If he could shoot earlier and knock Lan out, then things would be much easier. Yan Lin blamed himself, but now the situation has become like this, in addition to obediently watching on the sidelines, he really can not think of any way to resolve this dispute between the ethnic groups.

Li Yi's behavior of putting a helmet on Ling Yan also looked into his eyes. Although he didn't understand the role of wearing a helmet, it seemed that on the field, Ling had been suppressed by Lan to the limit from the beginning. On the edge, after Ling put on the helmet given by Li Yi, the two women began to divide equally, even suppressing Lan steadily-all this made Yan Lin inevitably wonder, what is the origin of Li Yi’s helmet, which can help Ling Reaching this point?

Li Yi didn't know that he had helped Ling such a big job by accidentally hitting him. He is now a little confused about the situation. Although he instinctively put Ling on his helmet, did it help him? Still don't understand.

Since Ling Shi is a contractor, then my "dark helmet" should be able to play a significant role for her? My current mental state is inadequate, I can’t help Ling, Pang Hu is just a warrior, and I can’t help anymore... Li Yi’s idea at the time was like this, using equipment with the same attributes as Ling to enhance Ling’s ability, Let her survive Lan's attack.

The situation on the court gradually became clear.

With the help of "Dark Helmet", Ling constantly absorbs the light energy in Lan's body and continuously converts the light energy into the dark energy that he can use. With the change, the light on Lan's body gradually weakens. After it came down, it was no longer so stinging to shine on Lan.

All this is very comfortable for Ling.

Feeling that the dark energy in her body is constantly growing, her limbs and bones are like a rebirth, she can't say the comfort, she feels that the new dark energy in the body continues to penetrate into every corner of her body, let Once again, his fit with the dark energy has improved a lot.

Lan now regrets that he has a fever in his mind. After the "burst", he chose a pure energy attack stupidly. Now that he is riding a horse, the energy gathered in his body is constantly being sucked away, and he is forced to withdraw from the "burst" state. Sooner or later things will happen.

After the "burst", Lan's body was replaced by pure light energy, that is to say, she is light and light is her. Being sucked away by the silk, she feels naturally uncomfortable. She wants to be in contact with her transformed state, but she finds that a strange connection is formed between herself and Ling. She wants to restore her original form, only Wait until your energy is exhausted.

A black and white vortex gradually formed between Ling and Lan, and the energy of the two people was stirred in it, constantly exuding a majestic energy breath. Both Ling and Lan knew that it was almost over!

The pure use of energy between the contractors is the most direct and the most dangerous. In particular, the conflict between the two contractors with similar properties, often the energy of the two will form an unstable energy vortex between them. The energy released will continue to flow into this vortex until the winner is lost.

The danger of this fighting method is that this energy vortex is very unstable.

A little bit of wind and grass can often cause a violent explosion in this vortex, not to mention the vortex composed of the two most opposing energies of light and darkness. As long as there is a little unstable factor, this vortex will destroy the entire underground cave!

Yan Lin saw the inadequacies of this, and he knew the danger of this vortex naturally, and at the same time he made a decision in his heart, immediately turned around and shouted, "Everyone! Bring something, Leave here soon!"

The robbers stared at him stupefiedly, didn't understand what he meant, and Yan Lin said anxiously: "Go away! This is about to explode! Hurry up! Leave from each portal! After going out, you will meet at the second station! "

When the robbers heard the word "explosion", they immediately went into chaos and ran into their tents, grabbed everything, and swarmed toward the entrance of the corridor!

The cave is noisy. Although the robbers pushed and shoved and escaped quickly, they were so smart that they did not approach the two female contractors any more, and walked away carefully until they approached the corridor before they began to flee desperately.

Dong** quieted down quickly after a period of hustle and bustle, leaving only Li Yi, Pang Hu, Yan Lin and their second daughter at a critical moment in the fight.

