Li Yi's last stroke fell gently, and the whole of Fu Run was lit up. It seemed to be echoing from afar, and it seemed to be showing his whole picture, blinking and extinguishing. Often, blinking is eternal.

"Sir, I would like to ask, what principles should be followed where the pen is written when engraving the rune? Or can it be any way." Gu Zichao saw Li Yi stopped and quickly asked what he didn't understand.

After asking this question, Li Yi also found that he wanted to teach Gu Zichao, there are still big problems. First, there is not a variety of basic books like the Department of Control, which can be read by himself; second Gu Zichao still doesn't know how to use his eyesight skills, so it's impossible to see where he is when he engraves the engraved rune.

This is really a problem that makes people scratch their heads. Li Yi touched his nose and couldn’t find any good solution for a while. He had to say: "It must be done according to certain rules, and it should be based on the trend of the internal patterns. Let’s write and use the original texture as much as possible. You can’t use eyesight techniques now, so I’m going to tell you this, and you probably don’t understand.”

"Sir, I would like to ask why the eye skills must be practiced towards the rising sun. In that case, is it not very short to practice every day?" Gu Zichao continued to ask.

This problem really stumped Li Yi, and Li Yi never thought about it, why did he have to do this? Li Yi frowned, and began to recall that he hadn't read the relevant exposition before, but he found nothing.

"I don't know very well. This is how my master gave it to me, and it is also written in many books, perhaps because of the strength of the light." Li Yi answered very sincerely, knowing what is known and not knowing, Very teacher-like.

"Then can we practice under the conditions of simulating that kind of light? In this case, I can have more time to practice." Gu Zichao boldly put forward his own ideas without fear.

A slight shock in Li Yi's head seemed to be asking himself the same question: Why not?

"Unfortunately, nothing can imitate the sun's rays when it rises, alas." Gu Zichao sighed slightly.

"Wait a moment, maybe, we can try it." Li Yi finished this sentence, quickly picked up some of the larger magic stones carved in the morning, and then picked up the carving knife, simply trimmed it, see Some of the solutions were engraved on it before they were used up.

After everything was done, Li Yi handed two round thin magic stones to Gu Zichao, and then said, you try to let the current light shine through your eyes through him, then you close your eyes to feel, see See if there is that kind of morning sunshine.

Gu Zichao knew that Li Yi was trying to find a way for himself. He was very moved, and was too late to thank him. He quickly took the past, carefully placed two magic stones in front of his eyes, and then moved to the front of the light, carefully closed. Eyes.

The lights used here are not the same as the outside. The outside is based on the energy of the magic stone, which allows the magic stone to continuously shine. However, here, because of the isolation from the world, the oldest kind is used. Oil lamp, the light looks faint.

The faint light passed through two pieces of magic stones and fell softly on Gu Zichao's eyes.

"Sir, sir, it really shines like the sun just rising in the morning, this... this is too amazing? This is just..." Gu Zichao was very excited, and some did not know how to express his words.

Li Yi smiled slightly beside him, but he also understood the truth: Sometimes, ask one more why, maybe you can really find yourself a new way of thinking [笔趣阁], at least Before this, I never thought of doing this. It seems that if we want to improve and break through, we must constantly innovate on the basis of the previous ones, otherwise, we will only continue to follow the old path of our predecessors.

This little thing also brought great inspiration to Li Yi.

"Sir, but I can’t always hold it like this, otherwise I still have no way to practice. See if you can think of a way to fix him here. In this way, I can start practicing now. "Gu Zichao always seems to find the problem in the first place.

"Oh, you kid, you just have to measure in, take it first, I think about it." When Li Yi said this, he also forgot that he was no more than a few years older than others, but he always thought he was the age in his heart Very large, so look at this simple Gu Zichao, has always been regarded as a child.

Li Yi took over the two pieces of magic stones and thought again about how to achieve what Gu Zichao said. Originally, there was no idea at all, but inadvertently turned around and saw the wind chimes hanging in mid-air.

