Therefore, Li Yi had to be nervous about whether the trench could play its due role. Once it was successfully played, then at least tonight, these monsters will suffer a big loss!

Since you dare to attack, you should pay a price.

In the blink of an eye, the monster who rushed to the forefront of the monster group has come to the ditch. Unguarded, they stepped on without any preparation, and waiting for these fallen monsters, yes The sharp barbs and the trenches with a depth of more than ten meters successfully played the role of the terminator of the beast. At this moment, the screaming sounded over the land.

Li Yi shook his fist fiercely and couldn't help but feel the blood boiling for the scene in front of him, and the members of the special war department who could clearly see this scene almost couldn't help but cheer together, this was created by the Forgotten Tribe Defensive line, how can they be upset when they see this line of defense working?

However, the trench did not stop the progress of the heterogeneous group. Soon enough, the first trench was filled with the body of the foreign animal that fell, and the subsequent monsters continued their own Pace, rushing forward with the helpless body of the strange beast.

The beast in the trench is miserable. The beast that was originally only slightly injured, after such a toss, is also dying.

Seeing that the speed of the different beasts did not decrease much, Li Yi was not in a hurry. As long as the trenches could exert their effects, he was not afraid that the speed of these different beasts would not be reduced.

Crazy killings spread out in a trench, and the beast that rushed to the front always couldn't avoid the destiny of stepping stones behind the beast, but these beasts did not know where the madness came from. The **** death did not make them regress.

The second, third, fourth...

The eighth, ninth, tenth...

Finally, before the arrival of the eleventh trench, these shocking beasts stopped their own pace, toward Li Yi, not far away, provocative howling, crazy wild, they are also full of heart Not reconciled, but there are really some painful lessons ten times that make them dare not move forward easily.

Quiet night, no wind.

The **** smell that is getting thicker and thicker in the air can't be dissipated, like a heavy stone pressing on the heart of each special warrior soldier. The ferocious beasts also shocked them a lot, but also aroused them The most primitive fighting spirit in the heart, if you cannot win, then your own people and your own tribe will be wiped out by these fierce guys. At such a moment, any **** warrior is not in fear, but in his heart. Determination, determination to fight against death.

Li Yi saw that the beast stopped, and there was a little rejoicing and a little loss in her heart. What was gratifying was that the trench played its due role. What was lost was that the beast failed to completely rush through the twelve trenches. If you come here, it will definitely be their most tired time. In this case, the soldiers of the Special Warfare Department will come back to the head and will definitely hurt these guys.

But think about it, Li Yi is relieved, can not pursue everything as you imagined to proceed.

If you do not retreat, the beast stays where it is. This makes the special warriors who have forgotten the tribe dare not relax their vigilance. There are only two trenches, and if another trench is left, they will enter the range of the magic stone crossbow. Within the range, so they had to be very careful not to attack the herd again.

In the stalemate, the two sides actually insisted at this time. Such a weird scene was not expected by Li Yi.

The leader of the different beasts looked up at the remnant moon, and his eyes turned out to be sad. With extraordinary wisdom, it seemed to be sad for his dead man at this moment, but that is, at the next moment, the sadness in his eyes was gone. Then, instead of the anger, and the eyes have changed to a green color, it looks very infiltrating.

Facing the night sky, it made an extremely long roar, and the roar, like a horn, made all the beasts rejuvenated, and at the same time, they seemed to be beaten with stimulants, and recovered again. The essence of madness.

Ruo Bing, who was originally standing not far from Li Yi, heard this roar, and was shocked in her heart. There was an unbelievable look in her eyes. She never changed her face. Under such a roar, the scarf The face underneath turned pale.

That's right, it's pale, just screaming, and has already worried Ruo Bing so far, but this also shows that Ruo Bing must know something about this guy who makes such a voice, and this guy is definitely not a normal role.

"Li Yi, please go back to the dungeon to command!" Ruo Bing broke away from the shock and said to Li Yi the first time.

Li Yi looked at Ruo Bing a little puzzled. He really didn't understand why Ruo Bing said so. No matter from what point of view, at least it is still a scene of balance of power. It is not dangerous to go back to the underground city. .

Ruo Bing ignored Li Yi's puzzled look, and then repeated again: "Please believe me, immediately back to the dungeon and act faster!" This time, there was a lot of anxiety in the voice.


Li Yi, who has just returned to the dungeon, came to the lowest end of the dungeon for the first time. Here, he has a good view and can clearly see the situation outside, but it is precisely this view that makes him Ming [Yuyouxue] is white, why Ruo Bing would be so anxious to make him come back to the dungeon quickly.

I saw that in the air, the densely packed all are strange animals, yes, they are flying monsters, Li Yi also considered these, but I never expected that there would be so many, and every flying monster With a big stone on his claws!

"Fak, there is still a gap, these **** beasts!" Li Yi cursed psychologically.

Fortunately, the main weapon of the Special War Department is the magic stone crossbow. In this case, these monsters flying in mid-air are not a solution, but even if a monster is shot, the monster will still It was the stone that fell on the ground together with his body.

In such a chaotic scene, there will always be members of the Special War Department who are very helplessly hit, even being hit by multiple simultaneous people at the same time, the number of casualties is rising rapidly, but the soldiers who have forgotten the tribe have not Let these enemies in the air get a little bit cheaper, and every opportunity to go out will take the life of an alien.

Killing, this is killing each other, face-to-face killing.

However, it was at this time that Li Yi discovered that the role of these stones in the air was not only to smash one's own side, but also hit the ground they were advancing.

That’s right, Li Yi understood the other party’s intentions with just one glance. This was clearly in the trench buried under the pavement, and the remaining trench was covered with a thin leaf only once. , It is fully presented.

