After Toss said these words, the expression on Chi Lao's face became very unnatural. After all, in fact, what he said before was originally what he said that made Li Yi and Zongzu difficult. After all, in fact, practitioners in the spirit world know that if you want to crack the three levels in succession, then this is basically impossible. Therefore, such an empty talk, Chi Lao can also avoid consulting with the other two of the three old men among human cultivators. After all, no matter how high he looks at Li Yi, I don't believe that the cultivators of the Warcraft family can really do what he said.

But just when Toss had just finished speaking his words, and Chi Lao was still thinking about how to answer Toss’ words, Li Yi immediately said to Chi Lao: "Well, what you mean can really represent your whole Is the decision of the human cultivator camp?"

Seeing Li Yi asking this question, Chi Lao was shocked again. Because he really can't think of it, Li Yi can even accept such conditions in order to enable the cultivators of the Warcraft family to avoid that kind of loss. So at this time, Chi Lao really didn't know what to do. But at this time, Chi Lao did not want to weaken his momentum in front of Li Yi, so after hesitating a little, Chi Lao immediately said to Li Yi: "My words can naturally represent our entire humanity want to cultivate camp Decision."

"Okay, I hope you can really do it. We accepted this condition. Isn't it to crack the three levels? You human cultivators are ready to prepare. When we feel the eighth level, you are ready to follow. Let’s go to the eighth level together, and then let’s make a cannon fodder for the expedition.” Looking at Chi Lao, Li Yi said confidently.

Hearing Li Yi's words, without waiting for Chi Lao to answer, Zongzu immediately said to Li Yi: "Are you really sure you can accept such a condition?" The reason why Zongzu asked this is because in Zongzu's opinion, Wanting to go through the three levels in the Celestial Realm one after another, this kind of thing is more difficult than destroying all human cultivators. So for such a difficult matter, Zongzu really does not know where Li Yi’s self-confidence comes from.

And this decision will affect the whole Warcraft cultivator camp, so Zongzu also had to deal with it cautiously.

However, in the face of the inquiry of Zongzu, Li Yi just said confidently: "Master Zushizu, rest assured, I will not joke about this kind of thing."

Hearing Li Yi's assurance that Zongzu didn't know why at this time, he felt very secure. Although until now, Zongzu’s mind still felt that the situation Li Yi said before was basically an impossible task, but when Zongzu saw Li Yi’s firm look, the insect The impossible feeling in Zu's heart disappeared instantly.

Zengzu is also very puzzled about the appearance of this feeling. After all, Zongzu, as the leader of the cultivators of the Warcraft family, is really a strong man who is very steady and cautious. But at this time, Zongzu turned out to be able to believe that Li Yi could do what he said because of Li Yi's seemingly unreliable guarantee. Although Zongzu was puzzled, at this time, Zongzu chose to believe Li Yi.

Many times, in fact, many decision makers, when they make the final decision, they are actually doing a challenge, or it can be understood as the next bet. In Zongzu's view, Li Yi's statement this time is Zongzu's best gambling opportunity.

If they can win by betting, then the cultivators of the Warcraft family can avoid the dilemma that they had to experience before. In fact, even in the camp of once cultivators of the Warcraft family, when cultivators such as Li Yi and Wolfe were not recruited, Zongzu had already thought about improving the previous passive situation. However, when I thought of the fact that there was indeed no master of the seal and the formation of my own family before, so such an idea, Zongzu can only think about how to implement it in the end, this is a distant matter.

But now, when Zongzu sees the firm look in Li Yi's eyes, Zongzu knows that the opportunity he has waited for a long time may really come this time. So at this time, Zongzu immediately put away all the previous doubts, because Zongzu knew that perhaps after meeting Li Yi, it was time for Zongzu to take risks. After all, such a situation is not always encountered. In fact, Zongzu knew very clearly. Although Zongzu doesn’t know what Li Yi and Wolfe have in mind, they can guess. Cultivators like Li Yi must be Will not stay in the fairy world forever. It is impossible to stay in the wild land of the fairy world forever, and the cultivators who assisted the Warcraft family rushed out of the wild land. You know, this kind of thing, even for the cultivators of the Warcraft family, is a great challenge, and it contains great risks, so for Li Yi, they are cultivators who are outsiders. His identity will certainly not help the cultivators of the Warcraft family against human cultivators without complaint.

Since this is the case, while Li Yi and Wolf are still in the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family, Zong Zu will only let Li Yi help them to gamble once at this time. If you win, it is naturally the best. Even if it loses, it just continues in the same way as before. After all, the current situation of the Warcraft cultivators has reached such a situation, even if the human cultivators still want to ask the Warcraft cultivators too much, they certainly can't be more ruthless. Because even after Li Yi and Wolfe leave, if they still want to enter the Celestial Realm, then even if the human cultivators force the cultivators of the Warcraft to keep going, the cultivators of the Warcraft will There will be no such strength. Moreover, if this is the case, even if the cultivators of the Warcraft family give up entering the Celestial Immortal Realm, they will certainly not continue to let the powerful people in their own family waste their seals and formations.

And since you want to get rid of the predicament before, now you have to choose to believe Li Yi completely, and Zongzu looms to feel that if you want to truly achieve balance, you must seize this opportunity.

So after thinking of this, I heard Li Yi’s promise. After hesitating for a moment, Zong Zu said to Li Yi with a smile: "Okay, I believe you this time, I believe you are definitely not going to make a joke about this kind of thing. Yes. Let go and do it, even if it fails, our Warcraft family has already done so, just break the jar."

