If someone visits, will you receive it or not?

Forget it, let’s take it for a while, but Li Yi soon discovered that this was a wrong decision, because under the influence of a number of columns, the gate of the Han Palace was already busy, and the people who came to visit were really one after another. A lot of people, whether they are famous or not, want to come close, and the result is that Li Yi will see the next person just after the talk. This situation really makes him unable to eat.

So, he thought of a person again, that is, Luo Guanjia, at this time he suddenly wanted to thank Luo Jia's owner, if Luo Guanjia is here, these things are really enough for him to worry about.

"Luo Guanjia, there is something that troubles you!" Li Yi smiled at Luo Guanjia.

"The son is welcome!" Luo Guan's house is still the same as before. The attitude towards Li Yi should be a kind of subordinate relationship. The entanglement still continues in his heart.

"Well, you see, the task of my system is very heavy, but now I still have to meet these people, isn't it..." Li Yi said a little.

"Well, I think that you don't have to see everyone, son. If that's the case, wouldn't you have renounced your identity, and you also said that time is limited, then no one can accept the commission."

"The housekeeper said, or the housekeeper, you understand these truths, so why do you want to take care of these things in the future? You think I need to be taken care of. I appear the first time." It seems that I am afraid of Luo Guan's regret, Li Yi finished. Then turn around and leave.

"This..." Luo Butler had no time to say anything, and saw Li Yi's back.

What is this? Reuse yourself? Luo Guan's heart murmured.

But no matter how whispering, Li Yi's headache is not a thing in his eyesight, so under his combing, although people still come in one step, things have become organized.

On the third day, when the next person sent the visitor's post, Luo Guanjia frowned, and finally a powerful person came to visit.

Luo Guanjia looked at the visiting post in his hand, and was thinking in his heart. Although the plan was carried out step by step, this plan was always a plan. Both his current son and the owner of the Luo family walked on the edge. Feeling, that is to say, such a plan is a dangerous and dangerous plan. Variables can happen at any time, but the current situation is not stopping.

"Han's son, Fanyuegu has heard about all the things of His Excellency and deeply admired him. Today I offer a worship post to discuss with you in detail."

This is the text of the prayer on the top of Luo Guan's hand. It is simple, but the payment is not simple, Fanyue Valley, it is because of the force that kidnapped Luo's little son. It is for this reason, so Luo The housekeeper frowned.

Li Yi must be in conflict with the Fanyue Valley, but he still sees it now, and this Luo steward really has to think about the pros and cons. I have to say that although there have been many visiting forces in these days, it can be called It is the big force, and only this is the Van Gogh Valley, but Luo Guan also knows that the Van Gogh Valley is definitely the first one, and the latter forces will come over a little, leaving little time for Li Yi.

More time means that all forces now have no energy to deal with Li Yi's affairs. The core of all forces is now Xu Bozhi, so the policies that are basically adopted now are to associate with Li Yi; while less time is to say Once Xu Bozhi's affairs were over, Li Yi had to choose a force or escape by taking the opportunity.

After thinking about it, Luo Butler made up his mind.

Li Yi tiredly put down a magic stone weapon that was just made. That’s right. In the past time, Li Yi was in the device except for occasional meals and nap accidents. This made his spirits a little tired, but this is also not. The way to do things, because you must prepare some well-made magic stone weapons in advance, otherwise there will be no time to do many subsequent things.

But now, Li Yi's results are good. In a short time, he has produced four magic stone weapons, three of which are five stars and one of six stars. Undoubtedly, the real strength of these magic stone weapons is all To exceed their grade, but far less amazing than the first one.

However, in the process of making the device, Li Yi also had more feelings. One is the speed of the device. In addition to knowing that its speed has increased, Li Yi still feels that the speed of the current device is not possible. At this time, he remembered that when he forgot the tribe, at that time, the steps of the control were broken down one by one, and it was also a good way, but the key point is that Li Yi tried it in the forgotten tribe. Two-star magic stone weapon.

