The carriage with flags of various ethnic groups!

According to Li Yi's judgment, the commander of the elf army must be here, as long as they take their first level, then the elves should retreat!

Li Yi then rushed back, looking for the trace of Liu Chang Xuwen.

Xu Wen was easy to find. Li Yi found Xu Wen in a pile of people who were hacking and slashing. The boy was frantically tearing the elves' encirclement with his hands, trying to rush out of here, but helpless elves The number is so much that Xu Wen just ripped off one sprite and then another placed on top of the previous sprite.

Xu Wen was more and more courageous, his mouth shouted, his body bowed like a beast, and his excellent reaction ability made him like an unknown prophet, he could hide sideways before the danger was coming, and wrapped his own wind in the wind 'S double punches made two round holes in the opponent's body.

Li Yi quickly hurried to Xu Wen's side, grabbed him and dragged him out of the battle group.

Xu Wen didn't even think about it, and hit Li Yi with a punch. Li Yi slapped Xu Wen's head slaplessly, causing his fist to stop in the air, and Li Yi said: "I rely on, you dare to fight even now your master... where do you know Liu Chang?"

Xu Wen lost his way out of the violent state, recovered his sober mind, turned his head to look behind him and said, "I don't know eh... I haven't seen him again since I fought with you to charge..."

"This kid... won't be..." Li Yi thought of a bad possibility in his heart, "Wouldn't it be... Go back to his fellow race?"

Xu Wen opened his eyes and thought for a while: "This is possible..."

"It doesn't matter!" Li Yi brought Xu Wen to the eastern entrance of the Great Rift, told him to stay here, and flew back over the elf army. At once, countless sharp arrows flew to Li Yi!

Li Yi smiled proudly, waved a strong wind to blow these arrows, and shouted loudly at the following soldiers of Xinqin: "Xinqin belongs, leave me!"

With that said, he prepared a stronger spell in the air.

Humph! I hide in such a high place to cast spells, what can you do with me? Li Yi thought proudly, and at the same time began to recite the long mantra.

However, Li Yi did not expect that among the elf army this time, there is a wind clan elf with natural wind protection ability!

Li Yi's mouth hadn't read much of the mantra, and he found that his body sank suddenly, and the air that was able to hold him steadily seemed to be unable to bear his weight, and suddenly lost his upper body. The force of support made Li Yi fall to the ground suddenly.

As a result, the spell prepared by Li Yi was interrupted, and at the same time, his hands waved and his mouth screamed and fell down towards the ground!

I rely on... what's the matter... Li Yi knew what was going on with just a little thought, his lips flicked, two flames burst into his hands suddenly, and burst into the ground a few meters away from the ground. !


Li Yi's body immediately burned a huge flame, and the rising air flow generated by the high temperature steadily supported Li Yi's falling body, allowing Li Yi to fall to the ground in safety.

"I rely on... Really killing people... I didn't even think there are spirits of the wind clan! The young man was almost planted here..." Li Yi wiped a cold sweat on his forehead, only to feel his heart beating wildly, naturally Frightened, he looked at the army of elves who were constantly approaching himself in front of him!

All of Tu Tu's men retreated behind Li Yi. After this apparently disproportionate number of battles, the team was less than a hundred people, and only 50 or 60 people had suffered heavy casualties. The number of people withdrawn from the elven army was less than the original. half!

Li Yi sighed and straightened his body, then he waved and summoned a thick earth wall to block in front of him, but found that the earth wall he summoned actually collapsed layer by layer, and he also lost energy with the earth system. Of induction!

This... Li Yi knows that there are elves of every race in the army of elves, and he can restrain the contractors who use the corresponding attribute spells, but Li Yi now uses the contract equipment to guide the energy of nature, how can he still be restrained? ? !

Li Yi unbelief once released the fire, water, wood and light spells, but found that these spells can not be released normally, and now the only thing that works is the dark contract.

However, now it is daylight, what other use does the dark contract technique use besides escape?

