However, when the old man was very confused, news came from the front of the team of cultivators in the fairy world, and the team has reached the third level.

This third level is not as weird as before, but although the situation is not as weird as the previous two levels, it does not mean that it is easy to deal with. Because the third hurdle now is a real phalanx. It is not like the previous storm circle, it has a perfect disguise, and even Wolff can only vaguely see some clues without going to investigate in person.

It's not as weird as the seal in the second pass. It's just a magic circle, but although everyone can tell that this is a magic circle, it can't help it. Of course, this is limited to the cultivators of the Warcraft family. After all, there are still masters of the magic circle among human cultivators, and because of this, this level should also be overcome by human cultivators.

For this level, human cultivators have also experienced more than once. So for this, human cultivators are very familiar with it. After the army of cultivators stopped in front of this magic circle, and without waiting for the urge of the Warcraft cultivators, they had already begun to break the formation.

I saw that in the camp of human cultivators, several cultivators suddenly flew out, and all of them were all powerful players of supreme realm strength. Seeing this, after seeing that the old man had left, Zongzu quietly came to Wolfe and said to Wolfe, "Wolf, can you crack this circle? "

Hearing Zongzu's words, Wolfe frowned and observed for a while, then said lightly: "No problem."

"It's okay." Wolff's answer made Zongzu feel relieved. Although at this time, blocking the magic circle in front of them, they do not need the cultivators of the Warcraft family to resist. But after all, this magic circle has been cracked by human cultivators in the spirit world in previous expeditions, so this time, in the eyes of Zongzu, it is impossible for this magic circle to deal with Zongzu. Generate any threats.

But even so, Zongzu still hopes to know that at such a level, Wolfe can successfully break them. In fact, when Zongzu asked Wolfe, he did not have any emotion at all. But when Zongzu heard Wolff's affirmative answer, he was really very happy. Because Zong Zu is at least now sure, Wolf's methods don't stop there.

Of course, even if Zongzu didn't ask Wolfe such a question, Zongzu had answers in his mind. You know, the circle on the edge of the wild land is much more dangerous than the circle now appearing here. But even then, the psychedelic circle in Wolfe's hands was completely like a toy. So when faced with this magic circle, Zongzu now asks like this, but it is just a subconscious inquiry.

But Wolff's answer, although it was also expected by Zongzu, Zongzu was still very happy.

But now, after all, they don’t need the cultivators of the Warcraft family to shoot, so at this time, Zongzu they are also happy to watch a good show. When Wolfe saw Zongzu after asking himself, and then looked at the eyes of the human cultivators when he cracked the magic circle, Wolfe also saw some different looks from Zongzu's eyes. That's what Wolfe saw from it. Although Zongzu has found a lot of helpers for this action, and just before Li Yi has told Zongzu with his actual actions, the helpers he found are worth it trust.

But no matter what, at this time, Wolfe saw some longing expressions from Zongzu's eyes. Seeing this, Wolfe is already very clear. Although Zong Zu's attainments in the formation of the formation are almost zero, but perhaps it is because he controls the psychedelic formation, so from the control of this formation, Zeng Zu has now produced a very rich interest.

For this, although Wolff’s guess about Zongzu’s situation is not very accurate, but Wolff can see Zongzu’s current mood from Zongzu’s eyes. After thinking of this, Wolfe suddenly felt that the old fellow Zongzu seemed very pitiful. Because Zongzu really hopes that he can make some progress in his formation and maybe even his seal. But the leader of the cultivators of the Warcraft family, at this time, there is no way at all. If this time is not because of the joining of Wolf and Li Yi, then the Zongzu still needs to continue to send out Warcraft as before. The cultivators of the family went to die, in exchange for the opportunity to move forward to the Celestial Realm.

In fact, for people like Zongzu, in the face of such a situation, Zongzu is actually very unwilling. It is a pity that even if you are not reconciled, Zongzu must accept this situation. But although the situation has finally eased through the mediation of the Zongzu, the Zongzu sincerely hopes that he can truly master that kind of skill. After all, only this way can he be regarded as the most fundamental existence.

However, although such an idea is good, but if you want to really achieve this, in addition to unremitting efforts, the talent requirements are still very strict. It's a pity that Zongzu is really nothing at all. So after knowing this, and now seeing Zongzu show such a look, Wolf would feel that Zongzu is actually very pitiful.

But such an idea is just a flash, after all, in the fairy world, in fact, Wolf has no sense of belonging. Although Wolf was accepted by the cultivators of Akagi before, they were able to enter the main city of Faerie Realm to practice, but later, after Li Yi's attitude showed, he came to the dead enemy of Faculty of Human Faculty again. , In the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family. From this point, it can be seen that Wolfe and Li Yi are the same, and they will not have any expression of their attitudes because of any situation in the fairy world. What Wolff and Li Yi did in the fairy world was just for themselves. And even if he knows clearly the weakness of the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the spirit world, and knows that the cultivators of the Warcraft family are not reconciled in the wilderness, but Wolfe can sympathize with them and can even do Feeling the same with their current feelings. But long ago, Wolfe had already trained his nerves very powerfully. So at this time, although Wolff had a very good understanding of Zongzu's performance, Wolff just had some changes in his heart, but he didn't show anything.

And like Wolfe, Li Yi now does not care about what is happening. Because Li Yi knows that if he wants to survive well in the fairy world, then they must be hard-hearted. And they can't change their minds because of any things or changes. Because if this is the case, because some things have affected their judgment, then for Li Yi, they may all be the fuse of the disaster.

