There was a sense of emptiness in Li Yi's brain, and the continuous flying arrows of light shone his colossal mental power into his colossal spirit, his vision became more and more blurred, and a violent sense of dizziness spread. Later, Li Yi's legs were soft and he fell to the ground on one knee, struggling to support his body with his hands.

Liu Chang's light arrow offensive also stopped just right at this moment.

He enjoys bathing in the light, and against the light, he walks step by step to Li Yi.

"Dead fat man, now let's see how you can escape my palm!" A lightsaber gradually formed in his hand, pointed at Li Yi kneeling on the ground.

Li Yi laughed weakly, but the emptiness in his brain made him unable to say a word. Although he could understand what Liu Chang said, he could not give any response-that is, the mental energy was extremely consumed After the result, the real state of distraction.

Li Yi’s brain seems to have stopped working. Although his instincts have always reminded him that his current situation is very dangerous, his brain has now lost the function of guiding body movements, leaving him completely unprotected. Under the blade of the enemy.

The body trembled violently under the threat of life, but without the command of the brain, he could not make any movements and had to watch the danger coming.

The lightsaber took shape, Liu Chang stabbed without hesitation!

On the occasion of a thousand shots, a mass of invisible objects bounced from the ground, wrapped in Liu Chang's weapons, and the sword tip stopped at the tip of Li Yi's nose. He could no longer move forward!

It's that tiny slime monster!

At that time, Li Yi made the order when he made it, and trapped Liu Chang. However, Liu Chang’s shadow tentacles were thrown away by Liu Chang’s shadow tentacles. The battle was thrilling, but it didn't take long for the slime monster to slowly crawl back, and rescued Li Yi at the moment of death.

The slime monster’s IQ is not high, but creatures created by mind-playing will naturally have all the experience of the maker, and use these experiences when needed-for example, the big net that the slime monster turned into before, and Now one sticks to the ground, and the other catches Liu Chang's lightsaber. The excellent body elasticity makes Liu Chang almost hold the lightsaber in his hand.

Liu Chang was shocked, this little thing could actually entangle the blade of pure light without hurting the slightest-is this thing really made by Li Yi? How could he create a creature with such a strong body!

He was shocked. The broken thing in his body seemed to be about to restore balance. The lightsaber in his hand flashed a few times and suddenly disappeared! Liu Chang stepped back a few steps and looked at his hands in confusion. He felt that his power was constantly passing, and the light on his body became dim.

After the lightsaber disappeared, the slime monster retracted, jumping on the ground and jumping onto Li Yi's shoulder, gradually turning into a large cluster of fluorescent lights and disappearing into Li Yi's body-Li Yimeng's one Shocked, raised his head, the whole person was like a machine that had not been used for a long time, shaking and recovering his ability to move.

The empty brain is filled with various information again. Although the guru can recover the creation of the mind to restore the mental power, in this way, the brain that has recovered a little mental power will also feel the mental power Tingling after extreme consumption, unbearable tingling!

Li Yi clenched his teeth and insisted that his entire brain just recovered was like a paste, and he could not figure out what had just happened, but the sense of crisis continued to spread, and Li Yi struggled to consume and recover the slime The weird little bit of mental power created a ball of water polo in his hand, and he snapped it on his head at once.

It is Li Yi's own "Water Polo Chicken Blood. Law"!

But this time the effect is obviously not as good as the one I used before. Li Yi's consciousness is a lot more sober, but he is still on the verge of coma and collapse. Li Yi knows that although this method can forcefully awaken his hidden spirit Power, but the effect is not great, especially after just one of the most arduous battles in history, the cool water polo can wake up the mental power is not much.

Better than nothing! Li Yi secretly said.

He stood up, wiped a drop of water from his face, and pointed his sword away at Liu Chang who was surprised: "I will not lose to you!"

Liu Chang discovered that Li Yi had recovered, but he smiled disapprovingly and squeezed his fist: "Really? Then come!"

Liu Chang found that although his own strength has passed a lot, but the situation has stabilized now, he is confident that with the rest of his strength, he can definitely defeat this dead fat man and step on his feet to insult !

