"Hahaha, the real image of the metaphor of the little friend, you can also say this. At this time, there are our tribe and another tribe of the Nanfan tribe. At that time, there was little left for the runoff family. With the strength of our tribe, we can fully Take it down, but at that time it happened that the beast was attacked by the channel we guarded. At that time, the patriarch was concerned about the safety of all human beings, and at the same time he was not willing to compete with the elderly runoff. Therefore, my clan offered to protect the forest and pursue The beast. The runoff old man also admired our clan’s behavior, so he agreed with and supported our behavior, and reached an agreement with our clan. It is because of such a thing that my family has taken root in this forest."

"As for the Nanfan Ministry, after hearing some people say that there is no news, or it was wiped out by the elderly runoff, or entered the reckless forest, the Nanfan tribe is not strong, it is average, but good at Make all kinds of weapons. I thought that our family would kill the lonely army into the forest for the safety of all people. There is no record of us in the world. It is really sad." The old patriarch looked sad.

In Li Yi's heart, he paid tribute to the tribe in front of him, and once again looked at the woman in white who was sitting opposite him. The woman in white was folded her hands and placed in front of her, and at this time, it seemed to tremble slightly , I don’t know if it’s because I heard something, and my breathing has changed.

Without waiting for Li Yi to say anything, Zhang Mozi once again said, "If it were not for the patriarch to tell us such secret stories, I am afraid we would never know such a thing in our lifetime. What the nobles did for the people of the world is really respectable. Pei, and the nobility can stand in this forest for thousands of years without falling down, it must have amazing strength, so it seems that I really don’t know what can help the nobility."

After listening to Zhang Yi's words, Li Yi felt that there was something wrong with this person today. As for what went wrong, he couldn't speak for himself. It seems that there are too many surprises for himself today, so much that he really can't tell the difference, this At that time, I still listen honestly.

The old patriarch heard Zhang Ink’s words again and laughed aloud, “Xiaoyou’s words are bad, as the saying goes, a good guy and three gangs, everyone collects firewood and flames are high, and the money is not a hero, so even if one person is even Even more powerful, it always needs the help of others. That is to say, people like the runoff elderly need help."

"In this case, why doesn't the patriarch directly say how to help the nobility? Talking about the difficulties of the nobility, we have to think of ways to help you."

"Hahaha, Xiaoyou laughed again, and the difficulty was not enough, and for the two, this kind of help would not cause too much trouble for the two, so the old man took the liberty to ask each other, in fact, there is nothing, that is I heard that the two are master craftsmen, so I hope to make some weapons for our forgotten tribe."

"Oh? If I help, what can I get?" Zhang Ink continued to press step by step.

"Little friend is really honest, but fortunately, my family will not let the two help in vain. There must be a thank you. First, the two can win the friendship of our forgotten tribe. Second, our tribe will be responsible for the two. The third is sent here. Third, within our allowable range, we can do three things for each of the two unconditionally. Fourth, I heard that the master craftsman will collect materials, and we will present ten precious master materials." The old patriarch finished his breath with a smile, then looked at the two.

Li Yi was surprised. He couldn't imagine what kind of thing caused the family to pay such a condition, but he didn't say it and continued to choose to listen.

Zhang Mo smiled and said without a surprise: "I believe you also know that this one next to me and me is a delicate relationship, so it can't represent each other at all, but I still have to say on behalf of myself, your It’s good, but it’s not enough. I have other requirements."

Zhang Mo's words made Li Yi's chin almost fall on the table. Are there such people or such direct people? Why haven't I ever found this ink to be so utilitarian? Of course, these words, Li Yi thought silently in his own heart.

The old patriarch apparently did not expect that Zhang Mo would have such a direct remuneration, so there was also an incredible look on his face, but after all, there were more things experienced, and this expression was quickly disguised, and he tried to say: " Oh? Then I don’t know what kind of rewards you want?"

