
Mingde City, Department of Control.

Chen Liuqin sat silently on the ground, letting two lines of tears leave her cheeks uninterrupted, her hands tightly clutching a piece of paper, white and red letters, unusually eye-catching and unusually dazzling.

Is this the way to go? Is this the end? And me? Li Yi, have you thought about me or not? Leave a letter and you think you have done your best. You [Biquge www.biquger.vip] is a jerk. Why did you misunderstand me? Why don't you just ask me your doubts? why do not you……

Chen Liuqin seemed to have too many doubts and confusions, and too much grievances and regrets, so that this cry, she couldn't manage it, but she didn't cry so much, just stayed quietly. tears.

A tear, a question, an acacia, if so, who can understand the pain and grievances in Chen Liuqin's heart...

Looking at the text on the paper again, the red text is still so dazzling, and it is still coldly presented in front of Chen Liuqin:

Chen Liuqin:

Seeing the letter as it is, fearing that the letter may be common, and it is difficult to see it again. Every time I think about it, the taste in my heart is not enough to describe it. At this moment, Yi or like a bird in a cage, suddenly escapes from difficulty, soars freely in the sky, or The scenery of the world, the various forms of the world are gone, and the yin and yang are separated.

No matter what kind, Qing should use the heart of blessing and congratulatory words to pursue the heart of Yi and the dream of self-seeking. Whenever you think of your own situation, you can sit in peace, my teacher treats me, if you are a parent, you I can't bear it falling into a prison cage, in the control department, depressed and unwilling, and not knowing its taste. This is the real mistake of perseverance, my great sin, even though it is a deadly sin.

There is another year in the control department. Inside the control department, I am very grateful for both ears. The first one is Zhang Zhishi, and also the teacher and friend; the second is Qing. Without the help of Qing, Yu Yu’s path will be multiplied and twisted, unforgettable, and celebrated by the master of the city, and work together to make gifts; on New Year’s Eve, with Chu Yuntian In the battle, Qing's body, this love, this intention, this grace, Yi has no teeth to forget, he can't always be around, with the heart of Qing Qing, the shame of An Yuxin, this letter, written with the blood of Yi, In this way, a little uneasy.

Ching to make up for it, Yi witnessed Qing’s whereabouts twice, and was uneasy in his heart. When asked about this matter, Qing again made false statements. It was really difficult to judge, what was true and what was wrong, what was true and false, was extremely disturbed. Yi Shi was helpless, Gu concealed his strategy, and the reason was helpless, Wang Qing forgive it. I regret that I can’t hear Qing’s explanation, and I can’t see Qing’s proof, but my heart and faith in Qing Qing’s actions are also helpless.

Yi once envisaged whether Xie Qing could come out of the prison together, but the cage in his eyes and the house where Qing grew up, it was not unreasonable to be trapped, and why forced to leave the house, this is not a common sense, so give up, my Qing encounter , Or the destiny of God, the helplessness of Wu Qing, or the destiny of heaven, Yi also hates his inability to carry on.

If Yi Yi escapes, Qing should protect herself. Despite the importance of Qing’s position, Qing should also inform the Ministry of Control of the facts before she can get rid of Qing’s suspicion. No matter where she is, Yi’s heart, Qing’s affection, Worry on the heart, hide on the brain.

Hopefully, one day, perseverance will be able to stand in the world, not be bullied by the world, nor be fooled by Mingde. See you later, say goodbye to wine, tell Yi’s heart, and feel guilty for Yi. .


Chen Liuqin's tears suddenly became violent, and his mouth murmured: Li Yi, you fool, when did I say that I would not leave with you, why can't you tell me earlier, why?

A blood letter is eager, two lines of tears are broken...

The ink told frankly that it seemed to have clarified everything, but this remark did not cause Li Yi to have any violent reaction. On the contrary, Li Yi fell into silence, a moment of contemplation, a moment of speechlessness, one place disturbed.

In Li Yi's heart, he was truly guilty, and he had to admit that the reason why he suddenly carried out his plan so adventurously was indeed because he was worried about Chen Liuqin revealing some of his things.

