"This is one of its functions!" Li Yuan smiled.

"Hah, it's cool!" Li Yi twisted his fat **** with joy, "But," he stopped, "other functions..."

Li Yuan squeezed his chin again: "Then you have to find it yourself, you can't always rely on others?" He thought to himself: ten centimeters, yes, ten centimeters of "protective light" "A" is really my son!

"Master, if you don't eat the food, it will be cold." Lao Zhang's face showed a trace of unseen joy.

"Wait, come with me, Li Yi." Li Yuan pulled his son, and the father and son walked to the rooftop together.

"What are you doing?" Li Yi was a little confused.

"You can't talk about it." Li Yuan's face that seemed to smile forever suddenly became serious.

"En!" Li Yi looked at his father, who was not rich, and a strange desolation broke into his heart. His previous hatred for his father seemed to disappear.

"Neither can it be seen by others!"

"I know!" Li Yi agreed without even asking why.

"That's fine, just fine," Li Yuan's tone was cool, and it seemed cold and bitter under the background of the autumn wind. "Maybe, you won't see me again, maybe, no, definitely not, er... Zi..." Li Yuan gave Li Yi a closer look, as if to reflect his image deeply in his heart. In fact, he did, "Forever, farewell, son... Zi..." , Two lines of tears came down in tears.

Li Yuan lowered his head and ignored Li Yi.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Li Yi was confused by Li Yuan's incoherent speech. Farewell? Don't tease you! You are not dying again! What last words to say!

Before he could react, a strong wind blew up, and Li Yuan was blown away by the wind as if he were a paper lay.

"Dad? Daddy! Daddy, where are you going!" Li Yi panicked. His only loved one, the only spiritual support, and the only heart to rely on (although he hated him on the surface), it was in this wave of strangeness In the wind, it was blown away!

"Dad, daddy..." He choked, tears in his eyes.

Li Yi's inner world collapsed completely. He wanted to learn the characters in the literary works Yang Tianchang Xiao, but he could not make a sound. He burst into tears, his joy disappeared.

The moon was high and the wind was clear, and on the empty roof, only Li Yi was left alone.

Although his father disappeared again, the fat man's studies had to continue.

The disappearance of his father made Li Yi grieved for more than two months. Even so, the heavy learning task still made Li Yi forget the pain. After all, everything is school.

But there is one thing that makes the fat man confused.

It's Lao Zhang.

The fat man just didn't understand why Lao Zhang was indifferent to his father's disappearance.

To this end, Li Yi pressed Lao Zhang many times, and got all the correct answers: since ancient times, there have been yin and qing, and people have sorrows and sorrows.

"Normal?" Li Yi thought, "This is strange, unless you are not normal!"

No way, eventually the fat man gave up this topic.

There is also the red-haired beauty named Yanyue who was rescued that night by the fat man. There are many reasons, for example: she is very beautiful (think of this, the fat man swallowed secretly), the name is very special...

Speaking of her name, the fat man turned over the dictionary, but found that there did not seem to be the surname "Yan", which made Li Yi sad for a long time: it was not that the fat man was sentimental, mainly because he met her later (Li Yi knew that he was a bit utopian) , She does not admit it-she can say: "There are so many people called Yanyue in the world, why am I the one you saved? Get away! Fat fat man!"

Naturally, this is just what Li Yi, a fat man without a brain, came up with.

As for the ring, it was hung by a fat man around his neck-just like the protagonist in a previous movie called "The Lord of the Rings."

"Good things must be kept by yourself!" This is Li Yi's idea.

The ring really looked unremarkable, and Li Yi had identified it several times and couldn't see the stone on it. "This stone is really beautiful. Look closely. Oh, it's as charming as the night sky!" This is Li Yi's comment on the ring.

However, despite Li Yi's efforts, he still fell out of the college entrance examination a year later.

The fat man knew that this was mixed: "I already knew that I wouldn't play the ring every time I came back!"

In this era of fat people, the world war is in full swing. The reason is that the “non-renewable resources” that are steadily decreasing: metals, coal, petroleum and other almost exhausted minerals.

For this, it is not normal for the world not to be chaotic-because humans are such animals.