"Oh, I hope to be able to marry her!" Zhang Mo, looking at the white woman Ruo Bing, said vowedly.

If everyone had been surprised by the initiative to get paid, the current sentence almost made people in the room cold. What kind of joke did they make? This is not fun at all. Li Yi can feel that the atmosphere in the house is already wrong. Although the white woman Ruo Bing has not responded at all, the rest of the people who have forgotten the tribe are almost uncomfortable.

Zhang Mo's fearless expression, expectation, and smile seemed to be waiting for the old patriarch's answer.

The look on the old patriarch's face was uncertain, and he did not speak immediately.

Li Yi sighed in his heart and meditated in his heart. It seems that these people really stayed in the forest for too long, and they don’t know how to deal with people. At this time, you are showing your face, not just plainly. Tell others that this is your weakness, your difficulty, your weakness.

Perhaps it was because they couldn’t bear to be fooled by Zhang Ink, the lion’s big mouth, or they deliberately opposed Zhang Ink. Li Yi, who had been silent for a while, suddenly gave a breath, and then seemed to say casually, “It’s interesting I didn’t expect to see a good show here asking me to sit back and pay money, ha ha."

A sentence like Li Yi seems to remind the old patriarch to take over the conversation immediately, "Xiaoyou laughed again. Such a request is too excessive and we cannot accept it. If you insist on this, we forget that the tribe is not welcoming you, Will never ask for your help again."

Zhang Mo did not seem to care about Li Yi’s good deeds, or at first he just talked casually, so the old patriarch’s refusal did not make him a little unhappy, but continued to smile and said: "Since this No, then change it. Well, old patriarch, how many people do you forget about the tribe?"

"More than 13,000 people" The old patriarch answered quickly, but he didn't know what Zhang Ink was doing, but he told him frankly.

"Well, I can help you with the things you said, but my condition is that I want to take three thousand people back to the mainland, and three thousand years of less powerful people." Zhang Mozi said this sentence with absolute determination and a little room for discussion Nothing looks like it.

The old patriarch's complexion was once again green, and he did not expect that the descendant in front of him had such a big lion's mouth. Three thousand of his clan, he just regarded his clan as a cargo.

Li Yi feels that he has been ignoring one thing, that is, this ink does not seem to know nothing about this forgotten tribe. On the contrary, it seems that Zhang ink is very sure of this tribe’s weakness, more precisely, he knows The tribe asked him that things were extremely important to the tribe.

It seems that things are not simple, and I still know too little. Li Yi, who thought of these, is not too busy to interject, and continue to look at the trend of the situation.

There was some silence in the room, and Zhang Mo suddenly continued to say, "I will give them enough magic stone weapons. As long as they have worked for me for five years, they will be able to return to freedom again. In this way, you are not bad, after all, this Magic weapon, some people will never get it, hehe."

The old patriarch's face was even more ugly. At this time he also understood that the young man who spoke was not the kind of young man who knew nothing about his tribe. After thinking for a while, the old patriarch spoke: "Little friends, the appetite is really not small. Unfortunately, let you down. Everyone in our tribe is precious, will not serve anyone, and advise you to die. This heart, since the negotiation is not correct, then forget it, we will send you to leave tomorrow, but I am sorry, we can only send you half of this, the vast forest, you have to find the way back. You If you go faster, if you find the right direction, you will be out in three months."

The old patriarch's words made Li Yi secretly call a good one in his heart. It seems that this old patriarch is not simple. He is playing first and then the soldiers. He may not be pretended to be pretending to be in front of his face. , Apparently threatening Zhang Ink, can you help? If you don't help, you'll be dead or alive. Of course, such a threat is also true for yourself.

Zhang Ink apparently did not know his specific position, so when he heard the old man saying this, his face was also unnatural, and suddenly he laughed to cover it up, and then said: "Elder patriarch, this time I am kidding Well, huh, my city master Zhicheng has long taught me to wait for the ancient hottest intestines, how could it be so demanding, a joke, really a joke, and hope the patriarch will not care."

