Gu Lei looked at Ling strangely, nodded, and dragged Li Yi to the horse. The two rode to the nearest village.

After waking up the villagers who had fallen asleep from door to door and paying a lot of money, Gu Lei finally borrowed a farmhouse, and there were three chickens and a sheep attached by the villagers, waiting for Lingsuo Said the way.

Ling was a little embarrassed and said, "Actually, the way I am talking about is the contract technique. There is a healing spell in the contract technique of the dark system, but this kind of spell exchanges life for life, although it is also the ability to save lives and heal. But it still makes people feel evil..."

"Okay, don't say it, save Li Yi quickly, you are not saving Li Yi with human life, there is nothing evil or evil, it is good to save people." Gu Lei interrupted Ling's explanation , "I know your character, so hurry up!"

Ling nodded, chanting the mantra silently, and gradually, her left hand became a black tentacle, writhing in the air, and the tentacle screamed, as if she had been hungry for a long time, Ling extended her tentacle to the tentacle Sheep, the tentacles became longer in a moment, and entangled the sheep. The head of the tentacles fumbled over the sheep, and then inserted into the heart of the sheep.

The sheep's painful "bleep" made no sound. The tentacle's head squirmed as if it was absorbing something. Slowly, starting from the tentacle's head, a touch of red began to spread on the tentacle. The sheep, whose life was sucked by the tentacles, turned into a skin of dead skin.

Ling Guji reapplied and took the other three chickens in turn to take his life. He then stretched his purple tentacles to Li Yi. The tentacles seemed to be full, and he was lying on Li Yi's body. Slowly, the red on the tentacles dispersed and returned to the original black, and Li Yi's pale face also slowly recovered his blood color, and his breathing became stable.

After completing all of this, Ling seemed to be pumped away from the body for a moment, fell directly to the ground and could not move, and the tentacles quickly shrank back, changing to the left hand.

Gu Lei was shocked to see what had just happened. Although he claimed that "to save people is good", but in the face of this method and way of saving people, there was still some unacceptable in my heart, and even some nausea .

After all, things like tentacles are still disgusting for girls.

When she thought of how the tentacles just wriggled slightly, Gu Lei was sick for a while. She pulled Ling to bed, but when she thought that Ling’s left hand had become a tentacle, she gave up the plan and held the wall again. .

This night, Gu Lei was doomed to fall asleep.

The three settled in a small village called Banjiao Village. The villagers were honest farmers. They were very upset at the beginning of the three-person wake-up call, but they knew that Li Yi was injured when fighting the gangsters. The villagers became enthusiastic one by one.

Of course, this is also related to the money Gu Lei spread out last night.

Early the next morning, the farmhouse where the three lived was pried open by the villagers. When Gu Lei saw what the villagers had, he couldn't help but stunned.

I saw the villagers carrying things in their hands, buns, wine, combs, and even a little girl carrying a hand.

"You guys are..." Gu Lei rubbed her red eyes, her brain seemed to be a little dull after not sleeping for a night.

"Heroes, please save our village!" a young man in the lead said aloud.

Gu Lei's head was confused again.

Tired Gu Lei returned to the house and washed his face, so that he became awake a little, then quietly thinking about the news that he just got from the villagers.

The leading young man is the acting head of the village. He told Gu Lei that Banjiao Village has been harassed by a band of bandits recently, and basically comes to the village to "rent" every month. Most of the villagers here are honest. Peasants who work hard, work **** their own acres and three cents of land, and those who have a hard time living, where is the extra spare money handed over to the robbers?

The acting village chief passed the news to the town, but the town officials ignored the matter. The place of Banjiao Village has always been a place where officials did not pay attention. This village has no valuable stuff, and the taxes collected every year Less, this place doesn’t matter if people die.

Therefore, it has been more than a month since the report was submitted to the town. The villagers have never seen the town send people over. Seeing that the time for the bandits to collect rent is getting closer and closer, they have to resort to the new three adventures. At home, some knowledgeable people in the village can see from the strange light revealed in the farmhouse where Gu Lei lived last night that at least one of the three people is a contractor.

