However, if Li Yi knew that Qi Tian was able to chase the demigods, he would not think so. The strength of this new Qin general is really unfathomable!

Qitian finally let go of Li Yi and told him two things by the way-the first one was that Liu Chang had left and returned to his elven home, Qitian did not embarrass this alien, although the elf and Xinqin had a hostile relationship , But the spirit of this elf is still towards human beings, so Qitian also sent him some rations on the road and let him go back.

And the second thing, Li Yi rushed out of the general's room after listening, and didn't even say hello to Qi Tian.

Gu Lei woke up.

In fact, Qi Tian was going to tell Li Yi the third thing, but Li Yi was so anxious that he rushed out before he finished listening. This move made Qi Tian shook his head with a wry smile.

For Li Yi, this is a big deal! Gu Lei woke up! Gu Lei really woke up! Li Yi kept talking about these words in his heart, and the joy in his heart bloomed like a firework on his chest.

After rushing into the backyard of the military department, I saw a slender and pleasant figure doing stretching in the yard. Hearing some movements, the other party turned his head and stared at Li Yi.

"Gu Lei..." Li Yi's trembling lips, and even his double chin began to tremble, his eyes were a little wet, and he quickly walked to Gu Lei's body and hugged each other, " You finally woke up! It’s so nice... so nice!"

In response to Li Yi, there was a miserable scream: "Fatty fat! You are stepping on the old lady!"

Suddenly Li Yi stepped back and looked back at Gu Lei nervously. He asked carefully: "Where did you step on? Where did you step on? Does it hurt? Does it hurt?"

Looking at Li Yi's anxious look, Gu Lei could not help but "slap" a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "Tease you! Dead fat man, who made you run around blindly, when I woke up, I was not alone Hold me!"

"Uh... that, I'm sorry..." Li Yi smiled and looked at the person in front of him, only to feel very happy in his heart.

"This is the woman you're looking for?" A woman's voice suddenly appeared in her heart. Li Yi was startled and froze again.

"What's wrong, scared?" Gu Lei took Li Yi's hand with a smile and shook it. "Come on, I'm starving! Take me to eat!"

Li Yi slowed down, enjoying the lubrication of his hands, nodding his head in response, and led Gu Lei out.

"Take your hand... hum!" The female voice with a hint of vinegar in her words came again from her heart. Li Yi knew who the voice was and ignored it.

Except for Dana Black, no one has spoken in his heart yet!

"If you don't speak again, I may fill the water with the content of the class in the future..." Dana Black threatened.

However, it seems that Li Yi has not yet completed the last step of literacy, attaching spiritual power to others?

"Try to talk about it in my heart, I have'sticked' your mental strength to the body, and now it is your first lesson, literacy training!" Dai Naihe's slightly proud voice from Li Yi My heart sounded again.

"All right..." Li Yi mumbled, looking at Gu Lei's puzzled eyes, and quickly grabbed Gu Lei's little hand with a smile on his face.

"Shall we eat barbecue?"

Fortunately, even though the city gate of Lianyu City was broken, the buildings in the city were not damaged much, so some shops were reopened the day after the Tianjun army repulsed the mob army, and the residents of the city were walking on the street bustling. , Buy some necessary living items.

Everyone knows that the whole Southwest has started to mess up.

Most of the residents in Lianyu City have migrated from other places. There are very few locals in the southwest. They all speak the new Qin Mandarin, which makes it easy for Li Yi to communicate with people.

Randomly found a restaurant, after ordering, Li Yi took Gu Lei to find a seat by the window and sat down, looking at each other with interest-Li Yi did not loosen and hold Gu Lei from beginning to end Hand.

A little blush appeared on Gu Lei's face, drawing his hand from Li Yi's hand, glaring at him fiercely, then turning his head out of the window, looking at the bustling crowd on the street, his expression was in a trance.

"Can you tell me what happened after my coma?" Gu Leinan said.

Li Yi suddenly screamed. Now he wants to talk to Dai Naihe, who is far from the top of the gods, with his literacy. On the other hand, he also tells Gu Lei to tell her a story? ! With this dual purpose, even if Li Yi is so powerful, it is difficult to control.

He quickly recounted what happened after Gu Lei's coma, and fine sweat beads also oozed from his forehead. After that, he exhaled lightly and wiped the sweat on his forehead fiercely.

"It seems that the Southwest is really going to be messed up..." Gu Lei turned to look at Li Yi with an unspeakable sorrow in his eyes. "Otherwise, shall we go back? I don't want to see you injured..." "

"Injured? What a joke..." Li Yi laughed. There weren't many people in the restaurant. After the war, there weren't many people in Lianyu City who wanted to sit in the restaurant. The entire restaurant was just two of them. Li Yi can laugh unscrupulously, without worrying about disturbing others. "Even if the Southwest is chaotic, there is no way to do it. This is originally the junction with the elf territory..."