"Well, maybe there is a way to give it a try." Li Yi's mouth twitched slightly, and it seemed that every time such an expression appeared, he had thought of a better way.

Li Yi found two branches with the same thing in the material, and then started to stir up again, and later took out the same thing, two magic stones, fixed on the branches, the branches, showing a strange Look.

"Put this on the bridge of your nose, this one on your ears, see if it's okay." Li Yi said while handing things over.

Gu Zichao did as he did, and then let go of his hand. He was very calm and naturally surprised.

"Sir, you are so amazing, what is this thing called?" Gu Zichao said again.

Li Yi has already begun to continue to engrave the rune, so he is too lazy to name it, and directly said: "As you please."

"I think this is like glaze, and it is used on the eyes, so it is called eye glaze..." Gu Zichao replied.

"Okay, let's call it glasses." I don't know if Li Yi was really unclear or what happened.


Li Yi has not been disturbed by a small episode just now, so after taking back his mind, he still has to start devoting himself to engraving the symbolic array. This time, the four intermediate symbols are prepared for engraving. It was Li Yi’s first attempt, so Li Yi also had to draw on the drawings to get familiar with them, and then repeat the details on the drawings over and over again, constantly in his own mind. Familiar with the line trend of these four symbols.

Li Yi still firmly believes in the old saying that sharpening a knife does not erroneously cut woodworkers. Such time should not be counted as a waste, but rather a better preparation. Everything will be established in advance, but not in advance. Of course, special circumstances require Special treatment.

Just beside Li Yi, Gu Zichao sat on the floor and was working hard to practice the eye skills that Li Yi gave him. The seriousness on his face showed his intention.

A room, two people, each busy with their own. Outside, fifty-one people are waiting. The reason why fifty-one people are, because the woman in white has not left, she is independent under the night Department, eyes looked at the lights in Li Yi's room.

This decision is a sleepless night, everyone has their own persistence and protection.

The four intermediate rune formations that Li Yi decided to try this time were the'Splinter Element' formation, the'Gain' formation, the'Rain Kill' formation, and the'Floating' formation. These four rune formations are all relative to the primary rune formations. The more common rune arrays, and the requirements for the masters are relatively small. When Li Yi saw the introduction of the intermediate rune when he was reading the group book of the press department, he used these four runes as my example, so I was most impressed.

At the same time, Li Yi, an intermediate-level rune, does not know much. Once this medium-to-high level technique or the inheritance of the rune is involved, it is not easily seen in the bookstore.

The biggest feature of the'Crack Element' formation is that when engaging the opponent, if it can hurt the opponent, it will inject its own strength into the opponent's body and at the same time accumulate or consume the opponent's strength, Peng Yu's This pair of magic stone fist is engraved with this array; while the "gain" array is an auxiliary formation, but it is the most commonly used formation in the intermediate formation. Its function is to excite itself, and then To increase all the characteristics of the magic stone weapon, in simple terms, it is to enlarge the characteristics of the magic weapon.

The'Rain Kill' formation and the'Floating Life' formation are the two main attacking formations. The former's role is to use the abilities of sword flowers like rain and murderous like rainbow after being excited, while the latter is like a random Based on the characteristics of the engraved rune material, such a method will choose a powerful trick.

Here we also need to explain more about the difference between engraving each symbol array separately and nesting different symbol arrays together: a single symbol array is engraved. Unless it is an automatically excited symbol array, every symbol array is I want to stimulate one by one, although the time of this excitation is extremely short, but in the contest of masters, this time is no longer short. Here, it takes a little bit of my own strength when inspiring, and the master There are many engraved engravings on the magic stone weapon on it. If you really want to inspire one by one, it is a headache to think about it.

The symbol arrays nested together are different. After these symbol arrays are nested together, as long as they are excited once, they can all be activated, which means shorter time, less consumption, Simpler operations, real masters, such performances are sometimes decisive.

