Gu Zichao's words were intermittent, and the first half of the speech was still very good, which made the old patriarch and Li Yi very satisfied, but there were others behind, which made the old patriarch feel a little uncomfortable, of course, only the uncomfortable heart, as for Li Yi, can only be said to be full of helplessness, secretly lamented that Gu Zichao is still too anxious!

In fact, Gu Zichao didn't mean anything else, but when he said this, he was undoubtedly telling everyone that he and Li Yi were on the front line. If he could survive, he wouldn't say anything now, and what would happen later. Things are showing that the attitude will be better, and picking out the attitude now will only let people who are dissatisfied with Li Yi beware of him in advance!

But no matter what, Gu Zichao's words still warmed Li Yi's heart. Some people will only appear when you are brilliant, and some people, no matter what you are, as long as you need him, he will appear and be firm Support you without moving!

"Okay, let’s get back to the topic. I don’t think everyone will object to Gu Zichao taking over Han Ziming. At the same time, the control department needs to be reorganized. I personally act as the deacon of the control department. For a while, I will also trouble the elder patriarch to recommend a fair and selfless person as the third deacon, the distribution of the magic stone weapons produced by the director!" Li Yi did not do anything endlessly, taking advantage of nobody's objection to implement his own arrangements.

The old patriarch nodded, then glanced around the room without thinking too much, "Chen Zipin, you come to serve as the third deacon, the specific responsible things and what to do for Elder Li, remember, must, Be fair and selfless!"

"Yes!" A man of about 50 years old immediately answered the old patriarch, and at the same time paid a salute in the direction of Li Yi. Zhen Zhen said eloquently: "I have seen Elder Li. What's the matter, please ask me later, I will definitely remember things that are fair and selfless and do not meet the rules, and I will never be fooled!"

"Good!" Li Yi said with a smile. Looking at the middle-aged man with a little grace in his eyes, he felt another emotion in his heart. I am afraid this person will not become his own help, but will become his own resistance, but also No way, although I don't know much about the forgotten tribe, Li Yi, who has seen the family history, still knows a little.

The forgotten tribe has six surnames. The reason why it became the six surnames is because these six surnames have the most ethnic groups. Li Yi's memory has always been very good. This Chen surname must be one of the six surnames, and it is the top The kind of forgetting tribe is a tribe, but there will certainly be competition within it. Sometimes the patriarch must balance internal groups.

"Surname Chen, huh, it seems that it may be the representative of the opposition forces!" Li Yi thought, thinking like this!

"Fifty apprentices from the outside, who were brought by Gu Zichao, will later go to the head of the control department. In addition, they will choose one hundred carvings or those who have talents to enter the control department. Gu Zichao directly led and selected 200 people to enter the material division of the machine department, responsible for the material preparation, specifically led by Zhang ink! As for the distribution of the magic stone weapon, it was called the finished product department, and the third deacon selected its own personnel according to the situation! Three, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The three people answered Li Yi one after another. Zhang Mo was unexpectedly quiet, and had no opinion on Li Yi's arrangement!

"Well, I will continue... I will only say a rough outline for the following arrangement. The patriarch will take care of the specifics. After all, I am not very familiar with the people who have forgotten the tribe, and I don't know what you are good at!" Li Yi This sentence is for the patriarch, but also for everyone.

I have to say that Li Yi's decision is quite wise. In this way, one will reduce his own resistance, and the other is to choose specific personnel and avoid the situation that everyone thinks is unfair!

The old patriarch seemed to understand Li Yi’s thoughts. He also knew that it was impossible for Li Yi to control the situation completely. Let’s not say whether he allowed it or not. Even these people in the clan could not agree. The accumulated conflicts will explode sooner or later. of!

The old patriarch who understood Li Yi's thoughts did not say much, and nodded gently to express his approval of what Li Yi said!

Seeing the old patriarch's response, Li Yi began to continue his layout.

