So Li Yi started thinking about ridiculing the good women.

"Beauty..." He said the woman with a tongue that was half-raised in Qin's language and was "tempted by the dark blue". "Are you lonely? Hey, do you want me to accompany me?" Raise your hand...

It's a pity that the woman wasn't so annoying. She wasn't in a good mood. She came here to buy drunk, but unexpectedly, she met this drunkard fat man. Without a word, she got up and beats—she is a pragmatic contractor!

Li Yi didn't expect her plan to fail, she didn't expect her to turn her face, she quickly turned around and wanted to escape-but the other party was a contractor, using magic! How to escape? Not long after, the fat man was burned into a roast pig by a fiery woman.

The poor fat man is already drunk. Where can he use his mind? Can only be abused by the other party with blame, the robes on the side are watching this beautiful woman punish the villain.

When running away in the laughter of everyone, Zhu Geliang complained to him afterwards, "Why didn't you bring a ring!"

But this fight is not in vain-at least let him understand the truth, do not provoke trouble before he learns his art.

In this way, Li Yi has further strengthened his determination to study every day.

The next day, all the teachers found that Li Yi worked hard to read, study, and ask questions as if he had turned into a sassy schoolboy. How could he still look like a **** brother? In gratification, the teachers quickened the pace of Li Yi's genius.

The learning passion that poor Li Yi had just started was suddenly beaten back by the crazy education of the teachers, but it was not reduced by this. His love for spells made his reading skills advance by leaps and bounds, which surprised the old professors of the school.

"He can make a caveman!" said a veteran professor of gray-haired but spirited chanting. "This is beyond my ability!"

Obviously, the old man's slightly exaggerated evaluation has undoubtedly improved Li Yi's status in the hearts of the school teachers and students. For a time, the fat man was promoted by ordinary students to be his assistant of the chanting teacher. This made him very beautiful, but the trouble is that he was sought after by many noble girls-forced him to build a caveman all day long to play.

However, creating things with mind-selling is not about making things, it takes time and information. Cavemen are intelligent creatures living in caves halfway up the central mountain range. They are brave and warlike and difficult to succumb. The Qin Emperor has never conquered them from the beginning to the end. What they look like, their height, etc. are all in the library in the palace There is no description. So, the life that Li Yi made last time did not even know what it was, and asked him to recreate it? Hum, is it possible?

But where do the idiot little fart children know, only know that Li Yi is forced to make people all day long.

This makes Li Yi both angry and funny.

As far as a spell learner is concerned, Li Yi is barely passable; but as far as a cultural learner is concerned, he is much inferior. For example, literature, basic subjects like arithmetic, Li Yi is a mess-not too difficult , But he didn’t want to learn.

"For a class ruler, these things are basically unimportant-as long as they can fight!" the fat man thought.

Well, we don't care if he is easy to learn, after all, it has nothing to do with us.

After the excitement period of the first meeting, the great grandfather of Li Yi never met Li Yi again, although Li Yi was his only grandson.

This old immortal king has strict management of the country, and Li Yi has seen him personally burn a lawless noble with fire. Here, it seems that breaking the law is an unforgivable sin.

"I should be fine!" The fat man thought for a while and decided, "I am his grandson!"

It seems that the inferior root of the traditional Chinese people is preserved in the fat man.

The fat man is very clear, no matter how powerful the mind is, but after all it is a tiring job. So he looked around, trying to find a non-tired spell-fat man Li Yi would cut corners.

But he has another reason-the beautiful elves are tempting in the West.

To be honest, looking at the elf women around her, Li Yi is not always in the mood. After all, they also want to be free-they are not wrong about this.

On several occasions, Li Yi almost couldn't hold back, and almost lifted the ban on their hands, but their alert eyes made Li Yi chill-after all, he didn't finish it.

So Li Yi gave up his immature idea.

Then he threw himself into the sea of ​​books.

