Li Yi didn't pay attention to Gu Zichao's movements, he was just eating, but his thoughts were obviously not on the food he was eating.

"Sir, your... your word seems to be wrong?" Gu Zichao said to Li Yi after a while.

"Huh? Really? I didn't pay attention, which word?" Because Li Yi had long regarded that pattern as a character, when Gu Zichao said, Li Yi did not come to the first moment of Sanskrit.

"It's the character in the middle of the rune array. You have made a mistake and missed a stroke. Now you simply don't read the word. It should be said that it is a typo." Gu Zichao's eyes are still looking at the words on the paper. Simultaneously dying, also in the hands.

"What are you talking about? This is a typo? Do you know this word? Hurry and tell me how this word is written." Li Yi couldn't take care of the food in his mouth and responded hurriedly to Gu Zichao. Perhaps this was a turning point. Li Yi vaguely realized the mistakes he made.

This mistake is that it was possible at the beginning, and it is very likely that the symbology was not completely recorded, so it will cause you to be stuck halfway now, and you can’t find a way to continue.

"I don't know the word, it's wrong, I know it, it's not right, how can I say this word, almost everyone who we forget about the tribe can write, but we don't know what the word means, because it is more like'turn' Word, so we always read it according to this sound, but we don’t know what it means, and, to be sure, it’s not a transliteration.” Gu Zichao saw Li Yi’s anxiety, so I gave Li Yi a detailed explanation.

"Why do you learn this word? Who gave it to you?" Li Yi wanted to know more.

"This, I don't know. Anyway, the teachers who taught the characters in the village when they were young would teach the word, and it should have been handed down. As for the reason, no one really asked, even if someone asked, Those masters wouldn’t know it, and it’s the same way when they were kids."

"Quickly write the complete wording of this word, just write it on this paper, be careful, don't make mistakes." Li Yi reminded Gu Zichao.

Gu Zichao yelled, then picked up the pen, and then seemed to think about it again, and then wrote the word on the paper a little bit. Looking at Gu Zichao's writing process, Li Yi's brow finally spread out, It really looks like this, it really is the structure of a stroke.

That's right, Gu Zichao's writing is also completed in one stroke, but compared to the pattern that Li Yi drew at the beginning, there is obviously one more bend, but this is the bend, which just happens to allow the word to be completed in one stroke, and will not There was a sense of pause.

Li Yi compared the pattern he had transcribed in front of him, and there was really only one difference, but it was the internal change of the pen, and the result was very different.

Li Yi took Gu Zichao's pen and filled it in the same position on his own piece of paper. Then, he showed a satisfied smile, a heartfelt smile, and it really looked like this. This thing, the rest, will all come naturally.

"Thank you, Zichao." Li Yi sincerely thanked.

Li Yi’s politeness made Gu Zichao a little uncomfortable, and quickly responded and said: “Mr. Too polite, this is what I should do, and it is also my fault. If I haven’t been practicing side by side, if I’m waiting for Mr. Mr. solved it long ago."

"Oh, it's not too late now, but you are right. I didn't think of it for a moment. Why don't I ask you, how to say this is all your tribe's business, in some respects it is definitely stronger than my layman."

"No, no, my husband is so powerful, but I have never seen it in my life." Gu Zichao said it was very frank, and he didn't mean to flatter at all. Even in this way, Li Yi felt that he couldn't bear it. After all, how great he was. I knew that some people said that I had never seen it in my life.

"Okay, don’t talk about it anymore, you still have to do serious things. After a while, you will inform Han Ziming and let him come and wait for me after three or four hours. I am confident that you will forget the tribe for thousands of years tonight. After a long time, the first magic stone weapon will be born." Li Yi was full of confidence.

"Sir has found a solution? I said that Mr. is very powerful, and you don't agree, sir, well, I won't say more, I will let you know." Gu Zichao's eyes exuded joy, such joy is It comes from the depths of the heart, and is a brand on the origin of the blood.

