But for Zongzu, they felt very fortunate that at this time, Li Yi and Wolff had reached a conclusion after discussing for some time, and then made an arrangement for it. After hearing this arrangement, Zongzu they were very happy.

That is, after the exchange between Li Yi and Wolff, the result is that in the next time, Li Yi and the cultivators of the Warcraft family now support cultivation with humans in the fairy world. The fight of the fighters. And Wolfe, they did not participate in the battle between the two families at this time, the reason is very simple, that is, at this time, Wolf and Tony, as well as Alice and Xian Qilin, although their four strength It has reached the level of human robbing strength, but it is clear that at this time, they seem to be very dissatisfied with their current strength, so at this time, they even made a decision, that is, to practice. In fact, when I heard about this arrangement, Zongzu and their practitioners of the Warcraft family really felt very strange. After all, at this time, Li Yi is not ignorant of them. Maybe after ten thousand years, the strong man of the spirit world will come to the fairy spirit world, and I know from the previous information that the spirit world is strong. This time when they came to the fairy world, it was to help the cultivators of the Warcraft family to begin to conquer the human cultivators. If it was put in the past, if it was really because of Li Yi, they had some conflicts with the powerful people in the spiritual world. Words, but at least before the great events of the fairy world have been completed, the powerful people in the spirit world should not shoot them against Li Yi. But at this time, Li Yi and they want to avoid the pursuit of the powerful spirits, but it is not so simple. The reason is very simple, that is, the fact that Li Yi personally killed the Ling Kong in the Heavenly Split Immortal Territory, but it has been seen by practitioners in the fairy world. So if you wait until the powerful in the spirit world comes to the fairy world to help the cultivators of the Warcraft family against the human cultivators, if the human cultivators cannot resist because of the lack of strength, but at that time Li Yi they However, when the cultivators of the Warcraft family attacked the human cultivators together, then the human cultivators would definitely tell the cause of death of the psychic void. By that time, Li Yi and they would be very dangerous.

So at this time, Zong Zu they really can’t figure out why they are all at this time, Li Yi, they still have the mind to dive, instead of taking advantage of the spirit world’s strongmen before they came to the fairy spirit world at this time. , Defeat human cultivators, or drive human cultivators out of the main city, so that the situation in the fairy world is more stable. By that time, at least in a relatively stable situation, Li Yi They can still have some capital to fight against the powerful in the spirit world. At this time, Li Yi and they gave up this idea, which made Zongzu very incomprehensible.

But in any case, the previous thing has happened, and now even the Zongzu they want to stop Li Yi, they are helpless. After all, at this time, the people who can influence Li Yi's ideas do not exist at least among the practitioners of the Warcraft family. So in this case, although Zong Zu had all kinds of doubts, in the end, they could only agree with Li Yi's arrangement.

Shortly after Li Yi made the arrangement, Wolfe left the place in the first time after Li Yi finished his order, so at this time, only the cultivators of the Warcraft family and Li Yi. Of course, other human practitioners are still in place at this time. After all, at this time, although Li Yi was always making arrangements before, human cultivators seem to have hope to leave this place. But obviously, even when making arrangements, Li Yi is still monitoring the actions of human cultivators. So at this time, even the three elders of the human race can feel a terrible breath locking them. So after seeing that, they also knew that at that time, even if they wanted to go, there was no hope. Even if it is forced to leave, maybe not only will it not achieve that result, but it will eventually lead Li Yi to do it in advance. Therefore, it is because of this situation that human practitioners can only wait for Li Yi to make arrangements, and then wait until Li Yi confronts them.

In fact, at this time, although it seems from the situation on the field, it is still a battle between the two races in the fairy world, but at this time, it is because of Li Yi’s strong rise, or it can be accurately said that Li Yi's personal rise is strong, so in fact, the current situation can be said to be the confrontation between Li Yi and human practitioners. So at this time, the three elders of the human race are waiting for Li Yi to make a decision with them.

And after Wolff left them one after another, the three elders of the human race knew that it was time for a showdown. However, although the current situation looks very bad, there is not much panic on the face of the three old humans. Perhaps it is because they have been in the top ranks for a long time, and of course, it may also be because they have made the worst plan for breaking the net. Or maybe, at this time, although the situation is very bad for them, maybe they still have something to rely on. In short, when he saw Li Yi approaching them, the three elders of the human race not only did not have any panic, but appeared more calm. So at this time, even Li Yi took a look at them.

But at this time, Zongzu was very proud. After all, in any case, although Li Yi made a decision to let Wolfe go to a place to practice, Zongzu felt very puzzled. Because if this is the case, then it is not necessarily a good thing for the cultivators of the Warcraft family. Because if they leave, Wolf means that once the war starts, then the cultivators of the Warcraft family will also lose a strong fighting power. But in any case, at this time, Li Yi, the strongest fighting force, remained in the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family. Therefore, at this time, Zongzu is still very at ease. Although from the current situation, it does not mean that the cultivators of the Warcraft family can certainly kill the human cultivators. But at least one thing can be determined, that is, at this time, if the cultivators of the Warcraft family want to start, then it is not a difficult thing to kill the three human races now. . So seeing that it is basically a winning ticket now, so Zongzu they are naturally very relaxed.

It was in this situation that Li Yi finally came to the three elders of the human race. Looking at the three old human races who still seem very calm, Li Yi finally said slowly after being silent for a while, "I will discuss with you one thing."

