With a smile, he landed on the ground and patted **** Qitian's shoulder: "It's been three days! It scares me to death!"

Qi Tian smiled, looked at Li Yuan seriously, and asked, "I have to go back to Xincheng now, can I help?"

Li Yuan froze for a moment, then smiled lightly: "Help? Of course you can, but how fast do you want to be?"

"As fast as you can!" Qitian seems to be anxious, so he is very anxious.

Li Yuan shrugged his shoulders and waved his hands. The two rose like a cloud, and their bodies became lighter than goose feathers. A strong wind behind them kept pushing them toward the east.

"How fast? Xinqin takes only one day at my speed from east to west. If it's faster, you have to be a Boeing..." Li Yuan laughed and screamed in the sky with Qitian all the way. The incoming airflow was blocked by his spells, so that there was no interference in the communication between him and Qitian.

"What is Boeing?" Qi Tian asked puzzled.

"Uh..." Li Yuan didn't know how to explain it, and thought about it, "Is an iron bird that can fly in the sky..."

Qi Tianqi said: "There are such huge birds in this world? Can they still carry people?"

"Of course... the largest can carry hundreds of people..." Li Yuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, not knowing how to explain what kind of bird this "Boeing" is.

Along the way, Qi Tian told Li Yuan what happened later, of course, because he lost his mind because of so many **, so the captured things were not told, and a crappy "missing was "Catch" to stifle past.

But how could Li Yuan not see the problem? What's more, Qi Tian blushed obviously when he said that he had failed, and his heart beat faster-all this was seen in the eyes of Li Yuan, who was a father, and he understood what was going on.

Qitian, this guy must have been disturbed by something unsuitable for children, otherwise, it is impossible for him to be caught by the elves with his ability!

Although I guessed it, Li Yuan did not say it, just smiled as I knew it. After all, the old friend's face still needs to be taken care of.

When they rushed to the new city, the moon in the sky had not yet fallen. By the time they could see the new city from afar, they had already hit three poles. The sun at the end of autumn hung high above the sky, warming people's hearts.

They landed in front of the gate of the palace, and after the doorman notified them, they walked in.

Under the leadership of the eunuch, they stopped in front of King Qin's study.

"The emperor just read the book in the study room. The three princes and General Qi please wait a moment." One of the two guards guarding the gate saluted, and then reported loudly. "

Not long afterwards, a woman’s voice came from the study: “The emperor said, he said that the general would enter the room and the holy, and the three princes waited outside the door.”

The two stared at each other, Li Yuan shrugged indifferently, and said, "Go in, anyway, I'm fine, the main thing is you."

Qi Tian nodded, pushed open the study door, and walked in.

Qin Wang’s study was decorated very simply. Turning to the left, he turned to the desk of Qin Wang’s daily office. There were pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it, and two swords hung on the wall on the right. A set of black armor Hanging under the sword, no good or bad.

Qin Wang, who was all white but spirited, was sitting on the chair behind the desk and was reading some of the scripts on the table. A woman was rubbing ink on him, and the ten silver rings worn on her hands shone with a different kind of brilliance.

Seeing the ten rings on the woman's hand, she was stunned for a moment, and she looked a little confused.

After Qin entered the room, King Qin tossed the pen in his hand and raised his head: "Pray General, presumably, have you finished what I told you?"

King Qin's voice was old, but it looked mellow. This strange feeling made Qitian uncomfortable.

"I sue the emperor, the princes are fortunate..." Qi Tian kneels on his knees and returns with a fist.

"Okay, Mozhu, you go out!" King Qin waved his hand, interrupted Qi Tian's report, and at the same time motioned the woman with green hair to go out.

The woman nodded and gave a salute, then walked out of the door, and when she came, she gave Qitian a deep look.

As soon as the door was closed, King Qin stood up anxiously, and at the same time waved his hand, and said a very quirky language in his mouth, he asked Qi Tian: "You really got that thing?"

Qi Tian nodded and carefully took out the "Seven Magic Beads" from his arms, holding his hands up.

As soon as the "Seven Magic Beads" came out, the whole study room was illuminated by the shining orb of colorful light. Qin Wangyuan opened his eyes, trembling and grabbed the "Seven Magic Beads", placed it under his nose lovingly and watched carefully.

