Luo Guanjia straightened his body and thought for a moment.

"According to the son, all we have to do in Hanfu is one thing, and we have nothing to do with the inside." Luo Guanjia solemnly uttered the following six words, and saw Li Yi signal that he should continue to speak before continuing. Said: "Inner tension is to continue to strengthen the training of our people. Now that we have fewer people, this is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing will not attract the attention of others. Now if we have three hundred people, then it will inevitably be influenced by other forces. Note, but not now, so this is a good thing, and the bad thing is that there are really too few people, so we must strengthen training as much as possible, and when necessary, no one can't do it!"

"Xiao Liu, you and Wu Xinglong assisted Luo Butler before Xiao Li was in charge. In this respect, Luo Butler’s order is my order and must be executed. If I hear Luo Butler say that you are not serious, then You can pack your bags!" Although Li Yi did not comment on Luo Guanjia's words positively, this command represented absolute recognition of Luo Guan's house, and the subsequent threat to Xiao Liu can only be regarded as a joke.

Butler Luo did not have any different views on Li Yi’s decision, so after Li Yi finished speaking, he said: “After talking about inner tension, the following is doing nothing outside, as the name suggests, that is, doing nothing outside, we can’t talk to any Interaction with other forces, at the same time, do not commit any evil with any forces at all, it means to declare that your son is in control, so that more people will ignore our existence, and it is possible to touch the fish in muddy water. We may have the opportunity to save Xu Bozhi, but this time must be mastered."

"But I think the hiding of the status of the master craftsman in front of the son is very good. This is definitely the best excuse and cover-up excuse for us to do nothing. And I personally think that although the current situation is complicated, it is also very clear. The people of the Fangsheng League completely withdrew from the game, and the Fanyue Valley is temporarily unavailable. If we release the news that the Fanyue Valley is preparing for the war department, then the major forces will definitely accelerate the pace of action!"

Li Yi nodded his head and expressed his approval of Luo Guanjia's words. At least every sentence Luo Guanjia said made sense, and it was indeed the best way at this stage.

"Listening to Luo Guanjia's words, I have a little more confidence in the success of this operation, but I still have an idea. Luo Guanjia might as well help me!" Li Yi paused and said.

"Young Master, please!" Luo Guanjia said cheerfully. He also wanted to know what Li Yi thought.

"I want to see Xu Bozhi!" Li Yi said these words!

"Oh?" This is Luo Guan's first reaction!

"Oh!" With this sound, Luo Butler also nodded, this is his second reaction!

As soon as Li Yi saw Luo Guan's reaction, he knew that the other party knew that he had guessed his thoughts, and his admiration for Luo Guan's heart also rose again.

"Your son's method is really good. In this way, we can catch up with Master Xu and listen to his ideas, so that we can act in the future. More importantly, go bright and honest, so that more people can believe you. The status of the master maker."

"But now there is no chance to get close to the main palace of the floating city. I think you must have a way, but please introduce me!" Li Yi said with a smile.

"Why does the son always commit amnesia on this little thing? You don’t need anyone to introduce it now. As I said before, you want to be fair and honest. Now you are under the name of the mysterious maker, just send it Post, and then shouted in the city, you want to ask Xu Bozhi, all these things will not be solved, and there is no loophole!"

Li Yi suddenly realized that he had forgotten that he is now a celebrity in the floating city. Because he knew what to do next, Li Yi didn't even bother to eat, and left the lobby hurriedly, leaving only a word.

"I'm going to write a prayer, and you will send it to Xiao Liu in a while!"

Xiao Li looked at Li Yi's back innocently, and then looked at Luo's housekeeper, maybe he was nagging in his heart: It's me again, but it's not bad, at least I don't need to train those people temporarily!


Li Yi's visit to Xu Bozhi soon spread in the floating city. According to most people's thoughts, the reason why Li Yi did this is definitely to ask Xu Bozhi for advice, but basically no one is optimistic about this matter, because For the masters, everyone's common opinion is a strange temper.

