He... eats people!

Ling was the first to react, turned around and didn’t look at this horrible scene, just spitting things out of his mouth, the spell on his hand had long lost its effect, and slowly dissipated; and Li Yi was even worse, vomiting Bitter bile is almost coming out, still can't stop the feeling of disgusting nausea-he just hurt people, but never killed people, the first time I saw this kind of slaughter scene, Rao is a fat man's psychological tolerance Tough, but can't stand it anymore.

The weird man looked back and made a weird smile in his mouth, rushing towards Mawei in the crowd.

Ma Wei still looked at the tragedy in front of him with a smile, until the stranger rushed towards him, he still maintained a kind smile-as if it was not the death who wanted his life, but the owe him a huge sum of money The debtor who came to pay the debt.

The weird man screamed and rushed in front of Mawei, raised his hand and slashed down, sharp nails pierced Mawei’s chest, and dug out a piece of meat that was still pulsating continuously-that was Mawei’s heart And chew it in your mouth. Swallowing the heart in his mouth, the weirdo who just wanted to continue digging a piece of good meat to taste was smeared by the machete handed in front of him, and the black and red blood burst out of the wound as the machete left.

"My opponent who Ma faced up against has never asked for any benefits! You also..." Ma Wei smiled, blood was flowing at the corner of his mouth, and his chest was full of blood, and the machete held in his right hand was also weakly hanging on the side , But before he finished, the scene before him made his eyes widen in disbelief—

The wound on the neck of the weirdo quickly healed, and the red mans in my eyes were even worse. Both hands hugged Mawei's head and pulled it down fiercely. The blood spewed wildly. Head, hissing and roaring.

Ling passed out, but Li Yi was holding back, holding back the feeling that he wanted to spit out what he had eaten last night, supporting his body with a sword, staring at the cruel scene in front of him.

To hold back, you must hold back! Ling fell, I can't fall anymore, I have to protect her!

There was a low growl in Li Yi's throat, and he stood up straight, ready to fight again—but his legs still shivered slightly.

The gangsters were almost killed by the weirdo, but the weirdo seemed to have not lifted enough and turned to Li Yi.

"Uka-Sulla, Kabenda-Saron!" The strange sound in the mouth of the weirdo seemed to be a spell.

Sure enough, as the weirdo read this thing, his body began to glow scarlet, and the whole person's dry and thin body began to become stronger-the red light in his eyes was restrained, revealing a black pupil, although he was still the whole person It's worn out, but it's not as good as it was just now.

He still walked slowly to Li Yi. Li Yi held the fire sword in a alert manner and put on a defensive posture, but his legs were still shaking.

The weirdo walked in front of Li Yi, crossed his hands over his chest, and gave Li Yi a military salute for the new Qin: "General Qin Qin reports to you, His Royal Highness!"

"You, you are...who are you, how do you know that I am Huang Sun? And you just..." Li Yi was incoherent, and the changes just now made him feel puzzled.

Weird Qitian didn't say much, just referring to the costume of the emperor and grandson in Li Yi's armor: "My name is Qitian, the general of Xinqin."

Li Yi just sat down on the floor and gasped, "Pray to heaven, that... where did you come from, how can you still eat people... meat..."

"Sorry, this is a secret, I can't disclose it," Qi Tian also sat down with Li Yi on the ground, his waist was straight, a soldier's style, and he was just as crazy as when he was fighting.

"Okay, okay, I won't ask too much, are you a general? Why haven't I heard of you?" Li Yi narrowed his eyes and relaxed his vigilance just now.

Qi Tian still looked as if he was not surprised, and asked, "I haven't heard of you like a grandson, who is your father?"

"General Qitian! I am the emperor and grandson, and you should answer my question first!" Li Yi clenched the hilt, and he still had to start when he felt necessary.

"Your Majesty is pardoned, except for His Majesty, I can't worship anybody else, even the prince, I can sit on equal foot." Qi Tian replied faintly, showing no food.

"Okay, okay, I just arrived in Atlantis, my father..."

"What is Li Yuan," Qi Tian finally showed a look on his face, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "Is that guy finally having children... kid, who is your mother?"

Li Yi was very dissatisfied with Qi Tian’s sudden interruption, but Qi Tian mentioned his mother, and his emotions suddenly became lost: “My mother is not a person on Atlantis, she is in my small Time passed away..."

