Hearing Li Yi’s words, Wolfe nodded again, and then, without saying a word, began to rush towards the circle. Finally, without any pause, he entered the circle directly.

The conversation between Li Yi and Wolff was seen by Zongzu and Toss from beginning to end. Although there is nothing in the conversation between Li Yi and Wolf that cannot be known by outsiders, after seeing this process, Zongzu and Toss have a new idea in their hearts. That is, is it true that the relationship between Wolfe and Li Yi is not as simple as a companion. You should know that from the previous battle with Pan Qing, Wolf can be seen as a very powerful combat player with rich combat experience and strong fighting power. And the most important point is that, after Wolff's battle with Pan Qing, Wolf has now successfully advanced to the highest level of strength, although this strength can not be called the strongest Exists, but at least it is much more powerful than Li Yi's superior low-level strength. But at this time, Wolfe seemed to obey what Li Yi said. Li Yi said that he should crack this circle as soon as possible, so Wolfe immediately set off, and there was nothing extra.

Of course, the reason why all this is so may be because Wolfe itself wants to quickly crack this magic circle, and Wolfe is also an impatient, so he can’t wait to enter the one that may be very dangerous. Of the magic circle. However, another reason for this phenomenon may be because the relationship between Li Yi and Wolff may not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

It’s just that all these ideas are just speculations of Zongzu and Toss, and no matter what the relationship between Li Yi and Wolfe is, but at least this is between Li Yi and Wolfe. Things. Therefore, although Zongzu and Wolfe had their own doubts in their hearts, they did not raise this doubt to Li Yi in the end. After all, from the point of view of Li Yi's identity, to say that Li Yi has no secrets in them, then the ghost believes. But since they don't want to tell these secrets, even if Zongzu actively asks, they may not get any answers. It may even be possible, because if Li Yi and Wolfe's secrets were asked by Zongzu, they might cause Li Yi and Wolfe to be unhappy. So at this time, the Zongzus are naturally very wise to know that they should keep silent.

As for some suspicions about Zongzu and Toss, they naturally do not know Li Yi. After all, Li Yi is very talented in practice, but Li Yi is not a omnipotent existence. It is impossible to always guess what the people around him are thinking about. What's more, although Zongzu and Tuosi had a new guess about the relationship between Li Yi and Wolfe, at least Zongzu and Tuosi did not express this emotion on their faces, so At this time, Li Yi and of course they couldn't see anything wrong with the very calm expression on the faces of Zongzu and Tuos.

So after Wolfe left, Li Yi simply explained what Wolfe said when he left. After that, he didn’t say anything more, and they followed Tony and they started their intensive training. . After all, although Wolff’s current strength has been improved, after all, this is just Wolff’s own strength, but if a war may break out, it is necessary for Li Yi and Tony to reach a very good strength. To the extent. Therefore, at this time, Li Yi will naturally not have any slackness in their own cultivation because of Wolfe's continuous improvement in strength.

And seeing Li Yi they maintain the state of cultivation no matter when they are. For this point, Zongzu now also has a very strong state of Li Yi's strength. They understand it very much. After all, Li Yi has now reached this level, but has never relaxed. In Zongzu's impression, after it met Li Yi and Wolff, they never relaxed their practice. Except when fighting or when they need to go out to find some opportunities, they will not dive in. In addition, at any time, they will choose to put their time on cultivation.

Seeing this, Zongzu was actually envious. After all, Zongzu is not a lazy person. If he can, Zongzu will certainly continue to practice hard like Wolff and Li Yi. After all, since you are on your way to practice, almost every cultivator hopes that her strength can be continuously improved. Because every cultivator actually has a strong heart. But only because of talent, so many times, many practitioners are actually unable to handle it. For example, the present Zongzu, although Zongzu also very much hopes that his strength can be improved, even in order to improve his strength, Zongzu can endure hundreds of thousands of loneliness, as long as he can improve his strength. But the biggest problem is that what Zongzu lacks now is not the level he hopes to achieve by relying on submerged training. Because the ancestors do not need sublime repairs now, the ancestors need more opportunities. Because Zongzu knew that with his own talents and his ability to perceive the world, he was able to cultivate to the present level to the limit. If there is no great opportunity, then his strength is definitely impossible to improve any more. This matter is actually quite crumble, but the result must be accepted by Zongzu. Therefore, in many cases, the Zong Zu, although seemingly very beautiful on the surface, after all, can become the spiritual leader of the Warcraft cultivator camp. Among the cultivators of the Warcraft family, regardless of their strength, they must maintain awe of the Zerg. heart of. On this basis, it is enough to prove that the Zerg is a qualified leader. But as a cultivator, Zerg is not a successful cultivator. But abandoning the identity of the leader, the Zerg is an out-and-out cultivator. Therefore, a great failure on the way of cultivation is enough to prove that the Zerg are really very sad.

So when I saw the emergence of truly talented and powerful people, the Zerg really didn't know what kind of attitude they could have towards them except envy. At this time, Li Yi, who was once again in his own state of latent cultivation, only smiled helplessly, but in the end he said nothing more.

