What's more, Chi Yanhou said such a low voice, even if Wolff was absorbed, it would be impossible to hear. After all, in Wolf's eyes, Chi Yanhou is not a strong man worthy of his special attention.

Although Chi Yanhou, who was watching the battle at this time, had a complicated mind, but after thinking clearly about the key to the matter, Chi Yanhou now seemed less nervous. Because Chi Yanhou looked at the magical skill in front of him very well, and knew that this was the silent magical power that Li Yi exhibited in the battle of the main city, but Chi Yanhou was very clear. At that time, in the battle of the main city, Li Yi’s strength was only the low-level strength of the Guiyuan Realm. From that battle, there is still no more than a hundred years in the past, but only ten years. Therefore, for such a time span, Chi Yanhou did not think that Li Yi could advance to the mid-level strength in such a short time. Because of such a huge span of strength, it is simply impossible to complete in more than ten years. Even for hundreds of years and thousands of years, no one can do it.

Of course, Chi Yanhou's guess still has his own reasons. After all, for such a situation, one hundred cultivators are indeed asked, and one hundred cultivators will say that it is completely impossible. Because this kind of thing can no longer be said to be terrifying, but it can be said to be nonsense.

In fact, Chi Yanhou’s guess is correct, because even though Li Yi had so many adventures, it’s now only the low-level strength of the supreme realm, so now the mid-level power of the supreme realm in the sky is strong. It is not natural that Li Yi.

And even if they had just advanced to the low-level strength of Wolf and Tony in Chicheng, in such a short time, Chi Yanhou did not believe who of them could advance to the highest level. Intermediate strength. Because you want to raise a level in the realm of the supreme realm's strength, then it is a very difficult thing for every powerful person with the supreme realm's strength. So at this time, Chi Yanhou finally breathed a sigh of relief after thinking about all this. After all, in his view, the strong middle-level power in the sky at this time must not be Li Yi or Li Yi’s partners, so as long as this is not the case, then the red Yanhou didn't worry at all.

But at this time, although Chi Yanhou was relieved and began to think hard, why would there be cultivators among the cultivators of the Warcraft family who can perform the same magical skills as Li Yi. Chi Yanhou didn't know that although the situation he guessed was very reasonable, but when it was used on Li Yi, it seemed very unsuitable. Because for monsters like Li Yi, the general situation is simply impossible to apply to them. For example, the speed of cultivators' promotion, Li Yi, they are not normal.

Chi Yanhou really forgot. When Li Yi was promoted to the early stage of Guiyuan Realm, he was just over a hundred years old. Such an age can actually be regarded as crazy.

But such a thing, Li Yi did it before. Therefore, Chi Yanhou should really not think that in more than ten years, Li Yi and their people could not have any shocking results.

I really don’t know, if Chi Yanhou knew that Li Yi’s current strength had reached the lower level of the supreme realm, and Wolf’s strength had indeed been reached, what he believed was impossible to reach the middle level of the supreme realm. In terms of strength, what kind of reaction will Chi Yanhou now have.

But anyway, Chi Yanhou's thoughts and reactions cannot be the focus of attention on the court. Because there is only one thing people are concerned about now, and that is the battle between Wolf and Pan Qing. After all, after seeing Wolff's very abnormal and powerful performance, both sides of the battle now are beginning to gradually change their previous ideas.

Because among the cultivators who are watching the battle all around now, the strong men who can see this situation clearly have been very surprised to see that that although Wolf’s strength is only mid-level Strength, but the magical technique that Wolff now exhibits, has successfully besieged Pan Qing inside. And despite Pan Qing's struggles, he couldn't break free from that huge stone palm.

Only now the situation between the two of them is in a stalemate, and it is because of this stalemate that both sides of the battle are more puzzled and shocked by the current situation. After all, they really don’t know why Pan Qing can’t get rid of Wolf’s magical powers no matter what he does, and from the current situation, it seems that Wolff’s magical powers The inability to defeat Pan Qing is because Wolf’s supernatural power cannot reach a considerable level, not because Pan Qing is so powerful. Even now people feel that if Pan Qing now gives up resistance, perhaps Wolfe may not be able to kill Pan Qing instantly.

For such a situation, Li Yi and Tony who are watching the battle are naturally very clear now. The reason why this happens is because Wolfe has not yet achieved a truly handy level of the power of the laws he has mastered. In other words, Wolff continues to struggle with himself now. Once Wolff can truly break through the current limit and successfully close the palm of this stone completely, then Wolff will surely be able to kill Pan Qing in the palm of his hand.

In the battle between the main city of Qingcheng and Chicheng, Li Yi was able to close the palm of the stone and kill all the cultivators in it. The first reason is that Because the magic weapon held by Li Yi is indeed a huge treasure. If it is not because of the power of the magic circle and the laws of the seal contained in the magic weapon, it can be smoothly guided to Li through the magic circle and the seal. If Yi Yi is in control, and what Li Yi uses in the end, then Li Yi will certainly not be able to do that, and Li Yi is also very clear that the magical technique that used that time was also very useful for killing chickens. The exaggeration of Niu Dao. After all, killing some cultivators of Guiyuan Realm's strength originally didn't need to use such a powerful magical skill at all. But at that time, Li Yi, who was in a rage, could already be said to have completely lost his mind. At that moment, Li Yi, who had always been calm, was thinking only of pushing those who had previously forced Li Yi and Xian Qilin into The cultivators of Qingcheng in that dilemma all killed, but to do this, Li Yi really has no other than to sacrifice the magic weapon and thus cast the magical power of the dead. Means, so Li Yi will finally use such exaggerated means. However, it is also because the opponent is too weak, so Li Yi seems to be very at ease.