So at this time, when the human cultivators in the fairy world were busy in front of the seal in front of them, Li Yi and Wolfe were just watching with cold eyes. He does not express any opinion on the method of cracking the magic circle of the human cultivators in the spirit world, but at the same time, he is very tacit, and ignores the present response of Zong Zu to the past.

After this situation lasted for more than a month, the human cultivators of the fairy world finally cracked the magic circle in front of them. After seeing this, when Zong Zu took the cultivators of the Warcraft family, Zong Zu never forgot to ask Wolf again: "Wolf, if you are asked to crack this method If so, how long will it take?

Hearing this sentence, Wolfe looked at Zongzu deeply, and then after a period of silence, Wolfe slowly said, "This magic circle, if I let me crack it, then I estimate that I need at least one year. After all, I haven’t studied this array before. So at this time, even if I want to crack this array, then I need to start from the very beginning. Start researching somewhere. This process will take me a lot of time. But once I found the key to this magic circle, then I can easily crack it."

Wolff said this, in fact, it is already a little talked about. Because after the previous observations, in fact, Wolf has found that if he wants to crack this magic circle, then although Wolf has not really penetrated into this magic circle, and for the situation of this magic circle Did not do so well. However, with Wolff's strong accomplishments on the field, Wolfe's confidence in cracking the field is quite sufficient. But when thinking about the current situation, Wolfe also did not want to be too full. So after hearing Zongzu's inquiry, Wolff only answered very modestly.

But it was Wolff’s very modest answer that aroused the dissatisfaction of some human practitioners in the fairy world. At this time, for the sake of safety, in fact, the cultivators of the Warcraft family and the human cultivators of the fairy world are all very close. Especially like Wolff and Li Yi, in this operation of the Celestial Realm, this is a guy who is highly valued by the cultivators of the Warcraft family. At this time, they are the cultivators of the Warcraft family. We focus on protecting objects. Even if they are already powerful players of the highest level of strength, especially Wolfe has reached the mid-level strength of the highest level, but at this time, Wolfe is a cultivator of the Warcraft family and Surrounded by human cultivators. So when Zongzu asked Wolfe’s previous question, not only Wolfe actually heard the question, but also at this time, many human cultivators heard Wolfe’s. Reply. After all, before this, human cultivators in the fairy world had never thought of it. Among the cultivators of the Warcraft family, there was still a master of the magic circle.

So after hearing Zong Zu’s inquiry, other human cultivators had raised their ears before hearing Wolf’s answer. They wanted to hear it. What kind of answer will the cultivator make? But when they heard Wolff's answer, they simply disregarded Wolff's answer. Because in their view, Wolfe's answer is just a joke. So much so that after hearing Wolfe's answer, they have all ignored it. Before Zongzu asked Wolfe about it, he called Wolfe up.

In fact, after asking Wolfe about his situation, Zongzu had already regretted it. Not at this time, after this question, Wolfe's ability was already exposed. But after the question I just made, some human cultivators in the fairy world who heard this question would hear Wolfe's name. You know, at this time, Li Yi and Wolfe actually did not want to expose their identities. After all, if you step back 10,000 steps, they are, after all, human cultivators, and even at this time it is clear that after 10,000 years, there will be strong people of the spirit world come to the fairy world to help the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Against this matter of the cultivators of the human race in the spirit world, neither Li Yi nor Wolf showed any definite attitude, indicating that they would be cultivators who helped the Warcraft or cultivators who helped humanity. Seeing their attitude like this, Zongzu knew that they would still return to Chicheng after all.

After all, they can be better treated as cultivators of the human race. Although Zongzu didn't like Li Yi's attitude very much, because Li Yi and Wolfe were very strong characters. Although their current strength is not top-notch, it should be known that Li Yi and Wolf are both strong players from the spirit world, and their knowledge is naturally needless to say. And the most important point is that Li Yi and Wolf are both strong players who have undergone reincarnation and rebuilding in the spirit world. At the beginning, Zong Zu noticed a very strong breath of reincarnation from Li Yi, and some rumors about Zong Zu who had been reincarnated and rebuilt were also heard before. But after all, Li Yi's strength was very low at that time. Moreover, Zongzu didn't believe that even if they were strong reincarnation masters, how terrifying their cultivation speed could be.

However, when Li Yi returned from the seal of the wild abyss, he not only brought back the long-lost Warcraft clan strongman, but also seemed to be leaping, taking his strength from Guiyuan's low-level strength. Raised to a lower-level strength in the supreme realm, in fact, after seeing Li Yi return to Tongtianshu with such strength, Rao is a strong man like Zongzu can't help but feel very shocked. After all, even in such a long life of Zong Zu, Zong Zu has never seen it. There will be such a cultivator in the world, and he can return to the Yuan in just a few years. At the lower level of the realm, it has advanced to the upper level of the lower level. In such a short period of time, such a huge span of strength has been achieved. After seeing this situation, Zongzu finally finally had a new understanding of Li Yi and Wolf and their practitioners. It is because of this brand-new understanding that the Zongzus have strengthened their confidence even more, and want to win Li Yi and Wolfe into their camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family. After all, in this way, not only Li Yi and Wolfe, these two very powerful spirit world strongmen, will join the cultivator camp of the Warcraft family, and then they can add their companions, the other Several of them are also powerful spiritual realms who have undergone reincarnation reincarnation. Although their strength is not very strong now, and after seeing them, Zong Zu did not see anything on their body like Li Yi and Wolff they are so legendary. However, Zongzu believed that they could certainly achieve this.

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