Not knowing where the power came from, Fei Zhen broke away from his hands and jumped out of the man's arms and ran straight into the forest. There was a "hee" in his ear, the brave little girl couldn't move again, and a familiar voice came from behind: "Xiao Feizhen, still want to run in and die?"

As soon as Fei Zhen heard this voice, tears came out, and the spell she was holding was also released. She turned around and rushed to a pretty figure: "Sister Gu! You finally came to me Now!"

"You little girl, can really run, let's find it hard!" is talking about a tall and fat man with a strange thing standing on his shoulder, as if he has a big nose, or simply it The head is just a nose?

"Okay, Li Yi, Xiao Feizhen stayed so late outside, let's take her home quickly." Another pretty figure, judging from her slender hands, should have taken Feizhen from the forest. The man who came, "There is a big and big mouse inside, it's disgusting to think about it..."

"No!" Fei Zhen suddenly struggled from Gu Lei's arms and raised his head: "That's my friend!"

"Friend?" Li Yi looked at each other, his mouth widened.

"Yes! It treats me well, and it also distributes Wu Guo to me! Just two bad guys wanted to take me away, or it saved me!" Fei Zhen spoke faster and faster, "We Let's help it quickly! The two bad guys are so powerful, Mr. Mouse is still injured!"

Li Yi listened and teased the "big nose" on his shoulder, causing it to sneeze: "In other words, I haven't seen any strange creatures since I came to Atlantis. I really want to see them. See how big this mouse is."

Gu Lei grabbed Fei Zhen and nodded at Li Yi: "You go, I will go too."

Ling didn't speak, and was the first to walk to Lin Nei, expressing her meaning with action.

Li Yi smiled "hey" and followed Gu Lei behind, as the name implied-who knows what is going on in this dirty fat man's mind.

Along the way, Fei Zhen told her "adventure story" under the temptation of Li Yi's maltose The image in my heart also directly rose to the level of "brother".

"There are two people in it, one male and one female, the female is an optical contractor, the male is a double-blade samurai, and the male has superb martial arts. When I went in, the "Mr. Mouse" had seen the blood. Good stubborn, I didn’t pay much attention to the woman, I just saw that she used the'Holy Light Guardian', at least an intermediate light contractor, and should not be weaker than Sister Gu..." The companions around them explained the situation inside and smoothly blessed everyone with "dark stealth" to make everyone invisible.

Gu Lei's eyes lit up, and the excitement almost shouted: "Intermediate light contractor! Good opponent!"

Li Yi raised his eyebrows and grabbed the "big nose" on his shoulders in his palm. After a while, this strange little thing was restored to mental strength and returned to Li Yi's body. He took a deep breath. , Took off the sword and shield: "It's better to be careful."

Gu Lei nodded and put away the excited expression, Ling still didn't speak, but the hand was darker at the same time-she expressed her attitude with action and agreed.

When they walked to the center of the forest, the battle was over, and a rat-like earth spirit was sniffing around, looking for Fei Zhen's traces, and the man and the woman were hugging on the ground, not knowing what to say. what.

The three of Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief and lifted the invisible spell on their body.

Seeing Fei Zhen held in Gu Lei's arms, Tu Ling shouted happily, spreading his legs-oh no, it should be that the claws ran over.

"This...this is..." Li Yi looked at the big mouse, who was one person tall, dumbfounded and speechless.

"Tu Ling!" Gu Lei continued, looking at the cheerful big mouse with surprise as well, "One of the material masters!"

Others looked at her puzzled.

She released Fei Zhen, and the little girl flew to the earth like a happy bird, grabbed its front paw and jumped, Gu Lei explained to her companions: "Li Yi is not a contractor, Ling is self-taught Contractual, so you haven’t learned orthodox contractual learning, and you don’t know that Earth Spirit is normal. Earth Spirit, as the name suggests, is the spirit of the earth. Each contractor of each department has a corresponding contract beast This kind of contract beast is like a **** in the mind of the contract master. Although these contract beasts may not be strong, the contract masters still worship them..."

"Similar to the existence of a totem?" Li Yi inserted.

