With that, a lightsaber condensed from his hand and raised his sword to Li Yi.

Li Yi was shocked and said: "When did she like melee?"

In the past, Gu Lei likes to throw away spells far away, and never wants to give people the opportunity to fight close. However, Li Yi was surprised when he came back this time and found that Gu Lei changed the style of fighting in the past.

In the process of Gu Lei's sword running, the golden light flashed on his body, and defensive spells were blessed on his body. This inadvertent movement made Li Yi's eyes squint instantly.

Super fast casting, what kind of thing is this? !

Super fast casting, originally a new type of casting skills that can only be gradually mastered by senior contractors during the peak period, is to cast spells in almost instantaneous form, which has achieved unexpected results, but because of the lack of gestures and spells, super fast casting The effect is only one-half the effect of the spell cast normally, and the mental energy consumed is the same as that of the normal cast.

Nonetheless, super fast casting is still the favorite casting method of senior peak contractors.

Because of this fast casting method, it can play an immediate role, often saving one's life in battle.

And Gu Lei's ultra-fast casting made Li Yi immediately understand that Gu Lei had advanced! From the original intermediate contractor level to the advanced peak level!

Li Yi is very pleasantly surprised. You should know that the upgrade of the contractor's level is not only necessary for mental strength, but also requires more spell-casting experience. The ability of an intermediate contractor to cast advanced contractual skills does not mean that he has become a senior contract. Teacher, he also has to grasp the necessary skills of senior contractor himself-quick cast.

Li Yi can now quickly cast spells with contract equipment, but it is also limited to this. If you want to use the super fast spell casting skills of senior peak contractors, it will take longer to accumulate experience.

However, Gu Lei has already used super fast casting, that is to say, as long as she can cast advanced contract technology, then she is a rare senior contractor in the whole new Qin!

This alone has made Li Yi's heart bloom. Is there anything that can be more enjoyable than seeing the ability of your favorite object to be more powerful?

Li Yi was very happy and forgot what he wanted to "act."

Gu Lei had run to Li Yi, swiped his sword down, and swept Li Yi down.

Li Yi was shocked out of cold sweat, this little Niangpi, want the young man to cut off his grandson! Immediately jumped back a few steps, avoiding Gu Lei's "Poison Hand".

Li Yi recites the mantra while walking backwards, the gestures are constantly changing, and the moment the spell is completed, the grass on the grass beneath his feet begins to grow wildly and wraps Gu Lei's ankles.

It is Li Yi's unsatisfactory "Plant Run" Law! Of course, this is just his joke.

Gu Lei was taken aback by the plants that were constantly attacked. When her footsteps slowed, she was already entangled in the grass and was trapped in place, but she did not panic, and she firmly held the lightsaber in her hand. , Fierce force, even lightsaber crushed!

The fragmented lightsaber turned into a little golden light, and fell on Gu Lei's body. Suddenly, Gu Lei's whole body was full of golden light, and the grass and leaves wrapped around her body were stirred up into powder!

Shining! Gu Lei continued to rush towards Li Yi in this light.

By the time Gu Lei approached Li Yi again, a golden lightsaber had condensed in his hand again. The golden light on his body disappeared and he waved again.

However, Gu Lei is obviously not as good as Li Yi as a half-hanger in martial arts-after all, it is a girl. Who will practice good martial arts without practicing? Fighting with Li Yi with this lightsaber is obviously her temporary idea.

Li Yi dodges from left to right, easily avoiding Gu Lei's waving lightsaber lightly. He is complacent in his heart, humming, if it were not for me to be merciful, would you win again and again when you practiced with me?

Gu Lei was a little tired. The girl’s physique was not suitable for this kind of close-knit fight, and she was sweating and panting before she even beat her a few times. Throw the lightsaber over!

Li Yi didn't have Gu Lei's eyes so white, he was stunned for a moment, as if he was lost in the magic of the elf's dance last night, staring at her in a daze, even the lightsaber flew towards himself. .

After Gu Lei threw out the lightsaber, he saw Li Yi didn't hide, and looked at himself so dumbly, he couldn't help but get anxious: "Fat fat man! You are looking for death! Hurry away!"

Although Gu Lei made a reminder to pull Li Yi out of the sluggishness, Li Yi's action was still a step late, and the lightsaber slammed into him, turning into countless golden fluorescence, which spilled on him.

