Xi Zibin and his two brothers on the same front, although there is no communication between the three people, but they have roughly understood each other's ideas. Xi Zibin carefully examined the so-called secret letters on both sides, and the patriarch's seal also distinguished at one point. It’s true or false.

What should I do? Xi Zibin's growing distress, others may not care about anything, but for him, the identity of the elder determines that he must be careful about such things.

Xi Zibin seemed to glance casually in the direction of Shen Yiyang.

If Ruo Bing, Han Ziming, Shen Yiyang, Gu Zichao and the executor of the slaying order, the most important person in the entire forgotten tribe seems to be here. The Special War Department can also be said to be the painstaking effort of the patriarch. Putting it in the special warfare department is enough to show that the patriarch values ​​these people. Moreover, Li Yi is here. The patriarch has hinted more than once that Li Yi is an important person who has forgotten the tribe.

In this way, the old patriarch seems to have no reason to pass the position of patriarch to Chen Zipin, then...

Over the years, the patriarch has been a spokesperson for the wisdom of the clan, so the patriarch’s decision will not be wrong, not to mention such an important matter, how could the old patriarch carelessly consider it.

Considering these, Xi Zibin has already made a decision in his heart. Shen Yiyang is the successor. This should not be wrong. Then, Chen Zipin does this, which is a big sin, but, in other words, why Zhang ink will also What about Chen Zipin?

Do you want to watch the Forgotten Tribe split? Although Xi Zibin made the decision, he was still very worried.

Xi Zibin, who made the decision, did not think too much. He also understood that the longer the time, the more disadvantageous it was for the forgotten tribe, so he immediately walked to Li Yi’s side and said, “I believe this decision, Shen Yiyang is The patriarch's grandson, the patriarch had no reason to pass on this position to others. I originally thought it would be passed to Ruo Bing. Perhaps the patriarch had other considerations, so he made such a decision. Shen Yiyang inherited it and was assisted by Ruo Bing !"

When Xi Zibin expressed his position, it seemed that Shen Yiyang had taken the absolute advantage on the scene, while Chen Zipin was in an awkward position.

On the other side, the little guy Shen Yiyang wiped away his tears, and then looked like an adult: "Uncle Chen tried to usurp the position of patriarch. According to the rules of the family, he should be deprived of the position of elder. How to deal with it is decided by Aunt Ruo Bing. !" The little guy seems to have been infected a lot, so the words are decent.

"Aunt Ruo Bing?" Li Yi moved when he heard the word again. In this way, the identity of Ruo Bing is not so simple.

"Little fellow, I started to send the patriarch's orders before things were clear, hum..." Chen Zipin reached this point, there was no escape, so he was ruthless and wanted to break into it, and the big deal was the death of the net, and, she Do you have the patience to see everyone forget the end of the tribe?

"Shen Yiyang is too young to fit the position of patriarch. I request to replace the position of patriarch. If everyone disagrees, then I have to take my people..." Chen Zipin showed his true face, his ambition, at this time Thoroughly exposed.

"Dare you!" Han Ziming first looked away and yelled loudly.

Chen Zipin gave Han Ziming a fierce glance, and then used contempt instead of saying: "What are you, dare to talk to me like that, I dare, do you dare to see me!"

Chen Zipin's words just fell, and the innermost person on the edge of the stone platform suddenly showed weapons. Everyone is a formal magic stone weapon. These weapons are also Zhang Molian's night Built, of course, this also has Gu Zichao credit.

Under the turbulent situation, Chen Zipin decided to use force to solve the problem, and he has full confidence. Although Bingbing is powerful, but... who is more powerful, how can I know how it is.

Li Yi watched the situation turned into the present situation, already knew that there was no way to stay out of the situation, but he never expected that it would become the point where the soldiers met each other. Seeing the other party's posture, obviously it was already prepared, and the other way around Looking at myself, all of them were dragging our tired bodies, and there was no one here in the War Department.

But if you think about it, what if you are here? Can you let those who forget the tribe kill each other? In that case, wouldn’t all previous efforts be in vain.