Looking at it now, Li Yi did not choose a correct time to execute his plan. If it can wait for Qian Guang to go out of the city and execute his plan, then it will not be so miserable now. There are arrangements in China, no matter coincidences or fate, there is always a reason for existence, there is always a possibility of occurrence, and there is almost no possibility of regret for you.

After a short while, Li Yi seemed to be up and said, "You are really powerful. I still want to understand that in the chaos before Mingde City, other forces should think that the disciple of the master guru has died. , Why do you even venture into the control department? Are you not afraid that you will not come out?"

"Oh, Zhu Minghua’s Li Daitao is stiff, and the strategy to hide from the sky is indeed Gao Ming. We have to say that we have almost been cheated, but did you find that Zhu Minghua or Zhu Kun overlooked a very important point, if they really did How to protect the disciple of the master guru, how can he let the manipulator department face so many people alone, they have enough time to mobilize manpower to protect the manipulator department, but they don’t, the reason is very simple, that is to put down a huge The illusion of being a mere illusion.

"I can't think of the great sacrifices made by the control department, and still failed to achieve the expected results. Then why did you just choose to pretend to be the nephew of Zhang Zhishi, did you know that I had a relationship with Zhang Shiji before?"

"No, it can only be said that it was a coincidence, God's arrangement." After the ink said this, the corner of his mouth was a strange smile, and then continued, "You have so many problems, deliberately talking to me, do you want to do only Carduelis, want to delay time, waiting for someone who secretly helps you to save you?"

Being said by ink, although there is no change on Li Yi's face, there is another feeling in his heart. His purpose is still seen by others. That's right, Li Yi really wants to delay the time to see his own Whether Master can save himself, after all, in his current state, he simply doesn't have the qualification to challenge the other party.

"Now that I can see it, why did I tell me so much? Why not take me away while I'm sleeping." Since the intention was broken, Li Yi wasn't hiding it.

"Oh, the question behind you has already answered the question before you. I didn’t take you away while you were drowsy. That’s because I have more important things to do, and the completion of this thing is enough to let I have the confidence to accompany you to see what you are frustrated."

"More important thing?" Li Yi thought of a possibility.

"Yes, the forces who secretly helped you, and now I don't know where to look for you in this forest, but at least I won't find it here in a short time." Ink didn't know that the group was Master Li Yi, I thought it was other forces coveting Li Yi.

There is nothing wrong with the estimation of ink. Xu Bozhi immediately pursued Li Yi according to the traces in the forest. He did not expect that these traces have been moved by others. The same is true for Mu Yuxuan. Doing.

Hearing this, if Li Yi doesn’t understand it anymore, it can only be said that Li Yi is really a mallet. It seems that his plan is completely ruined, and he can only rely on himself to solve the crisis in front of him, only now. Is the crisis still possible? Thinking of his own state, Li Yi smiled bitterly.

"I have one last question, can you answer it?" Li Yi still wanted to know his biggest doubt.

"Ask, know everything, huh, huh." The ink is indifferent, and I'm not afraid of any changes.

"How do you know my escape route? You keep tracking behind me, this seems impossible?" Li Yi was really puzzled about this problem.

"It turned out to be a real problem. You can understand it by looking at this." When ink came here, he took a piece of paper from his pocket and waved it in the direction of Li Yi.

Although he can’t use his eye skills, Li Yi still sees clearly. What the ink is waving is the miniature version of the escape route map in the book that he hurriedly landed in the Book Collection Pavilion of the System Department. Such a map At hand, people know their own route, which is not enough for them. They thought they would be checked by Spar, but they lost it in his hands unexpectedly.

"It’s all done? Haha, actually I’m also very strange to you. How did you escape from the control department? You can see that your Yuan Gong is not as good as mine. The reason why I can escape is also because of your luck. , But looking at you now, it seems to be extremely weak, which one is you? I am also surprised."

Li Yi did not answer, and began to accumulate power in secret. Since everything depends on himself, how can he work hard? I want to run the partial method again, but I tried it a few times, but there was no response at all. At the same time, the pain in the body worsened, making Li Yi's face a bit daunting.