According to the national constitution, all those who are at home have to complete the glorious and sacred mission of "joining the army" to protect the country-this is why fat people regret it.

Right now, my country is inseparable from other countries in the world, and it is precisely when they are short of people that they drop out of the list, exactly what they want.

As a result, Li Yi reluctantly entered the naval barracks stationed at the seaside. Because Li Yi had a high degree of education and was rich at home, he was divided into the Naval Academy after the connection between the left and the right. The people in the academy are either eating or drinking, playing or making trouble, but the military rank is higher than those of the idiots Qiu Ba, so when you enter the academy, you are going to play.

After a year and a half of fighting, the fat man was 20. In addition to celebrating with his friends, he also received a task to go to another institute in Antarctica to investigate the combat readiness there.

In September, when Qi Yi was refreshing, Li Yi boarded the "Pioneer" that reached the Antarctic, and went straight from the Nansha Islands to the southernmost part of the earth. This idiot-like decision directly determined Li Yi's hard life afterwards...

Because Li Yi is somewhat a naval officer, although he is small, he usually has some training. The bumps on the ship are not so "fatal" to him when he first arrived-that is, Li Yi's balance The ability is trained so well that it has the ability to almost walk on a tightrope, which is nothing less than a miracle for a fat man.

Arriving on the boat, after eating and sleeping, Li Yi's waist increased a few more times.

Soon, Li Yi, the dead fat man, could not count the days.

One evening, there was heavy fog on the sea. The abnormal weather made the crew nervous. After all, the weather forecast did not say that there would be fog here. Immediately afterwards, the wind and waves rose. After a few strong winds and waves, the sea calmed down again and the weather was much better. Just as everyone was relieved, the boat hit the rocks.

The hull slammed against a rock, the hull shook violently, and people could only stand by the railing. The captain-an uncle with a full face and a beard yelled at one side-why no one told him there was a rock in front! Suddenly stunned: "No, this is deep in the Pacific Ocean, no... impossible to hit the reef!"

He inserted his hand into the thick black hair and squatted in distress-too many strange things!

Li Yi was awakened by the violent shock and climbed out of the cabin. He was about to ask the captain what happened. After another shock, the fat man lost his balance and lay on the ground.

"Damn!" the fat man thought before fainting.

From the fat man's point of view, the consequence of this collision was undoubtedly the destruction of the ship, and he was also ready to welcome his long-dead mother. So, when he opened his eyes and saw this woman's face, he shouted: "Mom!"

But this lady is in her early 20s, and she is not a fat lady.

Just listening to what she grumbled about to the people on the side, Li Yi couldn't hear clearly, but felt her head hurt and fainted again.

When Li Yi woke up again, it was already the next morning, and this time, Li Yuan told him.

Yes, Li Yuan.

The fat man woke up again and saw the face with curly hair all the way to his chin at first glance-this is Li Yuan's signature hairstyle.

"Dad!" Li Yi sat up and cried while holding Li Yuan. "How are you dead!?"

"What?" Li Yuan was almost choked to death by his son's words, "You are so expecting me to die?"

"Ah?" The fat man was stunned-according to his idea, he had already hung up, and the person he saw must be dead, there was no reason to see the living person, "Don't tease me, you die. What to pretend? It’s fun!"

Li Yuan was anxious, took his hand, and knocked **** Li Yi's head: "No death is no death! Where is so much nonsense! You want to die!"

"Who wants to die! I...I want to live!" The fat man looked at his only relative in the world with grievances and changed the subject, "So, where is this? And, are you acting? How to wear costumes?" ?"

"Uh, remember the Qin Dynasty in the history book?" Li Yuan stroked the ring on Li Yi's neck. The ring responded with blue light, and Li Yi also nodded. "Actually, the famous first emperor did not die. Don’t look at me with such a distrustful eye, let me finish... Yes, where did I say? Yes, yes, he is not dead, just immigrants came here-this is called Ya The place of Tirantis! Yes, you heard it right, Atlantis, Plato was right, just misspelled the name. Er, it was a bit ridiculous. But there is one more thing, it is better than this Even more absurd..." At the critical moment, Li Yuan even sold Guan Zi.

