Shen Yiyang looked at Ruo Bing, whose mood had changed, for a while, he seemed to understand what he did, and he seemed to understand nothing!

"Anyway, in the current situation, no one will trouble him anymore. This is definitely a good thing for your husband!" Ruo Bing seems to continue to mumble.


A few sounds of rain and wind stopped, and the hazy cloud of moon came and went.

Tao Li Yi Yichun's sadness, who is independent, whispers softly.

There is a thousand hearts, and no one in the world has arranged.

These few days may be the most leisurely day since Li Yi entered the Forgotten Tribe. In the hazy, he seems to have found himself again, practicing eye skills on time every morning, and then practicing Yuan Gong which has been abandoned for a while. , And then study a paragraph about the controller.

The time seems to be full. Every day I have something I need to do, and I like to do it. Even the scenery outside the window that I haven’t enjoyed for a long time, at this time, it seems that there is really nothing else. Fanjing.

After the disaster, the forgotten tribe soon showed their vitality. The restoration of the village is changing at a new rate every day. The blood and corpses are no longer visible. The ruins and the broken walls seem to be more and more Far, although compared with the past, there are still a lot of laughter and laughter in this village, but at least the things that can be seen are moving in a good direction.

All of this seems to have nothing to do with Li Yi. Since leaving the Chamber of Deputies last time, although every patriarch Shen Yiyang will send someone to invite Li Yi to participate in the deliberations, but without exception, Li Yi quit. Li Yi's heart and Li Yi's pace are a little bit away from the highest power center of the Forgotten Tribe.

If there is anything else that can make Li Yi jump out of his current state of mind, there is only one person, that is Han Ziming. It has been seven days since Han Ziming led away the strange herd with his own crimes. In the past seven days, Han Ziming and the soldiers of the special warfare department he took away had no news at all, and no traces.

Li Yi is very sad when he thinks of the man who lives and dies with himself and is determined to follow his own. Perhaps this is fate. Everyone has what he wants to do. Such a thing cannot be easily changed, nor can it be easily. Escape, but can only face and jump up.

What about my destiny? Li Yi will ask himself this way!

Those who came to the Forgotten Tribe with themselves have stayed in this reckless forest forever.

People who once fought side-by-side with themselves were either alive or dead, or still busy, after all, they had their own way back.

What about yourself? Perhaps it is time to go back, in another place, there are people who care about themselves, as well as their own master, and what they have been pursuing. Some things must be understood, especially the direction of the heart.

Dang, Dang, Dang, knocking on the door sounded somewhat unexpected. In Li Yi's memory, no one had been in this room for two days.

"Come in!" Li Yi put down his pen and answered softly.

It was a young man who entered the room, but perhaps because of being too busy, it was also a look with no trimming at this time. Instead, he had a lot of beard, and his face was also a vicissitudes of face.

"Sir!" The person came with a solemn ceremony.

"Oh, it's Elder Gu. Now that you are an elder, don't call me Mr.!" Li Yi answered with a smile.

"No, sir will always be my sir. Without Mr. Cultivation, there will be no achievements of Gu Zichao now. Moreover, Gu Zichao may have made a promise to serve Mr. Han Ziming’s vows. I don’t know if he can realize it, if not. , I will realize it with him!" Gu Zichao, now the elder Gu, answered solemnly.

Li Yi shook his head helplessly and said, "Gu Zichao, your achievements are all your own efforts. At the beginning, I was not sure that you could succeed. The only thing you thank is yourself. Now you are an elder, and you are forgetting. The only people in the tribe who know how to control, so don’t say anything about serving such words."

"Sir, are you a little bit discouraged? Forgetting the tribe to treat you like this, I feel humiliated. I really don't know what Ruo Bing girl thinks!" Gu Zichao complained for Li Yi.

"No, I'm not disheartened, and I'm not dissatisfied at all, and I also thank Ruo Bing girl, who has solved my big problem, Gu Zichao, you are now an elder, and some things need to be more comprehensive. Look, look at the relationship! If Ruo Bing girl's approach, it can be said that it saved me, but also completed me!" Li Yi patiently explained to Gu Zichao!