Another feeling of Li Yi is the improvement of the concept of magic weapon understanding. In the past, Li Yi's understanding of the magic weapon was a simple magic stone weapon, but now, Li Yi always feels that his understanding of the magic weapon is somewhat simple, such as Stealth magic devices made by oneself, such as the magic device made by Master that can communicate from a long distance, have been separated from the concept of weapons, but still belong to the category of magic devices.

A knock on the door outside the controller sounded, and Li Yi knew that it must be Luo's housekeeper, because he had orders before, and no one was allowed to disturb himself except for Luo Guan's accident.

"Master, bother!" Luo Guanjia greeted him when he saw Li Yi open the door.

"Mr. Luo, don't be polite, what's the matter?" Li Yi was a little tired, so she came to the point and was not polite.

"Yuan Baozi, the warrior's matter LCD has been resolved, they all choose to follow you for life, as a condition of this follow, you have to make magic stone weapons for them, this is the roster, I have already arranged to sign the Yuanli agreement. The time and personnel, you only need to appear on the martial arts field on time!"

"What? You let them all follow me?" Li Yi was a little surprised at the result.

"Yeah, son, don't you say that I can take full power?" Luo Guanjia replied, asking again.

"Um, this..., yes..., but..." Li Yi a little regretted his decision at the time. This regret was not a distrust of Luo Guan, but he just thought that he was still making nearly fifty fantasy pieces. Stone weapon, his head is a little bit painful, but this also makes his thoughts more firm on the side of his heart. He must improve the method of the weapon, and then increase the speed of the weapon.

"That's good, I knew that the son wouldn't say anything!" Luo Guanjia took the initiative to hold Li Yi, who was a little scratchy, and then continued: "Another thing is that a total of 21 forces came to visit these days, but They are all local forces, and there is no need to worry about this. I selected the top two of them and agreed to their request to make magic stone weapons." Luo Guanjia came one by one.

Originally Li Yi almost fainted when he heard that 21 forces were coming, but after hearing the words later, he felt calmer. He was also glad that he chose Luo Guan to deal with these things.

Seeing Li Yi nodded his head, Luo continued to say, "The reason for this is to consider the speed of the master's control system, and the second is to consider that if anyone can request the master's control system, is it not weak? The reputation of the son is not in line with our plan, and our asking price is also extremely high. The two finalized magic stone weapon grades are all four stars!"

"Oh? How high is it?" Li Yi was a little happy when he heard that there were only two four-star magic stone weapons, but he was also curious when he heard Luo Guan said that the asking price was high.

"For a four-star magic stone weapon, my asking price is three times that of the five-star magic stone weapon on the market. The price of the five-star magic stone weapon is three times that of the advanced six-star magic stone weapon in the world, and so on. The Luo family is the same!" Luo Guanjia said lightly.

"The profiteer is really a profiteer. This is too cruel. Should I really consider making money with the device? In that case, I will soon become a rich man!" Li Yi thought, but he said : "Luo Guanjia did a good job, I like it!"

This sentence I like may be true. The embarrassment of the previous period made Li Yi a little bit eager for money, so I was very happy to hear that Luo Guanjia made money for his butler.

"Another important thing is that Fanyue Valley came to visit!" Luo Guanjia said his last thing.

"Oh? It's them? I promised the Luo family that I haven't done it yet. I turned back and told the Luo family owner that I would definitely fulfill my promise. Luo Guan, arrange for me to see them!" Li Yi made it without much thought. Decided.

Luo Guan's eyes were applauded, and he felt that the young man in front of him was dealing with things. It was unambiguous, and he thought fast enough, and he had mastered things beyond his imagination.

"Okay!" Luo Butler replied.

"By the way, there is one more thing, Manager Luo, will you definitely train the warrior? Or training, hey, those warriors who want to sign a lifelong follow-up agreement with me, you have to bother to reorganize, and we will not say why it is difficult in the future. Well, it’s not good to disperse the sand at that time. I let Xiao Li and Xiao Liu assist you in this matter. They are completely under your control!” Li Yi said as she put on her mask and got up to the lobby.