Ink doesn’t seem to care about Li Yi’s non-response, and still seems to continue to say to himself: “But no matter what, the final victory is me, your current state, don’t say you want to defeat me, can you stand It’s a problem, ha...ha...ha" Ink smiles are very wanton. The irony in laughter and the contempt in laughter are obvious.

Li Yi continued to remain silent and continued his strength in secret.

Ink began to move forward again, step by step, very slow, but for Li Yi, it was extremely fast. Li Yi saw this situation and said indifferently: "Zhang ink, you forget that I have begun to say What happened? I told you, don’t come, or you will be at your own risk!"

The ink didn’t seem to hear Li Yi’s words. He continued to step forward step by step without anxiety, but said while walking, “Master Li, do you really think I’m a kid? Can I believe the words? If you were me, would you believe it?

"Of course I would believe, because how could anyone be stupid enough to sleep unconsciously in the forest? If there is, then it must be guarded." Li Yi's tone is very serious, it doesn't seem to be telling lies, eyes. In the middle, it is still a kind of unpredictable performance, it seems not afraid at all.

Zhang Ink stopped, looked at Li Yi's eyes, and then almost said with a nasal voice, "Bluff, huh, huh," and after that he went on.

Li Yi doesn't seem to be saying anything to stop, but instead looks at the ink with a lively expression, that gesture, just like appreciating how a thing moves toward the trap step by step.

Ink stopped again, and there was some hesitation in his heart. At this moment, he naturally didn’t want to fail, but he really didn’t know if Li Yi would be a ghost. After all, Li Yi’s understanding is still just Limited to the surface.

"If there is, you remind me, will there be such a fool?" As the ink said, he carefully examined the road ahead of him, hoping to be able to see the clues, but to his disappointment, the green On the grass floor, there was no abnormality at all, which made him think that there should be no organs or traps.

"Remind you, because I don’t want to see you die in front of me so badly. It’s my way to leave someone to accompany me to solve the boredom. Isn’t it strange that you did, how did I escape from the system department, if you Keep going, you will know soon." Li Yi's words are not slow, but it is a bit ridiculous, making people unpredictable.

Ink did indeed hesitate, and the steps began to become very careful. The distance forward for each step was also shortened to about one-third of the original. Although there was nothing on the mouth, the embankment in his heart was reflected in the action. come out.

"Thank you for your kind reminder, but I still don’t believe it, but you said it to me, but you should be careful. If you overturn the boat in the gutter, it’s really a bamboo basket. , A consistent relaxed voice, but Li Yi heard the caution.

Li Yi didn't continue to speak anymore. He looked at the stupid expression and looked at the ink a little bit forward, but his heart was silently praying. All he could do was hope for God!

The reason why Li Yi said this is actually very simple, that is to put a psychological pressure on the ink, make the ink nervous.

Ink continued to move forward in small steps, the interval between the steps seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, and the distance between him and Li Yi was also getting smaller and smaller. If you were to follow the current step, it would be about eight steps.

Getting closer and closer to Li Yi made the ink more proud, and a smile was already on the corner of his mouth, a must-have expression.

Six steps... Five steps... Three steps...

Just after the third step of the ink fell, I felt a feeling of foreign body under the sole of the shoe. At the same time, a pin-like feeling appeared on the sole of the foot, and the pain felt from the bottom up, with upward conduction Meaning.

Found that the situation is not good, the ink double replacement, immediately take a step back, because of anxiety, this step did not follow the pace of the beginning, but a lot bigger, unfortunately, this step back Just after falling, the original foot that didn't receive the slightest injury came again with the same feeling.

That's right, the second foot was shot again.

Looking at the appearance of the ink, Li Yi's suspended heart finally fell, and there was a whisper of help in my heart, and finally it worked as expected.

Before Li Yi was comatose, he almost spontaneously dropped some hidden weapons around himself, and these hidden weapons were originally intended to be used by masters when they escaped. Unfortunately, these hidden weapons have a feature, that is, they are not launched. The hidden weapon, but a shape similar to a triangular nail thrown on the ground, can only be hidden in the sun. Such a feature has no time for the two masters that Li Yi met.

However, at this time, it finally came in handy. (To be continued.)

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