The two fell silent.

As the sun went down, the moon also jumped up, and the sound of insects around the ears kept coming. The autumn night again covered the world with a thin coat of water vapor. The two were sitting like this, without saying a word, one was shocked, and the other was thinking about something, from time to time looking in the direction of the central mountains behind him.

Ling Youyou woke up and saw that the strange monster in the evening was sitting not far from herself, scared and hiding behind Li Yi. The moonlight shone on Li Yi's fat face, showing his expression so determined.

The corpses of the bandit were piled on one side, silently telling the tragic massacre in the moonlight.

When Gu Lei took Li Yuan and a team of imperial guards to the village of Banjiao, Li Yi still sat silently and did not speak.

Li Yuan hurriedly turned over and dismounted, trotting all the way to Li Yi, carefully looked up and down at Li Yi, only to find that he didn't have any scars on his body, then he was relieved.

Ling climbed up, hugged Gu Lei, buried his head in Gu Lei's chest, and sobbed slightly-the little girl was indeed terrified, crying all the time, Gu Lei patted the elf's brain, comforting She, Gu Lei saw the pile of robbers' bodies and looked at Li Yi with some surprise.

Li Yi didn't say anything, and pointed to praying to sit on the side.

"Li Yuan, your kid has finally grown up, and he has a son outside, yes, yes..." Qi Tian, ​​who has never spoken, finally spoke, and his voice is still hoarse, but it can be heard in Li Yuan's ears. The sledgehammer hit him hard.

"You... you are, pray to heaven!" Li Yuan discovered the ragged man, looking at his present look, and his eyes were moist. Qitian stood up, nodded, and embraced Li. far.

"You're finally back! What did the Father and Emperor send you to do! For so long... I haven't seen you again!" Li Yuan hugged the General General tightly, crying a little, Qi Tian just sighed and patted Li Yuan released his back.

"If you want to go back and say something, I should wash myself well. You see me like this..." Qi Tian smiled at himself, "My Heavenly Army is okay."

Li Yuan nodded and wiped tears from the corners of his eyes: "It's okay! Come, let's go back to the new city, and I'll be drunk with you tonight!"

Li Yuan pulled Qitian, he had to go back, suddenly remembered something, and pulled Li Yi: "Li Yi, this is your uncle Qi, our new general Qin; Qi Tian, ​​this is my son, Li Yi ."

Li Yi cleverly called "Uncle", and the fool knew that the relationship between their two uncle-level men must be unusual, just-where did he jump out of, listening to what Dad just said, it should be He accepted the task given by his grandfather who was the emperor. He disappeared for a long time. What is the task? Why did he not be ghosts when he appeared, and still kill people to eat meat? There are a lot of questions in Li Yi's heart, but it is not convenient to ask them now.

Qi Tian nodded and said to Li Yuan: "You have a good son, yes, if you look back, I will teach him two tricks."

Of course, Li Yuan is very happy. You must know that the people who can get General Qitian’s instructions are all the most outstanding people in the new Qin Dynasty. The future achievements can be imagined. Although Li Yigui is the emperor’s grandson, he can be acknowledged by Qitian. Still very useful.

A group of people mounted the horse and galloped away to the new city, while the hard-guarded guards stayed and cleaned the battlefield.

The moon watched all this silently, still shining the moonlight unselfishly on the whole land.

The elders were drinking and talking, but the juniors were not allowed to participate, so after saying good night to the two elders, Li Yi took Gu Lei and Ling back to their house.

Along the way, Gu Lei asked and asked, and Li Yi knew what he said, and he could not stop talking. He heard Gu Lei secretly uttering his tongue-if he changed to the scene of the massacre, he would probably be scared to faint.

"Oh!" Li Yi is talking about his "greater achievements", but Gu Lei suddenly patted his head, "Fei Zhen! I have to go to Fei Zhen, you go back first!"

Li Yi was suddenly interrupted and felt strange: "Who is Fei Zhen?"

"That little girl," Ling quickly asked, "Sister Gu, why is she missing?"

Gu Lei was very anxious, turned the horse head and rushed towards the gate of the city: "Look back, Li Yi, you have to use your waist card, or you won't be able to get out of the gate!"