He has forgotten his original intention of competing with Li Yi. The only thing he remembers is that this competition is a life-and-death battle.

Liu Chang stepped forward, the light on his body was completely dimmed, only the white light on his hair and eyes, his hands overlapped and laid flat on his chest, and gradually, the white light on his hand lighted up, and then quickly Formed into a ring. The brightness of the ring is extremely high. Except for Li Yi and himself wearing sunglasses, the rest of the cave quickly covered their eyes to prevent themselves from being temporarily stimulated by this strong light. Blind.

Li Yi waited quietly for the other party's attack.

Bai Guangmeng became more intense, and the aura flew towards Li Yi with an unstoppable momentum! Li Yi bowed his waist and lifted his shield to meet him.

"clang"! The aura caused a strong shock while touching Li Yi's shield. Li Yi held the shield's left hand for a while and almost let go. He gritted his teeth and exerted force on his waist, using the force of rotation to throw the halo far away!

Li Yi did not dare to hesitate and strode forward, trying to force Liu Chang to play a contact war with him.

But the aura that didn't want to fly far away flew back at a faster speed, Li Yi quickly raised his shield to block.

This time, he failed to strike the aura. Under the more rapid and powerful impact of the aura, he completely lost control of his left hand. The whole person was hit by the aura and the water shield in his hand fell to the ground. .

Li Yi’s left hand was hanging softly on his body. The strong shock made him feel that his left hand was also shaking violently. Although he could not feel the pain, he was almost certain that the bones of his left hand must have been hit. Misplaced!

Li Yi gritted his teeth to support his body with his sword, but the aura didn't want to let this best attack opportunity pass, and flew over again.

Li Yi snorted heavily in the mouth and activated the "protective light armor" on the ring.

"Bump!" Li Yi was slammed and flew out!

Nothing! Li Yi patted his buttocks and stood up, protected by "protective light armor", as long as the gem on my crown prince's ring did not crack, then I would have nothing!

"Bump!" Li Yi was knocked out again!

"bump"! "bump"! "bump"! "bump"! "bump"!

The aura is constantly trying hard, wanting to knock Li Yi down completely, but except that the clothes on Li Yi are getting dirty, Li Yi has nothing at all.

Liu Chang seems to be tired of playing, quietly watching the situation on the side of the field without expression, and does not make a sneak attack. It seems that he wants to win this competition by this aura alone.

Li Yi was hit again and again, and climbed from the ground again and again. He wanted to bypass the halo attack to smash Huang Long, and took Liu Chang as the initiator, but the speed of the halo was too fast. Every time he flew him out when he first got up.

He is not unable to use contract art anymore, but none of the contract art he has learned can come in handy at this time, not to mention that his mental state is really bad now, basically one Use contract technology to break dishes.

Li Yi was helplessly abused by the halo. After a more powerful impact, the halo seemed tired and no longer attacked him. When Li Yi thought that he could finally relax, Liu Chang said again: "Dead fat man, your vitality is really tenacious enough, there is no way, I can only give you a bit of surprise-if you want to surrender , It's still too late."

As soon as Liu Chang's words came out, the robbers around cheered suddenly. Although they could not see the scene because of the strong light on the field, Liu Chang's confident statement still told them that the scale of victory had already Start leaning towards them!

Li Yi gritted his teeth and said, "It's you alone? It's still far away!"

With that, he began to rush towards Liu Chang in a desperate way, but before he took a few steps, the aura suddenly moved, quickly disintegrated and deformed in the air, and turned into dozens of spear-like things. Around Li Yi.

Li Yi couldn't hold his foot for a moment, hit the spear, and dizzy for a while before realizing that he had been trapped in this light cage!

This is over, I can't even hide...

Liu Chang watched with satisfaction that Li Yi was trapped under his own spells, and began to recite the mantra slowly.

A huge lightsaber gradually appeared in front of him, and the powerful contractual energy overflowed! Li Yi has no doubt that even if his two hundred pounds are protected by "protective light armor", he will be split in half by this powerful spell!

