As for Li Yi's accidental feeling that there seems to be a half of another kind of beads on his chest, Li Yi did not find it, but Li Yi always felt what was on his chest, but every time he explored It's nothing.

Gradually, Li Yi ignored these.

Thinking of Ruo Bing, Li Yi also had a very regrettable thing, that is, he disappeared and failed to really see Ruo Bing's face. Even when he left, he never saw Ruo Bing coming to see him off. This may be true It is no small regret!

However, people often only think of the side they see, but it is always difficult to know what the other side is!

For example, Li Yi's regret, he always thought he could not see Ruo Bing's face, thinking that Ruo Bing didn't even send him.

But in fact Li Yi will never know that on the way Li Yi left, Ruo Bing was in a certain bush, looking at Li Yi from afar, what Li Yi could not think of was Ruo Bing at that moment, There is no veil, and there seems to be tears brewing in my eyes!


The three of Li Yi walked along the road for a while, and found a small restaurant on the side of the road. Although Li Yi was not very good at drinking, he hurried for such a long time, plus there were two people who forgot about the tribe. , So I entered this restaurant!

The wine shop is a bit shabby, but there are a lot of people. This is not difficult to understand. This is a place where there is no shop behind the village. Anyone passing by, no matter whether they will drink or not, it is estimated that they will come here to have a sip!

Li Yi picked a remote place, sat here with Xiao Liu and Xiao Li, and ordered a pot of wine and a snack, then sat quietly there, Xiao Liu and Xiao Li Looking at these strange things, they are very curious.

"Ah, brother, do you say this news is true or false? If I am Xu Bozhi, I will not reveal that I have this thing. You said that now, is he just a piece of sweet meat, everyone? Everyone will be eager to ask. In this case, it is estimated that his life will not be easy!" said a man who was not far from Li Yi!

Saying this was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and Li Yi shivered at once when he heard such a paragraph. Even his hand shook uncontrollably. Li Yi couldn’t think of it. He just came back and heard the first In a word, it is related to your master!

Li Yi's actions fell on the eyesight of the two people in the Forgotten Tribe, which meant it was different. The two people put away their curiosity and warned cautiously that Li Yi had found the opposite.

"Do you know why you can only mix in the low?" Another person asked, looking at the person who had just spoken.

"Why? It's not that I don't have enough skills!" The man replied a little bit.

"Wrong, because you don’t have enough brains. Look. Although Xu Bozhi puts himself in a very embarrassing position, but you can’t deny that no one will move him easily now. Think about it. If he went alone to see a certain force, then he would definitely be detained by others at once, but now, he is under everyone's eyes, no force dare to act lightly, it is no wonder that this hand is playing well Xu Bozhi is an old river and lake, but yeah, I don’t think it’s easy for him to finish. This thing is easy to finish and difficult to finish!" The man explained a little bit.

When Li Yi heard this, his mind was still confused, but it did not prevent him from having a general concept, that is, what his master must have done now, and then attracted the attention of the major forces!

"Oh, oh, brother, you know, huh... come on, drink!" the person who just started asking shouted loudly.

Li Yi drank a glass of wine indifferently, but his heart was not above this wine. He began to pay attention to the things around him. Only after he noticed that he found out that most of the people in this restaurant were talking about this matter. It's just that some are whispering and some are talking calmly.

But no matter what kind of conversation method, there is only one core, that is Xu Bozhi.

"Master, Master, what the **** are you doing? It will attract such attention, which is not like your style!" Li Yixin was filled with puzzles, and could only sigh.

Just at the time when Li Yi was so emotional, a large group of people arrived at the wine shop. The people had not arrived yet. The voice had arrived first and shouted: "The store, we have the remaining tables, and we have all the good wine and dishes! "

The store welcomed the visitors with joy, and some people thought that there was money. In this world, making money is not an easy task.

This group of people occupied all the remaining tables, but it seems that there are still four people with nowhere to do. At this time, they found a person sitting alone at a table, and they walked over and said with a domineering tone : "Let us give this table, you go aside!"

