation, although Li Yi was very unwilling, in the end, he could only helplessly shut down his five consciousnesses, and then handed over all the decision-making power in front of him to Lingxu, himself. Simply being a puppet, whether it is a success or a failure, depends on the ability of Lingxu.

After feeling that Li Yi had completely shut down the five consciousnesses, Lingxu was not blocked. Because the spirit is also very clear, in this situation, it is not the time for Li Yi to be brave. If Li Yi still continues to watch how he will fight against this thunderstorm attack, Then the final result can only be Li Yisheng's death by the thunder of thunder.

So at this time, when Li Yi had just turned off his five consciousnesses, the spirit control became more handy. Facing the ninth Heavenly Tribulation Thunder that had landed on Li Yi's head, Lingxu roared, and at this moment, Lingxu was also unreserved, pouring out all the power of the origin he could exhibit . Lingxu knew that after this disaster, it was impossible for him to have any spare power to resist the entanglement of the seal under his feet. So since this is the case, in the eyes of Lingxu, it is better for me to take advantage of this time and give full play to my own strength. In this way, I can certainly give the power of this Heavenly Tribulation to the past and go through Li Yi's body can certainly get a better boost in this dumping. So at this time, Lingxu really has no reservations.

It's just that at this time, Li Yi, who has closed five consciousnesses, doesn't know what Lingxu is doing now. If Li Yi knows the crazy behavior of Lingxu, then Li Yi will definitely not agree. Unfortunately, this has already happened.

And at this time, after Lingxu had already prepared to fight to let his soul fly away, the ninth day of the thunder of thunder was finally resisted by Lingxu.

But despite the successful crossover, the ninth Sky Thunder struck Li Yi's body fiercely and landed on the edge of the wild abyss, almost falling into the seal. But at this time, the spirit-deficiency of Spiritual Deficiency, finally unable to reproduce his crazy side, dying within Li Yi’s soul, the Spiritual Deficiency only to be able to wait for Li Yi to wake up and really say goodbye to his old comrade-in-arms once. .

Lingxu is suffering, waiting for Li Yi to wake up. However, Li Yi is unaware of this because Li Yi shut down his five consciousnesses during the ninth Sky Thunder, so even though the Spiritual Deficiency has tried his best, he has resisted this Heavenly Tribulation In the past, during this process, although Li Yi was unharmed, he didn't know what happened to the outside world.

But at this time, the spirit deficiency that was already on the verge of dying was incapable of awakening Li Yi, who shut down the five consciousnesses. This does not mean that no one could awaken such Li Yi.

Don’t forget that while the imaginary manipulating Li Yi’s body is constantly fighting the thundering thunder that day, the veteran of the Warcraft family has always been watching. In fact, after seeing the ninth sky thunder landed on Li Yi's head, but in the end it was actually Li Yi who resisted the past as if he didn't spend much strength at all. shocked. Prior to this, Toss felt as if he had looked very high on Li Yi, but when Toss saw the last blow, he knew that he would have underestimated Li Yi after all.

But although Li Yi finally succeeded in resisting the last blow of the thunderstorm that day, after the success, Li Yi also seemed to have lost his strength and fell to the edge of the wild abyss. Seeing this, Toss also rushed to Li Yi's side immediately, preparing to rescue Li Yi.

Although Toss thought about whether he might get some benefits from Li Yi in the first time, but after Toss found that Li Yi had no treasures worth taking, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​harming Li Yi. Instead, prepare to rescue Li Yi. After all, if there is anything in Li Yi's body that can help him to improve his strength, then Toss may kill Li Yi for that temptation and benefit, and then win the treasure.

But now no benefit can be obtained from Li Yi's body, then the most important thing that Toss should do is to return Li Yi to the rescue. After all, even if there is any treasure in Li Yi's body, then Toss must have considered for a long time before he can decide whether to win the treasure. After all, in Tos's opinion, Li Yi is a truly peerless powerhouse. Even in the spirit world, Li Yi’s previous strength during the time of the robbery cannot be underestimated at all. So at that time, in fact, Toss had already had a heart for Li Yi who wanted to win. In Toss's view, if the Warcraft cultivators in the fairy world can get such a reinforcement, then when confronting the human cultivators in the fairy world, they can not only occupy a great advantage, but even follow the spirit world. When the strong men challenged, because of the existence of Li Yi, the World of Warcraft cultivators in the fairy world can also add a lot of protection.

So after the greed in his heart flashed off, Toss still rescued Li Yi. After all, Li Yi fell on the edge of a wild abyss. Toss, who was deeply persecuted by this seal, was at this time. Very resistant to this seal. If possible, Toss did not want to come here again in his life. So worried that Li Yi was sucked into it again by this seal, Toss still rescued Li Yi from the seal as soon as possible.

After being rescued, Toss finally had time to investigate Li Yi's situation. However, after Toss realized that Li Yi had closed five senses, Toss was really shocked. Because Toss really didn't understand why Li Yi didn't faint after the violent impact, but closed five senses and fell to the edge of the seal. Seeing this, Toss couldn't understand Li Yi any more. And although Li Yi has shut down the five senses, Toss can perceive a wave of not weak breath in Li Yi. It can be seen that at this time, there are still many left in Li Yi's body. Spiritual power. Toss understands this situation. After all, Toss is very clear that after going through that big scene, there are some powers remaining in the body, which is not particularly abnormal. Of course, this is not normal. It's just that at this time, Li Yi's other conditions are much more abnormal than this situation, so Toth does not find this small detail unacceptable.