Seeing Zerg's expression and reaction when he looked at Li Yi, Toss could only smile bitterly. Because of the situation of the Zerg, Toss is really clear. And Toss also knows that every time the Zerg sees an extremely talented cultivator, it will reveal an envious look. Especially at this time, Li Yi and others who faced it, to say that their talents can really surpass them in this world can be said to be gone. In only ten years or so, Wolfe has risen from the strength of the first level of the Supreme Realm to the strength of the high level of the Supreme Realm. This result has been very amazing. But what is even more amazing is Li Yi's achievements. You know, Li Yi has been practicing for more than two hundred years, and has grown from a cultivator who has no cultivation foundation to the level of the first-level strength of the supreme realm. Such a span of strength is actually truly shocking. Such a situation, if it is known to the practitioners in the fairy world, then it is definitely a shocking thing.

So at this time, besides sighing with Zongzu, Toss really didn't show much.

However, the most curious thing about the human cultivators in the fairy world is not Li Yi, but still Wolf, because when they saw the cultivator who entered the circle, they actually defeated Pan Qing and killed Pan Qing. People, they were really shocked.

Because when he saw that Wolf was not only powerful in combat, but also a master of formation, the human cultivators in the fairy world didn't know what to say other than emotion. After all, in the face of such a strong man, maybe they can only be looked up to by them, but not against them.

And the thought that Wolf may be an outside cultivator, but it has not been accepted by the cultivators of their human race, and now the human cultivators in the fairy world have really begun to reflect. The strongmen in the main cities now have their own ideas, but with the exception of the strongmen in the Red City, all the strongmen in the main cities think about it. Maybe after the end of the operation to split the Celestial Realm, they should also be like Like the practitioners in Chicheng, they began to accept outsiders. After all, outside cultivators may actually be very powerful. If you can really get a strong man like Wolfe, then for the strong man in their main city, it is really a very happy one. Things. It is a pity that whatever is said is useless now. Since such a strong man has been recruited by the trainers of Warcraft, there should be no hope for them. After all, in the spirit world, there is a hatred relationship between human cultivators and the cultivators of the Warcraft family. I want to count on the cultivators of the Warcraft family to give them the reinforcements they get, and they are still sent to human cultivators. In the faction, such a thing is indeed too whimsical.

But this emotion only disappeared after a while. After all, the most important thing now is to wait patiently for Wolf to crack the circle. Since the cultivators of the Warcraft family have said that they can crack this magic circle in less than two years, it is naturally the best choice for human cultivators to watch a good show.

In fact, to be precise, the cultivators of the fairy realm who can really enter the realm of split heaven, each patient is very good. So although there are only a hundred years in the Celestial Realm, let them wait for a year or two. Such a thing is really not unbearable for them. Therefore, after Wolf entered the magic circle, both the human cultivators of the Schering world and the cultivators of the Warcraft family chose to wait quietly at the time to see if Wolf was in the end. Can crack this magic circle. After all, in fact, when human cultivators saw that the cultivators of the Warcraft family had just sent a cultivator of Wolf into the magic circle, they were indeed very doubtful about the practices of the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Because in their view, the difficulty of this formation can almost be described as appalling. So if human cultivators want to crack this circle, then at least half of the masters of the formation in the human cultivator camp must be sent in. Only in this way can they hope to give this circle to Crack.

Of course, in fact, as soon as this level was reached for the first time, and when the human practitioners cracked the magic circle, the human practitioners dispatched a large number of formation masters, and finally almost exhausted the remaining It took time to finally crack this magic circle. It can be seen from this that this magic circle is indeed a very difficult existence for human practitioners.

However, when human cultivators now see that Wolf is alone in this circle, in their view, the first impression is that Wolf is indeed extremely arrogant. Although Wolff had already demonstrated his talents and powerful combat effectiveness before this, and it seemed that after killing Pan Qing, he was very strong and advanced to the highest level in the Heaven of the Celestial Realm. strength. Such a thing has indeed caused a certain impact on human cultivators. However, all this cannot be the reason why Wolf can enter the circle alone. After all, the strength is high, and it does not mean that the attainments in the magic circle are also very strong. So seeing Wolfe’s current performance, the first thought of human practitioners is that Wolfe is really arrogant now. Extremely.

Of course, in fact, after seeing Wolfe’s actions, there are still some very sharp-minded strong men in the camp of human cultivators. Because in their view, if Wolff dared to do so, then he must be quite sure. Even if it is not a ten-year-old grasp, it will certainly not be a lack of confidence, and dare to enter into such a dangerous place alone.

And when I think of the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the second level, they just sent two cultivators into the very difficult seal. But in the end, the seal was successfully cracked, although for the identity of the person who cracked the seal, the cultivators of the Warcraft family recognized that they were the unborn genius in their camp of Warcraft cultivators, Toss. But in any case, after all, the cultivators of the Warcraft family really used only two of them to break the seal.

So at this time, human cultivators should actually have reason to believe that cultivators of the Warcraft family may really be able to do such a thing now. After all, we must know that although human cultivators are very doubtful about Wolfe’s identity, and can’t always get Wolfe’s real name and identity from the Warcraft cultivators, at least one thing is certain. That is, Wolf is definitely a very important person for the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Even if Wolff was really a big one this time, he entered the circle alone, but it was just for the sake of sensation. However, with Wolff's extremely powerful combat ability, it is enough for the cultivators of the Warcraft family to offer Wolff as a baby.

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