In fact, there are more intelligent people on the mainland than Li Yi. Throughout the ages, who doesn’t want to learn unsatisfactory spells? However, there is only another spell in the classics-"dance technique", which is said to have been invented by an elven dancer of the Qin Emperor. It was very powerful. At that time, Qin Emperor who had learned the ancient gods was almost killed by her with "dance technique". dead! However, due to various reasons, General Qian Qi blocked the fatal blow from Qin Huang and the dancer, and was seriously injured. Wu Niang, holding the general Qitian, fled to the present Luoxia Cliff, and finally exhausted to death. Out of the elven clan's concept of peace, the dancer cured the general's wounds before she died, and gave him her own spell book before she died. But for various reasons later, the book disappeared without a trace, and no one knew its whereabouts.

However, Li Yi does not want to learn "dance technique", just because the consequences of learning this technique are too terrible-when the caster dies, his body will become a part of nature-a person will die, die The whole body is not yet available, which is really terrifying for Li Yi.

Finally, the fat man gave up thinking and searching, preparing to have fun.

He still has many explanations for Li Yi's idea of ​​going out.

Xincheng is a city that pays much attention to nightlife, which is different from the TV series Li Yi used to watch at home. Xin Qin's requirements for national costumes do not necessarily require a crown and a robe. Fat people often see people dancing on the street in tight leather jackets on the street-of course, not hip-hop.

The "Fireworks Land" here occupies nearly one-third of the land in the new city, and there are so many dazzling golden caves in the Qinglou Hotel. They are divided into two parts, north and south. The one on the south is known as a street, known as "Fireworks Lane", which uses human prostitutes as its signature and is always enthusiastic about attracting customers; while the north side uses elf prostitutes as its signature, known as "The City that never sleeps" This "red light district" is surrounded by high walls, and the elves in it are reluctant to sell their talents and ** for the bosses.

These places are not only for men, but even women can go in for fun.

This is due to Xinqin's marriage system. The marriage system in Xinqin is strange and surprising. Both the man and the woman do not have to be with each other for life. Men can have many wives and women can also have many husbands. Couples go to "Fireworks Alley" and "Night City". , Is no longer news. The two can make an appointment when and where they will meet, and they will be accompanied by their respective male and female partners and enter their respective reserved rooms.

This is only equivalent to the couple entering the same playground.

This also makes Li Yi, a traditional Chinese man, uncomfortable.

In the future, the fat man thinks viciously, I want to have many women, but no one must betray me!

Fat people are still used to going to "Firework Alley", even if the elves in "Nightless City" are more beautiful. the reason? According to the fat man, he did not dare to go there-he was afraid of seeing the sad eyes of the elves, although they always smiled in front of the guests.

This makes the fat man very unhappy.

In fact, Li Yi just wanted to go to "Firework Alley" to drink a glass of wine, and incidentally sought revenge from the woman who had flattened him last time.

When I came to the place where I lost my face again, the fat man blushed and his thick old face entered the "light of temptation."

As the so-called enemy has a narrow road, or the female contractor often goes to "Light of Temptation" to get drunk, the fat man meets the very tough woman in the hotel again.

But she seemed to be turning, and she no longer showed off her tight-fitting clothes, but changed to a very ladylike robe, which made her eyes shine.

However, the way she drank was still terrifying.

Everyone sipped the wine in the glass bit by bit, and enjoyed it. But the lady who was sentimental was different-she used a pot, not a wine glass, but the bottle of pouring wine.

This shows that her temper will not be better.

The last time I was not good at learning, she suffered a fiasco under her hands. This time it was different. Li Yi succeeded in learning art-of course, this is what the old teachers said. Li Yi listened to them and thought that he was not ordinary, so what Not afraid.

So the fat man sat in front of the female contractor in a challenge and patted the table: "How much is it, chick?"

The female contractor seems to have forgotten the fat man who was hurt by her last time. She looked at Li Yi doubtfully and said, "Are you looking for me?"

Li Yi was also flustered and said firmly, "I said, I want to cover you for one night, how much!" Li Yi said this, blushing like a monkey butt-he was very shy.

The violent female contractor understood it. She overturned the table with one hand and yelled, "Dead fat, don't want to live!" After that, the red light was shining in one hand, and the golden light was shining in the other. Anyhow fat. The people on the edge began to retreat sensibly.

It turned out that she was a contractual teacher with both fires and fires, Li Yi thought to herself. His chubby face was full of gentle smiles, and he sat steadily on the chair, as if the female contractor thought that the person who was flat was not him.

