Ling is now very worried about Xu Wen's situation-since Xu Wen told her things to her, she has become like this now. Coupled with last night's battle, she consumed a lot of mental energy, and she was unavoidable, and she was unresponsive.

The sky gradually became brighter, the sunrise leaped from the horizon, and the autumn sun shone again on the earth.

Li Yi stopped questioning and took the team back.

Everyone was facing the sunrise and slowly moving eastward.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Pang Hu had been silent in the past, but now he suddenly asked.

Li Yi shrugged and shook his head: "Let's go back to Liben Town first and make plans." He said, shaking the reins and speeding up.

Pang Hu nodded, shouted twice, and followed.

Xiaomuqiao Restaurant in Liben Town is the largest inn in this town. Compared to other restaurants with gorgeous decoration, restaurants and accommodations that are slick, the consumption in Xiaomuqiao is economical and is very popular among people in the town. For businessmen who travel south and north, this is also the last place to rest in the new city.

Because of its high quality and low price, Xiaomuqiao Restaurant has gradually grown in size over the years, and has become one of the largest restaurants on the ground in the new Qin West to New City in Liben Town.

Therefore, the reputation of this restaurant in the west of Qin Dynasty is still very loud.

The whole restaurant is divided into three floors, the ground floor is the kitchen and the hall, and there is a backyard for guests to stay. The hall is neatly arranged with tables of eight immortals, specially prepared for the townsmen; the second floor is a private room, rich businessmen I also like to sit in these private rooms before going to Xincheng; the third floor is a hall that has been opened up on the whole floor. Unlike the first floor, this hall is specially prepared for people who need to have a banquet.

At this time, it is not yet time to eat at noon, so there are only a few sophomores in the shop who are busy preparing for the business at noon.

On the avenue in front of the restaurant, there were a few riding horses, all expressionless, and weapons were hanging around their waists. They tied the horse to the manger on the side in front of the restaurant and entered the restaurant and went straight to the private room on the second floor.

The second boys wanted to step forward, but they were frightened by a sharp beard with sharp eyes. He said to the second boy in a hoarse voice: "We go to the Tanhua room on the second floor, and the people inside have invited us."

Xiao Er nodded hurriedly, never dared to ask any more, wiped his cold sweat, and continued to work.

A few people behind him, led by a familiar man with a beard and a light car, came to a door with the sign "Panhuajian", without knocking on the door, they directly pushed the door into the room and closed the door. Several people behind him stood behind the door while he closed the door, apparently the bearded bodyguard.

In the room, a man and a woman were sitting at a round table tasting tea slowly. When they saw the beard entering the room, the woman immediately laughed: "Yo, isn't this the famous Liu Chang, the head of Liu Chang? This look?"

The bearded man blinked embarrassedly: "How do you know... there is nothing wrong with me!" His voice is no longer hoarse, but it has become more pleasant and melodious. Obviously he only used fake when talking to Xiao Er sound.

The man snorted: "It's not right? There are things wrong all over your body-your eyes, your heartbeat, and the movement of you pressing your hands to the abdomen from time to time..."

"You were hurt by someone, and it was badly hurt!" The man lowered his cup and looked up. "I'm curious, who on the road you came across hit, you can be your senior contractor like this Kind of like?"

"Don't mention it, it's a big trouble!" Luobei blinked embarrassedly again, apparently didn't want to mention it again, "The people of Xinqin have moved, and I was attacked on the way!"

"Oh? How many people?" The woman's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Thirty, ah, no, it should be fifty! Amount, right or wrong, almost, more than three hundred people..." Luobei was somewhat helpless, and he replied, "Anyway, there are many people, Xinqin should Will guard against us!"

"Huh! Honestly, how many people are there!" The man stood up impatiently, his hands touching the two scimitars on the table.

"I said! I said! Thirty people!" shouted dissatisfied with a beard, and sorrowful eyes constantly aimed at the woman on the side. "Sister! Can't you control him? I know I can't beat him, I still bully Me! I was hurt!"

