Commander Liu quickly threw himself forward to avoid the sneak attack, then recite the mantra silently, and a black barrier appeared behind him, blocking the attacker's attack. Head Liu looked around, but was shocked: "How are you! How did you escape?"

The person behind was none other than Xu Wen.

I saw Xu Wen staring blankly at Head Liu. It seemed that the only thing in the world that could draw his attention was this man. His eyes were turning with the movement of Head Liu. His hair was scattered and his armor didn't know he was thrown away. Where, the clenched fists hunted in the wind, constantly bombarding the barrier set by Captain Liu, a pair of blood-red eyes filled with monstrous hatred, and the target was Captain Liu who turned around in embarrassment.

He whimpered in his mouth, and the trembling voice repeated the sentence repeatedly: "Let go of my sister Ling!"

Head Liu was scared out of cold sweat again, and looked up at the shadow tentacles that had previously captured Xu Wen, only to see that the tentacles were entangled with another "Xu Wen" faithfully, and there was nothing wrong with it.

So where did this Xu Wen come from?

Liu Tuan stared blankly at the "Xu Wen" wrapped in tentacles, unable to figure out what happened.

With the sound of "Boom", "Xu Wen" wrapped in tentacles suddenly turned into a set of armor and fell from the air. The tentacles lost their targets and shrank back to the head of Liu.

Leader Liu wanted to understand this time, and was shocked: "You actually "Shadow Doppelganger"?!"

Xu Wen didn't answer. Of course, Xu Wen, who basically lost his reason, couldn't answer naturally. He only knew that he used his instinctive power. He didn't know that he only used the advanced spell in the dark contract-Shadow Doppelganger. .

Shadow avatar, that is, a spell that can only be used in the shadow, is different from other types of avatar spells. This spell must be used in a place with a shadow, and requires an item with the same weight as the caster. This item will be Under the effect of the spell, it changes to the caster's appearance. Since the item uses the same weight as the caster, and the spell itself is a high-level contract, the avatar created by this spell is almost the same as the caster in quality or sense. It's exactly the same, but because the casting conditions are harsh, no one caster will prepare anything with the same weight as his own under any circumstances, so that this spell has always been known as chicken ribs.

The armor on Xu Wen's body happened to be as heavy as his thin body, which is why he was able to release the spell.

Ling looked at Xu Wen puzzled, but he didn't understand, how could this little boy use advanced dark contract technology? Moreover, where did the gang wind come from? Is it like Li Yi, with one or two pieces of contract equipment?

Unresolved, Xu Wen is after all his own life. Since he has life-saving and even powerful offensive skills, he should not worry too much about himself, although his current state is still worrying.

The black barrier under the regimental commander Liu finally burst under Xu Wen’s constant boxing. Xu Wen’s feet were breeze. When the whole person rushed over, his legs were off the ground, and he flew towards Liu regiment.

"Release my sister Ling! Otherwise, die!"

Head Liu Chang was really scared this time-this little kid was able to use his fist to smash the "shadow crystal wall" that he set up, and it looked like he had a lot of spare power!

The experienced head of Liu immediately saw a few clues from Xu Wen's situation, which was both wind and "shadow avatar". Could it be that he was also a senior dark wind dual contractor? But this is wrong! Looking at Xu Wen, it is impossible to reach such a high level at this age!

However, if this is not the case, then there is only one possibility!

Talent contractor!

Talent contractors are a group of people who are favored by nature. Like ordinary contractors, they will determine their own attributes at the age of recognition, but they often can not release the corresponding attributes without the time to learn systematic contractual skills. The contract technique that comes with them, and the contract technique that they can use, does not need to learn.

In this way, the starting point of talented contractors is naturally much higher than that of ordinary contractors, but nature is fair, and the number of talented contractors is pitiful. For Xinqin only, the talent contracts discovered and cultivated There are less than five teachers, and each of them is a contract guru-level character. This stark contrast between the scarce number and powerful strength makes the talent contractor's importance and status rise in the new Qin period, so that there are The following rule is adopted:

Anyone who finds a talented contractor will be rewarded with one hundred and two golds. The gifted contractor will be awarded the hereditary marquis, and will be rewarded with two thousand golds and a thousand acres of land.