Hey, is it okay? Li Yi looked at him suspiciously.

When it was said that sooner or later, the crown prince's ring in Li Yi's hand was lit again, and the "protective light armor" was splayed open, blocking the golden fluorescence from the outside. At the same time, the golden fluorescence was there It flashed for a moment, and each point of fluorescence turned into a small lightsaber, which was slammed on the "body light armor"!

The armor light armor shuddered a little, the lines stayed still, and the lightsabers really dissipated after an attack.

Li Yi was frightened with cold sweat and shouted at Gu Lei: "Smelly girl! You want me to die!"

Gu Lei glared at Li Yi in horror, then turned back to his mouth and said, "Whoever knows you don't hide! You are trying to find yourself!"

With that, a lightsaber was condensed in his hand, and he was thrown at Li Yi again!

"I'm relying on it! You are still here!" Li Yi began to run around, looking for a small opportunity to fight back-joke, if you are defeated by you in a few times, where does my face rest? Of course, you have to fight for 300 rounds and then lose to you "accidentally"!

The lightsaber exploded behind Li Yi, and the small golden lightsaber's light sword slammed into the ground. When Li Yi looked back, there were only countless deep marks left on the ground.

When Li Yi looked at Gu Lei again, the other party threw two lightsabers.

I rely on! Let the people live! Li Yi ran away with his feet, if he was really hit by these lightsabers, he would not have enough lives to poke so many lightsabers!

bump! bump!

The lightsaber burst again behind Li Yi! Li Yi ran faster.

"Fat fat man! What run! Are you still not a man!?" Gu Lei cried wildly.

"Is it a man? You will know if you try it? Besides, if I don't run, I will become a fat man!" Li Yi turned back and found that Gu Lei threw a lot of lightsabers again!

Li Yi knew this spell, although the specific name could not be remembered, but some functions of this spell are still very clear.

Advanced light spells, capable of making a lightsaber, can be held by the creator against the enemy, or can be shattered according to the creator's wishes. After shattering, it will become countless light spots, light spots In a flash, it will transform into a small sword and carry out a cover attack.

A very powerful spell!

Li Yi knows that he can no longer be hit by lightsabers. The "body protection light armor" is almost going to last. Once the "body protection light armor" disappears, then Li Yi has no defensive spell to protect himself.

Li Yi's Devouring Force Field? Give me a break! With so many small lightsabers attacking, it would be enough for Li Yi to drink a pot!

Li Yi can only flee desperately, although he can use other contract techniques to protect himself, but Li Yi's original intention is to let Gu Lei defeat his own, then of course other contract techniques cannot be used.

Li Yi looked back as he ran, ran and ran one end against a row of shiny columns of light.

Eh? this is……

Gu Lei smiled and waved from a distance. In the sky, he continuously dropped a beam of thick fingers and inserted it on the ground around Li Yi, forming a circle, trapping Li Yi completely.

Li Yi knew at a glance that he planted himself.

Gu Lei slowly paced from a distance and walked slowly to Li Yi's cage, bending down and smiling to Li Yi: "Little Li Yi, don't ask for forgiveness?"

Li Yi narrowed her eyes and cried with a sad face: "I admit defeat... it's strange!"

Said, disappeared in front of Gu Lei.

Gu Lei's secret cry is not good, she naturally knows that Li Yi is now equivalent to the contractor of the whole department. The "dark stealth" and "virtualization" of the dark department can naturally be used. He has now disappeared, and it is definitely not just a stealth. It's so simple, according to Li Yi's personality, he will definitely use the two spells together, both to get rid of the difficulties and take the lead.

Gu Lei is not a fool. Of course, she will not stand still. She stepped back a few steps at the same time. At the same time, a light golden mask appeared on her body, protecting her strictly.

With a wave of his hand, the area with a radius of ten meters around her was dyed golden, and Gu Lei stood quietly in the middle of this golden area, waiting for Li Yi's sneak attack.

But how could Li Yi throw himself into the net and stupidly ran into such an obvious trap to find him?

He was actually in the "Light Cage" released by Gu Lei to trap him, without even moving his buttocks. He knew that Gu Lei knew himself very well, but since it was not so simple to let her win, how could Li Yi follow Gu Lei's idea?

"Dark stealth" was naturally used on the body, but Li Yi did not use "Blur", which made Gu Lei's judgment wrong, allowing Li Yi to surprise her by surprise.