In fact, Zongzu said that, because Zongzu already wanted to understand some things. That is, if the human cultivator and Li Yi started this gambling, it actually means that Li Yi and Wolfe will take the leading position in the next operation of the Celestial Realm. In Li Yi's previous statement, it actually means that on the way down, Li Yi and Wolff will certainly not use the power of the cultivators of the Warcraft family. In this case, then why does Zong Zu do nothing? What’s more, although there is still a long time left for the operation of the Celestial Immortal Domain this time, it is also an unknown to want to go through the three levels in one breath. Even in Zongzu’s view, this is simply an impossible thing. . So even if Li Yi failed this time, they must have left the Split Heaven Immortals after running out of time. That is to say, in this action of splitting the Celestial Realm, even if it is unlucky, the cultivators of the Warcraft family will certainly not have to suffer any losses. Faced with such a situation, Zongzu can naturally agree with satisfaction. So at this time, Zongzu can of course pretend to be very generous in making such a decision.

Another conjecture is that if Li Yi and Wolfe really have great skills, and really have passed the three barriers in the remaining less than a hundred years, then for Warcraft For a group of cultivators, it is really a great thing. Because if that's the case, maybe Litianxianyu will get through because of Li Yi and their existence. You should know that every level in the Celestial Realm is a very difficult existence for the practitioners of the fairy world. And since the four levels have already been surpassed before, can there still be four levels afterwards? If this is really the case, then in Zongzu's view, even if the practitioners of the fairy world have spelled the old one in the future, they may not be able to pass all the subsequent institutions. That being the case, why not look at Li Yi's performance now.

If there are really three levels in the Celestial Realm, then when Li Yi cracks them, and when they reach the eighth level, then human cultivators must consume all their strength, they must also Do what they promised before. After all, the previous promise, but the old man in the camp of human cultivators said it himself. With the assurance of such a heavyweight, Zongzu will naturally not worry that human cultivators will deny it later.

In a very short time, Zongzu has thought of these situations. It can be said that Zongzu is indeed a terrible decision maker. Of course, having such a mind can actually be a rare thing for Zongzu. After all, in fact, Zong Zu was doomed to be unable to have a higher level of accomplishment in the cultivation process long ago. So in the days to come, if Zong Zu does not think about the intriguing strategy, it is really difficult to imagine what Zong Zu is doing in such a long time.

So being able to think about the current situation so thoroughly is really a normal thing for an experienced decision-maker like Zongzu.

And after seeing Li Yi make such a guarantee, and even Zongzu has decided to agree with Li Yi’s risky approach, it’s faint, the old man who made the promise before, at this time, he also feels Something is wrong. Because in his view, this Li Yi may really be able to do the situation like she said, because if Li Yi really does not have this ability, presumably Li Yi is afraid to take such a thing to joke or to be arrogant with himself of. After all, if Li Yi really can’t do it, then it’s not just Li Yi who is a cultivator, but the cultivator of the whole Warcraft family. But even if such a large network was involved, after Li Yi made an empty promise, Zong Zu finally agreed with Li Yi's statement, which is enough to see, now it is not just Li Yi who His ability has such a strong confidence that even Zong Zu strongly approves and encourages Li Yi's decision.

So after seeing this, Chi Lao actually already wants to repent. In fact, this is just like what Zongzu said before, the cultivators of the Warcraft family have now reached such a point. Basically, Zongzu must be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. So even if Li Yi failed, it affected the whole Warcraft cultivator. But even so, the abilities of the cultivators of the Warcraft family are already there. If it is a failure this time, it means that the cultivators of the Warcraft family have not fulfilled their previous commitments within this century, but anyway, this time the operation of the Celestial Realm, This means that it has failed. At that time, their human cultivators must also leave the Celestial Immortal Realm with the cultivators of the Warcraft family. And when the next time you want to enter the Celestial Realm, everything will start from scratch. By that time, how can they persecute the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Chi Lao knew that even if the strong waves let the cultivators of the Warcraft family forcibly crack the magic circle, or crack the seal, this is simply what they cannot do. Because apart from being able to send large quantities of cannon fodder, they really have no masters here. Even if there are two very strange practitioners now, not only are they proficient in formation, but they are also proficient in seals. In the first few levels, their human cultivators also saw the abilities of these two masters. In the absence of foundation, whether it is a seal or a formation, they can crack it in a short time, and such a short time, even the masters in the camp of human cultivators, have never done it. . So seeing such a situation, even if they failed this time, then waiting for the next action is just to ask the cultivators of Warcraft to pick up the girders, and as long as the cultivator camp of the Warcraft family can still have this If the two masters are sitting in town, then the cultivators of the Warcraft family must be fearless.

Since this is the case, in fact, this time the gambling is actually the unilateral danger of human practitioners. If the cultivators of the Warcraft family win, then they can not only get enough benefits, but also take this opportunity to get rid of the previous dilemma. And even if the cultivators of the Warcraft family lose, then it is not necessarily how bad they can suffer. So after the death of this number, Chi Lao suddenly woke up, it seems that this time he was fooled by Li Yi and Zongzu together, and fell into the trap they designed before.

For now, let's not mention whether this trap was designed by Li Yi and Zong Zu before, but at least now after this conversation, human cultivators have fallen into a very passive situation. But thinking of the previous promises and proposals was made by myself. Now even if Chi Lao wants to make a withdrawal, it is definitely impossible. Because even if it is the cultivators of the hostile camp, Chi Lao is not willing to lose this face. As a strong man, even if you have the dignity of the strong man. Not long ago, Chi Lao almost patted his chest and assured Li Yi that the promise he made could represent the whole camp of human cultivators. But now there is now such a situation, how can Chi Lao be so frivolous to withdraw his previous guarantee. So it seems that Chi

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