Right in front of Rong Xiaobei, there were two people kneeling there, still trembling all over, and they were very frightened.

"So, until now, have you found any clues or relics about the forgotten tribe?" Rong Xiaobei's unique voice sounded, and after saying this, he also took the hand of a voluptuous woman beside him. Here took a glass of wine and swallowed it in one bite.

"Yes, we are constantly searching every day, but the time is really too long apart, and our clues are almost pitiful, so the progress is not very great, but we still have something to gain, it has been set. Three important places are arranging people to dig and search." One of the two kneeling replied.

"Okay, at least there are gains, I'm not embarrassed for you, find me some clues as much as possible, all the people are concentrated in these three places, three days, if there is no gain in three days, it should be executed Execution on the spot, and then retreat." Rong Xiaobei said very casually, and did not take any cautiousness about how his own sentence would determine the life and death of many people.

"Yes!" The man didn't expect Rong Xiaobei to talk so well today, so he replied happily.

"No thanks, because you are also included, there is no result, you have to take them to die together, understand? Haha..." Rong Xiaobei's laughter was somewhat unscrupulous, and the life and death of a person was decided during the talk and laughter , I have to say that his heart is fierce.

Hearing this, the kneeling person's face immediately turned pale, but he didn't feel any refusal or begging for mercy. He followed Rong Xiaobei constantly, and he understood that he could only accept such orders. A little dissatisfied performance, the result is more uncomfortable than death.

"Yes, my subordinates must do their best." The man almost said this with his teeth.

"Yes, do your business, don't let me down." Rong Xiaobei seemed very satisfied with this man's performance.

Watching the man leave, Rong Xiaobei focused his attention on the remaining man again, thinking for a moment and saying, "Tell me about your situation? Cleanly speaking, I don't want to hear a sentence that is inconsistent with the facts. if!"

"Yes, there are more and more people appearing near Guziling recently. It is estimated that there are ten groups of forces, but they all seem to be very cautious and do not dare to explore the situation here too deeply, but I don't know how When will the situation change!" This man is sincere in his words, and it doesn't seem to be fraud.

Rong Xiaobei put the two women beside him in his arms, put his hands into the clothes of the two women and put them directly on his chest. There was a little danger in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes turned, not long. Time, he made up his mind, Zhangkou said: "Full-strike, to fight, three days later it is best to guide the deepest part of Gu Ziling, you don't have to worry about the rest."

"Yes!" The man also knew what he was going to do, so he retreated after receiving the order.

The man had just left, and the two enchanting women exclaimed that it was this blinking kung fu. The clothes on the two people had indeed turned into pieces of shards, and with these pieces of clothes, there was Rong Xiaobei Unbridled laughter.

Three days later, there were no tents where there should have been tents.

Rong Xiaobei held a magic stone weapon in his hand and the two people behind him also carried a stone monument. Now they are located at the edge of the valley where Guziling Valley is located, and at the bottom of the valley, this is fighting.

The man did not disobey his orders, which attracted many people to come here.

Rong Xiaobei gently waved his hand, and then the people around him immediately spread out. After the spread, countless boulders scattered towards the bottom of the valley.

Without any trace of regret, Rong Xiaobei's mouth had a faint smile, and the life at the bottom of the valley seemed to be his best laugh.

Rong Xiaobei's mood is good. It also stems from the stone monument behind him and the magic stone weapon in his hand. The magic stone weapon in his hand, he can't use it, so he has full confidence that this is the magic left by the ancient tribe. The stone weapon, and the stone tablet at the back, are some accounts of the ancient tribe's own affairs.

What made Rong Xiaobei more fancy was a book unearthed with the magic stone weapon in his hand, title: "Change"


I don’t know if it’s in a ravine or a hill in that mountain. There is a little dilapidated hut. In the house, there are only one old, one middle, and two middle-aged people. There is no surprise, but there is a scar on the face, which adds a bit of viciousness.

