Finally, at night, Xu Bozhi's magic device responded. Xu Bozhi took out the magic device and injected his own force, and then what came out was Li Yi's voice, but Li Yi still Some doubts, so he tentatively said, "Master, can you hear me? Master, can you hear me?"

Xu Bo was happy for a while, although Li Yi contacted him later than he expected, but this little Li Yi still used his own efforts to fully understand this magic stone weapon, which means that Li Yi’s mastery of the weapon and the previous Compared with the steady rise, as Li Yi's master, how can he be unhappy in his heart.

"I can hear you, Li Yi!" Xu Bozhi's voice trembled a little. This time he was more excited than the last meeting.

When Li Yi in Hanfu heard Master’s voice, he almost screamed out of joy, because it meant that he had succeeded for the first time, and at the same time, he also let him truly see the wonder of this thing, young man, yes Novelty things naturally have a favorite side.

This night, the two of the master and the apprentice started to talk through the night. Both of them talked about their past experiences. They did not notice the passage of time. All night, they passed like an unconscious.

The night of the floating city that has just experienced the tribulation is very quiet, but I am afraid that no one will think that the greater suffering is walking towards the floating city a little bit.

After Li Yi and his master finished talking, they were still in a state of calm. When some things were not communicated or when they were not well communicated, there were a lot of misunderstandings, but when these things were made clear, Li Yi was also Understand Master's pains.

Sometimes hatred can blind people's eyes, but more often, it is a bit of hatred.

After learning all the circumstances, Li Yi realized that Master’s hatred belonged to the kind that had to be reported. Although Master’s behavior is a little too aggressive, Li Yi once asked himself secretly: If you change yourself to be Your own master, what will you do?

Li Yi's final answer is the same as Master's, or even more so than Master's behavior, regardless of his own life and death. Therefore, from the initial failure to the current understanding, Li Yi also understood his Master's embarrassment.

But he was even more worried about his master's situation. Just last night when talking on the phone, Li Yi could still hear the clamoring noises there. Although Xu Bozhi always emphasized that there was nothing, Li Yi knew very well, This means that there are forces in action.

There will always be people who can't sit still. The more uncertain the situation, the more people will want to take advantage of the opportunity to do something. This speculative heart is human nature.

As Li Yi was thinking about what he should do next, his door rang.

A person who knocks on his own door, in this Han Palace, Li Yi can't think of a second person other than the Luo butler. Since he is the Luo butler, it must be an important thing, because if it is an ordinary trifle, Luo Guan will not To inform yourself.

What is the most important thing? Li Yi seems to have a very bad hunch. Because of this hunch, Li Yi took a deep breath before saying, "Please come in!"

The door was slowly pushed open, and Li Yi expected to be right. When he walked into the room, it was Luo Guan's housekeeper. Luo Guan's spirit was a little tired, and it seemed to be the reason for the bad rest.

"What is it?" Li Yi didn't want to be polite anymore, so he asked Luo Butler directly.

"There's something wrong with the city master's house!" Butler Luo couldn't care about more politeness!

"What?" The news made Li Yi very surprised, so the tone was naturally surprised. There was a lot of worry in this surprise. What happened to the Master's Mansion, what will happen to Master, this is Li Yi's first time The thing that comes to mind, Xu Bozhi's safety is something he can't let go.

"In the early hours of this morning, someone attacked the city's mansion, and the city's guards fought fiercely against it. Now we know that half of the city's mansion was destroyed, but the forces of the sneak attack did not take advantage of it!" Luo Guanjia said in one breath .

"What about Master Xu?" Li Yi asked questions he cared more about.

"It should still be in the main palace!"

"That's okay..." Hearing that his master was okay, Li Yi took a long breath, and his heart was calm.

"Not necessarily!" Luo Guanjia's tone was low.

"Why?" Li Yi did not understand at this time.

"Because this is a very bad signal, it means that everyone has begun to care no more. Once all forces do not care about anything, then the current floating city may become a huge battlefield at any time. Now This is a vortex, just a quiet vortex for the time being, but no one can predict which forces will act as a boost to the acceleration of this vortex. Once the vortex accelerates, the consequences may be unimaginable!" Luo Guanjia said Your own opinion.

It was after listening to this that Li Yi realized that what he had just thought was really too simple. Butler Luo said it well. Now the floating city has become an uncontrollable place that can break out at any time, and if it breaks out, I am afraid that No one can stay away.

"Butler Luo, what should we do next?" Li Yi was very worried and asked such a question. At this time, Li Yi's young side accounted for most of it. Last night, there was no rest. Worry, for a while, Li Yi lost a bit of a sense of chaos. This is also a mess of truth. When I forgot the tribe, the situation was much more serious than this crisis, but Li Yi did not have his own. idea.

"Son, if you ask me, my suggestion is... Now, we will evacuate the floating city immediately, without delay. The current floating city can no longer stay, evacuate here, we will watch the changes outside!" Luo The housekeeper solemnly expressed his views.

"No!" Li Yi refused!

Such a refusal made Luo Guanjia's eyes show disappointment. Originally, he had high expectations for Li Yi. When he thought that he had made such a suggestion, Li Yi could analyze the current situation clearly. Abandoning the unrealistic thoughts at first, and with Li Yi's strength now, it is impossible to rescue Xu Bozhi.

But Li Yi refused without thinking, which would naturally disappoint Luo Butler!

Li Yi also seemed to notice Luo Guan's disappointed look, and also understood that he was really a little reckless about himself just now. After thinking for a while, Li Yi spoke slowly.

"Xu Bozhi is my master!"

It was this sentence that completely caused Luo Butler to be stunned unexpectedly, but then he also understood a lot of things. It seems that Li Yi said a word that does not matter, but in fact, this sentence is to Li Yi now. Choose the best explanation.