What about after the sneak attack? Hey, after that, it's time for Li Yi's superb acting skills to start.

Li Yi sat down on the grass casually, and looked at Gu Lei's nervous look, and smiled happily. He used Mindwork to create a small ball-like thing and placed it on the grass.

As soon as the belly of the little thing touched the ground, it stretched out four calves and crawled towards Gu Lei hummingly.

What Li Yi made was too small. On such a large field of training ground, it was difficult to attract the attention of others. Therefore, Li Yi's creation easily slipped into the golden area.

Gu Lei moved while the little thing entered the golden area, and the spell that had been prepared was instantly thrown in the direction of the little thing, hit accurately!

The little thing Peng exploded at once, Gu Lei looked in that direction in surprise, but oncoming was a strong white light!

"Ah!" Gu Lei squatted down covering her eyes, and the whole person was a little dizzy, and there was a tingling sensation in her eyes, and she couldn't help crying.

Li Yi closed his eyes long ago, waiting for Gu Lei to scream.

This little thing is made according to the principle of flash bombs, and it will detonate as long as you are willing or under attack, releasing a glare that can temporarily blind you, and Gu Lei’s attack just detonated Li Yi’s creation, and Temporarily made Gu Lei blind.

When the scream came, Li Yi slowly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Lei.

As expected, the little girl will be fooled! Li Yi thought proudly, and then got up and used the "Virtual Technique" to pass through the "Light Cage", learning Gu Lei to walk to Gu Lei in three steps.

Of course, everything should be careful, and "dark stealth" and "virtualization" will not be lifted.

Li Yi walked into the golden area.

Although Gu Lei sat down on the ground with her eyes covered, she was still able to sense the movement in the golden area, and she felt the arrival of Li Yi.

An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Li Yi backed her hands and wandered to Gu Lei in front of her, and said with a smile: "Smelly girl, now you can take the master's words? Let you be arrogant! Hey, beg for mercy!"

Li Yi was really afraid that Gu Lei was begging for mercy now. Wasn't such an expression too realistic, and thus smashed his own place? Make up your mind, even if Gu Lei really admits defeat, he must think of some ways to make Gu Lei justly win.

Gu Lei raised his head and put his hands down. His eyes were squinted and tears kept flowing. His mouth was crying: "You bully people! My eyes are gone! I am going to be blind! I am going to be blind!" "

Li Yi immediately panicked. He didn't want anything to happen to Gu Lei. He hurriedly lowered his body to see her situation, but he didn't want Gu Lei, who originally squinted and shed tears, suddenly smiled strangely at him: "Fat fat man, Dare to flash me? I blind your dog's eyes!"

Li Yi was alert immediately, but before he could react, he was also flashed by a dazzling light.

Everything in front of him instantly turned white, and his vision blurred, tinnitus, dizziness, and the negative effects of various blind states appeared on Li Yi. His footsteps were unstable, and he fell backwards.

But the expected ground did not catch Li Yi, and a huge net composed of light beams steadily surrounded him.

Li Yi did not struggle, he knew he was careless, but the result was not the same?

Gu Lei won and lost, which is exactly what he wanted.

Moreover, relying on her own strength, Gu Lei did not rely on Li Yi to deliberately release water to win the victory-in fact, Li Yi did not have time to release the water, and was given by Gu Lei...

Li Yi lay dizzy in the net pocket, his heart was not calm.

This is the first time he has not been defeated by Gu Lei without releasing water, and before that, he still exerted his full strength! In the end, she relaxed her vigilance and approached Gu Lei easily, only to be cured of her own way by her own way, causing her to temporarily lose her vision.

There is still a white piece in front of me, the roar in my brain is getting smaller and smaller, but the waves in my heart are really surging!

Is this so-called arrogance? Thinking that Gu Lei really must be stabilized by herself, so that she can pretend to pretend to fail accidentally, to win her favor?

But I am still proud, still arrogant, I think I can beat others but can surely win Gu Lei steadily, I think that even if Gu Lei becomes a senior contractor, I can easily defeat her, I think...

The vision in front of Li Yi finally recovered. He stared blankly at the clear sky for a long time without saying anything.

After Gu Lei released him from his net pocket, he immediately changed back to his original appearance, haunting Gu Lei and saying good things, but he still couldn't calm down.

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