After listening to a long story about Zongzu, Toss was silent for a long time after stunned. Then he respectfully said to Zongzu: "Adult, you have worked hard for so many years." The reason why Toss said this is because After the long talk about Zongzu, Toss's admiration for Zongzu has been raised again. In its view, Zongzu is really an old man who is about to become a sperm. Just from Zongzu's scheming and Zongzu's view of people, Tors can see that the reason Zongzu became like this is because Zongzu was in this long time, in order to The trivia in the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family has slowly been worn down to this. In fact, many people are like this, including the cultivators of the Warcraft family. If you can relax, who will continue to work hard? But when thinking of the situation of the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the fairy world, Toss knew that the Zongzu really suffered too much in such a long time. So at this time, after Tuos finished speaking, he immediately paid respect to Zongzu.

Regarding this respect of Toss, after Zong Zu was calm, he just smiled a little, and then said to Toss: "It's bitter, it doesn't mean anything now. I don't think it's bitter, after all. I just like to enjoy this kind of life. As long as our cultivators of the Warcraft family can get an improvement in the living environment, what can I do about it. Let’s say Li Yi them, in fact, you should also be clear, just by their identity With this strength, they will definitely not stay in the fairy world forever. After all, the fairy world is too small to accommodate these big people. In the future, their achievements must still flash in the spiritual world. Since In this way, it means that we will definitely not let Li Yi stay in our camp for us forever. Then, since this is the case, we can only go the other way. That is, when their strength is still very low, Not only do they not underestimate them, but respect them very much in exchange for their future returns. As long as we can succeed, then even if they return to the peak state of the year, at least we can still maintain the relationship with them. You said, is this the truth?"

Listening to the story of Zongzu, Toss is now completely stunned. Because in fact, if it wasn't for Zongzu's words, Toss didn't even think about things that far away. After all, at this time, Toss had not thought of it, Li Yi they will leave in the future. Although unconsciously, Toss also regards Li Yi as a strong man who may grow into a state with himself in the future. But before they really grew up to that level, Toss did not show enough respect to them. But when he heard Zongzu's explanation, Toss finally realized. Toss finally wanted to understand that in the future, he wanted to be an ally with Li Yi, and even let them help themselves against the powerful in the spirit world, so having a good relationship with them now is the most necessary means. And the best way is actually a very simple situation like Zongzu said, that is to show enough respect to them who are still weak. Only in this way will they return enough attention in the future.

So after thinking of this, Toss finally understood why Zongzu had made such a decision before. After all, these are people who can’t keep it, so why not bet once now, it is natural to win, and if you lose, the Warcraft cultivators are just losing these early aids that may grow into strong aid.

After seeing clearly what is happening now, Toss is finally throwing ground on the five bodies that admire Zongzu's way of thinking.

But while Toss was going to continue talking with Zongzu, Toss suddenly felt that there was a heaven and earth vision ahead. Aware of this, Toss immediately looked there. After a short while, Toss opened his eyes and said, "Impossible."

Before meeting Li Yi and Wolfe, even if they were strong like Zongzu and Toss, they never thought that such a freak could exist in this world. Because up to now, Zong Zu and Tuo Si really can't accept what Li Yi and Wolfe did. It’s not because Li Yi and Wolff have done something that the Zongzu can’t accept, but because Li Yi has done too many magical things, and what Li Yi has done to the entire Warcraft family For the practitioners, it is a great thing.

That is, just when Zongzu and Toss were talking, and there was not even half a day in the past, they saw something that they could not believe at all, but now it really happened in front of them. This thing, the seal that had been in front of the practitioners of their fairy world, has now become a ruin. In the ruins, Li Yi and Wolfe stood in the center with a calm expression.