However, at this time, Wolf's opponent is a real strong man with a supreme realm of peak strength, so at this time, although Wolf is already more powerful than Li Yi at that time, but Wolf Husband really couldn't do it as easily as Li Yi did. And the most important point is because Wolf does not have the blessing of the magic weapon that Li Yi relied on at that time, so at this time, Wolf’s forcible display of the magic power of death is a very magical thing in itself, but In any case, Wolfe really has to admit that he now feels a little bit overwhelmed.

But even in this case, Wolfe is not prepared to give up when facing this situation. After all, Wolfe knows that once he gives up now, the situation he faces is not so simple as failure, Li Perseverance not only bears the pain of failure, but also bears the cost of death.

In this case, of course, Wolfe can't give up his life very generously. So now at this time, Wolfe is facing more than simply defeating Pan Qing. Wolfe is more concerned about how to save his life. After all, now that he has forcibly cast out the magic power of extinction, then Wolf knows that he has no escape route.

Looking at Pan Qing deep in the palm of the stone, although the expression on Pan Qing's face has become very dignified, and from Pan Qing's eyes, Wolf has also seen a panicked look, but At this time, Wolfe was not able to show any relaxed look. After all, Wolfe’s current situation is no easier than that of Pan Qing.

At this time, Pan Qing, who was deeply trapped in the magic power of extinction exhibited by Wolfe, had very complicated thoughts. Because after trying a lot of methods, and finally no results, Pan Qing is really panicked now. After all, he really couldn't understand how Wolff did it, and at this time, such a powerful strength suddenly burst out. In the face of this situation, Pan Qing really regrets, playing against a monster like Wolf.

But no matter how regretful Pan Qing is, it is no longer possible to change this situation at this time. Now that the war has taken place, the only thing Pan Qing can do is persevere. After insisting for a long time, Pan Qing has actually seen it. The reason why Wolf did not start against himself may not be because his resistance is very tenacious, but it may also be because Wolf has been unable to succeed. After all, in this huge stone palm, although Pan Qing was helpless, and felt a wave of the power of heaven and earth appearing repeatedly, but when this powerful force appeared, Pan Qing But they can perceive that they will disappear soon. So for this situation, Pan Qing naturally had the previous guess.

In fact, Pan Qing has seen it, and the current battle situation has been completely changed. It has become a battle by Wolfe alone, and he has become a very poor supporting role. Although very reluctant to accept this situation, the fact is that it is cruelly placed in front of Pan Qing. Now Pan Qing can clearly feel that although Wolfe's strength is only the strength of the upper middle level, he is very powerful in his perception of the world. That is to say, if Wolff can reach the peak strength of the supreme state, then with Wolff's now powerful ability to perceive the world, he can completely defeat himself. Such a situation is actually very common in the practice world. After all, many cultivators of the same realm strength, in some cases, the perception between them is also very huge. And the degree of that gap can also be obtained as if they were not cultivators in the same state. Because of this, Pan Qing is also very certain about his current guess. Although he was not reconciled, Pan Qing had to admit that under the gap in his ability to perceive the world, the strength gap between Pan Qing and Wolfe seems to be no longer the key to determining the outcome of the battle.

The biggest key now is whether Wolff can adjust the power of his laws to the most powerful point. If that is the case, then Pan Qing, who is in this magical art, is naturally inescapable. Dead. And if Wolff can’t do all this, then Pan Qing believes that even if he doesn’t even need to make a shot, his opponent may die. Although Pan Qing is really a powerful magical power for the extinct supernatural powers exhibited by Wolfe, from the perspective of the current level of power, Pan Qing can see that this magical power It's definitely not what Wolfe can do now with such a mid-level strength.

And this is not what he should exhibit, and he is also a repairer of supreme realm strength, and Pan Qing is also a cultivator of the supreme realm peak strength, so Pan Qing can guess if Wolff once cast this magical power If the technique fails, then Wolfe will definitely suffer a very fierce backlash. Because if the strength of a cultivator does not reach the corresponding strength, but it is necessary to forcibly perform a magical art of higher realm strength, then this cultivator, whether it succeeds or not, is subject to very intense Attacked by the power of counterattack. However, if it fails, then the anti-bite force generated may reach an appalling level.

So at this time, although Pan Qing was also very reluctant, but at this time, Pan Qing could only very helplessly put his life on luck, that is to say, Pan Qing now can only hope in Wall The husband’s magical technique failed. Only in this way would he have the opportunity to break free from it, and after breaking free, Pan Qing didn’t need to do anything at all, he could watch his opponent and die in pain in front of him. . If such a situation occurs, then even if there is no strongest, it is impossible to save Wolfe.

Because of this, Pan Qing is still trying blindly, but the more he tries, the more anxious he is. Because he does not know whether Wolff will succeed or not, and Pan Qing is actually somewhat envious of Wolff now. At least the decision of the battle is in Wolff’s body. At least Wolff can have the initiative Right, although Wolfe wants to truly master this initiative, it is very difficult, but at least it is much better than his very passive situation. As a strong man with the highest peak power, he is in a passive state when he is fighting with a strong man with a mid-level power of the highest realm. Pan Qing's current situation is indeed very embarrassing. of.

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