"I'm not malicious..." Li Yuan spoke the elven language and spread his hands to the elves, but found that what he said was not heard by them.

The six bows opened the strings, and the arrows on the strings were aligned with Li Yuan's chest.

"Hey! I'm not malicious! I'm here to find someone. I accidentally saw the pilgrimage team..." Li Yuan still wanted to explain, but a sharp arrow shot at his feet, interrupting him.

"Any human who breaks into the territory of the elves, kill them all!" The spirit of the elf headed with a deep hatred, a whistle blew in his mouth, all the elves loosed their hands, and the ready arrows shot all at once To Li Yuan!

Li Yuan didn't even have time to say anything, he had already seen the sharp arrow with a cold awn on the arrow in front of him, and was constantly approaching himself quickly!

No way! What to do! When it was too late, Li Yuan waved his hands quickly, and a hurricane appeared in front of him instantly, which was able to block the flying arrows.

The arrows were blown away, without harming Li Yuan.

But at the next moment, another wave of flying arrows struck, but Li Yuan found at this time that he had lost the ability to summon the wind to protect himself!

The natural wind no longer obeyed his call, and abandoned him temporarily!

Just when Li Yuan was desperate, a strong wind blew, and a figure blocked him in front of him, turning his sleeves between the sleeves, and once again shot the arrows he shot!

The man in front of him looked quietly at the elves in front of him with his back to Li Yuan. He smiled lightly in his mouth and turned his head back. A familiar face appeared in Li Yuan's eyes.

Pray to heaven!

Qi Tian didn't know when he had taken off the mask on his face, and smiled at Li Yuan: "It seems that your contractor also has natural enemies... and you have met your natural enemies now, it is better to be a samurai... …"

Then, he turned to the wind elf in front of him, and laughed: "Feng clan...... Others tell me that you are a group of lunatics, I don't know if it is true..."

"Maybe you don't know who I am, but it doesn't matter. Soon, you will know!"

The red mans in Qi Tian’s eyes reappeared, and the loud chants rang again, and this time, the grim mask was not worn on his face!

The wind elves suddenly became alert.

What happened to the man in front of him was beyond their expectations. I thought it was just a skillful warrior, but I didn't expect the unexplainable magic effect to appear on the other person's body.

Is it... the other party has contract equipment? The headed elf thought so, but his eyes kept sweeping from Qitian, but he didn't find any shadows of appliances, which puzzled him.

Can't control that much! All abominable humans must die! The elf headed was obviously a leader. He thought about it with a gesture, a breeze came, and flew away quickly after he whispered for a while, then he whispered in his mouth and pulled the bow string again, behind him The elves also followed the bow and arrow, aiming at Qitian!

"Brothers! Don't forget the shame that humans have brought us!" the elf leader shouted, and then released the arrow in his hand. A sharp arrow from the rapid fire passed through his ear and passed him The dark purple hair fluttered up.

The arrow shot at Qitian with a thunder, but he didn't even bother to look at it, waved it easily, and once again a strong wind rolled up in his sleeves, sweeping away all the arrows he shot.

Qi Tian hey laughed twice, his body jumped, and rushed towards the elves!

The elves were like enemies, quickly put their bows on their backs, and they pulled out two fancy scythes from their waists. When the scythe was waving, it seemed to bring a burst of whirlwinds around them, it seemed that their weapons The swing speed has reached a level that can raise a strong wind.

But Qitian knows that this is not the merit of their own martial arts, but they are the spirits of the wind clan. They are born with a close relationship with the wind in nature. The weapons they use will naturally bring the blessing of the wind.

"Six wind elves, the establishment of a standard elf patrol team...Although their long-range shooting skills are good, but their close martial arts are really poor...should be able to solve them within ten breaths..." Qi Tian was anxious Turn around, and soon announced the death penalty for this elf team!

Take a breath! Qi Tian dexterous body style escaped the small whirlwind thrown by the wind elves and rushed into their encircling circle!

Two interest! Three interest! Qi Tian's hands were wide open, sharp nails quickly cut the throats of the two elves, and then a short body, avoiding the sickle blades cut by the other elves!