I have let Tu Yifang report back to Lian Yucheng, and now all Li Yi needs to do is to block the elf army in the big rift and prevent them from crossing the new Qin State!

However, relying on such a person alone has no effect at all. Now I only have the dark contract technique, and Liu Chang’s help has disappeared without a trace at this point. Although the child Xu Wen was a violent child A good help, but in the face of this vast army of elves, relying on them alone has no effect at all!

Even if this incomplete team on the slaughter side joins, they can't stop the elves from advancing! Li Yi's forehead was already covered with sweat, and he could not help but retreat.

An order sounded from the army of elves. Suddenly, thousands of arrows flew out of the lineup, and they shot straight at Li Yi!

I rely on... This time is really over... Li Yi turned around and shouted, "I'll run!"

As soon as the voice fell, the arrow rain had roared, and Li Yi's "protective light armor" splayed open, blocking all arrows shot at him, but those new Qin soldiers did not have such good defenses. Too.

When Li Yi shouted to escape, some of them didn’t even respond. They looked at Li Yi stupidly. After seeing the arrow rain flying behind Li Yi, they panicked and fled in the opposite direction. , But, how can it be done now?

Some of them were nailed to the ground by flying arrows as soon as they walked a few steps, and even others were hit by arrow rain as soon as they turned around, nailed firmly to the ground, and the blood flowed.

Instead, Xu Wen escaped this disaster, and he instantly went violently, covered in gang wind, and flew out quickly, escaping from the range covered by the arrow rain.

Li Yi stared blankly at the fact that the twenty or thirty soldiers were shot dead by arrows, and for a time they even forgot to escape and kept blaming themselves.

They failed to do their duty as a commander and let them lose their lives!

Li Yi gritted his teeth, ran his legs away, and ran away. The elf army behind him was like a death, chasing with Li Yi's pace.

"Xu Wen! Quick! Run to Lianyu City, catch up with Tu Fang, your speed is fast, take him to Lianyu City to call for a rescuer!" Li Yi shouted and turned around fiercely, the fire sword in his hand It broke through the restraint ability of the elves and forcibly burned!

Li Yi doesn't know what happened to him. When he meets the danger he can't resist, he naturally thinks of running away, but today he has no retreat at all. The only thing he wants is to delay the army of elves. Advance the pace and prevent them from stepping over Lei Chi!

But, but! In Li Yi's heart, he kept clamoring for escape, but his body was still moving. The fire sword in his hand was shining with dazzling light, and he rushed towards the black and crushed elf army with a beautiful arc!

But... if you don’t stop them, Xu Wen will have no chance to go... It’s better to support the "protective light armor" that hasn't expired, just stop them for a while! As long as they are blocked for a while, the innocent people behind them will live a little longer... The new Qin soldiers who died in the hands of these elves should also feel that they have died well...

Li Yi seemed to understand the sense of responsibility as a soldier in a flash, and screamed and rushed into the army of elves!

He was struggling to kill, but found that although his fire sword was burning with fierce flames, he could not hurt any elf. With the protection of the fire elves, the flame was just a warm thing in front of anyone, even Li Yi Now you can use all contractual spells, and can't cause any damage to the elf army!

Damn it! A sharp or heavy weapon was hit on the "protective light armor", causing a blue-black light film to tremble, but it still persisted! In Li Yi's hate, the Fire Sword wielded, but an elf didn't have a machete. It was a last resort, only to use the dark contract technique.

Li Yi's helmet suddenly became darker, and each black light ball was thrown out by him and smashed onto the surrounding elves!

It is "Dark Soul Eater".

Since there is no dark elf in the army of elves, there is no way for them to defend against the dark contract.

However, the powerful skills that Dark Contractual Skills really attack are all Li Yi can’t release now, and it’s the day when the Darkest Contractual Art has the worst effect, so in so many Dark spells known by Li Yi, Only "Dark Soul Eater" can damage elves in the elven army.

At the cost of Li Yi's disregard of mental energy consumption, the soul-eating dark ball continuously flew out of Li Yi's hands and exploded fiercely in the elf group. The dark energy contained in the spell continued to erode the elves' Spiritual, the original fear of darkness has caused many mentally weak elves to fall into a state of sluggishness.