"Yes, that's what it means. The contract beast of the earth spirit represents the most advanced law of earth contract technology-solid state, that is, the power to control solid objects, which is why the earth contract teachers worship it. Many earth contractors couldn’t understand this power for the rest of their lives, so much so that they stayed at the intermediate level...” Gu Lei looked at Fei Zhen, who was playing happily with the earth spirit, and then said, "The child Fei Zhen has not yet recognized the sect. Judging from Tu Ling's attitude towards her, she must be a contractor of the soil department in the future, and her future achievements will be high!"

Li Yi raised his hand and said there was a problem: "So, what are the contract beasts of other departments?"

"The light system is "light" and the shape is a beetle; the dark system is "dark moon" and the shape is a black cat; the fire system is "fire spirit" and the shape is a bird made of flames; the water system It is a "water rhyme", the shape is a snake; the wood is the "Mu Kui", the shape is a tree with a human face that can move around; the earth is the "earth" like this big mouse. You must have seen the wind system, the tiger beside your father, the "wind beast". Among them, the three contract beasts of the water system, the soil system, and the wind system are also called the "material masters", and the fire system , The wood system, the light system, and the dark system are collectively referred to as the'dominators of energy'."

Li Yi's eyes began to shine: "Now that there is a'Tu Ling', how about taking it out and selling it?" Seeing a big, two, three and three girls threatening him, he smiled, hey Make a joke, make a joke, why take it seriously?"

At this time, a faint female voice came from behind Tu Ling: "It is not just as simple as Tu Ling."

Everyone went over Tu Ling and looked back. I saw that the woman didn't know when she had lifted the double-blade male Yan Lin up, and her head was wrapped in gauze. It seemed to be hurt like: "It should be Tu Ling and water The descendants of Rhyme can not only control solids, but also convert solids and liquids back and forth."

"How do you know?" Gu Lei's gunpowder questioned [apex novel], she was looking forward to the situation where the mismatch would happen soon.

"That's how I was defeated by it," Yan Lin was still a little weak, and his voice was a little intermittent, "You guys really picked up the treasure, but I'm really sorry! We need this little girl now, can you give it to me?" "

The woman who held him widened her eyes in surprise, shook Yan Lin vigorously, beckoning him not to say anything.

The Swordsman ignored him, throwing her away from her hand, holding the knife and saying with a smile: "No matter what, we have to make up this little girl!"

"Yanlin! We can find other little girls!" the woman shouted persuasively.

Shuangdao Nan turned to her and said, "Lan, I promise you, I will do it!"

With that, I stepped forward and said, "I, Yan Lin, challenge you, the winner takes the little girl, let's go with it!"

Li Yi looked at this lunatic man, his eyes narrowed and smiled: "I, Li Yi, accept your challenge."

Then he smiled and whispered, "If you want to fight, I will fight! I can't do anything!"

Yan Lin crossed the ground with two knives to draw two traces to form a cross. If the face was not full of crazy smiles, the whole person was very personable.

Li Yi single-handedly pointed his sword at Yan Lin: "So, let's get started."

Speaking, he disappeared.

Yan Linning was alert, he listened carefully to the movements around him, trying to find the slightest clues, and suddenly he laughed: "That's it!" He twisted his body and turned his body around with his waist, waving his sword, A whirlwind of blades formed around him-"Drink!" He stopped violently, and the double knives cleaved to the left of his body, the smile on his face even worse.

"Huh?" He looked at the split-blade with doubts, not understanding exactly what made the opponent avoid his attack.

"Fool, this is it!" The "dark stealth technique" released with the help of the dark helmet lost its effect at the moment of Li Yi's attack. I saw him suddenly appearing from behind Yan Lin, thrusting his sword sharply towards nothing Precautionary double-sword man-Although it is shameful to kill in a duel, but the opponent has already made a killing move before, the fool only shows mercy to his men!

The red blade thrust by Li Yi became hotter and brighter at night. "Explosion!" With the exclamation of everyone, the flame burst from the fire sword hit the Yan Lin's back fiercely. The man flew out.