The old man is none other than Xu Bozhi, the master of Li Yi, and the middle-aged man is Mu Yuxuan who has been secretly helping Li Yi.

"Is it useful to wait like this? Didn't you say there are more important things to do?" Mu Yuxuan asked Xu Bozhi a little puzzled.

"I’m not waiting for him. Now I can only know that he is not dead. I don’t know where he is. The reason why I am here is because of the current situation, we can’t do anything, so I stayed here. Yes, you see, the idyllic scenery and beautiful scenery." Xu Bozhi explained lightly.

"It's nice to be beautiful, but I don't seem to be born like this by nature. Once I'm idle, my whole body is uncomfortable, or you can arrange some tasks for me, as long as you don't let me wait here, everything is good. "" Mu Yuxuan said very helplessly.

"No, didn't I say that, the current form is not suitable for anything, we are only suitable for waiting, as long as you and me are in this place, our people will not have a little change, so this is right Everyone's best guarantee." Xu Bozhi seemed to ignore Mu Yuxuan's helplessness and request at all.

"Then what time do we have to wait? Don't blame me for not reminding you that your old age is not too old!" Mu Yuxuan said with some anger.

"How long, depending on the situation, we are waiting for time to change!" Xu Bozhi's eyes looked into the distance.

"It's always so mysterious, by the way, I want to know what you ask to choose him? You understand who I am talking about!" Mu Yuxuan looked forward to the answer.

"Some things can't tell you yet, but I can only say that all this is an arrangement in the dark, he will definitely be a variable, although I don't know if this variable can survive and grow up safely!"

"Variable? He?"


"But he is just a craftsman!"

"The runoff old man is also a master maker!"


Matilda City.

Without much dispute, Mingde City seems to have regained its former calm. If anything changes, it means that the residential houses near the Ministry of Control have been requisitioned, and the daily training of the five major war departments and the Mingya Department has become more severe. Ordinary people still live a simple life.

The world is theirs and ours, but it is always theirs. This is a word said by the teacher in the book hall, but I don't know how many people can understand it.

In the city's main palace, the usual general meeting began. It was just that I couldn't see Zhu Jian's figure. The last defeat. The blow to Zhu Jian was not only mental, but also physical, seriously injured him. So far, there is no sign of recovery. In addition, this is also a blow to all the war departments of Mingde City, so there will be the aforementioned enhancement.

Because of the reasons why Li Yi and Zhang Ink had escaped, and Qian Guang's strong dissuasion, Zhu Chengzhu canceled his participation in the large-scale fantasy stone mine. Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, Mingde City Some are not flat on the edge of the forest not far away.

But soon after, the place seemed to be quiet again, and Zhu Kun wanted to send more people to scout deeper, but the legendary danger made him dare not act lightly.

Everything is a variable. Before seeing the clear results, he, as the master of Mingde City, did not want to take any wrong steps.

Waiting for time to wait and see, this is the simplest and final decision made by Zhu Kun.

Everything is changing, everything is waiting...

Every day the sun rises should be the beginning of hope, but for some people, it also means the passing of hope.

Some people will certainly include the people of the forgotten tribe. For them, in the past, it was a time when torture and hope coexisted. Such a time is more tortured and hopeful every day. , But every day, I just can see the hope farther away.

Fortunately, they did not give up, the burning flame in their hearts, let them continue to persevere, resolutely persevere, this is a spirit, the spirit engraved in the blood, is the spirit that has been forgotten by the tribe for many years.

And these days, in addition to their perseverance in spirit, they still have hope, or because of the performance of the maker Zhang ink, Zhang ink did not use any means at this time, whole-hearted device Every day, I have to work around ten hours, and people are more kind, but even so, the output of this magic stone weapon still makes everyone feel more optimistic.

However, Zhang Mo's gains are still great, because his performance these days has made more and more villagers believe in him, and has a sense of dependence that is almost worshipped. It seems that Zhang Mo has been there. For the unknown suffering, There will also be hope for victory.