Four interest! Qitian stretched her legs and turned around, forcing the elves to retreat, making their encirclement much larger, and giving Qitian a better space!

Five interest! Six interest! Seven Breaths! Qitian's ghostly body technique was reappeared, and suddenly appeared beside the elf on his side, standing his palm and turning his sword, and immediately cut dozens of knives on the elf's neck! Then it appeared next to another elf, so the technique was repeated! There was blood rushing between the necks of the two elves and they fell to their knees!

Eight Breaths! Nine Breath! Qitian disappeared again in front of the eyes of the remaining two elves. When he appeared, his hands were already inserted in the chest of one of the elves, and his arms pushed to the sides, tearing this elf into life. Two halves! Finally he looked at the remaining elf, the elf's leader, with a terrible smile.

Ten interest! Qi Tian walked vigorously towards the elf leader, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then his hands were turned into knives, and he slashed fiercely between his necks from both sides!

The elf leader's neck was squeezed by the power of Qitian and fell to the ground. The dead can't die anymore.

Qi Tian looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and counted the time. He killed the team of elves in the time he specified. He happily wiped the blood splashed on his hand and sent it to his mouth to lick it. Got up.

What a sweet smell... Qi Tian licked the blood on his hand, and every drop of blood was fully felt by his taste buds. The feeling, like an electric shock, fascinated him and made him sink...

"Qi Tian..." An untimely voice rang at this time.

Qi Tianmeng turned his head to look, the red eyes were even worse in his eyes, and a anger rose in his heart.

How dare you bother me to enjoy the sweet taste of blood... How dare...

It is Li Yuan! Qi Tian woke up in an instant, staring blankly at the best friend with long temples.

"Qi Tian... you see what you have done!" Li Yuan approached Qi Tian step by step and looked sadly at this man who was also a teacher and friend. "You never killed any elf before. Yeah! How can you now...be so ruthless! They will be killed as soon as they come up! Have you forgotten your ideals? Have you forgotten...was that elven dancer..."

Ideal...Dancer? What is my ideal? Who is the dancer? Qi Tian felt that his brain was about to explode, and all kinds of noisy things were constantly floating in his mind. He wanted to remember something, but he couldn’t always grasp the corner of his memory...

ideal? Qitian squatted on the ground with his head held, what is my ideal? Suddenly, suddenly, a voice said firmly in his mind: "My ideal is to allow our new Qin people to live in harmony with the elves, without war, without killing, and without slavery! Let the two Hate between the races, go to hell!"

"My ideal is to allow our new Qin people to live in harmony with the elves, without war, without killing, and without slavery! Let the hatred between the two communities go to hell!" Following the voice in his head, the red awn in his eyes weakened a bit.

But who is the elven dancer? Qi Tian gradually appeared in the mind of a woman in a long-sleeved Chinese costume, long red straight hair hanging behind her, and she continued to dance with her dancing posture. The colorful fluorescence gradually rises beside her with the dancing movements of her rotation and jumping, everything is so beautiful and dazzling!

Suddenly, the fierce incarnation of the dancer turned into a flame and flew towards him, but turned back to him in front of her again. Her beautiful face continued to grow old, and the smile with tears on her face made Qi Tian couldn't help it. With a pain in my heart, tears burst into my face.

"Am I beautiful... Am I beautiful..."

"Look at me and pray to heaven...please let me dance another dance for you..."

"me too……"

Qi Tian wept bitterly, the red awn in his eyes completely disappeared, and as his eyes gradually became clear, he also gently exhaled the name of the dancer.

"Xia...I love you..."

The old face in my mind smiled slightly, looked at Qi Tian lovingly, and said softly, "Me too..."

(For the story of Qi Tian and the elven dancer, see the rumor "Dancing Girl", which can be found in the relevant works.)

Things in my mind suddenly dissipated, leaving only the last whisper, constantly circling in the mind of Qi Tian.

Qitian wept silently on the ground. For a long time, he wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes and stood up and said: "Li Yuan, thank you, if not you, I will soon forget these things as important as my life... "

"It's okay, you're okay..." Li Yuan didn't know what to say now to comfort Qitian. It can be seen that the elven dancer was very important to Qitian.