In this way, the villagers' expectations of Li Yi and the three people are even greater, and they have taken out their valuables in the family, and even a poorer guy in the family has brought out his daughter. Hope that the three adventurers will bring them Walking as a maid or something, at least, the child will not go hungry anymore.

After the villagers told Gu Lei, they put the things down and left the little girl looking at the door. The little girl was obviously scared and looked around helplessly. His father's words made her afraid Going back, it was a dilemma, and tears were swirling in his eyes.

Gu Lei sighed and walked back to the door, beckoning the little girl, beckoning her to come in.

The girl walked in obediently, and walked anxiously in front of Gu Lei, her small hand from her claw braid to her clothes and pinched back and forth. Judging from her patched clothes, the family was indeed not very generous .

"Little girl, what's your name?" Gu Lei asked softly, patting the little girl's head gently.

"Fei Zhen, my name is Fei Zhen." The little girl replied timidly.

Gu Lei sighed, as smart as she could not guess why Fei Zhen’s father sent her, most of the people of Xinqin lived a hard life, and the money they earned was almost equal to their daily expenses. Doing other things, such as sending children to school, parents have to cut back on food and clothing, and even some families can't even cut back on food and clothing-already hungry, how can I save?

Gu Lei thought so, her eyes were full of tears. She took the little girl’s hand and chose a place in the house to sit down, and accompanied her to say this. She also put aside about the bandit group for a while. After all, the other two people haven't woken up yet, and she can't do anything big by herself.

While talking, Li Yi was awake. His round body rolled over on the bed and rolled to the ground. He was awakened by himself with a "dong" sound. Of course, Gu Lei and Fei Zhen were also scared. A big jump.

Li Yi rubbed his forehead and found it strange that he was sleeping in a tattered hut. Suddenly he seemed to understand something, clutching his neck tightly and screaming like a lady: "Who! You guys, what did you do to me!"

Gu Lei jumped up in surprise and rushed forward to hug Li Yi: "You finally woke up!"

The fat man struggled desperately, the little girl Fei Zhen looked at curiously, Gu Lei was not letting go.

"Okay," Li Yi gave up his resistance. "I'm fine. Where is this place? What happened to me last night-oh, yes, I was attacked by surprise! Mom's, I'm worthy of my name!"

Gu Lei loosened Li Yi with red eyes, and threw a punch on his head fiercely: "No seriousness yet!"

Li Yi looked at Gu Lei with a smirk and wiped her tears away from the corners of her eyes: "You said you, what are you crying for, I'm not used to it..."

Ling didn't wake up until early in the evening, and when she saw that Li Yi had nothing to do, she was relieved and immediately embarrassed: "Li Yi, Sister Gu, don't you hate me?"

Ling was caught in Xinqin east of the Central Mountains from a very young age. Since childhood, she has no family love. After her master died, she escaped with her talented contractual skills and wandered alone in the east of the mainland. , The whole person seems too mature, but according to the standards of the elves, she is actually not yet an adult.

So when I met Li Yi and Gu Lei who were very good to her, although they had a life-and-death duel, they still depended on them, just like the youngest sister in the family, they depended on their older brothers and sisters.

She was very afraid of being abandoned when her mind was released, which meant that she lost her spiritual support. She knew that some of her talent spells were unacceptable and worried about being disgusted by her “brother and sister”.

After Li Yi knew that Ling's spell saved him, he smiled, "Oh, hehe": "The tentacle system is very good and powerful! Xiao Lingling, you are very good!"

The second daughter was unknown, but Li Yi often said something similar to the unknown, so she didn't take it seriously. The two took Feizhen's hand and ran to the side to whisper.

Li Yi shook his head helplessly and had to give up playing with the young dark elves and walked out of the house.

He was moving in the open space outside the house, looking at the things sent by the villagers on the ground and lamenting the enthusiasm of the villagers.

"It's not right. There is nothing to be attentive, not to be raped or stolen. I don't think this village is rich. They still give themselves so many things. Is it too much money to spend or is their heads caught in the door?" The fat man rubbed his double layer Chin pondered, "There must be a problem!" He turned into the house, "Gu Lei, what's going on outside?"

