"Old Han, don't you think it's a good choice to use these guys to deal with Miluo ants!" Li Yi's voice is indeed a little crazy.

"What do you mean?" Li Yi said so, and Han Ziming probably understood Li Yi's meaning, but he still didn't believe it. Because of such a plan, he had to say that he was a little whimsical. This kind of performance, if you are not careful, you will catch fire!

That’s right, Li Yi’s plan is to get rid of these very difficult guys, and want to use these guys to deal with Miluo ants, this idea has to be said to be very bold, because a little carelessness, whether the plan can make a difference Secondly, more importantly, it is possible to let him be buried here!

However, after the comprehensive pros and cons, Li Yi still chose to overcome these so-called things, and still decided to take risks, and after the decision, it was implemented very resolutely and would not be shaken at all.

This is Li Yi. The things that have been identified will not change easily. It seems a bit silly, but sometimes it seems so precious!

Realizing that Han Ziming had grasped his meaning, Li Yi no longer delayed the time, a clear count came from his mouth, and at the same time, the magic stone knife in his hand also began to shine. This means that Li Yi has begun to accumulate strength!

"Perhaps, I can't have a gorgeous blow like Master's, but I must use my best effort!" Li Yi has a firm belief in his heart.

"Three, two, ..." Every number was bitten heavily, and Li Yi's body began to shake a little bit. Such a full-powered blow, Li Yi never tried!

"One!" Li Yi shouted out this sentence at the same time, at the same time, his hands clasped the handle of the magic stone knife, swept forward vigorously, and at the same time blurted out: Rain kills!

I saw Li Yi as the center, a fan-shaped sword full of countless light, like a drizzle, and the sword gas immediately spread out. If you look carefully at each raindrop, it seems that you have seen Gu Gu's eyes. In the middle, full of fierceness and anger, unwilling to helpless, stormed towards the stinging beast like a cloud!

The reason for this change is all due to Li Yi's Gu Diao's eyes placed in the "Rain Kill" array. The last time Li Yi used this trick, he did not fully activate the rain kill array. The eyes of Gudiao were out of sight, but this time was different. After accumulating Li Yi, the eyes of Gudiao and the rain-killing formation joined together, so they issued such a violent blow.

Li Yi, who made this move, did not go to see what the consequences were, turned around immediately, and ran towards the withdrawal direction of the War Department without looking back!

It was at this time that Han Ziming's attack also arrived just right, just behind the rain killing array. Han Ziming chose a very simple and unpretentious trick, without any trace of fancy, relying on the forgotten tribe's natural birth. Fighting ability!

The sting beast expected that Li Yi would act, but he was not in a hurry. In his thoughts, it was possible to better determine what Li Yi was in his hand, and why there was a feeling that Gu Diao was there, but, When Li Yi's move came out, it was more horrified.

Horrified because of fear!

How can it not understand why suddenly it seems to have seen the eyes of thousands of Gudiao, and more importantly, if it really feels like Gudiao at the beginning, but now, it is totally Gudiao exists. However, there is still a trace of doubt in its heart, so it directly faces the eyes of Gu Gudiao in the sky.

I have never seen Gu Gu appear in groups, there must be fraud! The leader of this group of sting beasts is about to become refined.

But the sting beast behind him had no such thinking ability. Seeing this sudden attack, coupled with the natural fear, immediately made them cluttered and crowded back!

The leader of the sting beast, at this last time, suddenly turned around, biting one of his own kind, and with a light effort, he threw his kind to the front!

With a scream, he was thrown out by his leader unpreparedly, and when he came into contact with the sword-like spirit of the sky full of gudiao eyes, the abandoned sting beast could only make a scream, and then The whole body seems to be exploding, and there are constantly places that are cut by Jian Qi, and then, green blood flows out!

The sword energy of the rain-killing array was originally poisonous, but for these sting beasts, that bit of poison is negligible.