Lan was a little panicked and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by the Yan Lin who slowly climbed up: "Women, when the men are fighting, they should stay quiet and watch! Don't bother me!"

Blood was dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his back was slightly bowed. The whole person was trembling violently. The painful expression on his face showed that his injury was serious, but he didn't utter a slight moan, but just insisted, the madness in his eyes And the crazy smile on his face looks so grim!

He took a deep breath and drew two beautiful flowers on his hands with his swords, and raised his head at Li Yi: "Come on again, your strength is not enough for class!"

Li Yi snorted, read the mantra, and invisible himself again.

This time, Yan Lin did not make any preparations, but stood calmly, waiting for Li Yi's attack.

After one minute and one second passed, Li Yi finally couldn't bear it, and raised his sword again.

Yan Lin moved instantly, his swords crossed and lifted up, blocking Li Yi's cleavage, kicking his right foot on Li Yi's stomach fiercely, while kicking Li Yi, his left leg slightly bent and his body The left foot rotates around the fulcrum for a week, and the right leg is kicked in the air to become a whip, pumped into Li Yi's intercostal space.

With two mumbles, Li Yi was repulsed by Yan Lin, and the proud combination of martial arts and martial arts was defeated!

Li Yi fell to the ground, coughing up blood constantly, Yan Lin's last kick kicked in his lungs, which caused his internal organs to be greatly shaken. He looked up at Yan Lin, the other party was still crazy Smile: "You, no!"

The fat man narrowed his eyes, read the spell again, and disappeared in front of Yan Lin.

"Huh, it's a stealth trick again? I said, it's useless!" Yan Lin also made more movements, carefully listening to the sound in his ear, the sword spurting backwards, and then he smiled confidently, " I said……"

However, his double knives didn't stab anything. Yan Lin's eyebrows frowned, and he quickly retracted the double knives, protecting them before and after his body one after another, and he didn't dare to carelessly. He slowly closed his eyes, held his breath, and his ears were trembling slightly. He ruled out all distractions and wanted to find Li Yi by hearing.

The wind swelled in the ears, Li Yi's figure still did not appear, nor did he attack again.

Yan Lin's ears shuddered sharply, and the double knives split in two directions instantly, without anything! Yan Lin's cold sweat stayed, he knew that either the opponent's speed was too fast, and his attack speed could not keep up with the opponent's movement speed, which led to his attack always failing; or, he was the opponent's illusion!

Thinking of this, Yan Lin couldn't help laughing. Illusion can only be seen in the Wanqu tribe west of the Central Mountain Range. In this human kingdom, he wants to see Illusion unless the young fat man is an elf! This is simply impossible!

Just when he was distracted, the double knives in his hands still chopped dozens of knives in the direction of abnormal sound like conditioned reflex, and his distraction could not affect his defense at all! This is also the result of his hard work from an early age. In this era of contractualism, a warrior, if he does not have a powerful ability, will be replaced by a more powerful contractor sooner or later.

Nothing was cut! Yan Lin opened his eyes and observed the expressions of all the people present, and looked at himself with a worried expression on Lan's face. The rest of them looked blankly at Li Yi. It should be speed, Yan Lin judged, so fast, that I couldn't keep up with him, so the attack became invalid!

Having figured out the other party's means, the triumphant smile was once again on Yan Lin's face.

He squatted slightly, holding the scimitar in his left hand, and lay the two swords on both sides of the body. Then, the whole person spun up and the whirlwind formed by the blade appeared again!

Since you can't catch up with you, then use the most primitive method to cover the entire area of ​​the attack, see how you hide!

The blade whirlwind appeared very suddenly, and there was no chance to give a response at all. Even if the warrior who fought on his own speed wanted to escape, the whirlwind stopped violently, because Yanlin felt that the machete in his hand had been cut. Something.

Just when he stopped the whirlwind made by waving his blade, a blue shield didn't know when it had appeared behind him. A bang hit him in the back of the head. Yan Lin stumbled and turned back immediately. He turned around and chopped all the attackers behind him.

But it was clear that the smiling fat man behind him had been cut, but it still felt like he hadn't cut anything!

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