The former martial arts chief was constantly sucked into the black hole in Li Yi's hands, struggling desperately.

The yellow light of his body was gradually sucked into the black hole, and then his head, and then his body, his whole person was twisted by the powerful suction, and even the sound could not be emitted, it has gradually disappeared. In the black hole.

As the former martial arts master gradually disappeared, the constantly rotating black hole began to shrink. Until the entire body of the former martial arts master was sucked away by the black hole, Li Yi was relieved and patted his bloating head. His eyes rolled and fell.

The black hole gradually disappeared as Li Yi fell down, and disappeared.

It is the product of Li Yi's mind-swallowing black holes!

Li Yi also thought of his bullish fork skills in a hurry, able to devour any attacks, including objects, but only need to pay amazing mental strength in exchange.

That is to say, as long as Li Yi's mental strength is sufficient, even if there is a **** standing in front of him, he can easily **** the opponent into the black hole and banish him into the strange space that no one knows.

Of course, this is just assuming that Li Yi has enough mental strength. Although Li Yi’s current mental power level is much higher than ordinary people-because of the increase in the spiritual power of the "Abyss Starry Sky" on the crown prince’s ring, you don’t have to worry about the mad loss of spells and chanting, but once With this "swallowing black hole", Li Yi's mental power seems to be a little less...

Because the spiritual power consumed by "swallowing black holes" is a multiple, that is to say, if Li Yi wants to **** a grape with "swallowing black holes", then he will have to pay for the spirit needed to make a grape by mind Several times the force!

What's more, he now forcibly **** a living elf! Even though his mental strength is very strong, he can't withstand such consumption, so much so that he did get rid of this former martial arts chief with a firm belief, but now Li Yi has become somewhat because of the extreme lack of mental strength Half dead.

This is also no way. In the face of this unstoppable elf martial arts chief, and still the most powerful martial arts chief ever able to use the "eruption" elf, Li Yi really has no way to stop this guy from attacking himself. After thinking about it, all his abilities are " "Eating the black hole" can solve the current situation, no matter what it needs to pay for itself.

So Li Yi used it, so Li Yi also lie down...

The dragons outside the white space and Dynamo did not expect this to happen completely, especially when Li Yi created the "king water", brought the battle back, and then Li Yi faced and entered." The former martial arts chief in the state of "outbreak" used only one spell to easily get the other party out-

All this made the dragon and Dynamo feel dumbfounded.

This is mankind, a man with infinite imagination and creativity!

Nothing on the continent of Atlantis has ever been thought of, such as "King Water", not to mention whether it has been created! Although this highly corrosive liquid is not the most corrosive in the world, it seems incredible in the eyes of the dragon and Dyna Black.

However, Li Yi unexpectedly used the "engulfed black hole" but they were even more surprised. You must know that this ability to connect different spaces is not something that every master can do, which requires a lot of Talent and profound knowledge can connect your thoughts to different spaces with a probability of one-tenth or less, so that you can create the skills of "swallowing black holes"!

Obviously, Li Yi brought them a lot of surprises, so that after Li Yi fell down for a long time, they only reacted.

"This young man should have passed out with extreme lack of mental strength. Dana Black, you quickly go in and bring him out for cultivation. When he is fully recovered, he will bring me here for a second trial!" Li Yi, who was in the foggy ball, lay down on the ground with all fours in front of him.

After Dana Black entered the fog ball and took Li Yi out for cultivation, the dragon exclaimed: "This is human... Sure enough, he really has the potential to become a'son of the **** sign...'"

After speaking, the dragon slowly closed his eyes, and the fog ball in front of him also rotated and shrunk into a round white bead, which fell into the dragon's mouth, and the dragon slept with the bead.

Li Yi has entered this nasty half-dream half-wake state.

In the dream, he is no longer a person, but a gleaming ball, flying and jumping between the colorful clouds in the sky, happy and carefree.

Li Yi vaguely remembered that when he was a man, he longed for this blue sky and was eager to play among the clouds. However, it seems to have been a long time ago. At that time, he still lived in his villa He ate breakfast for his nanny and went to kindergarten happily with dreams.

At that time... there seemed to be a young woman standing by her side, and a man with curly hair extending to his shoulders, they hugged themselves, and they seemed to happily shout...

"Dad! Mom! Hug!"

The scene recalled was twisted in an instant. The young woman's face became more and more blurred in front of herself, and the man with long curly hair also disappeared, leaving only him and a butler to guard the lonely house.

The next memory seemed to be accelerated. The long-haired man appeared once, gave himself a ring, and then he fell out of the college entrance examination, until he joined the army, and then unexpectedly broke into Atlantis...

The father and son met again, and made a few good friends, among whom there was a crush on him... Then, he came to the top of the Central Mountains and participated in some trials...

Oh! Remember, what was the "son of the **** sign" trial, and I fainted at the end of the first strength trial because of mental overdraft...

and then? It seems there is no more...

Li Yi could not help but want to rub his head, but found that he is now a ball, and the ball has no hands and feet.

Am I hanging like this? Li Yi was very strange, but when he saw the sea of ​​clouds in front of him, he could not help raising a trace of playful heart, and the body could not help jumping around and playing among the clouds.

Whatever long as he can play here!

However, it seems that some people do not want to see him playing happily. A huge palm rose from the depths of the sea of ​​clouds and caught Li Yi, and at the same time, a pleasant voice gently called in his ear: "Wake up... wake up..."

The giant hand became the size of an ordinary person when it reached Li Yi. It gently grabbed the ear that Li Yi did not know when it grew out, and twisted it gently-"Wake all I slept for three days..."