"Master, what should I do now?" Pang Hu also has some six gods and no master. The contractor has always been unattainable in his opinion. Now the two contractors' fighting process was originally displayed in front of him, and it is inevitable. But Yan Lin's panic move just made him recover. He hurriedly looked at Li Yi and asked, "Miss Ling can't move now, otherwise, let's run away?"

Li Yi glanced at him and said, "Escape? Ling called my brother!"

Knowing that he was wrong, Pang Hu hurriedly lowered his head and stopped speaking.

Yan Lin, nervous and sweaty, approached Li Yi and asked in a hurry: "Is there any way to stop them now?"

Li Yi shook his head. How could he, a half-hanging contractor, have a good way? Can it survive the vortex explosion? It was only because of his sense of responsibility for Ling that he stayed.

Li Yi narrowed his eyes and constantly asked himself to be calm, and there is no way out of the world. In this case, there must be a way!

Looking around chaotically, Li Yi suddenly lit up and cried in surprise: "Yes!"

Yan Lin looked down his eyes, and not far away, Liu Chang lying quietly on the ground and fell asleep.

"You are..." Yan Lin just wanted to ask, but found that Li Yi had strode towards Liu Chang, took him up, carried it on his shoulder, and approached the energy vortex between Ling and Lan.

Yan Lin stopped Li Yi and asked, "What are you doing!"

"Save people!" Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "This beard is a hybrid of light elves and dark elves, right? That's right! I have seen in the book, the blood of your elves is The energy of the interconnected attribute has a strong absorption capacity. Now this energy vortex is composed of two energies of light and dark, and the body of this bearded beard has exactly the blood mixed with the two kinds of light and dark. As long as he is placed in the center of the vortex, the blood vessels in his body will naturally absorb these unstable energy, which can solve our current dangerous situation. For this bearded beard, it is naturally beneficial!"

"Are you sure?" Yan Lin looked at Li Yi in disbelief.

Li Yi smiled: "You will know if you try it?"

With that, Liu Chang threw it into the whirlpool!

Yan Lin wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Liu Chang was thrown off his shoulder by Li Yi and thrown into the vortex. The body miraculously violated the effect of gravity, sinking up and down in the black and white vortex.

At first, the vortex did not react as violently as everyone imagined. Liu Chang floated peacefully on the vortex. With the rotation of the energy, he fluctuated up and down, and gradually drifted into the center of the vortex.

The vortex stopped spinning, as if after a moment, as if it had passed a long time. The energy vortex of black and white mixed colors suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation, driving Liu Chang to quickly spin up! All the energy is gathered in front of Liu Chang by this powerful rotating force, forming a small black and white funnel-shaped vortex, the big head is connected to the original energy vortex, the small head is connected to Liu Chang's chest, and will continue to Energy vented into Liu Chang's body.

A huge amount of energy continuously poured in like a flood that broke the dike, and Liu Chang's originally calm face began to show a painful expression.

Yan Lin was shocked, grabbed Li Yi's collar anxiously, and shouted at him loudly: "You fat man! What to do now!"

Li Yi looked at him innocently, and said: "It is natural to absorb such a huge amount of energy. It is strange to be comfortable, not to mention these two opposing energies-I said, don't catch it like this. Tight, this dress was made by Gu Lei, I don’t want to break it!"

Yan Lin laid down Li Yi desolately, turned around and ignored him, watching the situation inside the vortex with concern.

As time passes by one minute and one second, the huge vortex of energy never seems to be exhausted. It always keeps rotating fast, but it never shrinks. After the painful expression on Liu Chang's face continued for a while, he quickly calmed down, floating and absorbing quietly.

Yan Lin rubbed his eyes and seemed to think that Liu Chang had become a little strange now.

His body... seems to be getting bigger?

Soon, the changes in Liu Chang's body began to become obvious, proving that Yan Lin's eyes did not have any problems-his body began to grow as if he was inflated, and the clothes on his body continued to groan like tears. , The swollen body gradually appeared from the broken clothes!

Soon, the clothes on Liu Chang's body were supported by the gradually enlarged body and turned into pieces of cloth, torn to the end of the year in the energy vortex, and disappeared into the energy torrent in the vortex.