Even so, this sting beast did not escape the end of death, it was too prepared to pass by too much sword gas.

However, the leader of the sting beast was keenly aware of one of them, with a bow, rising from the sky, flooding the whole body, and rushing towards the remaining sword!

The sword spirit of the rain killing array has no way for the well-prepared leader of the sting beast. It only fell on it, but it didn't hurt a little!

However, Li Yi was far from planning to rely on the rain to kill the stinging beast because he still had a back stroke, that is Han Ziming.

Suddenly, a bitter cry came from the rain killing sword gas!

In his opinion, Li Yi’s speed should not be slow, but Li Yi also knows that the slowness mentioned here can only be regarded as an ordinary comparison, like Ruo Bing and Han Ziming. Comparing people, it is estimated that your own speed can only be regarded as gone!

It is for this reason that Li Yi did not wait for Han Ziming and left alone, because he was quite sure that Han Ziming would soon catch up.

"Li Yi, your speed is too slow, I have not accelerated yet, I have already caught up with you!" While Li Yi was thinking about these things, Han Ziming's voice sounded right in Li Yi's ear. in.

"Don't talk nonsense, old Han, hurry up, take me quickly, this is not a place to celebrate!" Knowing that his speed is not good, Li Yi did not die to face the crime, and directly asked Han Ziming for help.

"I know!" Han Ziming already came to Li Yi's side during his speech. He couldn't help saying, grabbed Li Yi's arm, and then continued to move forward quickly.

"I said Li Yi, there is one thing I must give you some suggestions!" With Li Yi walking for a while, Han Ziming said.

"What is it?" Because of Han Ziming's help, Li Yi felt pretty good.

"You are too heavy, and you are almost a pig. If you are lucky enough to survive this time, if you go back, hum, you know..." Han Ziming actually chose to make a joke with Li Yi at such a time. Let Li Yi have no expectations!

"Lao Han, after I look back, you don’t need to take the war department anymore. When I came out, I heard from the patriarch that the building department now lacks a particularly hard-working and strong man. I feel you are suitable. Go back and recommend you. Hey, don't let me down, I'm optimistic about you!" Say ha, Li Yi's expression is very serious!

"Master Li, Elder Li, I'm wrong. How can your old man sink, huh, you adults don't care about villains..."

In fact, both of them knew that each other would not be separated because of this kind of joke, and that such a harmless and elegant joke during the escape was also because they wanted to ease the tension. Just now the two faced more than 100 stings. Beast, if you are not nervous at all, it is a lie.

Moreover, even at this time, the two of them knew that they must not be out of danger, especially Li Yi. According to his plan, he didn’t want to get out of danger, but had to work around the group of sting beasts step by step. Guide the Miluo ants!

The leader of the sting beast fell heavily on the ground. On his body, an unfathomable wound was leaving green blood outside. The blood was dripping on the plant on the ground, and the plant in between was visible to the naked eye. The speed of seeing is withering.

It was angry because the person just hurt it, which made it a little irrational. The green eyes seemed to be able to blaze flames. For its wounds, it just looked down and then roared!

With this roar, the stupid beasts that had previously been cluttered were immediately quiet, all looking at their leader not far away.

The injured sting beetle's eyes looked in the direction of Li Yi's escape. Although this time has long disappeared, for the sting beetle, the smell left in the air can be the best way to lead.

Turning around and screaming, more than 100 sting beasts rushed out and chased in the direction of Li Yi's escape.

In fact, Li Yi’s rain killing was not enough to hurt the sting beast. What caused the sting beast was Han Ziming’s unpretentious blow, and what made the sting beast angry was that it didn’t count its prey. By the way, in the past, he had calculated the others by himself, plus he already estimated that Li Yi’s strength was not strong, so he chose to catch up and avenge himself!