"What? Mystery maker wants to visit Xu Bozhi?"

"Yes, people outside are talking about this matter now, and the post has been delivered. It is said that Xu Bozhi has agreed!"

"Commander, why did you say that this maker of surnamed Han did this? And why did he make such a big fanfare?" The person who spoke said it seemed very incomprehensible.

"This is because he wants to learn something. Anyway, Xu Bozhi is recognized as the closest person to the master of the device. Although this Korean device master is also powerful, he certainly cannot compare with Xu Bozhi. As for With great fanfare, this man’s mind is not simple. He did this to show everyone that he is fair and upright, and he has no intentions. Besides, everyone gave him a face to make his plot quiet. Very naturally, he also gave everyone a face to tell everyone that I had no other intentions."

"It turns out so!"

"By the way, has the identity of this mysterious craftsman been inquired?" the commander suddenly asked.

"No, I have never heard of it before, and no one has seen its true face, so it sounds very laborious, and the people of this Han Province, it seems that there are not many true faces to see this person, we asked A few people did not ask, as for the house, it was the Luo family before, but I heard that it was bought long ago. It is said that the buyer is the surname Han, so the Luo family will know this person."

"I don't know why, I always feel a little bit strange, but such a person should not be registered without a name, but there is really no clue. Forget it, no matter what, now we have more important things, Now that this person has spoken, who can win Xu Bozhi's joining, and who will he join, then we should take Xu Bozhi all the more. Let's discuss how to move to the next move."

Such discussions may happen in many places, and everyone's ideas may be different, but the focus is still on Xu Bozhi, because he knows the importance of Xu Bozhi, and more importantly, in the hands of Xu Bo The technology, which means infinite treasure, can only be regarded as an episode with Li Yi. Everyone knows this matter, but it is not the most important thing to solve now.

Li Yi’s post was sent out, and Li Yi did not have to worry about the other party’s answer, because Li Yi knew that Master would see himself after seeing himself. All he needed to do was prepare for it. According to the truth, the master of the afternoon There should be news from the government.

But what surprised Li Yi was that he knew that the sun was about to set, and there was still no news in the city's main palace, so that Li Yi wondered whether his master was in the city's main palace.

Just when Li Yi was puzzled, there was another performance in the main palace. Xu Bozhi looked at the post on the table in front of him, but hesitated a lot.

According to common sense, Xu Bozhi just dragged on so long to wait for Li Yi's arrival, but now Li Yi's identity is not the same anymore, he is more concerned about whether such a big fan seeing Li Yi will bring Li Yi The trouble is that it is better to maintain the status quo or to meet the previous side.

"Xu Lao, why did you always want to see your apprentice, now that your apprentice is here, why don't you want to see it again?" I don't know when the city master of the floating city came behind Xu Bozhi and didn't understand why Xu Why did Bo Zhi hesitate, so he asked.

"I didn't expect him to appear in such a way. Originally I wanted him to come in secret and then leave secretly. In this way, I can arrange something for him, but now he is a mysterious device that is full of storms. Master, if you meet him rashly, will it arouse the suspicion of others?"

"I don’t think it’s necessary. The noble’s idea is very good, because only when you meet the teacher and the disciples in such a situation, will it not attract anyone’s attention, and if you look at his performance from a while ago, he seems to be There are other ideas, as for what this idea is, I don’t know, maybe you will solve the mystery when you see the previous one."

"Well, since you have said so, I would like to trouble you to reply to my post. See you in the main palace tomorrow morning."


After waiting for a long time, Li Yi finally received a reply in the evening. The agreed time is tomorrow, because he will see the master soon, so Li Yi's mood is very good. He rested early and waited for the arrival of tomorrow.