"Speak! Be frank and wide!" Li Yi shouted, pinching Li Yuan's neck.

"Okay, oops, don't pinch--en, much better," Li Yuan brewed, coughed and announced, "I am the son of the first emperor-that is, you are the grandson of Qin Shihuang. We are incognito. Living, the surname is not important, the important thing is the blood, do you know? Even if we admit that we are the blood of Qin Shihuang in the future, our surname is still Li."

Li Yi froze, and after a while said: "You bluff me, the time is wrong-bragging!"

"No, this, some things are difficult to say, such as immortality." Li Yuan looked at Li Yi with a smile.

"Ah? God! This world is so crazy..." The fat man's fragile heart collapsed again and fainted again...

"Alas..." Li Yuan smiled bitterly. "There is no temperament and guts that the royal family should have!"

After Li Yi woke up, Li Yuan decided to take him around Atlantis.

This is a continent extending from east to west. It is divided into east and west by a mountain called the "Central Mountain Range". The east is the settlement of the Qin people, while the west is naturally the origin of the self-proclaimed "Wanqu" people here. Inhabitants-the settlement of intelligent creatures who have been renamed "elves" because of their good looks. However, in view of the conflicts between the elves and the Qin Kingdom, Li Yuan did not take Li Yi across the Central Mountain Range to the west of the mainland.

After a few days in this way, Li Yuan decided to take Li Yi back to Qin's capital, Xincheng, to visit Li Yi's grandfather Qin Shihuang.

"To be honest, Li Yi," Li Yuan said to Li Yi in the carriage. "If you still brought the ring I gave you, you might be at your destination now."

"What?" Li Yi just remembered the "comrades" who came with him and his mission to Antarctica this time. "What's going on?"

"Of course, you have to be clear about some things," Li Yuan frowned. "The first thing you have to know is that the elves are not good things. They used magic to seal this place for many years for unknown purposes. ——Don’t be excited, yes, there are spells in this world, and here, you can see the masterpieces of spells almost everywhere. It’s done, the truth is, those elves have sealed Atlantis for a long time, and our lives are still. , Time no longer advances, nothing can come in, nothing can go out-but, fortunately, your grandfather’s unknown prophet sent me out of Atlantis early, and the power of the spell is always limited. Thousands of years later, now, the power of this spell has weakened, and we have regained our previous vitality, so I will come back-don’t blame me for leaving you at that time." Li Yuan paused, seeing Li Yi and Without blaming him, he continued, "I'm back, but there are always ships breaking into Atlantis, which will disrupt our lives! So, we have sealed it again-you The reef hitting is actually man-made. We are responsible for sending away people who accidentally broke into Atlantis. If I had sensed the'Prince King' ring on your neck, you would have been sent to the South Pole.'

Li Yi stayed for a long time before squeezing out a word: "Wow..."

Both frantically pinched Li Yuan's neck and said, "I want to learn spells!"

"Well, wait back to the new city..." Li Yuan coped with, "And! You must know, people here do not speak Mandarin! You have to learn Qin language with me first!"

"I know!" Li Yi bit his face bitterly, "Is it difficult?"

"Be sure to teach you before returning to the new city!"

The name "Xincheng" is really bad enough, but it is quite prosperous and there are many people, which fully reflects the strong survivability of the Chinese nation-it seems that in the eyes, only people, people, people ...

The carriage finally squeezed into the palace, entered the hall, worshipped the uncles, and finally saw the legendary character.

To be honest, from the appearance alone, I can't see that the man sitting on the throne is the famous first emperor of China-Qin Shihuang, nor can he see that he has lived for thousands of years, I can To be fair, when you see him for the first time, you will definitely say: "I bet this man must be in his early forties!"

If you really bet, you will lose.

According to Li Yi’s uncles and uncles, this is the result of practicing the fairy law.

"Old soil!" Li Yi scolded in his heart, "This is not called "Sian Fa", it should be called "Spell" to be exact!" Fatty novels have read a lot, this should be known, "But if I learned Spells, don’t be afraid of fighting in the future!" The fat man thought with excitement, the fat on his face huddled together. In the eyes of others, this was the result of seeing his grandfather.

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