After Li Yi's words were finished, it was not just the three elders of the human race, even the Zongzu who was still very happy before. At this time, a very puzzled expression appeared on his face. Because they really didn’t think that, in fact, it was already a winning ticket. After Li Yi opened his mouth, the first sentence he said was not a threat, or even something to show off, but he had to discuss it with the human trio. Things. Seeing such a situation, although the three elders of the human race were very calm before, they had to be very puzzled at this time.

But after being silent for a while, Chi Lao couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to discuss?"

Seeing someone answering his words, Li Yi smiled first, and then said lightly: "It's very simple, cooperate with me."

"Cooperate with you?" After hearing Li Yi say this, the practitioners present were all stunned. Not only Chi Lao who answered Li Yi’s question, even the Zongzu who are now behind Li Yi, they couldn’t help but be surprised. You know, in the spirit world, the degree of hatred between the cultivators of the Warcraft family and human cultivators is simply impossible to have any room for cooperation.

For this, Li Yi is also impossible to know. After all, before this, Li Yi also practiced in the camp of human cultivators, and also survived in the camp of cultivators of the Warcraft family. So even with such an experience, why did Li Yi make such a stupid proposal? Yes, even at this time, in the eyes of practitioners in the fairy world, Li Yi's proposal is really too stupid. Because the feasibility of this proposal is basically equal to no.

In the view of the Zongzu, even if the cultivators of the Warcraft family now have Li Yi joined, they have basically said that the initiative of the battlefield is in their hands. Therefore, in their view, even if there are some things that cannot influence Li Yi, at least from the current situation, the cultivators of the Warcraft family feel that in this case, there is no need to cooperate at all. necessity.

In contrast, human practitioners, in fact, at this time, they naturally hope to have a way to survive. After all, after this step of cultivation, which cultivator will accept death willingly? Even if many cultivators have been cultivating tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years old monsters, life can almost be a torture for them. But at least at this time, they will not choose to die easily. However, for the present situation, none of the human cultivators present could not see it. So it is because of this situation that they all know that if they want to survive now, there is really no better way than selling their dignity. But although they are not afraid of death, they are afraid of losing face. So at this time, human cultivators are not very interested in Li Yi's proposal.

However, although Chi Lao is now very much in conflict with what Li Yi said, and if Chi Lao is facing such a situation now, then Chi Lao will definitely choose to fight with Li Yi for life and death. Even if Li Yi was injured in the end, he could not do it, but at least Chi Lao would not easily choose to be humiliated by Li Yi. But the problem now is that Chi Lao is not alone in facing this situation, so at this time, Chi Lao also knows that he should not be arrogant at this time. So although I was not very interested in Li Yi's proposal, afterwards, Chi Lao still patiently asked Li Yi: "Well, you talk about what you want to cooperate with us."

In fact, Li Yi is very clear about the thoughts of Chi Lao in their hearts now. After all, Li Yi once stood in the same position as Chi Lao, so I know that at this time, Chi Lao said this, in fact, for his people, he chose to give up his dignity.

However, although I understand it very well, I thought of the big things that I need to do in the future, so at this time, Li Yi also gave up his sympathy for eating old, but immediately said to Chi Lao after hearing Chi Lao’s inquiry. : "Actually, what I mean by cooperation is very simple, is that you give up the four main cities in the main city, and then let the cultivators of the Warcraft family enter the four main cities you gave up. In the days to come Here, you can't initiate a solicitation against the cultivators of the Warcraft family. At least even if you want to fight, you must use the very strange method to fight the main city between the main cities as you did before. Say, you now give up the four main cities, and then let the Warcraft cultivators enter into survival, and you can't do the fundamental things that endanger the Warcraft cultivators."

Hearing Li Yi's proposal, the practitioners of the fairy world present can be completely shocked. Because they did not expect that at this time, Li Yi would even propose such a proposal. Because of such a proposal, before this, the practitioners on both sides had never thought of it.

Of course, in fact, this idea was thought in Zongzu's mind, but Zongzu knew that at this time, it was impossible to do so. Because in the minds of the practitioners of the two communities in the fairy world, there can be no idea of ​​coexistence in peace, that is to say, even if the Zongzu proposed this proposal, as long as it can make the practitioners of the Warcraft family Enter the life of the main city, even if you can only get three main cities. But obviously, this is simply impossible.

Because after the human cultivators from the fairy world appeared here, what the cultivators of the two tribes thought was to wipe out each other. Only in this way is this the truest idea in their hearts. So even before this, Zongzu had thought of such a compromise idea in his mind, but Zongzu did not put forward. However, Zongzu knew that the situation Li Yi said was actually the best solution.

Because Zongzu knows that, in fact, if it comes to talents in cultivation, then in fact it has to be said that human cultivators are still better than cultivators of the Warcraft family at this point. So even in the presence of Li Yi and Wolff, they now help the Warcraft cultivators to completely expel the human cultivators from the main city, but in the following days, even the Warcraft The cultivators strangle human cultivators with all their strength, and it is unlikely that there will be any significant effect. Because as long as not all human cultivators perish, then for them, there is certainly hope for a comeback. After all, when the human cultivators first appeared, they obtained the final land of the main city in this way. Unless in this two-clan war, the cultivators of the Warcraft family can kill all human cultivators, not all are expelled from the main city. After all, if it is eviction, then this kind of thing is not necessarily a complete victory. In the future, the danger will definitely still exist.

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