Compared with Zhang Ink, Li Yi’s favor among the villagers has declined because they suddenly discovered that the honorary elders in the clan seem to be evaporating on earth. After that night, they never appeared again, even one. No magic stone weapons were made, so they were a little disappointed, but at the same time, they also had a trace of expectations, because, after the mystery, there might be surprises!

You can’t show up, and you can’t blame Li Yi, because he is not in the tribe at all. Fortunately, in order to appease everyone’s emotions, the patriarch declared that the honorary elder Li Yi did not come out because of the retreat, and once the retreat was successful, then The Forgotten Horde will surely be able to overcome this disaster.

This also makes more ethnic groups full of expectations, pinning their hopes on Li Yi's retreat, especially those who have a liking for Li Yi, but they are working hard like Li Yi when he is out of customs Surprise.

However, at this moment, in Li Yi's room, there was only Gu Zichao's figure.

Gu Zichao is still hard at work on his eyesight skills, and he dare not have a place to stop, and his diligence directly drives the young children. These children have no fun to play tricks on. The learning content is to study seriously.

Gu Zichao’s Yuanli was running little by little in his eyes. Suddenly, he felt a sensation in front of his eyes. The part of his eyes seemed to suddenly generate a suction force, actively guiding his Yuanli forward. Such a result, Gu Zichao did not panic a little, on the contrary more surprises and expectations.

Li Yi has already told Gu Zichao how he would break through to reach the first level of "Tong Shi", so he naturally understood that he was about to reach the first level, and now his mood is really very exciting. If it wasn't for the breakthrough process was not completed, he must yell a few times to vent his excitement and efforts, and finally paid off.

It can be said that Gu Zichao's success is not accidental, but the real thing is to come through diligent and diligent efforts. If calculated, Gu Zichao's accumulation of eye skills and practice time is far longer than Li Yi, so this The hard work was only understood by him.

However, with the current gains, Gu Zichao believes that all these efforts are worthwhile.

In a short time, Gu Zichao felt the suction from his eyes suddenly stopped, and there was a darkness in front of him. It was an indescribable darkness. It was exactly the same as Li Yi described. This black color was the purest he had never seen before. Black.

Gu Zichao closed his eyes gently as he was ordered by Li Yi, adapting to the black. Although he could see nothing now, he was not afraid because he believed Li Yi.


Gu Zichao walked out of the room with confidence, and at the very end, he had already tested his eye skills in accordance with Li Yi's test. This feeling was really good, and it made him drunk, but he still did not stop. He wants to tell the children outside of this news so that everyone can persevere, and he will also give the glasses that Li Yi made for himself to the most serious children in the group.

The children who practiced in the yard saw Gu Zi surpassed and stopped. Generally speaking, Gu Zichao would have something to say every time he came out.

"My eye skills have reached the first level. I am as old as I am and can practice successfully. So, you will be more successful. Don't give up anytime. Be aware that whether it is now or In the future, you will all forget the hope of the tribe!" Gu Zichao came straight to the point and did not want to be wordy, because he thought that to say one more sentence was to waste a little more time.

"Yes!" The following children were very happy to hear Gu Zichao's words. Although it was not common to follow Gu Zichao's time, the succinct nature of speaking was a lot learned.

"Okay, this thing in my hand is called glasses. It was made by my husband specifically for me to practice my eye skills. Now that I don’t use it temporarily, I will first lend this thing to the hardest of you. I want to have You have to work **** this magic device made by Mr. Hand, you must prove it to me. Do you understand?" Gu Zichao's voice was full of encouragement.

"Understood!" The children below started to feel excited. Everyone hoped that this magic weapon would fall into their own hands.

"Little Stone, your performance is very good now. This magic device will be handed over to you first. Be sure to keep it carefully. I will supervise you at any time. Once I find that you are behind, I will take it back and give it to others." Gu Zichao almost Without thinking, I sat down and decided. This little stone is the best among this group of children. (To be continued.)

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