But not all rune arrays can be nested. It is not difficult to engrave a rune array separately, but if it is a rune group that has been engraved through a complex nesting combination, if it is wrong, it will all fail. The difficulty of this will be The trend of straight ups increases.

Therefore, Li Yi's first attempt to engrave intermediate-level runes, naturally he dare not rush to combine these four intermediate-level runes and engrave them together. If he is really a missed story, good materials will be wasted.

In this situation, in order to be safe, Li Yi can only choose to come one by one. In this way, he can ensure that he can succeed in one fell swoop with the greatest possibility.

Li Yi once again picked up a clean porcelain bowl and began to prepare the engraved solution of the intermediate rune. The same material was quickly processed and put into the porcelain bowl. The solution in the porcelain bowl was constantly changing. This kind of change is rapid and violent, suddenly condensed like fat, suddenly clear like water, suddenly boiling hot, and suddenly bursting with cold, thanks to this is a porcelain container, if ordinary container, it is estimated that it cannot withstand such dramatic changes .

The last material Li Yi added was the blood of Gu Gu that Ruo Bing gave him. After careful consideration, Li Yi decided to try it.

That's right, this is not Li Yi's temporary idea, but intentional, but after full consideration, or inspired by the production of glasses just now, Li Yi decided to implement his bold plan, which is We need to use a part of this gudiao material to make this magic stone weapon, and see what kind of magic weapon can be made.

After all, not every craftsman has the opportunity to splurge on such good materials.

This is another reason for this choice. Li Yi’s little vanity, the first time to make a weapon in front of so many people, how to make a decent magic stone weapon in his own way, otherwise , I always feel something uncomfortable.

Young people, there will always be a little fluctuation in their hearts.

Li Yi gently picked up the porcelain bottle with Gu Gu blood, gently took off the lid, and then tilted it at a very small angle to allow the blood to flow out slowly. The blood was still bright red in color, a little dazzling The red color fell into the solution, but it quickly turned into colorless. Li Yi poured a little bit, and also paid attention to the color of the solution at any time.

It has been written in the books of the device, no matter what kind of blood is added, it is just right when the color of the engraving solution is just unchanged.

About a third of it was stolen, and Li Yi finally stopped. At this time, the solution in the porcelain bowl had a little red color, but it looked like it was clear for a while, and this situation just fits. The requirements in the book.

Li Yi put the lid on, and then put it aside, calmly, suddenly picked up the smallest stylus extremely quickly, the stylus quickly made a turn in Li Yi's hand, and then Li Yizhong Immersed heavily in the solution, the other hand picked up the semi-finished magic knife and lifted the stylus again. The solution was evenly covered with the stylus tip.

Brush, brush, brush...

Engrave, so start.

This orderly and vigorous action was also deliberately done by Li Yi. As the so-called vigorous action, and then decay, and exhaustion, Li Yi wanted to draw as much as possible when he was the most sober at the beginning, like this, The pressure left behind will also be less.

The tip of the pen traveled on the magic stone, stopping and stopping sometimes, making people unpredictable where it will appear next moment. Li Yi's wrist is more flexible and has made many unimaginable subtle controls. , Without leaving the area he wanted to control, the flash on his wrist was like a light Swift, and there was a feeling of rhythm in the vagueness.

Engraving, sometimes it is due to the merits of the wrist, a little mistake, all covered in ink.


The first rune was successfully completed, and Li Yi’s strategy had achieved certain results. At least the first time engraving of the intermediate Fufu battle was successful. This will make every master who is short of learning the system feel happy. one thing.

Starting the second rune, it is still a repeat of the previous steps, but this time the engraving solution is not the blood of Gudiao, but an eyeball of Gudiao. The treatment of the eye was originally made by Yi Yi. One thing, I don’t know what solution Ruo Bing used to store. The Gu Gu’s eyes even exuded a fierce vigor, scary mind, and the power of alien beasts. Yi even admired Ruo Bing's ability. (To be continued.)

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