A moment later, a large bowl of fireballs and an arrow formed by pure light struck Li Yi's upper body and lower body respectively, and the fat man laughed even more. Just as two harmful spells were about to touch his body, the fat man narrowed his eyes in a cracked smile, and the two very aggressive spells of fireball and light arrow twisted in the air and disappeared instantly. Without a trace.

The female contractor was startled, and the wine was awake. Her years of fighting experience made her understand that either she met a master today, or the fat man in front of him was a magician-apart from the master, only the magician can The spell resolves quietly. Look at this fat man is not very young, should be a sorcerer.

The female contractor quickly read a few spells. At one time, there was a wolf in the hotel, wine bottles and glasses flew together, wine and spells co-colored, in an instant, the protective spells in the store were automatically activated, and the two found a flower in front of them. He has been transported to the outskirts of the new city.

"Hum, you can let go and fight!" The female contractor showed her fierce face, and suddenly raised her magic power to the maximum.

"Fuck! Who's afraid of who!" Li Yi took off the ring from his neck and put it on his left middle finger. "The last time I was beaten so badly by you, I must make a comeback this time!"

The female contractor hesitated: "Last time? Did I flatten you? Oh! It's you! Huh, who told you to mess with the old lady! It deserves it!"

It seems that she remembered the last thing and laughed lightly, and for a time the spring was bright: "Your boy hasn't seen for a few days, has you grown meat! It's not as good as last time! Come, let me see See how many pounds or two you have grown!" The last word spit out from the mouth, and powerful and harmful spells followed one after another. The fire snake condensed by the flame is like life, swimming briskly in the air, and behind it, tens of thousands of gold arrows are ready to launch, and when the fire snake wraps around Li Yi, ten thousand light arrows will Whistling, shot Li Yi and the Fire Snake together. This spellcasting almost exhausted all the energy of the female contractor. She could barely support the spell, and sweat had oozed from her forehead.

However, things did not go smoothly as pre-set by the female contractor who was working **** the law.

The Fire Snake really tied Li Yi tightly, but those light arrows couldn't shoot Li Yi through.

A blue and black mask covered Li Yi up and down tightly, and the light arrow left a golden light spot on it, and disappeared without a trace.

In the light laughter of the fat man, the scope of the light mask is getting larger and larger, and the encirclement of the fire snake is easily cracked, and then it is divided into several segments by Li Yizhen, burning up in the air.

The female contractor was cold and sweating, terrified, and had the idea of ​​running away.

It turned out to be contrary to expectations, the air around her seemed to freeze, trapping her firmly inside, she cried out in fright. Then screamed: "Ah..."

However, here is the suburb of the new city, and there is nothing to save her except for the beasts that are walking around in search of food.

The beasts were scared away by the power of the spell.

Li Yi did not expect that she would cry and scream, and she was so scared that she was helpless, so she lifted the ban on the female contractor.

Suddenly felt a lot easier, the female contractor immediately fell to the ground and fainted-physical exertion was too much, especially with such a large-scale magic attack.

"What's wrong?" Li Yi approached the female contractor curiously and found that she had passed out. "It's so easy! Forget it, it's another trouble! Hey, take it back, don't go back and eat those beasts."

The fat man hugged this once-strong woman and walked towards the new city.

The next day, early in the morning, the sunlight shot through the delicate white crystal windows, and the person on the bed looked golden.

She stretched out and got up from the bed, only to find that she didn't cover her body, her face changed, and she remembered what happened last night.

Last night, she was defeated by a fat minder, and she fainted in disappointment, then...

then? What if he didn't seem to be treated by him!

She didn't dare to think about it. After finding clothes by the bed, she wanted to escape from this place.

Just as she was well-dressed and about to walk out of the door, an elf maid entered the door with a washbasin in her hands.

"You..." The female contractor froze.

The maid gave a respectful salute: "My son said, if the young lady wakes up, she must wait for the son to return before leaving."

"Your son... uh, is it a fat man?" the female contractor asked, wringing out the towel.

"Well, it's a good little fat man." The maid said, "At least, it's better for us than other Qin people."

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