Li Yi and Han Ziming have been on the road for some time. They are not very clear about the latter situation, but they are somewhat clear about the previous situation. Although Han Ziming is taking Li Yi with him, his speed is still too fast. The troops, so at this time, we can already see the figure of the big troops.

Of course, looking back, looking back, as the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse. Although Han Ziming is not killed here, Han Ziming still needs a little time if he wants to catch up with the big army in front.

Li Yi, who was relaxed, didn't worry about the situation ahead. What made him more worried was the sting beast behind him. According to the truth, it should be a good ending if the sting beast did not catch up, because after all, this group of guys are not good Annoyance, but if you really don't catch up, Li Yi will continue to execute according to the original plan, and the original plan is so variable that he himself is a little worried about whether it can be executed.

But Li Yi also understands another reason. If the sting beast is catching up at this time, then I am afraid that this group of people will die more and less.

According to Li Yi's ideal state, it is best to hang the sting beast behind him.

So Li Yi, who is very relaxed and relaxed, began to use her eyesight to observe the situation behind her!

About another hour later, Han Ziming finally merged with the big army. At this time, he will not be asking for faster speed, because he does not want to keep his brothers behind, this group of people, continue to use They rushed forward with full speed.

Li Yi was a little disappointed in his heart. Although the place where he could see it was not very far because of the trees, it seemed that there was no trace of the stinging beast!

Because it was too urgent at first, Li Yi doesn’t know whether the sting beast will catch up, and his heart is extremely contradictory. I don’t know if he wants this group of guys to catch up or not. The guy catches up.

People, sometimes unavoidable, because many people are not very clear what kind of results they would like to see!

"You don't need to slow down. We have been on the road for less than six hours in a row. More importantly, our speed has been moving at full speed. Continue, the soldiers may be overwhelmed!" Han Ziming looked at it. Far away, this time, it was already midnight.

"Alright! Take a break and let everyone eat some dry food for half an hour, and then continue to hurry!" Li Yi replied.

"Half an hour? Too few? Li Yi, tired..." Han Ziming seemed to feel something wrong with this!

"It's the night now, according to what you said, the night is the best time for the sting beast to rush off, so if we take a long break here, I'm afraid..." Li Yi expressed his concern.

"Maybe the sting beast has already given up?" Han Ziming felt a little distressed to his warrior!

"But I can't put everyone's life on maybe! It's settled like this. It's better to be a little bit tired and better than to die!" Li Yi is very determined. I don't know why, he always has a feeling of uneasiness, Let him have some uneasiness!

Han Ziming was a little bit speechless by Li Yi. From the heart, he distressed his warrior is not false, but he also understands that Li Yi is not bad, even if he is, he knows the sting beast Not a lot, so I really can’t judge if these guys will catch up!

"Let's take a break, the tentative time is half an hour, eat and rest, cherish the time, I will send the whistle!" Han Ziming also gave orders and was the first to take the initiative to ask for the whistle. In fact, he was also very tired, but he was more willing to take a break Let the soldiers.

Li Yi didn't take a rest either. He used his eyesight technique to observe the situation behind him. On this way, he didn't relax a little, nor did he dare to relax a little.

Half an hour was fast, everything was calm, and there was no imaginary danger. Everyone had a little rest. Han Ziming then asked Li Yi again for half an hour. Li Yi was firmly opposed, but seeing everyone He didn’t know what to say at the moment.

In any case, the rest can continue, which can make everyone better relieve fatigue, because fatigue in the virgin forest is very dangerous.

Time is passing by a little bit, the sting beasts are now tirelessly rushing their way, especially after entering the night, their speed is extremely slow for a while in the afternoon, but the speed starts again at night Has rapidly increased.

The virgin forest at night is not quiet at all. There are various voices everywhere. No one here can predict whether it will be dangerous in the next moment, and what kind of danger it will be.

Suddenly, it was quiet here. Something was abnormally quiet. It seemed that all the vocal masters were stuck in their necks at the same time. They stopped all at once. (To be continued.)

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