Obviously, no matter how much the Zongzus can’t believe what happened before them, this fact has already happened. Although I don’t know what method Li Yi and Wolfe used, but now the seal has been cracked, which proves that Li Yi is indeed the first step in success. Seeing this scene, even Chongzu, who was not very optimistic about Li Yi before, now has to admit that Li Yi may really have that strength. After all, if they see such a situation, they still think that Li Yi was boasting about Haikou before, then Zongzu they are really too paranoid now. You know, although the cultivators of the fairy world have only passed four levels before, the seal of the fifth level is not the same as the human cultivators of the fairy world. Although they did not know that the human cultivators in the fairy world had been probed, they now have some confidence in cracking this seal. But at least one thing is certain, even if the human cultivators in the fairy world have the power to crack the seal in front of them, but the Zongzu don’t believe that they can use it in such a short time. This seal is cracked. After all, if they really have such strength, then human cultivators must not be as nonsense as they are now. Because as long as the cultivators who entered the Celestial Immortal Realm know, it is here to race against the clock. So at this time, if human cultivators really have a way to crack this seal so easily, then they certainly will not do such a troublesome thing.

Therefore, at this time, Zongzu was very sure that the masters of the seals in the camp of human cultivators certainly did not have such strength. Of course, after seeing this, Zongzu knew very clearly that even in the history of the cultivator in the millions of years in the fairy world, there has never been such a thing, and the attainments on the seal together are so Strong and powerful. So after seeing Li Yi's feat, Zongzu really didn't know what to say for a while.

And Zongzu is already like this now, so how can human cultivators feel relaxed now. Anyway, Li Yi is now on the side of the cultivators of the Warcraft family. So even if Li Yi has great skills, for the cultivators of the Warcraft family, this is a great good thing, because Li Yi is not a strong point, then in the Heaven of the Heavens, the Warcraft family Cultivators can take advantage of Li Yi's strength and gain many benefits. So at this time, the cultivators of the Warcraft family are shocked. In fact, there are more, and they still have joy in their hearts.

However, after seeing Li Yi's performance, human cultivators really felt a deep sense of crisis because Li Yi's performance could almost be described as perverted. From the point of view of Li Yi's performance, they are now vaguely beginning to believe that maybe Li Yi previously said that he can do the same thing as Chi Lao proposed. This guarantee is not that Li Yi is empty. Say something to scare people, but because Li Yi really has such strength. At least at this level, Li Yi has already demonstrated his extraordinary skills. The reality that this seal was destroyed has already shown that Li Yi’s attainments on the seal together have really reached the point of being outrageous. And there are seal masters with such strength in the cultivator camp of the Warcraft family. Such a thing is really not a good thing for human cultivators. Because at least because of the existence of Li Yi and Wolff, then these three-level covenants may really end with the victory of the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Because this time Li Yi can crack this seal in less than half a day, and this strength alone can be seen. In the future, even if the seal reappears, maybe it is not for Li Yi. Must be able to form too many obstacles and troubles. Because what Li Yi did this time can actually be described as shocking.

So now even human cultivators have to admit that Li Yi's accomplishments on the seal together have indeed exceeded their imagination. Because in fact their knowledge is similar to Zongzu, but with their knowledge, they are completely shocked by Li Yi's shocking performance. You know, after the last action to split the Celestial Realm, and this time when I came here after a previous exploration, in fact, the seal masters in their camp of human cultivators have also said that although they can crack this seal, but The time they need is at least ten years. It is because of this reason, so at this time, human cultivators will think of asking Warcraft cultivators to come forward. Because they all know that what is fighting in the Celestial Celestial Realm is speed, and they are not fighting in this hostile state between the two tribes, but to fight this strange in the Celestial Celestial Realm. Regulations compete with the power of regulations that are simply irresistible. For the ten-year deadline, although human cultivators are not unacceptable, if at this time cultivators of the Warcraft family can come forward and use their cultivators' lives as cannon fodder, then they will definitely be faster. Will crack this seal. Because of this, human cultivators before will find the cultivators of the Warcraft family to fulfill their obligations in the Celestial Realm. That is, when a new level appears, the cultivators of the Warcraft family should come out As a cannon fodder, help human cultivators to break through the level before them faster.