"Oh, that..." Gu Lei said things again.

"It's a bandit group again? Whatever happened in the town?" Li Yi became angry when he heard it. Whether it was the bandits group or the parents' officials of the people in the town, what they did was very annoying, especially the fish. The corrupt officials of the common people despise human life to such an extent that it makes people slander what trade they have with bandits.

Li Yi squatted aside and didn't speak.

Ling Gang wanted to comfort Li Yi, but he saw the fat man stand up fiercely and waved his hand: "It depends on how Li Yi breaks the robber crisis! Gu Lei, you take my waist card and go to the Imperial Guard. A team of cavalry came, and we are here waiting for the unsightly boy to come from the net!"

Gu Lei raised his eyebrows and said nothing, holding Fei's waist card and pulling Fei Zhen away.

"It's better to pull my old man over, it's time for him to loosen his bones." Li Yi looked at Gu Lei's eyes, and his face was red, "Uh... be careful on the way."

Gu Leiwei smiled and helped Li Yi adjust her clothes: "You too."

"Ouch! Don't be scornful, Sister Gu, please go!" Ling Du can't stand it anymore. Although there is no nasty words, their behavior is really unbearable-especially Li Yi's affectionate Look.

Gu Lei nodded, rubbed Ling's head, and walked out of the room.

"Sister, where are we going?" Fei Zhen's timid voice came from outside the house.

"Sister takes you to play in the city." There was a horse hissing outside, and then the sound of the horse leaving.

"Ling, let's go to the villagers," Li Yi became serious after Gu Lei left. "Before the reinforcements come, we can only rely on the two of us."

The "horse race" bandits are a large group known far and wide. There are not as many as fifty or as many as twenty or thirty in the villages and towns that have been looted. Under the wise guidance of the leader Ma Wei, this team that has been formed for less than two years has become an owner. Ma Wei, a large criminal gang with nearly two hundred members, still feels very fulfilled.

Although the name of the team is very imposing, and it also has a little funny meaning, the flags played in the early days of the formation are always jokes, but the bandits or the army that really dealt with them are scared by their lifeless play. Broken, this small team formed by farmers has gradually grown, explaining the toughness of the new Qin Minfeng from another aspect.

Ma Wei is a person who loves to laugh, no matter what happens, he loves to smirk at people. Even his most descendants do not know what is behind his smile, but the origin of the name "Horse Race" is still a good thing. The people asked, and it is said that Ma Wei has no other hobbies and loves horse races. Even if he has already received twelve aunts, he still runs horses every night and enjoys each other...

Of course, this is just a legend, just a legend.

Ma Wei is almost forty years this year. After the mainland was unsealed, he worked with the people in the village to fight against the family. From the time his ancestors followed King Qin into this world, he was already the fifth generation.

Today, the head of the horse is very happy and can be said to be excited. He saw a very cute little girl in a village called Banjiao Village last month, so he moved his mind. He didn’t have much hobbies in his life except for horse racing. Like girls, none of his twelve aunts are over 15 years old. The little girl tickled him and ordered a “civilized” way to “rent” the village, in hopes that some open-eyed villagers will The little girl brought it.

Although his face was cheerful, the news from the town still made our head of horse like a thorn in the heart-the villagers even wanted to report to the officials! Hum, if it weren’t for me to be a wise man, the town’s mayor had received his own offering, wouldn’t I want to overturn the boat in the gutter?

Thinking of this, the smile on Ma Wei's face was even more-let's kill the village today, except for the chick, the other one will not stay!

Today is the day when they "rent".

Mawei walked out of the tent, turned his horse, pulled out the machete around his waist, and yelled at his men: "Brothers! Grab money and grab food!"

"Grab money, grab food, grab girls!"

A team of no less than two hundred people drove towards Half-horn Village.

"Li Yi, the little thing you made doesn't work?" Ling dragged Li Yi's sleeve and looked around nervously. "It always feels unreliable."

"Don't you believe me yet? Although it's ugly, it's at least a living thing, um, a living thing!" Li Yi looked a little sullen, but the light in his eyes told Ling that he was calm.

Hasn't he been taking care of himself all the time? Ling was puzzled.

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