"After reading the records of the Forgotten Tribe, I found a big problem, that is why we are often passive when facing strange beasts. In addition to the magic stone weapon being a big reason, there is also a very important reason. That is, we can't establish an effective position to resist the impact of foreign animals! Summing up the previous three experiences, the impact of foreign animals is the most violent in the first half of the month. During this half month, there will be at least one racial difference every day. Beasts or beasts attack us, and at this time, they will destroy all creatures that are blocking their way!"

"Elder Li, we all know that since you said that time is tight, you should still focus on time and focus on it, or just tell us how to do it. Anyway, we all have to listen to you now, what you say is what!" There is a needle in Chen Zipin's words. This is a tease, but it's not an exaggeration!

"Come on, Chen Zipin, please pay attention to your tone of speech!" Before waiting for Li Yi to say anything, the old patriarch took the lead to speak, not only solving Li Yi's embarrassment, but also showing his support for Li Yi!

"Brother Chen is right, that's good, I'll tell a short story!" Li Yi smiled, and didn't seem to mind Chen Zipin's collision and dissatisfaction at all, and his always approachable attitude, so that no one could pick out the fault!

"Please ask the patriarch to appoint people after a break to build a super-large trench. As for the location, I will look at the map of the village with you and the person in charge of the war department after a while. I suggest that a separate responsible person should also be established. Department, in this way, it is more convenient for everyone to communicate effectively!"

As soon as Li Yi's words fell, the following people began to discuss. Although the voice is not very loud, it is still very obvious!

"Elder Li, I don’t know what to do to repair this ditch? Wouldn’t you like to use this to block the attack of the strange beast? If so, I advise you to give up this idea, because it is impossible at all, don’t try! "This time, it was one of the two people who sent Li Yi to the station!

"Of course not, I'm not stupid enough to think that a trench can block the beast. The trench is built for ourselves, and the purpose is to keep our people inside!" Li Yi still smiled Answer!

"Wow, this is simply shitless, Elder Li, are you afraid that people who have forgotten the tribe are not dying fast enough? Hidden in the trenches, how can we guarantee to hide for half a month? Besides, don't say what you use The method of burrowing, since you have understood the history of the forgotten tribe, you should understand that this is not feasible!" The person who spoke was angry, and seemed to be irritated by Li Yi's statement!

The old patriarch didn't stop it. It seemed that he wanted to see what Li Yi said. After all, if Li Yi thought that way, it would be ridiculous!

"You're too aggressive..." Li Yi maintained a good attitude, but the brow corners jumped inadvertently. Han Ziming saw this performance and knew that Li Yi was definitely going to fight back.

"I didn't say that I wanted to hide people in the trenches. I always thought that the people or forces who would use this method must be a group of stupid people, but you didn't say that I really don't know. This method has actually been used in the history of the forgotten tribe. Oh, I really don’t know what to say!"

Li Yi seems to be explaining his own words, but in fact ridicules the people of the forgotten tribe present. In the face of successive provocations, Li Yi's kindness seems to be almost worn away.

Everyone present, except Zhang Ink's accident, everyone seemed to have a little blushing feeling. Everyone didn't expect that Li Yi's mouth would be so sharp once he showed no mercy!

"Elder Li, you still have to explain it in detail. Otherwise, everyone will have questions!" The old patriarch can always take the right timing to speak, and is worthy of being in a high position for many years!

"Master Patriarch, if I say I don't want too much explanation, is it okay? Because I really don't know, I can understand a few people who understand it, I don't want to do vain things, you know!" Li Yi's tone Can't hear half of the emotion!

"Oh, Elder Li, don't laugh, don't you understand so that everyone can learn!" The elder patriarch continued to euphemistically suggest.

"An explanation is okay, but before explaining, I must emphasize one thing, that is, from now on, any one of you present, apart from the patriarch, no one has the full power of opposition, you want All you have to do is obey the orders, do your duties, do you understand?" Li Yi's voice began to stern, and he felt quite like a tiger!

No one spoke below, and no one wanted to be a bird!