"Sure enough, it really is the "Seven Demon Beads"! It's it... it's it!" King Qin threw this gem into his arms excitedly, and said to himself, "Now, with this... You can... rest assured... done..."

Qi Tian didn't hear clearly what Qin said, because Qin's words still contained the strange language that was just plain tongue-in-mouth, and it was difficult to distinguish Qin's meaning.

So that Qitian had to kneel down honestly, waiting for Qin's response.

"Pray God! You did a good job!" King Qin finally admired, "Get up!"

Qi Tian was relieved to stand up and faced King Qin with his head down.

"This time, you don't have to keep your head down, raise your head, and look at me!" King Qin ordered, with an unabashed excitement in his tone. But just as Qi Tian raised his head, Qin King seemed to find some abnormalities, and asked, "Huh... Qi Tian, ​​the mask you brought back from the mountain... Do you still wear it?"

Qi Tian was stunned, not knowing how to answer Qin's question.

After hesitating again and again, Qi Tian decided to tell the real situation: "Return to the emperor, the mask under his lord... somehow disappeared!"

Having said that, he waited diligently for King Qin's furious.

But he didn’t want to, King Qin laughed and smiled, waving indifferently: "It doesn’t matter, it really doesn’t matter, that mask won’t disappear for no reason...Since it has chosen you as its owner, then , No matter how you want to throw it away, it will eventually return to your side..."

"But since it has disappeared somehow... pray General, your fusion with it has already begun..." King Qin's voice became more and more rounded, as if the hoarse voice Qi Tian heard before was not from his mouth. In the middle, Qi Tian looked at the old face of King Qin curiously, but found that the two eyes embedded in this face were so beautiful...

It's like... black agate... so... charming...

Qin Wang’s eyeballs have disappeared from the whites and become pure black. He said softly to Qitian: "Don’t worry... I haven’t allowed the sound to spread outside...and I don’t allow any light to spread out...you No one will know... Now that your fusion with the face of Akakarin has begun... Then, that thing can begin..."

Qi Tianmeng was shocked and found that he was dozing off while facing the holy, and quickly shook his head to clear his mind.

Qin Wangduan was sitting behind his desk, looking at Qitian with black and white eyes, and said with a smile: "Okay, you can go out. You will have a lot to do with this action. I will discuss the merits... …You should go back to killing the Heavenly Army quickly! Without you, I can’t rest assured of the southwestern part!"

Qi Tian walked out of the study, Li Yuan hurriedly came up: "Why are you so long? It's all night! Let's talk, where to drink?"

Qi Tian looked at Li Yuan strangely and couldn’t help but ask, “I’ve only spent a little time at the emperor. Drink? What kind of wine?”

Li Yuan raised his eyebrows and pointed to the round of the meniscus that had been suspended in the sky for some time: "What do you say?"

Li Yuan and Qi Tianshuang came to the door of a restaurant, and Li Yuan glanced at the restaurant's beautifully decorated store door and sneered: "This restaurant is luxurious in appearance, and the things inside..."

He shook his head, undecided.

Qi Tian bowed his head behind him, saying nothing.

Li Yuan looked at Qitian strangely and asked, "What's wrong with you? Since you came out of the father emperor's study, you have become silent. What did the father emperor tell you?"

Along the way, it was Li Yuan who kept talking to Qi Tian, ​​but Qi Tian didn’t express any opinions. Li Yuan felt that Qi Tian seemed to be a personal change, and his old friends who had nothing to say on weekdays started not to. Talked?

Qi Tian seemed to have just passed away, and looked up to Li Yuan: "Ah? What did you just say?"

Suddenly Li Yuan lost his interest, and said with frustration: "It's nothing, well, this is the store. Let's go in and have some food! Hungry for a day, I will starve to death!"

With that, Bento first walked into the restaurant. The waiter at the door quickly greeted him and led Li Yuan to the second floor, inside a box.

Qi Tian immediately followed up after "Oh" responded, followed Li Yuan into the box.

"Speak, what do you want to eat?" Li Yuan sat down at the table and asked Qitian.