The old patriarch nodded without changing his face. "Where and where, I hope you will understand."

At this time, Li Yi discovered that there was a trace of sweat on the forehead of the old patriarch. Such a discovery surprised him.

"Patriarch, I can help your tribe, but the remuneration you give is really too little. I will add two more. If we can’t agree, we really can’t talk about it. First, you have to do it for me for free. Do six things that do not exceed your abilities, and equip me with four people when I go out. These four people will follow me for the rest of my life. The second is that this person around me, you and me, you can’t interfere."

"Fak" Li Yi cursed in his heart. Originally, he didn't want any compensation. If he really had an idea, he really wanted to help him remove the people around him, but obviously, this way was Zhang ink was blocked.

The elder patriarch pondered a little before saying, "Yes, we can promise you five things, and the time with you is five years."

"No problem, the deal. Ha ha, I don't know how the old patriarch can guarantee what you said is credible?" Zhang Mo is very cheerful now.

"When I speak, I always say one thing. You don't have to doubt this. Responsibility is just to threaten you. Why did you take the initiative to thank you? It's a friend, don't be perfunctory, don't work hard. In that case, Don’t blame the old man for turning his head away.

"No, no, I must do my best, boy."

"What kind of weapon to make, someone will tell you later." The old patriarch added, a smile of relief on his face.

At this moment, Li Yi felt like a spectator, watching this young and old stage a deal, a negotiation, but how to ignore himself, don't forget that there is another person here.

At this time, the old patriarch seemed to remember that there was a Li Yi who had only said a word, so he tentatively asked, "This little friend has never spoken, I don't know if there are other conditions, or what? ?"

"Ah, say me, nothing, just immersed in the story you tell, and after a careful review, I feel very interesting." Li Yi looked ordinary, no surprise, no smile, neither agreed nor said Not agree.

"Haha, it's all old things. The little friend doesn't have to care anymore. The same gratitude as the little friend just now. I don't know if you agree?" The old man seemed anxiously waiting for Li Yi's answer.

Li Yi touched his earlobe, and then did not speak immediately, obviously thinking.

The room was waiting for Li Yi's answer, but Li Yi didn't have a bit of anxiety, still thinking about some things there.

"Li Yi, right?" White woman Ruo Bing suddenly spoke, although the voice was still cold.

Calling Li Yi's name directly surprised Li Yi, but he didn't know what was happening, so he paused a little before speaking, and said in an inquiring tone: "Huh?"

"You said to me, you are willing to help my family, do not know if it is true or false?"

"Of course it is true, I am willing to help your tribe." Li Yi looked sincere.

"Then you are hesitant because you are not satisfied with the payment?"

"No, I don't have any requirements for remuneration. If it is just to help the nobility, it seems to me to be a great and respectable tribe. I don't want to get what you call remuneration." Li Yi's tone was very slow.

"Oh? Don't five unconditional things?"


"Don't four followers follow for five years?"


"None of ten precious craft materials?"


"Then hesitate, what do you want? Or what do you want?" The woman in white's tone was impatient.

"I want to figure out some things, some things I want to know, which is strange to say, I am always curious too much." Li Yi also did not start nervous with a press, and began to speak fluently.

"Why don't you ask?" The white woman Ruo Bing didn't give in.

"Because of the person next to me, he has already been paid, so there is no reason to get my questions and your answers for free." Li Yi pointed his finger at the ink beside him.

Zhang Mosi apparently did not expect this to happen, and quickly said: "Li Yi, the old patriarch, this beautiful master, I will not leave, because I worry that you will be paid better than me, I think I have the right to supervise a bit."

"You heard it too. He just wanted to know something. He didn't want to say anything before, so you don't have to worry about it. The patriarch, let this Mr. Zhang Mozi go down first." Still the voice of the woman in white. (To be continued.)

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