However, the number of elves is too much, so much that no matter how Li Yi releases spells at any cost, they cannot stop them!

Li Yi's huge spiritual power is so exhausted. Under the endless offensive, Li Yi reluctantly accepted a reality-his mind was hot and he was cocooning himself.

The mental power has reached a critical point, Li Yi has begun to become dizzy, and the power of the soul-eating dark ball thrown out has also become weaker. When Li Yi waved his arm, but no spell was released by him, The elves suddenly rushed up, grabbed him, and tied it up.

The "body light armor" on Li Yi has already reached the time limit, and has dissipated. In order to be able to cast a spell better, Li Yi backed the water shield on his back, and the fire sword was retracted into the sheath. After excessive consumption, the sloppy Li Yi simply could not resist, but was captured by the elves and brought to the carriage with flags.

The flags with the logos of various races fluttered on the carriage with the wind and the hunting sounded. Li Yi was escorted to the carriage, and the elf who was escorted him pushed down on his knees, pressing his shoulders, no Let him get up.

Li Yi gritted his teeth and watched the carriage door slowly open, and a figure came out of it.

Li Yi looked at this figure and was startled, frowning.

The figure in front of him was an elderly elf with gray hair. The golden hair between the white hairs told Li Yi that the elven time family.

What surprised Li Yi was not the age of the elf, but the face of the elf...

There are several deep scars staggered across the face of this elf, apparently cut by a sharp weapon on his face, and under these scars is an old man's face full of folds.

The problem is that if this old man's face is not so old and full of deep wrinkles, it should be a beautiful man like a woman. Even among the elves is the outstanding appearance.

This elven old man, if he is younger, definitely looks like Liu Chang! Li Yi then contacted the elven's race and Liu Chang's sister, and knew the identity of the old elf at once.

It should be... Liu Chang and Lan's father?

When Li Yi saw Liu Chang's face coming out of the old elf's face unnaturally, he confirmed that his guess was correct. This elf old man was no other than Liu Chang's father!

"Li Yi...I, I don't know..." Liu Changzhi supported us, speechless.

"No need to explain, if you know...hehe, I've seen it for a long time..." The blue and black light in Li Yi's eyes flickered, closed his eyes, and entered the spiritual world, observing the elven old man The ripples radiated, and said, "Do you think I am a fool... If you do not investigate you carefully, you will be assured of putting you next to me?"

Liu Chang seemed relieved and looked at the old elf around him. Zhangkou just wanted to introduce, but was interrupted by the old elf waving: "Shut up!"

Liu Chang had to retreat obediently, bow his head and stop speaking.

The old elf looked at Li Yi quietly, waved back the elf soldier who was pressing Li Yi behind him, and said to Li Yi: "You... why didn't you just escape?"

Li Yi saw that the elf pressing him behind had walked away, and he stood up with a smile on his eyes, and said, "Old man, what would you think if I said that my brain was hot?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at the old elf, saying one by one: "We new Qin people are not saplings. How can we escape before a while?"

After listening to this, the old elf laughed and nodded, "It's a little upset, young man, the old man appreciates your courage, but is it a bit silly to do this? In the face of opponents who are completely impossible to defeat, you still Just rush forward to stop..."

"Introduce, the old man is the commander of this "day penalty" action, the elders of the Guang tribe, Yong Tian..." The old elf nodded at Li Yi and turned to look at Liu Chang. "It seems that the kid should Know you..."

With that, he waved to Liu Chang and said, "It's not clear, it's not over!"

Reluctantly, Liu Chang came to Yong Tian's side and bowed his head without saying a word.

"He is you...friend?" Yong Di asked with a straight face, and his fingers pointed at Li Yi slightly trembling.

Liu Chang nodded and still kept his head down.

The old face of Yong Zhou suddenly became angry and shouted, "You are mixed with the dirty race of human beings!"

Yong Tian trembles and can't say a word, obviously it's very angry.

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