"Sir, I don’t quite understand, how can I save you? Isn’t your enemy in the forgotten tribe only one ink sheet? And Zhang ink is dead, even if it is not dead, your current status is not that he can contend. "Yes!" Gu Zichao asked very uncomprehendingly.

"Zi Chao, I ask you, if you don't hold me accountable, and then let me continue to be the leader of this special war department, I ask you, who in this forgotten tribe has the most credit?"

"Of course it's you, sir. It's hard to say what would happen to the tribe without you. It's because you have the greatest credit, so I think it's unfair to you!" Gu Zichao still seemed to be dissatisfied!

"Then I will ask you again, am I a forgotten tribe? If you are the power of the forgotten tribe, will you see that all the elite and power of the forgotten tribe are in the hands of an outsider?"

"This..." Gu Zichao was somewhat supportive!

"At that time, even if you are willing to help me, there is no way to help, because if my prestige is too high, it will definitely be in the eyes of the elders and patriarchs. Once I grab my handle at that time, it may even be an unjustifiable crime. , You can kill me!" Li Yi said very seriously.

Gu Zichao wanted to refute Li Yi's remarks, but after thinking about it, it was impossible to refute, how can he refute it, is it not said that the Forgotten Tribe will not do that? But Gu Zichao knew very well that if such a situation occurs, the Forgotten Tribe will definitely do that.

"So, using this kind of excuse to let me down decently now, in this way, everyone will not be too stiff in the future, moreover, you have seen it, I am now deliberately evading your management The meeting at the level, because I originally did not belong to the forgotten tribe, since it is an honorary elder, it should be honored a little, ha ha!" Li Yi's mood does not seem to be very bad.

"Sir, listen to your tone, don't you blame Elder Ruobing?" Gu Zichao asked cautiously.

"Of course not. I understand everything she does. Now she is in that position. It is very rare. Too many things can only be involuntarily!" Li Yi said frankly.

"Oh, if Elder Bingbing, come in, I will say sir will not blame you!" Gu Zichao said suddenly with a smile.

Li Yi was a little surprised, but after hearing this, he understood what was going on, so he shook his head helplessly, and Gu Zichao quickly explained: "If Ruo Bing Hu Niang sees you, he hasn’t been to the Chamber today, thinking you mind That matter, so I hope I can help."

When talking, Ruo Bing had already entered the room. In fact, even if Gu Zichao didn’t say it, Ruo Bing was clearly heard outside. Hearing Li Yi’s words made him feel calm and did not know why. Deep down, she was particularly afraid that Li Yi would misunderstand herself.

Gu Zichao saw Ruo Bing coming in, and then quickly said: "Sir, Ruo Bing elder, there are still some things over my side, you talk, I will go first!" Leave this sentence, without looking back It fell off, it seems that someone was chasing him.

Ruo Bing sat at the table and faced Li Yi. In a trance, it seemed to be back to the time when Li Yi had just come to the Forgotten Tribe to wake up. That time, Ruo Bing was interrogating Li Yi.

Time has passed quietly, how many things have been taken away, how many memories have been left behind, people can only quietly remember behind time.

"Elder Ruo Bing, you're here!" Li Yi didn't know what to say, so he asked unnaturally!

"Well, Elder Li has been closed behind the door recently, and the patriarch is a little worried, so let me come over and explain the thing..." Ruo Bing whispered softly, but the name between the two people, but let Both are weird!

"Haha, Elder Ruo Bing doesn't need to say more. You understand and I understand these things. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. No official is light. What a good thing." Li Yi prevented Ruo Bing from continuing. , And then said the above words very frankly.

"Li Yi, I know what you mean. Now that the Forgotten Tribe is a little bit more formal, I don't know what you plan to do? Everyone in the Forgotten Tribe wants you to stay, and... and I..." Speaking of which, what Ruo Bing thinks is that I also hope you stay, but what he says is: I also agree with everyone's opinion!