The next day, when the genius was just dawning, Li Yi was already packed. To be more precise, Li Yi did not sleep well last night. Carefully count it, if not count as the last quick glance in Mingde City It’s been almost three years since Li Yi hasn’t met with Master. I have to say that time is sometimes ambiguous, making it impossible for people to measure what kind of concept it is.

Li Yi came to the main palace of the city as scheduled, and there were not many people around him, just took Xiao Liu alone. This is because Li Yi did not want to reveal his strength too much, and Hanfu is now quiet on the surface, but who knows how No one will take this opportunity to be uneasy and kind.

Entering the city's main palace, Li Yi was also unwilling to enjoy the scenery on the left and right. In his heart, the closer he was, the more anxious he was in Li Yi's heart. He didn't know why he had such thoughts. Near homesickness is more timid, perhaps this is the reason.

After walking through a long promenade and turning a corner, Li Yi seemed to remember every step along the way, and then came to a courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard, a person turned his back to Li Yi, just saw This figure almost made Li Yi cry.

He is so familiar with this figure. It starts with remembering things. This figure is caring for himself, but suddenly one day he realized that when he thought he could no longer rely on such a background, when he thought he had grown up At that time, it’s not that this figure is old again. In Li Yi’s heart, Master really is the same as his father. This kind of feeling is unmatched, so Li Yi will stop his own life in Mingde City. Master comes to save yourself.

"Master!" Li Yi's voice choked a little.

The man's body turned slowly, still the familiar face, or the familiar smile. I don't know why. When I saw this smile, Li Yi suddenly felt that his efforts were worth it.

"There are many people, I still call you Han Shi, you also call me Master Xu, Li Yi!" Xu Bozhi's voice is also very calm, accidentally, but also inconsistent with what he said. .

"Master..." Li Yi seems to want to protest!

Xu Bozhi glanced at Li Yi, and it seemed that Li Yi had a severe Xu Bozhi, so he swallowed the next words in his stomach, and had to brew his emotions before saying: "Master Xu Zonggui As the first master in the world of control, I would like to tell you that Master is indeed the demeanor of the younger generation. Please don’t let anyone out.”

In fact, Li Yi didn't say this to Xu Bozhi, but he said it deliberately because he was afraid that someone around would eavesdrop.

Xu Bozhi shook his head a little helplessly. Li Yi thought that he still understood. He was very happy to see his own apprentice becoming more mature. He was too lazy to pay attention to such small details.

"It was originally planned to have a good chat with you, but the longer we delay here, the more people will be suspicious, so we can only make a short story, but these things are not problems, and our communication will be very easy in the future. !"

"Why?" Li Yi asked with some incomprehension.

"You forgot why these people came here?" Xu Bozhi asked with a smile, and he could see that this smile was a heartfelt joy. When the master and apprentice reunited, the two were naturally very excited and happy.

"Master, are the rumors outside true?" Li Yi thought of something suddenly, but because of a little disbelief, he asked in a tone of doubt.

Xu Bozhi nodded, very surely nodded.

"Master, you are so amazing. I originally thought that those people made excuses for their actions. Your achievements can be more than any master maker. It is not an exaggeration to call you a master maker!" "Li Yi's words are not flattery, because the long-distance communication technology solved by Xu Bo is indeed a miracle.

"Don't tell me the truth, let's talk about you first. Why did you come up with the name of the mysterious maker, what are your plans?" Xu Bo's words entered the topic.

"Because I want to disturb everyone’s attention and then allow me to do things more conveniently. The identity of the master is only a guise for me. My real purpose is to save you, Master, you will not know your current How dangerous the situation is, but no matter what, I will try to destroy the conspiracy of everyone and prevent them from succeeding. None of these forces has a good heart."

"You finally understand this. If you don't see the essence of these forces, Master will not refuse to join any forces. In fact, if it is not for me to go to the present point, then no one will know me. The thing is, however, I have to do this, only because I have killed and injured too many people, which makes me very uneasy!" Xu Bozhi's tone had a lot of self-blame.

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