"Hmm... Then, I won't go in circles, I have something to say! Originally it was a secret mission that required one person to act, but now no one can perform it, so I ask three of you to perform it!" Qi Tian said, watching more Li Yi glanced, "But since one of the three of you was seriously injured in a coma, the position of the injured person will be replaced by Li Yi!"

"If you have any questions, you can ask!" Qi Tian watched Li Yi close his mouth, quietly waiting for their answer.

"General...... General, what task are we going to perform?" For a long time, Xu Wen asked with laughter when he saw neither Li Yi nor Liu Chang talking.

"The task is to intercept the elves who escaped last night. Specifically, Li Yi, the commander-in-chief, should be relatively clear." Qi Tian crossed his arms and sat up straight. "I want you to leave the new place when they are away Qin Qian intercepted them! Remember, this is a military order!"

I rely on it, to suppress people with military orders... Li Yi couldn't help but pouting his lips. Once the military orders are established, the three of us can't finish the task!

"Just kill it?" Liu Chang's eyes around Li Yi said brightly, "Is it not necessary to keep my mouth alive?"

"No need..." Qitian looked at Liu Chang with satisfaction and nodded. "Okay, hurry up and pack up. Get on the road!"

Li Yi began to defecate again-could Liu Chang not be excited? Killing these fleeing elves will naturally be able to execute the decrees of elves and elders, and at the same time they can complete the military orders that idols pray for the world. Why not?

Li Yi walked out of the general's room silently and walked silently to the room where Gu Lei rested.

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you speak?" Liu Chang asked, patting Li Yi on the shoulder.

"Qitian originally gave this task to me... I also told you that this was originally an insignificant task, but I refused it..." Li Yi said with a frown, "Now he asks You carry out this task with me, and the orders are still made! In this way, we will not do anything!"

"Do it! Why not do it! They are all people who violate the laws of the elders!" Liu Chang said with waving his arms.

Li Yi gave Liu Chang a white glance and pointed to the sleeping Gu Lei: "Yes, even if we performed this task, what would Gu Lei do? Who will take care of her?! Furthermore, if the mission fails... According to military law, we can All are going to be executed!"

"Don't you be sure to kill the remaining elves?" Liu Chang said with a big smile, "You don't look down on yourself too much?"

"That's right, but what about Gu Lei? What I'm most worried about now is this!" Li Yi grabbed her hair frantically, "What if she woke up and couldn't find us? What happened when we left? Who will take care of her in time? Will anyone come to take advantage of the oil..."

"I have a question..." Liu Chang suddenly interrupted Li Yi and asked, "Are you a psychiatrist?"

Li Yi nodded.

"Then can you tell me that you can now create a creation with independent thinking?" Liu Chang said with a smile. "In other words, can you now create a creation with service?"

"With the creation of serving others?" Li Yi asked, raising his eyebrows in doubt.

"Mistakes, mistakes, "creation with the function of serving people"..." Liu Chang said with a embarrassed smile, "such as laundry and cooking..."

"It's impossible..." Li Yi sighed. "My current level of mind-reading is not enough. I made such advanced gadgets, but...the single function can still be achieved!"

"Separate function?" Liu Chang froze for a moment, and then reacted immediately. "You mean, how many successive creations with separate functions?"

Li Yi was obviously satisfied with Liu Chang’s "one-touch" intelligence and smiled: "That's it. For example, Gu Lei can cook for her when she is hungry, cut off water for her when she is thirsty, and make her bed when she is sleepy. Category……"

"However, Sister Gu Lei is now in a coma..." Xu Wen on the side whispered his point of view.

Li Yi and Liu Chang couldn't help but stop the discussion and looked at Gu Lei lying on the bed with a hard face.

"Well...I'll let someone arrange for a female soldier to take care of Gu Lei..." Li Yi admitted his failure and had to use this most reliable method. "When Gu Lei wakes up, if we haven't returned, Let her wait for us here! If you really want to kill the elves, it will take a few days!"

Immediately Li Yi ran to the military department, caught a serviceman and asked him to arrange for someone to take care of things like Gu Lei, and left a message. If Gu Lei woke up and they hadn’t come back, let her rest for a few more days. , Everything will wait for them to come back.