"This..." Ruo Bing's question seemed to really ask Li Yi's heart. In fact, Li Yi didn't think about these things.

"Forgetting the tribe is actually good. We are not as complicated as you think. We all love each other on weekdays. There is not much internal fighting within the family, and, Elder Li is unmarried when you look at you now. Well, there are still many girls in the family who are very enamored of you!" Ruo Bing continued to add.

"Hehe..." Li Yi smiled a little embarrassedly, and his face seemed a bit unnatural, but at a certain moment, Li Yi's heart flashed the clever and lovely little girl of the Mingde City System Department .

"Forgotten tribe is really good, but for me, after all, it is a foreign land, and I have been thinking for a long time, and I also understand that the outside world is more chaotic, compared with the outside, here can be said to be a paradise! But, my heart The direction is still in the chaotic place, where there is my master, there are people I care about!" Li Yi also made his own choice at this moment, this was the way from the beginning, although he had hesitated, But afterwards, Li Yi insisted on going like this. After he finished speaking, he looked at Ruo Bing calmly.

The eyes of the two were intertwined again in the air. The thousand words in this look seemed to be much more than what was said in the mouth. The two were not talking. They looked at each other for a while, and Ruo Bing seemed to feel a little heartbeat. Incorrect, then looked away.

After a little silence, Ruo Bing said, "When are you going to leave?"

"Wait for a moment, wait for the old Han, wait for the Forgotten Tribe to settle down, and wait for me to finish writing these things that can be left to the Forgotten Tribe. I believe that this will be my home no matter what time! "

"Yes, this must be your home!" Ruo Bing said meaningfully, and then got up and left!

"Ruo Bing, before leaving, I have the opportunity to take a look at your appearance, at least leave me with a face that I miss, not just a white figure!" Li Yi saw Ruo Bing leave and suddenly made such a request!

Li Yi's voice echoed in the room, or in Li Yi's heart, and Li Yi couldn't explain why he made such a request, so that when he finished speaking, his face was not There are some inexplicable changes naturally.

It's a pity that Li Yi didn't wait for the answer he expected, as quiet as when he came, and when he left, there was no sound at all. Li Yi didn't even have a way to confirm if Ruo Bing had heard Your own words.

However, if you think about it carefully, if you want to hear it, you will definitely be able to hear it. If someone doesn’t want to hear it or pretends not to hear it, then there is nothing he can do.

What kind of attitude is Li Yi thinking about for a while, and there is no answer, no agreement, no disagreement, it seems that Li Yi is deliberately trying to make a guess.

Life is a mystery, either you guess the answer, or you wait patiently for the answer!

But in any case, Li Yi, who has said what he said in his heart, is still in a good mood. Although he hasn't said anything in his mouth or acted in the past for a period of time, he has always been suffering from such problems Troubled, forgetting the life of the tribe has a feeling of letting him go back to his childhood. The calm and tranquility makes Li Yi nostalgic.

However, this kind of life is not his own after all. When I was young, I thought that Li Yi missed it very much, but when I look back, if these roads still have to go through again, Li Yi also understands that he will still choose now. This road.

Indifference is a gesture, and splendor is a process. No one really hopes that they will spend all the time in the indifference, although everyone can't escape the final indifference!

Now Li Yi has basically nothing, and there is no way to let go of the feelings of the forgotten tribe, so Li Yi has been writing a book, that is, he talked to Ruo Bing before, this book The main record is about the control system. Li Yi believes that since he is gone, he can only continue to help Gu Zichao through this text.

For the forgotten tribe, maybe I can only do so much, Li Yi muttered silently in his heart.


Time passes, day after day, sun rises and sunsets, how old looks!

In a blink of an eye, it was almost half a month later. Li Yixin, who had been waiting for Han Ziming's news, also cooled down a little bit. In total, it has been more than 20 days. For those who have forgotten the tribe, The distance that can be walked in these twenty days is by no means a small number, but until now there has been no news of Han Ziming. (To be continued.)

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