After all, Li Yi knew that Wolf wanted to use his realm to truly exert the power of a little space law. Such a move is actually very dangerous. This is the same as Li Yi was fighting against Mo Tian in the wild tribe before, Mo Tian tried to exert the power of the original power while returning to the peak of Guiyuan Realm. In this case, since their strength is insufficient here, if they want to forcibly exert their original power, the load on their bodies is actually very huge. And because of this, it would be ok if they succeeded, but once there was an accident when mobilizing the power of the world, then Wolfe’s ending might not be so good. Wolff used to be able to exert their original strength when returning to the realm. The main reason is that after they have undergone a lot of reincarnation and restoration, Wolfe has found a method that they can use. In each reincarnation, they give their own source of power in their souls. Hide it. Because of this, when Wolfe and Li Yi can awaken their previous memories, they naturally know what is different in their own bodies, and in the end they also know how to exert their original power in the body. How to refine the source power in the body.

But compared with the power of the origin, although they are all manifestations of the perception of heaven and earth, they are the most powerful force in the world of cultivation. But because the power of the law is too misty, Rao is a cultivator like Wolff and Li Yi. At this time, it is not difficult to achieve Xiao Yao relaxed after his own strength has not reached the corresponding height. Exhibit the power of this court. So it is because of this that Wolff thought of such a very strange method. Of course, the method currently used by Wolff, although Li Yi will, but in fact, this method was originally devised by Wolff.

However, although this method was pioneered by Wolfe, at this time, when Li Yi saw Wolfe's move, he really squeezed sweat for Wolfe.

In fact, both Li Yi and Wolf knew that the power of the so-called law was very mysterious, and in fact, the power of this law was indeed very difficult to cultivate. But because they knew too much about this, Wolff and they would now come up with such a method.

The method they used is very simple. In fact, they started to try to improve their perception ability through their own fields. At that moment, they could almost increase their perception ability because of such a storm. Zeng, with their many years of experience, they can now grasp the power of the law.

The power of the law is actually what Wolfe needs most now. After all, although the original power displayed by Wolfe is also very strong and powerful, but he wants to fight with Pan Qing, a human strong man with unparalleled peak strength, and the other party has begun to exhibit the law after the war. The force strongly suppresses Wolf. So at this time, Wolf wanted to get rid of the other party's entanglement. Of course, more practically, he wanted to save his life. Wolf had to fight Wolf with another powerful force.

At this time, the method they came up with earlier, naturally became Wolf's first choice. Although I want to rely on the power of the field to perceive the power of the law between heaven and earth, then it can almost be said to use the power of stealing the sky for the day, and at this time forcefully feel the law. Yes, even if Wolff can succeed now, it is only able to perceive that feeling, although Wolff can use his own source to force some rules after being aware of it, and finally can achieve The effect is not necessarily low. But the biggest danger is that if Wolff fails, then at that moment, Wolff’s entire body will lose its control. And the most important point is that Wolf now wants to force the power to display the law, which is completely squandering the original power in his body. Thinking of this, in fact, Wolfe is also hungry now. After all, if Wolff thought that this battle would be so hard before the war, even if it was too much and too much guessed before, then Wolff would not do it here even if he was too arrogant. This is stupid.

Blame can only blame himself for being too underestimated before, and that Pan Qing's concealment of himself before the war was indeed very subtle. So much so that Wolfe could hardly feel any dangerous breath from him. It was because of such factors that Wolfe finally made such an impulsive decision.

But now that this point has been reached, Wolfe is not prepared to procrastinate any more. When the battle situation is very urgent, Wolfe wants to display his own field, although it is not difficult, but it is necessary to keep the power of the field that he diffuses from being defeated by the other party during the battle. As far as Wolfe is concerned, it is actually a more dangerous challenge than keeping his own safety.

But for such a challenge, Wolfe actually likes it very much. After all, in Wolf's view, if you can't live a few exciting experiences in your life, then this life will be in vain.

Although if strictly calculated, Wolfe does not know how many generations he has lived in, but in fact every life is like a new life to Wolfe. This time, since the reincarnation reincarnation was completed, Wolff has been paying too much for cultivation, in order to restore his own strength, and has endured too much, even in the outside world, Wall In order to complete the plan, the husband had to join forces with Wang Qiushui, the owner of Qiushui City, and he had to endure Wang Qiushui's difficulties.

Thinking of the past, Wolfe really can't stand it anymore. After all, at this time, Wolff really hopes to be able to return to the peak state of that year. Because of this state, Wolff has not felt it for a long time. After all, in the previous reincarnation and rebuilding experience, many times, when their preparations were not perfect, the war broke out completely. By that time, although Wolfe had not yet returned to its peak state, in the end, he still had to enter the battlefield to fight for the belief in their hearts.

But every failure also interrupted Wolfe's thoughts and arrangements. Reminiscent of his former glory, Wolfe is now constantly cruel, struggling.

After all, the thought of even a practitioner like Pan Qing now dares to disdain himself, and even feels like trying to kill himself, but it's just a waste of effort. So at this time, Wolfe really hopes to have a hearty victory to prove his strength. After thinking about this, after the exhibition area, Wolff would rather continue to exert the original power to delay the battle, and Wolfe also wants to fully expand his own field.

And at this time, after seeing Wolf's strangeness, Pan Qing playing against Wolf now feels something wrong. But it is because of feeling that there is something wrong, and now Pan Qing has actually committed a big mistake that should not be committed at all, that is, underestimating the enemy.