Not only did Li Yi close his five consciousnesses, his body's strength fluctuated, but Toss also discovered that Li Yi didn't even have any injuries. After seeing this, Toss should have continued to be shocked. It's just because Toss has seen too many strange situations on Li Yi, so at this time, Toss can't be shocked anymore.

But since seeing Li Yi has no injuries, this is also good news. So after seeing this, Toss did not hesitate, and awakened Li Yi, who shut down the five senses.

In fact, during the period when Toss rescued Li Yi, the spirit was hidden in Li Yi's body. It's just that because the Spiritual Deficiency has been deeply hidden in Li Yi's soul, even Tuos doesn't even know that there is a peerless powerhouse hidden in the depth of Li Yi's soul. It's just that this peerless powerhouse is now exhausted.

And just after Toss awakened Li Yi, who had turned off the five senses, he hadn’t waited for Toss to talk to Li Yi. The spirit hidden in the depths of Li Yi’s soul preached to Li Yi in advance: "Li Yi, you finally Wake up, I thought you were going to sleep for thousands of years."

After being awakened by Toss, Li Yi heard the voice of Lingxu for the first time. In a trance, Li Yi even unconsciously said: "Oh, how is it possible, I haven't slept for so long in a long time."

Hearing Li Yi's words, Toss, who was waiting by Li Yi's side and was ready to inquire Li Yi about what happened to him, couldn't help but stunned. Then he said to Li Yi quite doubtfully: "Li Yi, you What do the words mean?"

Li Yi, who originally thought he was talking to Lingxu, suddenly awakened from the trance state just after he heard another voice, and then looked at Toss slightly embarrassedly and asked Tao: "Why are you here?"

Hearing Li Yi’s words, Toss immediately smiled and said, "Oh, I saw you being drawn into that seal before, and I was very worried about your situation, but just when I was just about to enter and explore it, you Suddenly flew out of the seal, and then, you started to greet a terrible sky-tribulation above the seal. In the end, although successful, it fell on the edge of the seal, almost fell Into the seal. I’m afraid you’re in danger there, so I brought you from there. But I found that you just turned off the five senses, not because you were too ill to be comatose, so I woke you up.” It seems to be true in order to be able to draw Li Yi into the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family. After hearing Li Yi's words, Toss said Li Yi's situation after shutting down Li Yi in five details.

But Li Yi was unmoved by this. Because at this time, Li Yi had actually introduced his situation through Toss, and began their communication with the spiritual emptiness in his own soul. Just after Li Yi was awake, Li Yi had already realized that the spiritual void in the depths of his soul could be said to be completely over. When encountering the spirit deficiency in the seal, although the spirit deficiency is always being eroded by the seal, the state of the spirit deficiency is good. If it is to maintain such a state, at least the spirit can survive for a short period of time. But after this catastrophe, Li Yi discovered that Lingxu's current state was worse than he had expected. The current spirit deficiency is actually a dead person. The reason why the spirit deficiency is alive can only be described by the reason that he is persisting with a tenacious will.

And Li Yi found that not only has the lamp exhausted, but it has also become so ill, and now it is still being eroded by the power of the seal. Although they have left this seal now, they are eroded. Not only did the speed not slow down, but it became faster.

Seeing this situation, Li Yi couldn’t naturally ignore Toss, but said to Lingxu very anxiously: "Lingxu, how could you become this look? Could it be that Unexpected situation. It's hard to fail. What attack did you get in the end?"

Hearing Li Yi’s inquiry, Lingxu smiled very weakly in the depths of Li Yi’s soul, and then slowly said to Li Yi: “Oh, no one attacked me at the last moment, you should also know At that time, even if someone wanted to start secretly, it would be impossible to succeed. No matter what kind of attack, after the attack of the Thunderstorm, how much power can be left? I just want to Fighting for the last Sky Thunder, and struck out all the power of my original source, so now it is so far."

Hearing Ling Xu's answer, Li Yi was completely shocked. Because the situation mentioned by Ling Xu, even Li Yi is unacceptable. After all, Li Yi is very clear that if all the source of the source is wasted, it is actually not an unacceptable situation. However, when the spirit is in this state, it is basically impossible to restore the power of the original source that has been consumed. After all, Lingxu is really too weak now. According to Li Yi’s original plan, if Lingxu can leave 10% of its original power, then Lingxu may hopefully recover. But now, it is really impossible for Lingxu to have any hope. So at this time, Li Yi will be completely shocked.

And while shocked, Li Yi is more sad. Li Yi really felt a bit miserable because he felt the spiritual emptiness deep in his soul at this time, and his current weak state. When I thought back to that time, the Spiritual Deficiency was also a peerless powerhouse in the spirit world, but now, it is tortured like this because of a seal. The culprit that led Lingxu to step into this situation was the spirit guards in the spirit world. So at this time, Li Yi had the first idea of ​​wanting to swallow their flesh and blood.

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