How to do? How to do! Li Yi was sweating all over his head, but in the current situation, he was really helpless.

Is it really necessary to surrender? Isn't it too faceless? But, if I don’t surrender, wouldn’t I just be dying? This doesn't work! I'm still a virgin!

Li Yi learned the essence of the sentence "Identify the current affairs as a handsome person", and I was about to prepare to kneel and beg for mercy-they were all about to hang up. What's the use of dignity? Life is important!

But just when Li Yi wanted to give up resistance and admit defeat, the huge lightsaber flashed away a few times, and then dissipated suddenly. The powerful energy returned to nature in an instant. Liu Chang was empty in front of him, as if everything was nothing. Never happened in general.

Eh? My character is so good? When he was about to hang, this deadly beard spell failed? Li Yi secretly happy, but found that Liu Chang is even more weird now.

Liu Chang's eyes quickly changed from white to black and white, and the normal look was fast, but they all quickly turned into black, and then changed again and again, and the momentum of his body also fell at the same time as his eyes changed color.

Finally, Liu Chang's state finally stabilized, changed back to his normal state, and fell to the ground with a thump.

The light cage that trapped Li Yi also lost the control of the caster, dissipating into fluorescent light and dissipating into the air.

Li Yi was stunned for a moment-that's it?

After Liu Chang fell to the ground, a thin shadow sprang from him and quickly returned to the crowd.

Li Yi frowned and looked into the crowd, but he saw a pretty face looking at herself with tears.


That's it? That fat man actually won? !

The robbers started to talk about each other, and some of them were in a passionate posture. They started to be uneasy, and some even took off their weapons and clamored. The victory of others in their eyes was cheating and false results.

Although Liu Chang did not get down by Li Yigan in the end, at least the result is that Li [书趣阁] Yi won.

The so-called bandit logic is probably like this?

Yan Lin and Lan hurried to Liu Chang, who fell to the ground without knowing his life and death. Yan Lin sniffed Liu Chang's breath and lay on Liu Chang's chest for a while, finally relieved, and Chong Lan nodded: "He It’s not a big problem now, the breathing is steady, it should be because the first'burst' passed out!

Lan patted his chest and was afraid, "I'm scared to death! I'm such a younger brother, if something goes wrong..."

Yan Lin patted her on the shoulder, helped Liu Chang up, greeted two people, and helped him into a side tent. Yan Lin looked at Li Yi and asked strangely, "What method did you use to lift Liu Chang's state?"

Li Yi took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, shrugged, and looked inscrutable. It was a bit disgraceful to win this contest. In the end, Ling needed to rescue him. Even if the fat man had thick skin, he was embarrassed to say anything nonsense. It's coming to the front of the gate-so he kept silent. Anyway, the young man won. Anyway, you are also an elf. The elf recommits to it, and will not let us go.

Although Li Yi made up his mind and didn't say anything, he still carelessly aimed at Ling's direction.

Yan Lin was not a blind man, nor a fool. He saw Li Yi's strangeness at once, and followed his gaze, he also saw Ling standing silently in the crowd.

impossible! Yan Lin said in her heart that this woman had tied her hands and closed her mouth. It was impossible to release the spell in this situation!

Yan Lin is not the kind of person who feels ashamed and angered when he fails. In fact, he always treats the difference between victory and defeat plainly and wins because the opponent is not as good as himself and loses. Naturally, he is not good at learning arts and kung fu. Did not get home! Otherwise, he would not be able to take the seat of the martial arts chief of the Fire Clan Martial Arts Hall.

However, this contest that made him puzzled really made him a little curious. As a martial art idiot, when faced with a similar situation, it is easy to have an urge to break the casserole and ask the end- If you don't understand, just say hello!

Yan Lin shouted to stop the riots of the robbers, signaled them to make way, and walked to Ling's body, followed by Lan's unmoving **** behind him.

As soon as Ling's hands were liberated, he quickly took off the cloth in his mouth, ignoring his peers, and ran quickly to Li Yi's side, looking at him with concern.

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