As soon as he had finished speaking, Gu Zichao had to go outside, but before his feet stepped out of the room, he turned his head and said to Li Yi: "Sir, don’t be busy with this matter. You haven’t finished your meal yet, you still Let’s eat first. I told Han Ziming to come later."

"Well, it's okay, don't worry about me, thank you..." Li Yi smiled tribute.


People are happy and happy, and Gu Zichao’s actions represent all this. Although Li Yi had a failed experience, but this time, when Li Yi told him with confidence, he still chose to believe, believe Li Yi In other words, I believe that I will see the birth of the first magic stone weapon belonging to the tribe in such a long time. Such a thing will make people feel excited. The brand in his bones makes him blood boiling, and his pace is more than usual. A lot soon.

"Zi Ming brother, sir let me tell you to go to him after four or five hours, your magic stone weapon is likely to be born this evening." Gu Zichao spoke to Han Ziming like this.

"What? Are you talking about it? What night are you waiting for? I'll pass now. You kid, come and tell me early next time." Han Ziming was overjoyed. The last time he was only one step away from his magic weapon But in the end, he fell short of success. Even so, he did not blame Li Yi. He felt a little sympathy for Li Yi. After all, he watched Li Yi sleepless all night for his own affairs.

However, not complaining does not mean losing. From the tribe, forgetting the tribe has waited for nearly a thousand years, but from him, why did he wait for a long time, except for the time when the tribe competed, Han Ziming remembered that he would never again Never touched the magic stone weapon.

"Mr. Say no need to worry. Moreover, the sir hasn't eaten yet. If you go so early, it will make your husband feel uneasy. If you make it again without eating, your body may not be able to eat. Don't worry. "Gu Zichao was afraid that Han Ziming was in a hurry, so he urged him to take the risk.

"Go... go... go, I don't know, I can't stand and watch from a distance, what should your boy do? I'll go now, yes, you better tell Look at the patriarch, this matter is not a small thing." Han Ziming replied.

"I know, I will go now."


Li Yi, who was alone in the room, found out the materials he had received last time. Because he was not completely sure, Li Yi did not choose anything precious this time. Even the magic stone was also used from the beginning. Looking for common materials used for feeling hands-practice, the reason why it is ordinary is because the quality is not good, the texture of the texture inside the fantasy world is simple, and it is unbearable. However, such materials also have their own advantages, that is in It is very easy to handle when carving, and does not require complicated processing methods, so it takes very little time.

Such ordinary materials are not much stronger than the weapons made by the Qingming Stone, which can mass-produce weapons, so there are very few weapons divisions, but Li Yi does not have other magic stones on hand now, so I will use them for the time being. Well, although I understand that a good horse has a good saddle, I really don't have anything better now.

Because of its simplicity, Li Yi did not waste much time in carving. Less than an hour later, a delicate version of the knife appeared again. The reason why it still looks like this is because Li Yi believes that the most convenient carving is .

The next step is engraving. What Li Yi thought was to create a sample first, so there is not too much design on the engraved rune array. The simple four rune arrays are the most basic rune arrays. Then engraved his new discovery in the place of the knife handle. Only this place took a lot of time, because Li Yi was still a bit awkward about the writing of that word, but in the end these were all completed, and the time was calculated. Within four hours, a magic stone weapon succeeded.

The reason why this time is so fast is completely because Li Yi made the mentality of making a sample again, so everything is simple, so the quality of this magic stone knife, Li Yi estimates that he can’t even reach a star, he let Gu Zichao went to inform Han Ziming that he wanted Han Ziming to help him improve.

When all the difficulties are overcome, the production process, especially this simple production, can really only be said to be natural and simple, but even so, Li Yi still has a sense of satisfaction. In such a process, he The gains are not just those seen on the surface.

"Zi Chao..." Li Yi greeted his apprentice.

The quiet inside the room made Li Yi very surprised. According to Li Yi's understanding of Gu Zichao, this young man is very serious in doing things and basically always stays with him. Even if he is practicing eye skills, he is basically All are available on call, so this situation makes Li Yi feel something is wrong!