However, it is for this reason that Li Yi and Chi Lao played the previous bet that Li Yi seemed to have no win at all.

But just when human cultivators thought that Li Yi was just two clowns, what happened in front of them that they couldn't believe at all happened.

After seeing this scene, after being silent for a long time, Chi Lao said to the two strong men who robbed his strength: "Guys, maybe this time I was really wrong."

Hearing this emotion from Chi Lao, the other two elders beside Chi Lao naturally knew why Chi Lao said so. Because of what happened before them, they are naturally very clear. And because they know the ins and outs and details of many things, they now also know the masters of the seals in the camp of human cultivators, and the masters sent by the seals of the cultivator camp of the Warcraft family, and their attainments on the seal. The gap is really impossible to measure.

So at this time, they naturally also believe that Li Yi, who can do this, may really be able to go all the way to the eighth level of the Celestial Realm. Of course, the premise is that if there is really an eighth level in the Celestial Realm.

In fact, after seeing Li Yi’s current performance in the championship, the practitioners who were present actually already thought that maybe Li Yi exists, so the difficulties in the Celestial Realm will definitely be one by one. Cracked. By that time, they would naturally follow Li Yi all the way to the fairy pool in the Celestial Field. Thinking of such good things, in fact, many practitioners are in a good mood. Even some human cultivators who do not yet know the game between Chi Lao and Li Yi, after seeing a few strong players in the cultivator camp of the Warcraft family, can almost be said to be in a flash, Then it solved a difficult problem that the cultivators who might have caused the fairy world in this time to split the heaven domain. Seeing the existence of such a strong man, and not even preparing for human cultivators to exert any force, seeing such a situation, those unaware human cultivators are actually very happy.

It's just that when they are happy, the decision makers who are human cultivators are not in such a good mood at this time. Because they know that if Li Yi really did the things that Chi Lao proposed before, then there is indeed an eighth level in the Celestial Realm, and the most important thing is, if Li Yi can always follow If this speed has been successful, then the human cultivators will have a lot of time to fight the eighth level. If such things are in the past, then the decision makers among these human practitioners will definitely be very happy. After all, the more time they have, the more chance they have to overcome the difficulty in front of them, and the less the difficulty, the closer they are to the fairy pool. So if it is before, they will certainly be like those low-level human cultivators, because they see Li Yi's performance and become very happy.

However, the current situation has no similarities with the previous situation. It can even be said that the current situation is completely opposite to the past. At this time, Chi Lao and they even started cursing now, cursing Li Yi accidentally died while breaking through the barrier. Or at the sixth or seventh level, he encountered some levels that even he could not crack. In any case, as long as it can make Li Yi they can not easily pass the next two levels, or spend time, they have little time left in the Celestial Realm this time. Only then will they be at ease. Because the current situation is actually very dangerous for human practitioners. Once Li Yi has successfully crossed the sixth and seventh levels, and the eighth level really appears after they have crossed, then human cultivators will face a very dangerous situation. In these years, human cultivators are actually well aware of the situation of the cultivators of the Warcraft family in the Celestial Realm. As for the situation encountered by the Warcraft cultivators in the operations of the Celestial Immortals, human cultivators keep grasping this opportunity and staying in the Celestial Celestial Realm because they know clearly. Consume the strength of the cultivators of Warcraft. In fact, the number of cultivators lost by the Warcraft cultivators in each action in the Celestial Realm can be almost the time span between the two operations of the Celestial Sphere. The Warcraft cultivators and the human cultivators The same number of people died in the course of the struggle. In particular, it can be seen that in the ordinary battles, because of the existence of the psychedelic magic circle, human cultivators are not able to kill the cultivators of the Warcraft family. But seizing the opportunity to split the Celestial Realm, the human cultivators never give up the black hands against the Warcraft cultivators.

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