After arranging everything, Li Yi and the three men packed up their bags and set off.

The three of them moved forward and backward in the city of Lianyu, and looked at the ruins of the surrounding walls with emotion.

"Fortunately, the mob didn't really attack the city!" Li Yiqi said immediately, looking at the most damaged eastern city wall, and couldn't help thinking of the crazy fire woman.

The thought of the remaining few people about to accept the killing of three of them, Li Yi's heart filled with a funny feeling-by then, I don't know who killed who... I only know the burning moon and the water thorn Two, of course, if Amda is not dead, they should be with them too, but what if there are other elves in the team?

Just after a burning moon "bursts out", you have to run away, not to mention Amda, the former martial arts chief! Not to mention that there is also the water aquatic elf, once the three elves "break out" together, even Li Yi is not sure to escape!

However, now that the military order is below, the three of them have no room for subtlety and have to bite the bullet.

It was Liu Chang's leisurely look, which made Li Yi feel happy-he almost forgot Liu Chang, an elf who can also "burst". Although the bloodline is impure, the effect of "burst" is not as effective as the pure blood elf. But good or bad is also a big help.

What's more, there is a Xu Wen who can enter a suspected "outbreak" state, which makes Li Yi's chance of winning even bigger.

But in general, Li Yi's heart is still unfounded.

It would be better if the opponent was all seriously injured, but I don’t even know their situation, even the number of people is guessed, not to mention the strength-Li Yi has secretly made up his mind, Once they could not fight, they dragged Liu Chang and Xu Wen away. At least, none of the three elves known now could catch up with Li Yi's speed.

Going out of the main entrance, Li Yi and the three men began to go west. Li Yi was ready to move along the foot of the Central Mountain Range. After all, the elves still need to cross the Central Mountain Range to return to their territory. The only gap in the Central Mountain Range is in the south of the mountain range. Li Yi, as long as they walk south along the foot of the mountain, they will be able to meet the elves.

Although Li Yi was very disgusted to pray for the military order issued by the world, as a soldier of the new Qin, it is still necessary to obey the orders of the superiors, otherwise Qi Tian can completely ignore Li Yan and deal with Li Yi by military law.

Li Yi roughly calculated the time and rushed from Lianyu City to the big rift. Even if it was a horse racing, one night was not enough. The reason why the 3000th team was able to rush to Lianyu City in advance, most of them The reason is that they are the closest troops to Lian Yucheng, and they are also the first troops to get news.

In a normal hurry, there is no big rift in two days. If you ride on a horse, you can only advance one day in advance.

However, no matter how Li Yi is riding their horses, they have no time to catch up with these elves. Li Yi pouted and chanted the mantra. The three horses suddenly roared and the speed of their feet became fast!

Liu Chang and Xu Wen can also feel that their bodies are beginning to lighten, and there is a breeze behind them pushing themselves and their horses forward. As a result, the speed of the three becomes faster and faster, There is a feeling that he will be empty.

Obviously, Li Yi applied the wind contract technique to all three of them. At their current speed, they can rush to the big rift before noon!

Flying all the way, the oncoming wind blew up the hair of the three people, and Lian Yucheng was quickly thrown behind them by them, gradually becoming a small point, and gradually no longer seen.

The big rift is right in front of you!

At this time, the big rift was sporadically stationed with several guards, guarding this new Qin and mainland western only passage on land, but Li Yi they did not see any shadow of the elves.

"We came early?" Liu Chang dragged the reins halfway, stopped, and asked Li Yi around him.

"Are you stupid? For you, would you walk such an obvious place?" Li Yi asked, rolling his eyes, and said to Xu Wen, "Xu Wen, you go to call the officers of the left-behind troops and show them Warrant, and then let them count all the soldiers left behind!"

Xu Wen led away, but Liu Chang asked strangely: "What are you doing?"

"Only the whole Xinqin can return to the western part of the mainland. You know that. Other places can only fly, and now our target of interception does not have the ability to fly, so I doubt it. They will take advantage of the weakened defense of the big rift and hide from the sky!" Li Yi looked at Xu Wen, who was heading towards the big rift.