Butler Luo looked at Li Yi's back and was helpless to such an order, because it seemed that Li Yi didn't give him the opportunity to agree or disagree, but he also felt a little moved in his heart. It's all up to me to do such things. I'm not afraid that I am a member of the Luo family.

Undoubtedly, it is indeed a feature of Li Yi. In fact, Li Yi knows his strengths and weaknesses, and he has his own way of grasping the major direction of major things, so he soon decided to see the Fanyue Valley, But for things he didn't understand, he was also willing to give it to someone who knew, such as dealing with the things of the warriors, such as managing the things of the warriors. He believed that Luo Guanjia did better than words.

As for whether or not Luo Guanjia is his own, that is not what Li Yi needs to consider now.

In the hall of the Han Palace, Li Yi, wearing a mask, sits on top of the throne. From a distance, he has the momentum of a high-ranking person. In any case, he has also been a leader in the forgotten tribe. Li Yi's own momentum is still accumulated.

"Fanyue Valley representative Leng Zhizhong has seen Han Gongzi!" After the people of Fanyue Valley came in, they were very humble and greeted Li Yilai actively.

Li Yi looked at the person in front of him. The representative of Fanyue Valley did not look very old, that is, he was more than 30 years old, but I don’t know why, Li Yi always felt the voice of Leng Zhizhong. Very familiar.

"You're welcome, don't know what happened to your Excellency?" Li Yi used the changed voice****, but still thinking about where this voice was heard.

"Fanyuegu heard about Han Gongzi and deeply admired Han Gongzi's skill. He sent me today to meet Han Gongzi and to invite Han Gongzi to make the device for us, as long as it came from We are willing to buy all the magic instruments in the hands of Han Gongzi at a high price, or we can exchange them with precious materials!" the man said lightly.

"Oh? What kind of price can you afford?" Li Yi wanted to hear the offer from Fanyue Valley.

The man lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said: "I also know the quotes of others, basically it is three times as much, I have four times as much as the Fanyue Valley, but we need to recycle the materials used for more than five stars that failed in the system! "The man replied.

"Oh, this is also called high price. Forget it, I don't dare to be interested. I have a rule, that is, I only promise to make one magic stone weapon at a time, so if you want to monopolize my weapon, you are free!" Li Yi deliberately listened to the other party's offer and stimulated the other party.

"That's a pity, but Han Gongzi's rules will not be broken. Han Gongzi, have you considered finding a better place to stay, such as Fanyue Valley? If you want, we are willing to let you serve as Fanyue The command of Gu’s system department, all the material resources of Fanyue Valley are at your disposal!” This man suddenly threw an olive branch. In fact, he said it was just a tentative test. As for the conditions inside, it sounds very tempting, but there are Without moisture, it is unclear.

"I don't have this idea for the time being. I will consider your Van Gogh Valley when I have it. I just don't know if you can afford me in Van Gogh Valley!" Li Yi continued his arrogant tone.

"Oh, Han Gongzi, under the turbulent times, personal safety should be considered. The treatment of Fanyue Valley for you is absolutely beyond your imagination!"

It was this sentence that suddenly let Li Yi know who this person was. This person was the one who appeared in Luo's family that night. No wonder he felt a little familiar.

For a moment, Li Yi stood up and pointed at the other party, saying, "Are you threatening me?"


Li Yi's tone is not good at all. It seems that if the other party's answer is unsatisfactory, he will have to deal with the other party. In fact, Li Yi's facial expression has not changed, but thanks to the mask on his face, this can ensure that his own real expression is not Seen by the other party.

"Han Gongzi's words, love and talent, everyone has it. My people in Fanyue Valley only appreciate the skills of my son, and although my words are not good, but the words are not rough, this world is indeed a day. It’s not as good as a day, life is alive, and survival is the first choice, and then it is stable and happy, how can it mean threatening the son.” This Brahma Valley explained not being humble and not overwhelmed by Li Yi’s momentum, There was no helplessness.

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