What's even more hateful is that they searched for the location of the trench and began to throw stones into it, so within a short time, the trench was filled, and it was really filled!

After filling up, the monster on the ground did not hesitate a little, and immediately moved forward crazy again, but the monster in the air did not mean to retreat!

Li Yi gritted his teeth and hit his fist heavily on the table in front of him. He had to admit that the method adopted by the different beasts was simple and practical. It should have been empty of sight. They played together this time to work together. Together, this made the pressure of the forgotten warriors suddenly increase!

Above the scene, the situation changed suddenly.

Li Yi hurriedly said to the people around him: "Hurry, retreat immediately, all the soldiers who use the magic stone crossbow retreat to the village, find the shelter for themselves, and cannot directly face the force of the beast's attack."

"Yes!" The person who heard Li Yi's order immediately conveyed the order, and Li Yi continued to watch the fight on the battlefield!

There was chaos in the eyes, and there was blood on the land. It seemed that only blood was left. Every soldier who forgot the special war department of the tribe had exerted his greatest fighting power at this time. Even if one of his arms has been bitten off, he will use the remaining arm, holding a weapon, to severely cut off the throat of a foreign animal!

Crazy, tragic!

Under the **** atmosphere, no matter whether it is a human or a strange animal, it seems that there is only the instinct to kill!

Li Yi’s order was quickly communicated, and the people in the fight were firmly implementing Li Yi’s order. The soldiers of the forgotten tribe began to gradually retreat into the village, using no buildings, every A wall, each house serves as its own bunker, and then shoots the magic stone sword in its own hand to the beast.

The warriors who possessed the magic stone weapon also began to wander continuously, out of the situation of killing each other at the beginning.

The special war department, and the war and retreat, the different beasts, pressing step by step, soon arrived in the village, once in the village, these strange beasts began to become a little non-disciplined, began to chaos around , Seems to be looking for something.

But Li Yi obviously did not have time to care about this, thinking that Li Yi had discovered at this time that he had finally seen the tail at the end of the strange beast group, which made him very happy, because it meant that at least this wave of Only these strange beasts attacked.

However, there is still power in his own hands. At the beginning, Li Yi made people build a gully at the entrance of the village, but this gully was full of people. These people are special. Each member of the War Department, with his hands, supports the thick bluestone slab to stop the trampling of the beast.

While he was not prepared, attacked behind him.

Li Yi made such a plan at the beginning, and this moment is also the time when this plan was implemented. Li Yi said lightly to the people around him: "Go inform the people in the trench and attack immediately. Kill me brutally from behind!"

"Yes!" The man led away!

"Do you think you will win this way? Even if you lose, I will let you lose your skin!" Li Yi said fiercely in his heart.


The night is thick.

The **** smell in the air is stronger than this heavy night. The corners, eaves, and grass are all visible. Most of them are inseparable blood. The corpses of foreign animals are also east and west. One was scattered on the ground.

Li Yi's eyebrows have been tightly locked, and at this time it is still not possible to unfold. The cruelest war, the cruelest result, but it is not the end. Although, from the current situation, the forgotten tribe is currently slightly It was a victory, and it completely wiped out all the beasts that entered the village of the forgotten tribe.

However, all the defensive facilities of the Forgotten Tribe are basically in a state of abolition, and all the preparations are basically used. Even if this is well prepared, the Forgotten Tribe is only a victory.

Moreover, the distant beasts are still roaring constantly. Seeing such a situation, there is the possibility of rushing again at any time, and those who have forgotten the special war department of the tribe are now a little tired.

This is also inevitable. After a high degree of tension, the human spirit will have a feeling of fatigue. In the face of the fierce fighting just now, how could these fighters not be nervous.

"Sir, everyone is waiting for you, let's go first!" Gu Zichao's voice pulled Li Yi back from contemplation.

"Well, yes, let's go!" Li Yi answered lightly.

The room is a temporary room in the underground city. The room is very simple. To be precise, the entire underground city is very simple. When designing the underground city, Li Yi only considered its sturdiness and practicality. The problem of beauty.

Even though it is rudimentary, every ethnic group who has forgotten the tribe deeply loves it. This is their spiritual sustenance, and they are the seven points of their new beginning, where they will be born again.

Most of the people in the room, Li Yi, have seen it, but this time there are fewer people this time compared to the consultation strategy just recently, and those who are less will never appear here.

Life is very fragile. If you are not careful, you will be gone; once you are gone, everything will be empty.

At this moment, Li Yi couldn't tell what kind of mood he was, sad, sad, struggling, bitter, or mixed!

"Sir, everyone is waiting for you, what should we do next, please come and deploy!" The young patriarch Shen Yiyang said with a choked voice. Obviously the mood is very bad. It is not easy to bear these!

"Take a break, take action, and follow the rest. Han Ziming, you are responsible for re-stating the situation of the special war department, recovering the magic stone weapons and arrows that can continue to be used as soon as possible, and the casualties are also counted at the fastest speed. Restoring combat power, now all our barriers are gone, but we still have flesh and blood bodies, as long as we have indomitable perseverance, our flesh and blood bodies can also build the most difficult defense for the forgotten tribe. Let’s work hard, everyone Come on, this time, it's really time for us to fight, either complete destruction or complete rebirth. If this battle is a fierce fire, I hope we can be reborn!" Li Yi is very confident. Said firmly!

This remark mobilized the fighting spirit of all the people at once, and the low emotion originally caused by the heavy casualties caused everyone to survive again after being encouraged by this remark.

At this time, nothing can activate people's will more than hope. At this moment, Li Yi also really understood the true meaning of the phrase "find hope in despair". (To be continued.)

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