Xu Wen held up the military order issued by Qi Tian and came to the big rift. A small group of new Qin guards came to block it immediately. After reading the military order in his hand, he immediately returned to report it.

I saw one of the team's guards collided randomly between the gables of the big rift, and even hit a door, and stumbled into the door.

Not long after, the guard who entered the door walked out of the door with a man in an officer costume and came to Xu Wen.

Xu Wen saluted the officer, and presented the military order in his hand.

Not long after, Xu Wen ran back to Li Yi on a horse and told Li Yi that the officer wanted to invite them over.

Li Yi nodded, his legs twitched tightly, and led Liu Chang to the officer in front of him.

The officer shaved a bald head, and his chin was covered with a curly white beard, his eyes were cloudy, but from time to time there was a hint of fineness, apparently a master who was good at disguising himself.

He wore a new Qin officer's armor and had a distinctive "hundred" on his chest in addition to the logo of the Heavenly Army. But this armor obviously couldn't wrap his tendon well, and the whole body bulged up and down, giving a very powerful feeling.

Even a centurion! Li Yi immediately dismounted and saluted the centurion: "Li Yi, the commander-in-chief, Liu Chang, the commander-in-chief, and Xu Wen, the commander-in-chief, came to the big rift to perform the task entrusted by the general praying for heaven. Cooperate with our work!"

"Don't be so respectful, just call me to kill a party! Although I am a centurion, but there is not much military power under my hands, can you see that the three little brothers are also of my type?" The centurion Laughing loudly, his voice resounded in the ears of Li Yi and others like Hong Zhong.

"What type?" Liu Chang asked curiously.

"There are not many people under the hand, but the personal strength is very good. Such people are generally not suitable for leading the team. It is a good hand to perform individual tasks-I think, you are the type? It looks like me when I was young. "The centurion surnamed Tu seems to be a chatter, he can't stop speaking at once, and he wants to talk about his heroic deeds when he was young, but he was interrupted by Li Yi.

"Centurion...oh no, slaughter the party, eh... your glorious deeds when you were young and old still wait for us to finish the task now! Let me tell you our request just now. Did you say that?" Li Yi interrupted with a sincere expression.

"Oh... this is the original thing..." Tu Fang nodded. "Okay, I'm also a new Qin officer stationed in the big rift area anyway. This little help can still help..."

With that, he opened his voice and shouted: "Small guys! Gather all for Lao Tzu! If someone **** a step slower, Lao Tzu let him try our "Golden Liquid"!"

For a time, a tough gangster temperament emerged spontaneously.

Liu Chang laughed and whispered in Li Yi's ear: "This guy must have been with me before..."

Li Yi grinned at the corner of his mouth, unsure.

Tu Fang finished roaring in his throat, then stood standing smiling, counting with a tap on his foot.

Dozens of people suddenly appeared in the whole big rift, and ran towards the Tufang side at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, standing in line behind him, silent.

"Twenty-eight, twenty-nine... thirty! Stop it for Lao Tzu!" Tu Yifang turned around suddenly and smiled at his team, "Let me see, which turtle grandson dares Laozi's face!"

"Report to me!" At the same time when Tu Fang finished roaring, the team began to report, a total of fifty-nine people, together with Tu Fang, that is, sixty, stood in front of Li Yi and the three people.

"Little brothers, there are just a few people. Together with me, there are six ten captains, all of them are people who eat dry food. The soldiers under their hands have never been full..." Tu Yifang smiled embarrassedly. Laugh, they turned back to Li Yi and said.

"Well... since the number is equal..." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and looked into the team. "Then see if everyone is himself!"

"I?" Tu Fang said suspiciously. "Don't you suspect that there is a spy inside me?"

"It's not suspicion, it's what it was!" Li Yi said and waved his arm, and a whirlwind swirled and rushed towards the team!

And while Li Yi waved his spell, the three figures flew out of the team and ran towards the depth of the big rift!

"To chase Lao Tzu! His grandma, who dared to pretend to be Lao Tzu!" Tu Yifang's eyes were shining directly, and he commanded loudly while rushing out himself.

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