"Master Li really can laugh, but this matter still needs your help, so the old man can only force you once, you have to tell you about it, and it's all, one, five, ten. You." said the old patriarch.

"I know it's like this, okay, you say it, I mean, say less of your face, even though I don't know anything yet, it must be an urgent matter. Hurry up." Li Yi put away his mischief.

"Oh, well, let me tell a story first. Ruo Bing and Zi Ming haven't heard this story yet. Let's listen to it together..." The patriarch said slowly.

"We forgot the tribe, which was one of the big tribes at the beginning. Although we survived in the evil waters of the poor mountains, in theory, we should not be like this now, so the reason why the forgotten tribe will decline to the present level is that the magic stone weapon is only The reason on the one hand, and the reason on the other hand are..., the impact of the beast, the three impacts of the beast, each impact of the beast will bring us unimaginable damage, such damage, as the number of times increases Multiplied."

The old patriarch seemed to have no heart to recall, and there was a painful look on his face, but he was helpless, and he would continue to talk about it.

"The first impact of the strange beast was probably about a hundred years after it entered the virgin forest. At that time, the forgotten tribes had many weapons. Therefore, although the strange beasts came fiercely, with the forgotten tribes, they were not afraid of death. The spirit of the spirit has resisted the impact, but the most direct result brought by it, in addition to the casualties on the personnel, and the huge loss of the magic stone weapon, this battle, the only victory of the forgotten tribe, The cost is also quite huge."


If the old patriarch did not say these things, Li Yi really didn't know. He always thought that what could really control the forgotten tribe is the magic stone weapon, which has such things as strange animals. Think about not long ago, if Ruo Bing was alone The vulture of the unique fighting beast, although it is not completely suppressed, but in the end also won without suspense.

But after listening to the elder patriarch's words, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought, and then he thought that he had read the predecessor's notes, and he seemed to have a little eyebrow. At this time, he was attentive and listened carefully to the elder patriarch This period of history.

The old patriarch's voice still continued. Although he couldn't bear to recall the story, he still had to continue.

History will always exist in real life, and it will not change because of your intolerance or daring to touch.

"The second beast impact is about three hundred years away from the first beast impact. This time the Forgotten Horde will not have the strength at the beginning because of the lack of magic stone weapons and the preparation Insufficient, the territory at that time was directly razed to the ground by strange animals. The number of people who forgot the tribe’s deaths and injuries is difficult to calculate. Our family also began the second migration in the history of the family. It took five years to complete the new The place settled down, and the loss of the Forgotten Tribe this time far exceeded that of the first time. The failure of this time directly caused the then patriarch and eight elders to die in battle. The strength of the Forgotten Tribe was once again unable to survive. The redemptive blow."

"And the third impact was three hundred years ago. Because of the previous two experiences, we started preparing very early, but no matter how we prepare, it is difficult to escape the fact that we cannot avoid, that is us. There are so few magic stone weapons, so little that we can't even compete with the monsters. Therefore, we can only choose to migrate again. However, the decision to migrate is only after the confrontation of the monsters. And just that confrontation left us with only a few magic stone weapons that were fatally destroyed again, which directly led to the current situation. At that time, there was also a craftsman in our tribe, However, he failed to help us find the final solution, and the tide of beasts was swift and violent, the clan people were busy retreating according to the planned plan, and for a moment they forgot the craftsman, and later sent someone to find him. At that time, he had died tragically under the beast, and the only thing left was the note. This migration brought us to where we are now. We walked for ten years, and we walked round and round for ten years. With a new foothold."

"After these three shocks, we have forgotten the tribe and the city is as it is now. Thinking about the migration three hundred years ago, we almost couldn’t find a foothold. Now we think about it. Feeling heartbroken." The tone of the old patriarch was very sad, and it seemed that he saw his people fall down one by one in this shock.

"Alas..." After listening to the patriarch Li Yi, he also sighed heavily. This tribe is really disaster-ridden, but who can blame it, if it could be given to the master at that time A little time and a little more support, or such a tragedy can be avoided.

"Have you ever regretted the patriarch at that time?" Li Yi suddenly said such a sentence, but he believed that the old patriarch heard the meaning of this sentence, and he also believed that the patriarch at that time must have seen the one. The notes left by the master of the master.

"Sorry...?" The old patriarch seemed to mumble to himself. After a little silence, I continued to say: "Is regret useful? If it is useful, or we already regret it"

After listening to it, Li Yi also began to be a little silent, yes, is regret useful? What about regret? Things are already like this, things have developed to this point, what can be done later is not regret, but to undertake the current things, and then continue to work hard.

"How did you persevere?" Li Yi was still a little unimaginable. A tribe that has endured so many hardships is still trying to persevere with hope. If other tribes may have given up long ago.

"Persevere? I know this, you look at this sentence, this is a sentence in our ethnography." While speaking, the old patriarch handed the ethnography in his hand to Li Yi.

Li Yi took it over and opened it to the first page, with some old fonts clearly writing a few words: Looking for hope in despair, the future...will be brilliant in the end!

"Looking for hope in despair, the future will be brilliant in the future!" Li Yi repeated it silently in his heart again, it is a sense of emotion, a very simple truth, but how many people can do it? At least the people who have forgotten the tribe have done it, what about themselves? Can it be like this?

"How much time is left?" Li Yi's tone became very serious. Although he asked this word abruptly, he knew that the patriarch must be able to understand it. In fact, at the beginning, Li Yi was a little unwilling. More involved in forgetting about the tribe, but after listening to what the old patriarch said, Li Yi also understood that he could not escape, and pessimistic words, whether he could survive, it is estimated that it is a problem, so Li Yi The tone is very serious.