The woman laughed, and the whole room seemed to be a little brighter in a moment: "Then you should report the situation well. I know what you are about to lose face, but if we hear the false information that you made because of your love face, It's a big deal, what do you want me to do as a sister?"

Although the woman's words do not contain the slightest harshness, the facial expression of the beard still accepts the woman's criticism.

After all, this woman is an older sister who grew up with him!

The beard cleared his throat and said solemnly: "They only have more than thirty people, and they even have a senior contractor, but their strength is still a little worse than me. There is a little boy in their team, about 14 or 15 years old, This boy is very strange. I think he is a talent contractor!"

The man and woman exclaimed at the same time: "What!"

"Are you sure?" he asked at the same time.

Luobei nodded: "With my eyes, ** is not far from ten, but his strange place is more than this -" He paused and looked at the man, "He is a double line!"

The man sat back on the chair with a "bang" and asked with some absent-mindedness: "Are you really so sure? I mean, he is a talented contractor of the dual system?"

"I can be sure! One of his abilities is the wind and the other is dark. Moreover, he can use the dark advanced contract technique!" Luobei rubbed his stomach. "I was hurt by him. But from me Judging from the battle with him, his control of power is not yet stable. At present, the wind power is still increasing the speed and the degree of protection."

The woman nodded, grabbing the man’s hand and said, “Try to find out the details of this boy and grab him as much as possible. Also, does anyone else know that he is a talent contractor?”

Bearded shook his head: "It shouldn't be there yet. If he is a talented contractor, then he will not be just a soldier now."

"Very good, we have to take advantage of the opportunity. We need manpower too. While he is still young, he is sent to the organization to train well, and it will not be impossible for us to become our help in the future! Ali Hato!"

"Ali Hato!"

After talking about his beard, he thought of leaving, but the man stopped him again: "Liu Chang, did all of you bring them?"

The corner of the mouth of the beard twitched a few times, and it was not obvious under the cover of the beard: "All, brought it, but when it was attacked by the people of Xin Qin, the casualties were a bit heavy."

"Every 30 people will be able to beat your team of hundreds of people with heavy casualties!" The man seemed to be very angry and stood up again. "What are you doing as a group leader?"

The woman hurriedly grabbed the man, fearing he would catch the knife once he got angry: "Okay, Liu Chang, please sit down and make things clear! You think your brother-in-law is anxious!"

The man's complexion instantly became more flamboyant, and it seemed to be on the verge of eruption, but suddenly disappeared inexplicably and sat down.

The bearded man sat helplessly back in the chair and continued, "We separated more than 20 people to explore the path first, and the other large army of 100 people followed, but I didn't expect them to kill halfway, so I took Fifty people left to stop, but I didn’t expect that the child would be mad like me when he saw me, and the contractor would take other people while I was entangled by the boy. All my men were put down! Finally, the boy's "Shadow Doppel" distracted me, so I was severely injured and escaped..."

"That is to say, you have nearly seventy people left now?" The man asked, glancing at his beard.

"Actually, there are now more than ten people..."

"What about the others?" The man got angry again. "Don't tell me that the thirty-odd people can easily catch up with you and kill them? There are more than 120 people under your hands!" Add your senior contractor, and your second-in-law, just feed them all so easily?!"

Bearded lowered his head without saying a word.

"Where are the other people?"

"I don't know, I escaped by myself at that time, then... later..."

"Later, you became a bare-boned general!" the woman interjected, her face full of disappointment, "brother, brother, what do you say to me? How would you let me know if your father knew that you would have escaped a meal?" It won't be!"

The room gradually fell into silence...

The bearded man walked out of the Xiaomuqiao restaurant. He just mounted the front foot, and a fat man brought a large group of people to the door of the restaurant.

"Well, Xiaomuqiao Restaurant, it seems this is the biggest store in this town!" The fat man jumped from his back with his hand and came to the restaurant to discuss the plaque on the door. "Okay, this is the place Pang Hu!"

"What does the adult tell you?" A strong man came to him.