He floated in the air like this.

His body is strong and powerful, and the evenly distributed muscles well show his perfect body shape. The chest is lying together, and the small vortex on the chest stretches with his breath, connecting the chest, Lines of entangled black and white colors slowly crawled all over Liu Chang's body, and flashed with Liu Chang's breath.

The unclear lines on Liu Chang's body worried Yan Lin, but aroused Li Yi's great interest.

Li Yi narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the lines that appeared on Liu Chang’s body: “It seems that the lines are composed of pure energy, but how can it appear on his body surface? Is it because his body is no longer Can you withstand these energies again, so as to form this energy line on the body surface to continue to store the energy continuously delivered to him?"

The black and white lines formed a strange pattern on Liu Chang's body. At the moment when the pattern was formed, the speed of the two vortices also reached the extreme, and the rotation was faster!

Liu Chang’s body began to become larger, and the body that became large gradually shrank back and returned to its original shape. The energy lines on his body began to become brighter, one black, one white, two kinds The colors interspersed with each other, and Yan Yan's face shone brightly.

The connection between Ling and Lan was suddenly broken, and the two women seemed to have their bones removed at the same time and fell to the ground, both unconscious.

Yan Lin hurried to Lan, and Ling's side, Pang Hu had been waiting. When Ling fell, he steadily caught her.

After the energy vortex loses its energy source, as the rotation speed becomes faster and faster, the volume of the vortex becomes smaller and smaller. Finally, after the rapid rotation, the energy vortex finally disappears.

The small vortex on Liu Chang's chest also disappeared into his body at the same time. Although there was no support from the energy vortex, Liu Chang was still suspended in the air quietly, and the black and white lines on his body still flickered, emitting bright light.

After looking at Ling's situation, Li Yi lowered his heart and looked at Yan Lin. After seeing the same expression on his face as himself, he knew that the two elf girls were alive without any harm. Down.

Li Yi smiled and walked towards Liu Chang.

Gently put down Lan, Yan Lin quickly followed up-who knows that this fat man remembers no revenge, will Liu Chang stab him at this time?

But then again, Li Yi was a little careful and vengeful, but his retribution was never very straightforward, and he was always in a place where no one could think of it, even if it was unsuccessful. Will be satisfied, and then it will be fine.

Take Pang Hu as an example. He once gave Li Yi a sap. What happened? He was sent to the military camp to loosen his bones and bones. Although he was helping others to loosen his bones and bones, Li Yi didn't care, as long as he was comfortable, at least, Pang Hu still spent some time in the prison?

Fat guys are good at this and are easy to satisfy.

And Liu Chang... Hey, Li Yi just borrowed some theories to shame him hard and throw it into such an unstable energy vortex, can you say that he must have good intentions?

Now that Liu Chang is fine, Li Yi is relieved. Anyway, it is already a revenge. What can I do in my heart?

So he doesn't have any crooked ideas now, but simply wants to study Liu Chang's situation.

But Liu Chang's situation is very stable, and there is something that Li Yi, a magician and a contractor who is a half-hanger, can't understand. What happened to this big beard? The reason that the bloodline can absorb the energy of the corresponding attribute is good. However, these two opposite attributes, even if they match the attributes of this bearded beard, how does he maintain the energy balance in his body?

Even more strange is that this kind of person with two different blood lines in the body, once one of the powers is stronger than the other, then the strong side will not hesitate to devour the weak side until the owner of the blood line Into a single attribute. But Liu Chang’s situation is different. The unbalanced energy in his body does not attack each other, but the simple strong suppresses the weak, and then the energy of the strong makes him enter an "outbreak" state-this is really strange. .

Now, Liu Chang has perfectly absorbed such huge energy in the energy vortex, and has generated such strange lines on the body surface, which makes Li Yi unpredictable.

I thought only my dad could know the reason.

So Li Yi, who was relieved, made a blanket with some recovered energy and gently covered Liu Chang's body.

But I don't want to, Li Yi's well-intentioned move really played an unexpected role!

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