A very strange feeling came from this hand, Li Yi felt that his body was light, and his body seemed to be falling from the sky quickly. He wanted to yell in fright, but he hadn’t waited until he shouted, his The eyes opened suddenly!

Li Yi woke up with a gasp and touched his body-fortunately, there was no shortage of weight.

In front of him was the sea of ​​clouds in his dream. The endless clouds covered his sight. The newborn sun only revealed half of the face under the cloud cover, and the soft light was warm on the body, making Li Yi He stretched comfortably and sat up straight.

"Huh? This is..." Li Yi felt that his ears were a little strange, and he quickly touched them with his hands.

But he didn't expect to start with a piece of lubrication. He twitched a violent spirit and turned his head to look. A beautiful face appeared in front of him, frightening him with a "wow" yell and crawling up.

The owner of the pretty face happily released her hand from Li Yi's ear, and looked at Li Yi from bottom to top with joy, and said in her mouth: "It looks like you look good! Why, don't you recognize me ?Although you have slept for three full days, don't you even know me?"

"Recognize, of course I do!" Li Yi nodded again and again, trying to remove his body, this person, oh no, it should be this god. Of course he recognized, "Dana black... uh... long time no see..."

Dai Nahe giggled and stared at Li Yi for a while, causing Li Yi's face to be hot, and had to say: "Hey! Hey! You are a great god! Don't mess with it Like a pure girl, look at me like this... I, I can't accept it..."

Dai Naihe smiled lightly: "I'm just curious, and besides, I can be considered at home now, and I still can't keep the way I was when dealing with your mortals? Is it like an old woman... Hey! Humans What exactly is your brain, you can come up with such a strange thing... It’s really weird that it can destroy the liquid of law-breaking equipment!"

"What..." Li Yigang wanted to brag about himself, but was interrupted by Dana Black.

"Okay, let's not talk about it!" Dai Naihe changed to a serious look, and his attitude changed quickly, which made Li Yi a little stunned. "You have been sleeping for three days. It is estimated that if I If you are not called, you can sleep for another three days! Hurry up and follow me, the central dragon should be waiting anxiously!"

As he said, he naturally took Li Yi's hand, and the golden light flashed under his feet, taking them to a palace in the sea of ​​clouds.

"Hey! Dana Black! You haven't said why you want to go!" Li Yi asked quickly.

"Your first trial is over, and now of course you are going to the second one!"

Although Li Yi already knows the answer in his heart, it can be said in Dai Naihe's mouth, this naturally feels different. I can't help but feel complacent, and I am busy checking my physical condition to cope with the second trial.

After a full three days of rest, Li Yi's lack of spiritual energy has already been replenished. The whole body seems to have endless energy. The joy of success and good physical condition tell Li Yi that he is now ready!

Let the trials be more violent! Li Yi roared in his heart.

The familiar palace gate appeared in front of Li Yi again, but this time, Li Yi's heart was already full of strong confidence.

His contract was lying neatly on the ground in front of the palace gate, calling him silently.

After the cloak was finished, Li Yi came to the dragon again.

"This time, it's a trial of endurance... the same, if you fail, you will still die..." Li Yi felt that the dragon seemed to wink at himself, but before he could take a closer look, Li Yi fainted again. In the past.

Waking up, it was still the monotonous white space.

"The trial of endurance...what would it look like?" Li Yi thought with some expectation.

The trial of endurance soon began under Li Yi's expectation. Black shadows gradually appeared deep in the white space, and he was slowly walking in the direction of Li Yi.

This is... Li Yi rubbed his eyes and found that the shadows looked exactly the same, wearing armor, dragging a two-handed sword, and covering their faces completely with a full-face helmet. Can't see the true face under the helmet.

But Li Yi knew that they should all have the same face...

This kind of costume makes it clear that it was the former martial arts chief of the Tu elf who had won three days ago! This is good, one is enough to drink a pot for yourself, but now there is a group at once!

The dragon’s voice suddenly appeared in Li Yi’s ear: "Young humans, this trial is a bit more difficult than the previous one... You guessed it well, I’ll give it to you Twenty identical martial arts chiefs are arranged, that is the one you have encountered in the trial of strength... As long as you can hold two hours, you will pass..."

"You know yourselves, you know all the abilities of this martial arts master. Presumably, you will be very easy to deal with twenty now... But if you fail, you will still die..." The dragon gave a hey laugh , His voice gradually disappeared in Li Yi's ear.

Is the difficulty "slightly" a bit bigger? Will it be "very easy" to cope with? Li Yi felt that he was tossing to death by the **** central dragon! It's enough to deal with one by myself, and twenty? Still insist on two hours? Isn’t this what death is?

However, no matter how Li Yi shouted, he couldn't arouse the interest of the dragon again. Only the footsteps of the twenty martial arts masters echoed in the empty white space.

Li Yi's original self-confidence was constantly being disintegrated in this neat footsteps. He knew that he was still too arrogant. In the face of so many opponents, he almost died.

No, I haven’t tried it yet. How do I know I’m going to lose? Even if I really can't beat it, I'm still struggling for a while before I die, even if I die! Li Yi made up his mind, took out his weapon, shouted and rushed up!

The martial arts chiefs gathered around slowly, and Li Yi thought of the weakness of their slow moving speed. A rush quickly rushed to the figure in front of him.

The martial arts chief in front of Li Yi raised the epee in his hand and stopped, waiting for Li Yi's self-reliance.

Their attack is very heavy. Once they are hit, their bodies will definitely be injured and their combat ability will drop a lot, but they have the protection of the crown prince on their body and can resist for a period of time, as long as they are careful, they insist under their hands There is still hope for two hours!

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