Qi Tianmeng was shocked, and raised his head, asked nervously: "What... what?"

"I said what do you want to eat!" Li Yuan couldn't help but get a little hot, and his voice rose.

"Oh... what to eat..." Qi Tian thought about it and turned to the waiter, "Do you have any raw beef here? I suddenly wanted to eat some raw beef..."

Li Yuan looked at Qi Tian in disbelief and said in surprise: "What are you doing that?"

Qi Tian shook his head and looked at Li Yuan one by one: "I just suddenly wanted to eat this! Very! Very much!"

"No... you have to eat something cooked?" Li Yuan looked at Qi Tian's firm eyes, knowing that this guy's stubborn temper was wrong again, and shook his head and sighed, "Okay, okay... you eat raw." It's..."

When he was finished, he no longer prayed. He called for two pots of wine and a large plate of grilled meat and a few plates of cold dishes. He sat on a chair and waited to serve.

The dishes were quickly brought to the table. When Li Yuan filled two glasses of wine and wanted to take a sip with Qi Tian, ​​Qi Tian sitting in front of him had already directly grabbed the raw beef on the plate and opened his mouth to bite. Go on.

He tore the beef in his hand as if he were a primitive man licking blood. He teared the **** beef with his teeth, swallowed it in his stomach after chewing, and grasped his hand again with a feeling of free blood. The beef in the bite went down.

The dripping spit was flowing from the corner of Qi Tian’s mouth, mixed with the residual blood on the beef, dripped on the table, and gradually gathered into a pool.

The waiter on the side screamed and ran out after seeing Qi Tian eating like this, Li Yuan froze for a while, then got up and closed the door of the room, sitting in the position and drinking the wine in the glass. Praying to heaven, waiting for him to finish his meal of raw meat.

I prayed that I would eat the six large pieces of raw beef in the pan, and then licked the remaining blood on the plate, and burped. Then I sat on the chair with my belly full of contentment. on.

And Li Yuan only drank half a pot of wine.

Li Yuan frowned and no longer interested in eating. He leaned towards Qi Tian and squinted and asked, "Qi Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?"

But Qi Tian's mouth made a grunting voice, ignoring Li Yuan.

In a hurry, Li Yuan splashed the remaining liquid in the glass on Qitian's face and yelled angrily: "You give me a sober! Are you really the one? From the father's As soon as I came out of the study, it became very weird. Tell me! What is wrong with you?"

"Or... what is the father emperor doing?" Li Yuan said gaspingly and gaspingly.

Qi Tian reached out and wiped the dripping water from his face, licked it seemingly curious, but immediately spit out, he quickly wiped his face with his sleeve, and looked at Li Yuan with red eyes .

"How dare you... grunt... great... Arcus... King... Balado... Polasaluwa..." Qi Tian's mouth spitted with a lot of strange language, he was slow Slowly stood up from the chair, staring at Li Yuan with blood-red eyes.

But Li Yuan could hear it. This kind of language with a thick throat sound is the "Guru" used by cavemen! Now Qitian has lost his consciousness as a human being and has become a real caveman king? !

Qi Tian seemed to never know Li Yuan anymore, staring at Li Yuan with the kind of eyes that looked at the enemy, stepping towards Li Yuan step by step, as he continued to approach, his whole person began to change To lose weight, a strange feeling pounced on Li Yuan!

It seems that standing in front of the eyes is not praying for heaven, but a hungry beast!

When Li Yuan hadn't had time to respond, Qi Tian had swooped in. He didn't have a graceful body, no clever martial arts, only the simple one.

Qi Tian's hands were claw-shaped, and his fingernails became longer and sharper. With a sharp whistling sound, he threw Li Yuan down to the ground fiercely. .

A strong wind blew Qitian away, blowing him fiercely on the wall, making a dull sound.

Li Yuan floated up from the ground like a piece of thin paper and floated on the dining table. His whole body was protected by a whirlwind that was violently rotating, frowning and watching the slowly rising prayer.

"Prayer, if you still retain a hint of human reason... just wake me up! No matter what you are doing... I really hope you wake up quickly, otherwise, I can’t guarantee myself Will it miss... kill you!" Li Yuan's eyes became firm.

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