"Actually, this situation is caused by that mask! As soon as I put on that mask, I will gradually lose myself..." Qi Tian sighed, "You don't really want to know what kind of Qin King gave me The mission... is this mask, the sacred object of the cavemen, and at the same time, when I got this mask, I became their king..."

"However, once I put on this mask, I will lose my heart and become as cruel and bloodthirsty as a caveman! However, it can give me different strengths in the past..." Qi Tian wanted to find out from his arms again That hideous mask, but found himself touching an empty space! "Huh? What about the mask?"

After Qi Tian and Li Yuan searched all the places around them, they realized that the mask had disappeared!

"Don't... I lost halfway..." Qi Tian guessed, but quickly overturned the idea, "No, right, I just entered the bloodthirsty state, the mask should be on me. !But why are you missing..."

"Qi Tian... talking about the mask, the person who cooperated with my son should be you..." Li Yuan interjected suddenly.

Qitian smiled hey: "I can't find you anymore... Besides, your kid needs this kind of help...Unfortunately, he is now sent under my hands, I don't know if Xiaodai's guy will Treat him as a normal noble child..."

"I guessed you... pray to heaven! You know what I mean! It's enough for you to let go of the elves alone! Even if you find me! Why do you have to take Li Yi..."

"Be careful!" Li Yuan was pushed away by Qi Tian before he could finish speaking. He turned around and saw that the surroundings had been surrounded by a group of purple-haired elves. He climbed up from the ground and saw the place where he had just stood. Already filled with arrows, Qi Tian standing beside him no longer knew where to hide.

"Be careful..." Qi Tian's voice suddenly came from behind Li Yuan, and Li Yuan must know that he was behind him, "The other party is all the elves of the wind family, your contractor in the wind department is here. It doesn’t play any role at all. I’ll try my best to protect you later. You just have to escape to the Central Mountain Range! When you feel you can take the wind again, hurry and fly away!"

"So what do you do? I don't want to be rescued by you every time..." Li Yuan squeezed his chin nervously with his hands, watching the elves who were constantly surrounding him.

"At this time, you are still in charge of this matter? If only the elves of other tribes, these are the madmen of the wind clan! What can you wind contractor do?" Qitian said bitterly, "Don't talk to I used to love face as much as before, but if I change to another elf tribe now, I won’t let you go! That’s it! Do what I say! We are in the old place!”

Li Yuangang wanted to speak, and a female elf in a tight-fitting hunting outfit walked out of the elf opposite, and said to them both with a mocking smile on his face: "It seems that the two of them are really brave enough! With the power of the two of you trying to break into our territory... I really don’t know if you are daring artists, or are your brains confused by the wind?"

She glanced at the six siblings killed by Qitian in the eye field, and flashed her eyes in anger, then smiled: "It seems that there is really capital! The two of them killed our elite patrol soldiers... , Want to talk to two of you for a few tips..."

Qi Tian adjusted his clothes and apologized: "I'm sorry, they were killed by mistake, but just now my consciousness was a little unclear, so I did such a wrong thing... I hope this leader will let go Pass us by..."

Li Yuan looked at Qitian in surprise. The commander of the celestial army never showed weakness to others! Why today...

"Oh? How do you know that I am the leader?" The elf woman squeezed her long purple hair and smoothly put them behind her head and asked with a smile.

"Feng Clan Ranger Commander, the descendant disciple of Feng Clan Amda, Miss Feng Zi who is called'Purple Thunder in the Wind', your name is so ridiculous!" Qi Tian Zuo Yi said, "Ask the new Qin border troops In the middle, who do you know who is your daiming? Who is not known to you? Underneath being a general of the Celestial Army, I know very well!"

"You are... General Qitian!" Feng Zi was shocked and could not help widening his eyes.

"Don't go now, when to wait!" Qi Tian took advantage of Feng Zi's astonishment, and lifted Li Yuan with one hand, exerted his strength, and threw him away in the direction of the Central Mountain Range!

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