"If no one speaks, I assume that everyone is the default. Thank you for your cooperation!" Li Yi's voice softened again. However, Li Yi's heart was very helpless. He once again remembered the first participation in the forgotten tribe. In a profound sense, when it is special, absolute authority is necessary, and consulting to discuss will only make a big mistake!

Li Yi’s strength suddenly made the atmosphere in the room a little dignified, because almost no one thought that Li Yi would suddenly show his power. More importantly, Li Yi’s power was aimed at almost everyone and all the forgetfulness in the room. Tribal people.

According to the ideas of ordinary people, Li Yi should take the initiative to cultivate a little of his own connections at this time. Even if he is showing power, he should draw a part and criticize a part, instead of overthrowing his opposite.

In fact, Li Yi did not consider so much. He just answered all such questions for everyone, and he was very dissatisfied with the decision system that made some decisions and everyone had to discuss it, not to mention the beginning. He doesn’t want to explain in detail, but the people here are not allowed to explain!

However, Li Yi did not take these into consideration. After complaining, he should continue to do what he should do!

"The trench must be built. As for the purpose, you will know it by then!" Regarding the construction of the trench, Li Yi didn't seem to want to make any concessions and insisted on the decision he made at the beginning!

No one spoke below. Obviously, they didn’t want to fall out with Li Yi on this issue. Besides, wasn’t it just a gully? The people who forgot the tribe were not unable to repair, or couldn’t afford to repair, not necessary. Just care about.

"In addition, we have to build an underground city! At least enough to accommodate the seven-year-old underground city of the forgotten tribe!" Li Yi saw that the previous decision was meaningless, and released the heavy weight again, without waiting for everyone to respond, continued. "Patriarch, we have to send the most people to do this. Whether we can succeed in the end depends on whether we can rush to repair the dungeon before the arrival of the beast! This matter is very important!"

"Wait a minute, Elder Li, this thing... isn't it? Even if we built it, but we can't hide in it all the time, and this doesn't seem feasible, right? The nose of the strange beast, but very sensitive, once It was found that the people hiding underneath were really almost nothing!" This time the old patriarch spoke. It is clear that the old patriarch understood Li Yi's meaning, but did not agree with Li Yi's idea!

"Patriarch, this city is not completely underground, but a combination. I don't understand it. You have to look at this thing first." For the question of the old patriarch, Li Yi couldn't leave it unanswered. At the same time, the box that accompanied him around the beast circle appeared in front of everyone!

In the room, everyone except Ruo Bing and Han Ziming looked at Li Yi with a puzzled face. I didn't know what Li Yi would do when he suddenly took out a box!

Li Yi placed the box in the middle of the table and just covered the tea set on it!

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, still don't know what to do!

"Zi Chao, open the window and let the sunshine outside!" Li Yi seems to have forgotten that Gu Zichao is already a person of identity, as he always commanded!

"Yes, sir!" Gu Zichao was not neglected a little because of his identity change!

Although everyone did not know what happened, but no one was so stupid as to interrupt Li Yi’s progress at this time. Look down quietly. Since it is shown to everyone, then the answer will come out by yourself!

The window was opened, and the sunlight came in obliquely, shining on the strange box. Under the sunlight, dust was jumping!

Before long, many people saw a scene that they would never forget in this life. The box disappeared in front of everyone so quietly and without any trace!

"This is simply a miracle. In addition to such description, I really don't know how to describe such a scene." This is a person who was present to sigh to his grandson when telling a story!

For the first time, the invisible box shows its magic in front of many people!


The Forgotten Tribe is lively again. This time is different from the previous one, but it is full of liveliness. Almost everyone has been launched, and everyone has a task to complete.

Ruo Bing and Han Ziming took the war department and focused on two aspects of training. One was to throw a wooden knife with a simulated method, and the other was to fire a wooden crossbow. The trained person did not know why [海棠书屋www] This is the case, but these two people are not as willing to explain as Li Yi. They told everyone straightforwardly, if they did not obey the order, they would immediately send to the construction department to build a house! (To be continued.)

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