Moreover, will Shen Yiyang do that? This little kid, Li Yi, has also learned a lot. Although the kid is not old, he certainly will not let his own people kill each other. Everyone on his side will not leave, then It seems that he can only give up the position of the patriarch.

At this time, there is no way for myself. The elder patriarch, you are countless, beware of me for so long, I am afraid that you will never think that your people will betray you, although the scene is very bad, but Li Yi's heart is Still calm like water!

Shen Yiyang looked at the distraught Chen Zipin, looked at his sword, and he couldn't tell what it was like, but, as Li Yi said, he was young, but he was very sensible, Naturally, he would not endure civil strife in the family.

"If I... give you the position, will you turn over all this, and will the people who lead the whole family fight against the beasts?" Shen Yiyang asked with a tender voice.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Chen Zipin replied, straightforward.


"Wait a minute..." Dr. Li stood up again at this time, preventing Shen Yiyang from looking, and then looked at the direction of Chen Zipin, not far away, and said, "The patriarch Lord once asked me to ask who dares to kill this traitor. ?"

Chen Zipin looked back, all of them, and then smiled contemptuously.

However, at this moment, a knife suddenly appeared and appeared like lightning, brushing Chen Zipin's neck, Chen Zipin could not think of it, he would actually draw a full stop to life in such a way.

This huge change with absolute reversal shocked everyone. No one thought that it would look like this. Chen Zipin’s Yuan Gong was also not to be underestimated, even Ruobing might not be able to kill with one blow, but, The fact is this, Chen Zipin is so simple and easy to be killed by a blow.

It took a while for everyone to pay attention to the person who shot, the unexpected shot, the unexpected ending, it is difficult to imagine that all of this was completed under an unexpected.

The man who killed Chen Zipin by this time had already taken the opportunity to walk in front of Shen Yiyang, then knelt on one knee, looked at Shen Yiyang's eyes and said seriously: "The subordinate Wei Zilong, following the arrangement of the old patriarch, has been observing Chen Zipin's work in secret. As a result, I was offended just now, please forgive me!

That's right, it was Chen Zipin who thought he was the one who killed him, Wei Zilong, who was already thought to be bought by Zhang Mo. It must be said that the old patriarch's game was too early, and it was too early to exceed everyone's Imagine.

In Li Yi's heart, he once again looked at the old patriarch. It seems that the old patriarch can do so for many years in the position of the forgotten tribal patriarch. It is not that there is no reason. It is worthy of being the representative of the forgotten tribal commander. None of this Escape from the arrangement made by him has to be admirable.

However, Li Yi also had an idea in his mind, that is, Gu Zichao, whether Gu Zichao was true or not, and the shrewd person like Zhang Ink was not deceived by Wei Zilong. If all this was arranged by the patriarch, then Gu Zichao ..., thinking of this, Li Yi glanced at Gu Zichao.

Gu Zichao apparently did not pay attention to these things, still in shock, Li Yi shook his head, as if to throw away his unrealistic ideas.

Wei Zilong's killing in the air can be said to directly disintegrate the forces of Chen Zipin's side. Even his boss is dead, what can he struggle with, although Zhang Mo is also regarded as the number one character, but there is no one who can call the forgotten tribe. The point where people and their patriarchs are right.

Therefore, a civil strife ended with the death of the initiator.

Zhang Mozhen said eloquently that he was being coerced. Anyway, this kind of thing is dead and unproven. Moreover, the Forgotten Tribe confirmed at this time that Zhang Mo believed that he would not be easily given up. More importantly, Zhang Mo also raised The old patriarch's words came to overwhelm everyone. In a word, you can’t touch me!

The little guy Shen Yiyang saw the sudden change of things, and he also didn't believe it, but the fact was clearly placed in front of him, but he couldn't believe it. Although he had been very strong just now, but this time he showed his child's side. , Asked softly, "Aunt Ruo Bing, sir, what should I do next?"

What should I do? There was a bitter smile in Li Yi's heart. At this time, he should not be able to speak. Why did he ask himself, would the old patriarch arrange for someone to count himself? The more you think like this, the more cautious Li Yi's heart is.

"I don't have any opinions, I listen to the instructions of the patriarch!" Li Yi concealed all the thoughts in his heart and answered them in a very official style.