The contractor at the guru level far surpasses the ordinary contractor and has the right to start a contract school. Under this, they are the master contractor, the high, middle and low level contractor, and the initial level. Contract apprentice. It can be said that the master contractor is the ultimate goal of the contractors.

Talent contractors are generally single-attribute. This is the case with the few talent contractors that Xinqin has recruited. Although this is not the basis for the statement "Talent contractors must be single-attribute", but talent contractors From the point of view of rarity, a talented contractor with multiple attributes is as difficult as climbing the Central Mountains with his bare hands.

So Head Liu is very confused now. In the end, is this crazy little guy a talented contractor? If so, would you report this news to the court yourself? Wouldn’t it be possible to scavenge past crimes and incidentally have a lot of unexpected wealth? You know, one hundred or two golds is a wealth that many people can't earn in their lifetime. Once they get this reward, if they manage it properly, they won't have to kill and kill in the second half of their lives. What's more, I am still a senior contractor, and I think I will have a better life in the future.

Just as Captain Liu was playing with a small abacus in his mind, Xu Wen had already rushed in front of him. When he was distracted and thinking about it, a hook was hit on Captain Liu’s stomach and fist. Gang wind burst, tearing his armor first, then smashed it into his stomach fiercely.

Liu Tuan’s eyes bulged up, the smile he had kept disappeared, and his face was full of pain. This fist stirred his internal organs into a ball, and the wind on the fist ripped his belly, and the blood grew. flow!

flutter! Commander Liu spit out blood and secretly cursed that he was distracted, hurried to concentrate, and disappeared again in front of everyone.

He suddenly appeared from the void, fell to the ground, and spit blood in his mouth. Head Liu knew that he had acted this way this time, and he planted it in the boy's hand. Fortunately, this time the transmission is relatively far away, otherwise it will really be a lifeless one!

Forget it, thirty-six is ​​the best way, hurry and run first!

He glanced back deeply at Xu Wen, who was chasing after him, and he continued to figure out how to exchange him for money, looked at Ling, and then read the mantra, and it really disappeared.

Xu Wen came to the place where Commander Liu finally showed up, screamed in anger, smashed the ground with fists, and grabbed the turf on the ground for a long time...

He rolled his eyes and fainted.

In the midst of it, as if someone was calling him, he kept calling his name.

He opened his eyes reluctantly, feeling as if he had been abused by the ten commander for a whole day, sore and uncomfortable, but very comfortable.

With this strange feeling, he stood up in the dark and fumbled forward.

"Xu Wen, Xu Wen!" The call seemed to be in the ear, suddenly left and right, up and down, and it was unpredictable. Xu Wen turned his head and looked at it several times, and only saw a dark piece.

Fear began to spread in his heart.

Xu Wen started to run, and wanted to escape from this terrible dark place like eternal robbery. He just ran forward. I didn't know how long he ran. A bright white dot appeared in front of him.

This little dot is like a naughty elf. The moment Xu Wen saw it, he floated towards him happily, spinning around him non-stop, and Xu Wen was also driven by this white dot, chasing happily Holding this little spot, I want to grab it.

The dots fly in front, Xu Wen chases in the back.

Suddenly the dot stopped flying, but Xu Wen hit the white dot in a hurry. In an instant, Xu Wen was swallowed by a white light, and the small white dot became huge in an instant. Xu Wen was too late to stop the forward momentum , Planted in white light.

The white light quickly gathered and restored to a small white dot, and the color became deeper and deeper until it was assimilated by the darkness, and the dark space was temporarily quiet.

Xu Wen rushed into the white light, as if walking into a white corridor, surrounded by monotonous white. At the end of the corridor was a bronze cast gate. The gates of the central mountains were carved with simple techniques. The bronze gate door There was a faint glow of red light in the slit. Xu Wen walked slowly along the corridor towards the bronze gate.