"This stupid!" Li Yi and Ling also chased up, "What do you run alone in the middle of the night, wait for us!"

A group of three galloped away from the city.

Along the way, Gu Lei explained the whole story.

Gu Lei was too anxious when taking Fei Zhen back to the new city, he drove all the way, just told the little girl behind him to hurry up, and when he rushed into the new city to find the camp of the Guards, Gu Lei had already forgotten behind him There should also be a little girl.

When Gu Lei rushed out of the city with the elite of a team of imperial guards, he discovered that the little girl behind him was gone!

It must have fallen on the road... Gu Lei scolded his intentions, and took the Guards to find the way, but because of the urgent situation, after finding no results, he hurried to take people to Half Angle Village to solve the gangsters. thing.

This is not to blame for Gu Lei's carelessness, but there are too many people in the "horse race group", there are almost a hundred numbers of nearly two hundred. Li Yi is her current boss, so she temporarily put Fei Zhen's things On the side, let's go about business first.

Gu Lei finished blaming herself, and the anxious colors on her face became heavier and heavier. She used the whip to urge the horse under her to speed up, and her eyes aimed at all suspicious things around her from time to time.

"Oh, Gu Lei, do you have anything on Fei Zhen?" Li Yi asked suddenly.

Gu Lei thought about it for a while: "It seems there is, I remember she gave me a piece of candy during the day..."

Li Yi looked at Gu Lei contemptuously-this woman, even the children's sugar...

Gu Lei looked at Li Yi embarrassedly: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't eat it. Of course, I'm not the kind of person who tricks the little girl into eating sugar-you know..." He said he took a piece out of his arms. Maltose held by rag pieces.

"Stop for a while," Li Yi took the sugar cube and stopped. He took the sugar in his left hand, clenched his right hand, closed his eyes, and the madness of mental power surged into the palm of his right hand.

When he opened his right hand, there was already a strange little thing on his palm.

This is a small creature with a huge nose. Its head is a big nose, and its body and limbs are slender. I saw that it smelled the sugar cube on Li Yi's left hand. The nose pumped hard twice, and then pulled the tip of the nose Pointed in one direction, he hummed from the nostrils.

This is the creation of Li Yi Nianshu.

"Go, that direction." Under the guidance of small things, Li Yi led Gu Lei's second daughter to the front.

Fei Zhen is very scared now.

It was really unsafe to follow the elder sister Gu's horse riding, just let her hold on to her, and then desperately urged the horse to gallop, and did not want to think about how Fei Zhen could hold it tight!

Therefore, Fei Zhen fell pitifully from Benben. Although he rolled in a muddy field and did not suffer any injuries, the little girl still cried in fear while she was alone in the wild.

Although she wasn’t a pretty girl since childhood, she was a little girl after all. Her parents still dressed her clean. Although it’s not expensive clothes and delicious food, at least the patched clothes she wears can be regarded as The best one in the whole family.

Fei Zhen's little face cried red, her body was covered with mud, and she didn't know when she had been smeared on her face. It should have been done when she wiped her tears. She climbed out of the mud and looked around with the six gods and no master , Looking forward to someone to save her.

After a long time, Fei Zhen pouted and walked slowly to a small road, snatched a small branch from a small tree on the side of the road, while pulling up the leaves above, while muttering in his small mouth: "To the left, to the right, to the left, to the right...to the right!" She looked at the right side of the path and smiled in surprise, "Ah! There are fruits!"

At the end of the path on her right, there is a large and small Wuguo forest, which is covered with black and translucent fruits-a large Wuguo tree is planted behind Fei Zhen’s house. This kind of fruit is very sweet & juice It has been ripe for half a year, and the amount of fruit on a tree is very large. It is refreshing and sweet to eat. It is planted in many places in Xinqin. It is the tree that many civilians love to plant, especially when there is famine. These black fruit trees often save their lives.

Fei Zhen happily ran into Wuguo Lin, jumped left and right under the lowest tree, and finally picked a big Wuguo, peeling off a thin layer of black skin outside and chewing with mouth open. .

The little girl hasn’t eaten well since the morning, and was scared by the fall of the horse just now. Her belly is even more hungry. She bites the fruit gorgely, and the sweet flesh is swallowed into the belly with juice. , A few drops of naughty juice leaked from her mouth, and a lilac mark was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

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