The elder patriarch heard Li Yi's question and was not surprised. He thought for a moment and seemed to be thinking about something. Then he gritted his teeth and said in general: "One month for fast, three months for slow!"

Li Yi heard the old patriarch's answer and took a deep breath. His right hand habitually touched his nose. Unconsciously, this seems to be the time when Li Yi encounters a new scratching head. A habitual action.

One month, or three months, this time is really too little, even if you don’t know the degree of impact of this beast, but you can clearly understand from the description of others, it is definitely very difficult. .

"Is there any chance of winning?" Although I feel a little idiot asking this question, Li Yi still has such a little hope to give it a try, maybe an unexpected answer may be obtained.

"This...now...basically...not at all." The old patriarch said eloquently. These words came out of his mouth, making him very uncomfortable. He once forgotten the tribe. The fact that it was possible to embark on the fate of extinction in his own hands made him somewhat unacceptable.

"Ah, I thought you could give me a surprise answer, and the result... Continue to say, is there any way, even if it can increase the possibility of our victory." Li Yi listened to the old patriarch's answer, with some regrets Said.

"There are ways, but they may not be effective. In fact, it is not a way. At best, it can be said to be desperate resistance. We need magic stone weapons. It can be said that the more magic stone weapons, the more likely we are to win the final victory. Big." When the old patriarch said this, he looked at Li Yi very anxiously, because he also knew that this was a little difficult for a strongman. In just three months, he wanted people to make so many magic stones. Weapon, even if he is a person who does not understand the weapon, he knows that it is almost impossible. At this time, he is like Li Yi just now, saying that he is expecting a miracle answer from Li Yi.

"Hahaha, so simple, so easy. I said that the patriarch, I knew this was the only way you said. I wouldn’t talk nonsense with you. You thought I was a god. It seems that we don’t have to use our brains, Just wait for death!" Li Yi didn't leave any emotion in her words.

"Master Li, why do you say that? I know that you are not a person who gives up easily. So, this is just the best way to say this to you. The current situation is that every time you make an extra Magic Stone weapon, we have a little more chance."

"However, I still can't make much, even if I don't eat, drink, sleep, pull, or spread, I can only have two magic stone weapons a day, even if it is calculated according to the longest three months, it is only one hundred It’s only eighty, Master Patriarch, do you think this is possible?” Li Yi put away the joke in front and said to the patriarch very seriously.

"Then you cooperate with Zhang Mozi? Can you give him what you have fumbled for?" The old patriarch suggested, but his voice was very soft. It is estimated that he also understood that such a request was simply unreasonable.

Hearing this, Li Yi was naturally upset, and looked at the old patriarch with dissatisfaction. The request of the old patriarch was not only reasonable or not, but also made Li Yi angry. His relationship with Zhang Mo was already in full swing. In general, he even asked himself to give his skills to him.

This is a big joke, Li Yixin directly reached such a conclusion.

The old patriarch dared not look at Li Yi's eyes. When Li Yi looked at himself, he turned to Ruo Bing and Han Ziming. Both Ruo Bing and Han Ziming had been listening to the old patriarch's conversation with Li Yi. As for what the old patriarch said, the two probably knew everything except the time.

"Well, I agree. Anyway, everyone is an online grasshopper. If you struggle, you may be alive or dead. If you don't struggle, you will die." Li Yi said this with a very calm tone.

The old patriarch really didn't expect Li Yi to see the pros and cons so quickly. Originally, he thought that he would put aside his tongue. The evaluation of Li Yi in his heart also rose to a higher level, and he expressed his inner approval.

"However, I don't think there will be any essential change. To be honest, I still really don't understand, why not start migrating now?" Li Yi, who calmed down, began to analyze the problem with her own thinking.

"There are two reasons. One is because we have been stared at. According to the analysis of the predecessors, this side beast impact every three hundred years is completely traceable, and each precursor is targeted by the beast group. , I don’t know if it’s a coincidence; the second is because the strength of our family is not suitable for large-scale migration. We don’t need anything. We can still rely on the structure of the building here, but once we go out, I am afraid It’s hard to say.” The elder patriarch explained in detail, because he seemed to feel that Li Yi began to take it seriously. I don’t know when to start. In his heart, Li Yi felt that Li Yi was a very helpful person.

"Do you mean that the beast is not completely aimed at the forgotten tribe?" Li Yi was puzzled.

"It shouldn't be. The beasts that come each time are different, and it doesn't seem to be just happening in our place."

"Why can't you go outside and seek greater support?" Li Yi continued to ask.

"The mission of the forgotten tribe is to build a barrier, so as long as there is another person in the clan, such a mission will continue."

Li Yi rubbed his face with both hands, and then said: "I want the specific situation of the impact of the beast, maybe, we can find other ways!" Li Yi said this lightly, and his eyes were firm and full of war. Brilliance.

"Such a tribe deserves my madness!" Li Yi said to herself in this way.

The changes in Li Yi's temperament made everyone in the room feel. If at first it was just a spectator's indifferent, but behind it was helpless, but now, it is the general determination to take the initiative to fight.

"Master Li, do you have a better way to resist the impact of the beast?" The patriarch's tone revealed a surprise, and asked Li Yi with great anticipation.

"It's not there yet. What I know now is that we are facing a huge crisis, and this crisis is a battle between life and death." Li Yi did not pretend to be honest, "but, the methods are all What people think, you used to analyze this matter with the thinking of the forgotten tribe, and think of a way. Now I think if I can think about it with the thinking of a master, maybe I can find a better solution." ( To be continued.)

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