At this moment, Luo Guanjia also understood why Li Yi just didn’t want to answer like this, and why Li Yi had such a skill to control the sky. He also understood why Li Yi didn’t care about anything, but he must be rescued. Go to Xu Bozhi.

Alas, it seems that I am really old, and I should have thought of it for a long time. Why didn't I know it until someone said it! Luo Guan's heart blamed himself.

"Son, I understand. If that is the case, then we will always be ready. Let Liu Weiwei monitor the situation of the main palace. Then our people will always be prepared. Since this is a matter that the son cannot escape, then I am willing to Fight with the old fate and the son to get a hand!" Knowing the specific situation, Luo Guanjia said his own suggestions for the first time, but these suggestions were also the last struggles. Luo Guanjia's heart also appreciated Li Yi more For the sake of the safety of his master, he did not hesitate to take risks himself. In this era, how many people can do this, it seems that his vision is not wrong.

"Thank you, Luo's housekeeper!" Li Yi also said a bow to Luo's housekeeper. This bow also expressed the greatest gratitude to Luo's housekeeper, because he had to leave, but if Luo Guanjia wanted to If you want to leave, you can't oppose it, but Luo's housekeeper chose to fight side by side with himself. This sentence is worth bowing in Li Yi's heart.

"My son, I will arrange it first. You have to adjust your status. Now you don't need to control anymore. We may face real battle at any time!" After that, Luo Guanjia didn't wait for Li Yi's answer. Turned around and left the room.

There was only Li Yi left in the room. Li Yi originally wanted to sort out his thoughts, but he couldn’t help but feel quiet, so he had to give up, and his only hope was pinned on Luo Guan’s On his body, I hope Luo Guanjia can give him the greatest help at this time.

In addition, Li Yi also took out the magic device of communication for the first time, but what disappointed Li Yi was that no matter how hard he tried, his master had no response at all, which also deepened Li Yi. Worry, the situation really started to become unpredictable.

Luo Guan’s prediction is not wrong at all, because with the first person who eats crabs, the rest of the forces will start to be unwilling and lonely. Although they all know that they have no certainty of winning, but no one will give up this opportunity to try. a bit.

Therefore, from the early morning, the floating city began to be uneasy. For the first time, the main city of the floating city became the unstable place at the core of the city. The people also found that the situation seemed to be a bit wrong, but The hindsighted people did not have a better way to change the current situation, but only to face this situation.

The development of the floating city is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and the people are disappointed by the inaction of the city’s main government. Not long ago, the people who were happy that their city finally prospered had to accept the fact that the floating city Now it is not prosperity, but chaos. This chaos is a disorder without order. Under such circumstances, human life begins to become irrelevant and begins to be ignored.

In fact, this is also not to be blamed for the lord of the city. Even in this situation, even if he is in charge, he is unable to manage it. Now he is very difficult even to protect himself. If the major forces still keep their backs to avoid the move of the cardinals. Based on the strength of the city's main palace, it is estimated that he would end up with the Luo family.

The major forces are also surprised that the situation is already like this. Xu Bozhi can still sit still, which is somewhat inconsistent with Xu Bo’s reputation for poverty alleviation and relief. The current major forces are also contradictory. I hope Xu Bozhi can join his own forces, but he is afraid that Xu Bozhi said to join his own forces, because now everyone understands that before there is not enough capital, no matter who it is, the joining of Xu Bozhi will make them face bigger. difficult.

But I don’t know if it’s a habit. Just when this floating city was in chaos, and it was exactly where Li Yi was, it maintained a relative calm. That’s right, it was a relative calm. The relative calm is because there are more and more people here. This is noisy, but no one is making trouble here. Compared with other places, it is still a quiet place.

However, it is estimated that no one in the city can think of it. Just outside the city, there are two war departments coming through the small forest towards the floating city, and at the current speed, it is basically almost at night. Can be reached in time.

In Hanfu, Li Yi frowned as he looked at the direction of the city's main palace. At this time, he really had no better way, so he could only wait for the opportunity, but even when the opportunity came, he was not very clear.

After Li Yi’s unremitting efforts, he finally made contact with Master. Xu Bozhi’s voice was a bit old, as if he had experienced too much in this short period of time. What made Li Yi worried was that he listened The master came out with a desperate determination.

"Li Yi, I decided to announce that I am joining the largest city in the floating city, Zhicheng!"

"Master, you can't announce now. Once announced, all forces will no longer have an estimate. It will inevitably make them give birth to the idea of ​​killing you even if you can't get it!" Li Yi dissatisfied with anxiety.

"I understand, but I have to make a decision, and if I drag on, the people in this floating city will really suffer. In this way, my sins will be too deep. You know, your master is not troublesome. Do you still remember Mu Yuxuan? You must contact him in the future. The forces established by Master are now under his control. Although the strength is not very strong, it will help you a little!" Xu Bozhi somewhat explained the matter. meaning.

"Master, where are they now? I will contact them now, maybe I can still save you!" Li Yi seemed to see the way.

"Li Yi, Master has said so, you still don't understand what Master means. If Master wants to escape, he has already escaped, but Master doesn't want to. This is Master's decision. I have been burdened with things for too long. , I spent most of my life pursuing restraint, and did not take care of my family so much that when I let them suffer disaster, I was not there. Such a **** vendetta, if you don’t report it, do you think I have anything to survive Courage, I originally wanted to accumulate my strength to revenge a little bit, but my speed of development is far inferior to the development of this vain league, so if I don’t take the initiative to do something, I estimate this I can't see the day of revenge in my life!" Xu Bozhi's emotion suddenly became excited.

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