The person sitting in the original position seemed to be very dissatisfied with this attitude, and directly said coldly: "I will not let it go!"

"Dare you!" The leader said this and then hit the person sitting on the table with a fist!

The man cleverly avoided this punch, and then shot again, but inside his hand was a meticulous dagger. The dagger flashed a sharp light, and then I saw a light flash, and it was there. A red mark is left between the neck!

After the shot, the man was not waiting, got up, lifted the burden, and immediately walked away!

Such a quick scene made everyone stunned. When the team reacted, the man had escaped a long distance. The remaining three of the group of four wanted to chase down the man.

With a swish of an arrow, the person who fled was already on the road.

Between the lightning and the stone fire, the two lives were gone. Such a sudden change was not expected by everyone.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Li of the Forgotten Tribe looked at each other. The two young people who had lived in the Forgotten Tribe for so long could not figure out why the outsiders were so easy to shoot, and the shots were so ruthless. Is it here, life Isn't it human life?

Li Yi took a sip of wine lightly and couldn't tell what it tasted like, but this world is more and more chaotic, killing people like picking grass and mustard, this is still the Chaohai continent known for benevolence and kindness. What!

"Don't worry about it, hurry to rest and drink, and then have to hurry. There is still a distance from the floating city. We have to seize the time and delay the time. We can't afford it!" The leader of this team, that is The archer just said lightly that he was not affected by the dead.

"Floating City?" Li Yi repeated it silently in her heart. From what she just overheard, Li Yi already knew that this floating city was the place where her master was said to be, so the purpose of this pedestrian was self-evident. !

But this also made Li Yi more clearly understand that the difficulty of his master's face this time is not ordinary. Looking at these people, which one is not a cruel master, what does his master want to do? Li Yi has many questions, but without seeing his master, he knows that it is impossible for him to get an answer.

Because this group of people suddenly appeared, the originally active atmosphere of the restaurant was suddenly cooled down. No one was talking. They were just drinking wine on their own. No one wanted to cause indiscriminate disasters, so everyone still Are very cautious.

Xiao Liu and Xiao Li looked at the person who just shot, and then looked at each other and exchanged opinions. Then Xiao Li used Yuanli to send a voice to Li Yi: "Sir, that person is not my opponent and Xiao Liu, Do we use shots?"

The reason why they are also called Mr. Li Yi, because Li Yi does not want to hear being called elders, and these two people are also happy to call Mr. Li Yi, in their view, it is an honor for them to call Mr. Li Yi, because Patriarch and elder Gu are called Mr. Li Yi.

Li Yi shook his head gently, the meaning was obvious!

On the other side, the man said softly to the person at his table: "Don't mess with the three people on the corner table. These three people can't see the depth of their skills! One more thing is better than one less. !"

The atmosphere in the restaurant is a little dignified, and the dead body seems to be telling the invisible confrontation.

Not far away, a man, walking towards the restaurant in a black robe!


Li Yi chose to sit honestly on his desk. It was not that Li Yi was afraid of things, but that Li Yi’s mentality was different now. When Li Yi first stepped into this river and lake, even if he killed his enemies, Let him blame himself!

However, after experiencing so many things, Li Yi's heart is also a little bit mature. In his world, when he encounters things, he is no longer simply divided between good and evil. He also understands that his strength is limited. Daze can help the world, but it is clear that he does not have such a skill now, so naturally there is no way to achieve a roar of unevenness.

Moreover, as far as the previous incident was concerned, it was really difficult to say who was right and who was wrong. This team of people was wrong first, but that person did not agree to kill and then was killed. Who is in it? It is justice, how can it be explained.

If there is no one who absolutely makes you think you should help, then choose the honest and own bar!

The man in black not far away is getting closer and closer. Obviously the target is also this restaurant. Li Yi just looks at random, feeling that this hot day is still wearing a black dress, which is very strange to him! But he didn't think much!

The man in black had just stepped into the restaurant, and the team of people said, "This place is packed by us, no entry!"

The man in black didn't move as if he didn't hear it.