"This is the place. Go and ask the boss if there is anything available-er, more than one hundred people, um! Is there a place for more than one hundred people to eat?" Fatty commanded.

The man took his orders and quickly came out again: "Sir, the store says that the third floor is fine."

The fat man nodded, turned around and waved his hand: "Brothers! Go for a drink! I invite!"

In the cheers behind him, the fat man took the lead and entered the restaurant.

Just when a large group of them entered the door noisily, the fat man found that a man and a woman came down the stairs opposite him. His eyes jumped sharply, and the man and the woman were startled, and at the same time said:

"What a coincidence!"

The fat man said in surprise: "It was only a few days after we were separated, and we met again. Lan, Yan Lin, this world is really small!"

After talking, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

This man and a woman are naturally Lan and Yanlin, and the fat man is Li Yi. Since meeting this man and a woman in Guolin a few days ago, Li Yi has always felt that they are a little weird, but they can’t tell. This is why I met again in this town this time, and Li Yi was naturally mindful.

At this time, this place, you can meet this type of acquaintance, hum-there must be something stupid in it! Li Yi said. Then he smiled happily, and said before he said: "Meeting is destiny. Since we can meet again in this vast sea of ​​people, why not go up and drink two glasses?"

Yan Lin looked at the orchid around him, his hands slowly pressed against the handle of his waist.

Lan secretly gave Yan Lin a glance, instructing him not to act lightly, and said with a smile: "This, we still have something to do, I am afraid, is it not convenient?"

"It's okay, Pang Hu, Ling, please invite my friends!" Li Yi waved his fat hand and pulled Lan's sleeve away.

A fierce light flashed in Yan Lin's eyes, but disappeared in an instant. Pang Hu, who has been secretly observing these two people, naturally sees it in his eyes, and also knows some reasons for Li Yi's overly enthusiastic performance.

These two people must have a problem! He thought that he became very enthusiastic and stepped forward to hold Yan Lin's hand: "Xiongtai, let's go! My grown-up rarely meets an acquaintance, you still have a drink!"

Yan Lin glanced at Pang Hu, shook off his hand, snorted dismissively, and stepped up the stairs.

Pang Hu stared blankly at the man’s back. Judging from the wrist strength and the two scimitars hanging around his waist that Yan Lin had just waved, it was obviously a good hand with a knife, and looked in Pang Hu’s eyes Come, this man's trick with a knife, the most powerful one must be the hack!

If he faces him and he cuts the knife, he can only lift the sword to block. If he cuts with two knifes at the same time, if he only cuts with a single knife and blocks by himself, then another The machete will...

Pang Hu left and right thought, if he met him, with his own body skills and martial arts, there was no chance of winning! Can not help but scared out a cold sweat.

What's wrong with me today, only to be glanced at by this man, and I think of it cranky?

Pang Hu shook his head and followed.

The third floor of the restaurant is a fully-opened hall. There are dozens of large round tables for ten people to sit at the same time in the spacious hall, and some decorative animal heads are hanging on the surrounding walls. taste.

Li Yi walked into the hall in great strides, and when everyone sat down, he began to order. Ling and Pang Hu naturally sat beside him, and Lan and Yanlin were also enthusiastically pulled to their tables by Li Yi.

The wine and dishes were quickly delivered, and the officers and men who had been busy for a night ate and ate, and Li Yi was no exception. At this time, he showed the great strength in eating, gobbling, chewing, eating and eating Call a fengshengshuiqi. Pang Hu is no exception. When he was a robber, he ate the same way as Li Yi, while Ling chewed the finely cut pieces of meat and tasted slowly.

Yan Lin sat on the seat very unnaturally, but slowly sipped the wine in front of the table. The chopsticks didn't move from beginning to end, while Lan appeared very natural, eating like a mouthful of Ling.

Li Yi finally remembered these two friends of his own, smiled and stood up to raise a glass, hiccups and said: "This fellow is not one day, what is like a third fall, eh! I said, a few of us like this Algorithm, I haven’t seen it in a few years? Uh! Come on, do this, it’s a reunion of our old friends! Uh! Do it!"

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