After seeing the strange behavior of Wolfe now, Pan Qing has actually reacted. The reason why Wolfe wants to do this is definitely conspiracy. But what makes Pan Qing feel very ridiculous is that he really can't see it. At this time, Wolff made such a seemingly stupid move, for what.

In order to see what stupidity Wolfe wants to do, Pan Qing at this time, when fighting Wolfe, he deliberately released water to let Wolfe continue to show himself Field, he just wanted to see what kind of tricks Wolf can play.

If Pan Qing can figure out what Wolff's very stupid behavior now is, what kind of plans are there, then surely Pan Qing would not dare to be so arrogant. After all, Wolfe's intrepidity, in fact, Pan Qing has already felt how much. If it wasn’t because of his credit for the super-sensational ability that he realized the power of the law and can now use it proficiently, then Pan Qing asked himself, if he only played against Wolf with the power of the original power, then There is simply no hope of winning.

In fact, because of this, Pan Qing will continue to put pressure on Wolff when he is playing against Wolff, just to be able to defeat Wolff completely, and even want to defeat Wolff. Wolfe killed. But after all, because of Wolff's current move, in Pan Qing's view, it is indeed very stupid. So at this time, Pan Qing would make this very stupid mistake.

You should know that no matter when, when playing against your opponent, you should never give your opponent any chance. Especially in this situation, both yourself and your opponent want to kill each other. Your kindness to the enemy is actually the greatest cruelty to yourself.

However, at this time, Pan Qing was still complacent and had no idea how unforgivable he had committed. And when making such a big mistake, Pan Qing not only did not have any cautious preparations for his actions, but instead looked at Wolfe with complacency, as if he was looking at a fool.

At this time, Wolfe naturally knew what Pan Qing's plan was. For such a situation, Wolfe is naturally very happy. After all, Wolfe cannot give Pan Qing any hint at this time. Otherwise, it is difficult for Wolf to solve such a deadly battle. In his most difficult time, it was the other party who gave himself the greatest opportunity to turn over. Wolf was indeed very happy with such an enemy.

That is because of Pan Qing's cooperation, after a long time of busyness, Wolf was finally ready to use his own field strength to realize the power of the law. After realizing this, Wolfe was so pleased that he finally stopped patience and was ready to use his tricks.

Seeing the expression on Wolfe's face at this time, out of understanding Wolfe, Li Yi and Tony knew that Wolfe should be ready now.

In fact, for the emergence of this situation, Li Yi and Tony really feel very interesting. After all, Li Yi and they all know that the reason why Wolf can now reduce so much trouble, so easily put his own field into success, and then even felt the power of the law in battle, such a situation appeared The main reason is still due to Wolf's opponent, Pan Qing.

Because if it weren’t for Pan Qing’s very foolish feelings of beneath the enemy, even if Wolff had a great ability, after the trumpet’s death, it would be very difficult to achieve real success in his field, and Finally, with his own means, he realized the power of his own laws. Although this is only a way of speculation, but in any case, Wolfe now wants to win, it must rely on such means. After all, the huge strength gap between the two sides is also placed there. If you really want to defeat Pan Qing, or just want to make your current situation truly better, then you must now exhibit such a means.

So no matter whether it is Pan Qing's weak enemy, or because of Wolf's toughness, since the situation can be carried out to the present situation, it proves that Wolf really has the strength of World War I.

Thinking of this, Wolfe was also very happy. Although at this time, even Li Yi and Tony watching the battle know that Wolf is now experiencing the most dangerous moment. If Wolf can succeed, it must be the best. After all, if it can be so, Wo Wolf is sure to have the opportunity to confront Pan Qing.

And if Wolff fails now, then Li Yi has already made the worst plan. That is, if Wolff really fails, then Wolfe must rescue Wolf from that kind of danger even if he risks being besieged by the human cultivators of the fairy world.

So at this time, although Wolff on the field is very nervous. However, Li Yi, who was watching the game, was in a more tense state than Wolfe. After all, Li Yi and they are now very worried about Wolfe’s situation. If they can, they hope that Wolfe can fight Pan Qingshi, because Li Yi and they all know that Like them, husbands have experienced too many sullen things. So at this time, Wolfe wanted to use this battle to relieve his dissatisfaction and sullenness. For such a situation, they are naturally very clear. So as the closest comrades-in-arms with Wolfe, Li Yi they now really hope Wolfe can succeed.

But Li Yi also knows that, like Wolff now using such means, it is indeed very dangerous to want real success. And the success rate is really not high, so at this time, even the Zongzu off the field has already felt it, Li Yi and Tony beside him, when Wolfe is preparing to shoot, he is actually gaining momentum. To be released, it seems to be ready to shoot at any time.

After seeing this, Zong Zu's face also showed a somewhat difficult look. After all, at this time, Li Yi's position in Zongzu's mind was very important. After all, in the previous level, because of the existence of Li Yi, the Warcraft family not only broke through that level without any loss, but in the end, they only used it for a short time, so that the cultivators of the Warcraft family, in This time, the Celestial Realm is also attracting the attention of human practitioners in the fairy world. Of course, although Zongzu didn’t care much about human cultivators, after all, because of Li Yi’s existence, they allowed their cultivators of the Warcraft family to avoid a lot of losses, so at this time, worms Zu really didn't want to see Li Yi lose anything again.

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