I don't know how long he walked, Xu Wen finally came to the gate. He wanted to push the gate open, but he was locked by something, and pushed it up without moving. Xu Wen didn't know what to do, so he sat quietly on the floor and waited.

The blood-red ray of the bronze door was gradually thicker and brighter.

In an instant, Xu Wen thought he had an illusion, but found that all this was so real-the door suddenly opened, and his consciousness was suddenly drawn into the door, from darkness to light, from chaos, To Qinglang, all this seems to be in a flash, but it seems that it has been a thousand years.

Finally, when his chaotic mind gradually became sober, he found that he became smaller.

He returned to the past, back to a younger age, back to his stylish and alive parents!

Strangely, Xu Wen didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with it. He spent the past quietly and grew up under the care of his parents until the arrival of that day--

The robbers entered the village and broke the tranquility of this village like a paradise.

burn! kill! grab! Skim! They do nothing but evil!

The neighbor’s widow, Aunt Zhang, was hacked to death by robbers in order to recapture her husband’s relics; Aunt Cai of the village was trampled to death by a chaotic horse on the way back; Brother Li in the village blacksmith shop was raided by the robbers for fighting back The arrow was shot to death, and the head was cut off after the death, hanging high from the head of the village; after the gangsters ***, the sister Wang of the opposite door hanged himself in shame and anger...

What an outrageous thing!

What a brutal means!

It seems that all the loss of humanity happened on this day, and all the frightening means were also used on this day. People said that the robbers were just asking for money, so what exactly did the robbers ask for?

Indulgence and pleasure after the loss of human nature?

Xu Wen naturally couldn't think so much. He was still young. He only knew to hide behind his father, as if the man's tall back was the safest place in the world. The mother hugged him tightly and whispered "God bless you ".

But the mother’s prayer didn’t work at all. The robbers still came to their door. The front yard door fell suddenly. The father picked up the **** and rushed out of the house. There were messy fighting sounds and a few boredoms outside. Hum, then returned to silence.

The mother sobbed quietly, her teeth biting her lower lip, and she never shed tears.

The robbers entered the house.

One of the men with sharp eyes walked towards them step by step with the butcher knife. The mother cried and threw herself up, trying to do her utmost to save the lives of her children!

Xu Wen's memory should have stopped here.

But this time it didn't. Xu Wen watched his mother running towards the gangster. The tears hung on the ordinary face, and his lips and jaw moved to him, saying, "Xiaowen, run!"

"Xiaowen, run!"

Xu Wen's eyes suddenly turned red, and the whole world was red in his eyes. He felt a long-suppressed force churning in his body, but he could not always release it.

What happened in the past when fighting with a small partner once again appeared on him. The feeling of separation from thought and extreme dissonance came again! At this moment, his mind turned sharply, but his body was too late to keep up with the instructions issued by his brain.

All things slowly slowed down to the moment he stopped, he could clearly see his mother’s tears floating in the air; the robber grinned, the butcher’s knife in his hand was slowly dripping the blood of the innocent; the father’s body was in the front yard Lying quietly in the ground, the body was covered with knife marks; the village was full of fire, and the robbers snatched the things and lit the victim's house, a fire...

At this moment, his body suddenly kept up with the speed of thought, a strange feeling spread, anger, like a flame burning on his chest, a bloodthirsty impulse rushed from his heart Come out!

He moved.

The speed is so fast, when the robbers haven't had time to react, he has come to them, his hands are spinning with a stern wind, his body is as smart as a cat, his power is so great, one Fist can penetrate the robber's stomach!

In his mother's horrified cry, he killed all the robbers! It was all killed in one blow!

There was blood on his fist, and there was blood from the robber all over him! The mother cried and looked at her biological son in fear, as if she didn't know him.

"Ah!" Xu Wen roared, and the feeling of killing in his body was released again and again, his young mind could not control this strong **, the woman's cry in front of him attracted his attention, he took a step Step by step toward his mother.

Raised his fist.

The blood-red light stained everything Xu Wen saw, and the cruel reality gave him a grim smile.

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