"This brother comes here to do it, I have a place here!" At this moment, Li Yi said suddenly, because Li Yi did not want to see the situation just now, if the man in black did not obey the team If so, I'm afraid there might be another bloodshed, so Li Yi said so.

The two men guarding the door looked at their leader, saw the leader nodded gently, and then put the man in black into the restaurant, the head of the black man did not lift, and went straight to Li Yi's Then sit down at the table, pick up the jug and drink at your own discretion!

When Xiao Li and Xiao Liu saw such a situation, they had a thousand words in their minds, but the two did not dare to speak, nor did they dare to say a word. Li Yi saw the sweat beads on the heads of the two people and thought it was because of the hot weather. , So I didn't think much about it.

Li Yi looked very interesting looking at the man in black. He thought he needed to inquire about the situation, so he took the initiative and said: "I just took the liberty, but it is also an expedient measure, there..." Li Yi looked at the dead man with his eyes. The corpse, the meaning can't be more obvious!

The man in black didn't even lift his head, and took a drink, before looking at Li Yi!

When Li Yi saw the face of the man in black, he felt a sudden cold, yes, it was a cold feeling. The age of the man in black on the opposite side looked like 40 or 50 years old. The cold face seemed to say something Unclear coldness, such coldness, is not the same as Ruobing's cold feeling. Ruobing's coldness is just coldness that coldness is unwilling to communicate with people, but this person's coldness seems to be a little scary. feel.

Why did he fear, Li Yi did not understand, this person seems to have no skill when looking at it from afar!

While Li Yi was observing the man in black, the man in black also looked at Li Yi, but he just glanced casually, and his contemplative application appeared in his eyes, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Do not understand a thing, but soon, then the application becomes a bit interesting!

Li Yi didn't know what was going on. He picked up the glass and drank it, and seemed to dispel the chill in his heart!

Xiao Liu and Xiao Li dare not wipe the sweat on their heads, but in their hearts they are playing this gentleman. Don't anger this man in black!

"They killed this man?" The man in black suddenly asked, Li Yi was surprised by the vicissitudes of the voice!

Li Yi shook his head before saying, "No, the one over there! It's this man, but he was killed by that man!"

The head in black did not turn, and his eyes remained on Li Yi, which made Li Yi a little uncomfortable, but he was helpless. I thought that from this perspective, I could not see any bad meaning.

"You all see these things happening?" The man in black seemed to be particularly interested in this matter.

Li Yi didn't know what this person meant, so he nodded gently!

"Then why don't you take action? When you see such a thing, you just watch him happen? What is the justice in your heart? What is the benevolence and righteousness in your heart? Or do you have no distinction between good and evil?" Tone throws three questions.

In this way, Li Yi was a little puzzled. I don’t know how this man in black suddenly asked himself this way. Is this person from the Seven Cities Alliance? So he always insisted that people should act with benevolence. Li Yi seems to There is a little such conjecture.

"I don't understand what you mean. What does this matter have to do with justice and injustice? Furthermore, how can there be so much justice or injustice in the period of time? If it was a long time ago, maybe I would think so, but, Now..." Li Yi said that he seemed to remember something, and he didn't talk about it anymore. Instead he drank a glass of wine.

"Oh? What do you think now? Isn't it an injustice to kill?" The man in black continued to ask.

"If in terms of the matter just now, neither side can see who is just, it is just a dispute of selfish desires, which is not just and unjust. My friends have told me that many times in this world, Murders cannot be divided by whether they are just or not, only because of their different positions. For example, the people of the Seven Cities Alliance, their position is to get rid of the Fangsheng League, but if they want to kill the innocent in order to kill the innocent Is it justice? I don’t see it. Let’s talk about the Health Alliance. People all say it’s evil, but haven’t they ever been kind? I don’t think it’s necessary! This is the **** that determines the head!” Li Yi has already taken this man in black It is classified as an important person in the Seven City Alliance as the main city. Because of the experience of Mingde City, Li Yi is very uncomfortable with those who claim to be just, so he will answer this person with such fierce words. ! (To be continued.)

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