Ruo Bing listened to Li Yi’s answer, because he had been working with Li Yi and seemed to understand the reason for Li Yi’s caution, so he said, “Don’t think about it, first, Gu Zichao is not such a person, second, The patriarch asked the future patriarch to recognize you as a sir. Don’t you understand what the patriarch meant? Don’t think the patriarch doesn’t know what the sir meant..."

Li Yi looked at Ruo Bing, but he understood a lot in his heart. The old patriarch was giving himself a reassuring pill!

A farce within the clan ended with the result of such a peak circulation. The most important person in this group must be inseparable from two people, one of them is Dr. Li and the other is Wei Zilong.

Wei Zilong is indeed a secret hand buried by the old patriarch early. This secret hand is aimed not only at Zhang Ink, but also Li Yi, but that Li Yi is Wei Zichao. The two brothers were actually nurtured by the patriarch Growing up, for special reasons, few people know these things.

Among the two brothers, Wei Zilong can be said to be a super-powerful acting school. There was even a period of time when even the old patriarch doubted whether it was really countered by Zhang Mo, but it was precisely such a performance that successfully deceived all People, including Zhang Ink and Chen Zipin, also include Li Yi and Ruo Bing.

In fact, the old patriarch is still guarded against this. If Wei Zilong does not take action, there will still be someone to take action. The old patriarch has been operating in the forgotten tribe for so many years. Its strength in the dark is unimaginable by Chen Zipin. If the patriarch wanted to stop this, it could be said that he was completely able to do it, but the reason why he let these things happen was that he wanted Chen Zipin to jump out, so that he could just remove this person and want to pass his position to his own. Grandchildren naturally want to remove those who can threaten their grandchildren the most.

Political positions and struggles can never be understood or understood by such people. The arrangement of the old patriarch is step by step. Later, it was speculated that some of Li Yi's deep thoughts about this old patriarch could only give thumbs up.

The other secret hand is Dr. Li. The elder patriarch gave his letter to Dr. Li when he seemed to be talking to himself that day. The rest of the time, when the elder patriarch realized he was going to die soon , And has communicated with Dr. Li, so all this is within the expectation of the old patriarch.

Chen Zipin is dead, Zhang Ink burst of sophistry. Although the general situation has been settled, what should the remaining people do? This problem still needs to be resolved, and it must be resolved carefully.

Li Yi originally did not want to stay here, because no matter how to deal with it, he should not say anything. Although he has already figured out that the small patriarch is a talisman given by the old patriarch, he can’t pass it any time. If everything wants to close, then, in the end, it may not be a good ending.

In fact, Li Yi has long been aware of the abnormality of the old patriarch's body, but he did not expect it to be so serious so early. He originally planned to put his right to command the special war department back when the patriarch was in poor health. The patriarch should not be able to move himself. This was the self-protection method Li Yi originally envisioned, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

"Where is the guardian of the patriarch?" Dr. Li saw that the small patriarch was uncertain about how to deal with the remaining people. However, Li Yi turned a blind eye to Li Yi, but Ruo Bing suddenly left at this time. I left without leaving, so, what should I do? There was really no one to help this little patriarch decide, so Dr. Li thought of the patriarch's guardian.

At this time, maybe this person who has been guarding the patriarch's side will have a way.

Soon after the sound fell, there was a person outside the crowd who was so tightly wrapped that he flew straight onto the stone platform.

"I've seen the patriarch!" The patriarch's guardian first bowed down to the small patriarch. The voice was obviously deliberately processed, so I couldn't hear the age.

"You... please get up, I don't know if Grandpa has any words for me?" The little guy obviously cares more about this issue.

"The old patriarch has three sentences for you, I hope you must follow this!" The man answered clearly.

"Oh? Then you talk about it!" said the little man anxiously.

Li Yi heard this person saying that the elder patriarch had something to explain. He also got up and listened carefully. In fact, not only Li Yi, but almost everyone who heard it was very concerned about what else the elder patriarch had ordered.

"The first sentence: the leader is dead, the follower can be spared, and the elders can use this as a counterpoint." The man said the first sentence clearly. (To be continued.)

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