"Gu Zichao?" Li Yi was not reconciled again.

"Sir, I'm here" Gu Zichao's voice spread from the door to the room.

"How did you go outside? This doesn't match your character..." Li Yi said like this, because Gu Zichao used to practice eye skills once he had time before!

"After going out to inform Han Ziming, I feel that Mr. Mr. is in the machine, he dare not rush in, I'm afraid to disturb him!" Gu Zichao said the reason, but he only said half of it, even if he wanted to come in, there was no way Come in.

"I have served you, I just made a sample for the time being, let you go to Han Ziming to try it out, come in after notification, so many ideas come from!" Li Yi said with a little laughter, this is really his I did not expect Gu Zichao to stand outside for a few hours because of fear of disturbing his system.

There was a smirk from Gu Zichao outside. If Li Yi listened carefully, you will find that there is a little bit of laughter or laughter in this laughter!

"Don't smirk, has Han Ziming come?" Li Yi is more concerned about this issue.

"Mr. Hui, it's already here. I've been waiting outside." Gu Zichao replied.

"Okay, let him in quickly, get it done early, and finish work early..."

"Sir, I'm afraid he can't go in, or would you still come out?" Gu Zichao's voice was a bit unclear.

Li Yi's eyebrows moved lightly, and his face also showed a playful expression. It seems that at a time it is not clear what medicine is sold in this Gu Zichao gourd, but one thing he is quite sure, that is, Gu Zichao is absolutely It won't hurt you, so I didn't hesitate so much. I made two steps in three steps and walked quickly toward the door, but I was still in doubt in my heart: What the **** is this kid doing!

The door was gently pushed open by Li Yi, and the scene outside the door was clearly displayed in front of Li Yi. Li Yi's doubts were suddenly bright and cheerful. It turned out to be this way, but how could it be like this, Li Yi's eyes turned to Gu Zichao.

Gu Zichao may have been guilty of guilty conscience, and he did not dare to face Li Yi's gaze directly, but he was a little unwilling. He occasionally peeked at Li Yi.

What is there outside the door?

In fact, it's nothing. There are only people outside the door. Besides, the tree is still the tree, the grass is the grass, the sun is the sun.

It's just that this person seems a little too much. Li Yi originally thought that there should be only Gu Zichao and Han Ziming. How could there be so many people, but Li Yi didn't know exactly what was going on, so he looked at it. I will look at Gu Zichao, but unfortunately Gu Zichao is not very clear, so I can only evade Li Yi's gaze with guilty conscience, but Gu Zichao also understands that he can't escape the relationship.

In addition to this, Li Yi has a little surprise that among so many people, not just some ordinary people, but even the patriarch and Ruo Bing girl are here. As for when they came, This Li Yi is unknown.

The reason why there are so many people should be attributed to Han Ziming. After being notified by Gu Zichao, Han Ziming came to Li Yi with enthusiasm, but maybe he was affected by what Gu Zichao said, so it did not start. I came to the courtyard, on the contrary, I stood for a long time outside the gate. In the past, the village of the tribe said that it was not small, but it was not too big. Han Ziming, standing in front of the maker’s courtyard, would naturally know Seen by caring people.

It’s okay to be seen, but the excited Han Ziming couldn’t help himself, so he accidentally told others why he was waiting here, and the news spread the next time. The fifty people who belonged to Li Yi were responsible for the system. It's all concentrated here again.

Li Yi listened to Han Ziming's remarks and said that he could only say silently in his heart: The rumored news is terrible...

As for the arrival of the old patriarch and Ruobing, of course, it was because of the reason Gu Zichao told. Of course, this Li Yi did not know at the time, and thought he was also attracted by gossip.

"Cough cough..." Li Yi coughed, and at the same time brewing what he was going to say next, how to say it, after all, these were different from the situation he envisioned. (To be continued.)

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