"What's more, with my current ability, it's difficult to be injured..." Li Yi grabbed Gu Lei's small hand and rubbed it gently. "It's you, I have to protect it..."

Gu Lei's face was redder, and she tried hard to draw her hand, but she couldn't do it. She had to change her face and pretended to be angry: "Do you think I'm just an embroidered pillow?"

"Of course not... of course not..." Li Yi laughed carefully.

While Dai Naihe had already laughed and covered his stomach and rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, there was no image of a god. He smiled and said in consciousness: "You fat man, I was afraid..."

Li Yi's smiling face suddenly froze, and then the flowers were still blooming, and his heart shouted with knowledge: "You are a bastard, the man is afraid of what is embarrassing..." But the tone is already a little weaker.

Knowing that he couldn't compete with Dai Naihe in the corner of his mouth, Li Yi had to accuse him of releasing Gu Lei's hand and shouting at the restaurant counter: "The shopkeeper! Why don't we order the carbon roast beef!"

It’s a joy to have a meal. Li Yi was ridiculed by Dai Naihe, and was also ridiculed by Gu Lei-only to blame his eating is too bad. In order to cover up his embarrassing expression, Li Yi only looked at him. Eat, kicked by Gu Lei under the table many times.

The two held hands and walked aimlessly through the streets and alleys of Lianyu City. They said soft words. Dana Black seemed unable to see this. After several times of instigating Li Yi to no avail, he cut off unilaterally. In view of the spiritual connection between Li Yi and her, let the little couple go shopping.

Li Yi was dragged by Gu Lei and searched for new things in Lianyu City. Some things he hadn't heard of before, but Gu Lei's eyes soared, and the money bag in Li Yi's waist was flat. Go down a lot.

Anyway, Li Yi is also a gold owner, and the least fear is spending money.

However, Li Yi looked at Gu Lei all the way to tinker with the bought things, Li Yi still could not help but feel a little pain.

Gu Lei carried a small parcel in her hand. The parcel was a fine fox fur coat, which alone caused Li Yi to spend a half or two of gold! This is nothing. Look at the hairpin inserted in Gu Lei's head. According to the seller, this hairpin is made of "red gold" with a good texture and inlaid with a high-quality "melt" "Light Stone", this hairpin can play a multiplier effect when the wearer casts a fire contract! And this hairpin cost Li Yi two or two halves of gold...

Etc., etc……

Li Yi settled down, not thinking about his poor wallet. Although he was not afraid of spending money, he spent too much money this time...

However, although Li Yi spent a lot of money, Gu Lei was still a woman who accepted it. After buying a few other gadgets that were not too expensive, she announced that she would go home, and at the same time, none of the purchases made Li Yi Yi moved Li Yi deeply.

Obviously, Gu Lei doesn't have the temperament of some girls—it costs you money to carry things.

After two visits, the two had already walked around noon. Gu Lei looked at the street still endless, but the sparse crowd gradually became strange, and asked, "Li Yi, how come there are so many people..."

"Oh, they came out to buy building materials." Li Yi glanced at it and saw probably, "Lian Yucheng is surrounded, although the city has not suffered much damage, but the people who live against the wall are unlucky. When the house is destroyed, it is natural to buy building materials and rebuild your home!"

"I'm asking why there are so many people now! It's not what they are doing! Don't answer what I ask!" Gu Lei said a little angrily.

"Okay okay..." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled. "In simple terms, they are now choosing the cheapest materials, and the price of materials in the city of Lianyucheng fluctuated greatly due to this turmoil. Sometimes, the price in the morning is still very high, and the price in the afternoon will be cheap to die, so these people come to pay attention to market conditions, low price in, high price out, get rich, you know?"

Li Yi has a very deep look. This knowledge is what he has seen in some novels. Now he takes it out and shows it off. It should not be regarded as his nonsense. After all, the price turbulence after the war is personally known to everyone.

Gu Lei's seemingly incomprehensible "Oh" expression showed a little worry in his eyes again: "Li Yi, or should we..."

"Stop!" Li Yi waved his hands again and again, "I know what you are going to say, go back? I won't be beaten to death by the old man! If you are afraid, I can send you back to the new city, because I am the only one serving, You can go back..."

"I'm not scared, I just..." Gu Lei seems to have changed a lot after this coma. Some are not as fearless as they used to be. The old lady's second style in the world is a bit hesitant. "I just……"

Gu Lei couldn't say anything, but she shouted wildly in her heart: I'm just worried that you dead fat man will die in war! you idiot!

But she said this once, but it was quite subtle, and Li Yi, a guy with a slick mind, didn’t even know Gu Lei’s intentions—in love, Li Yi is a novice, naturally in He is also a novice in understanding the meaning of girls.

"Forget it...don't say..." Gu Lei said a little bit sadly, and suddenly his face was overjoyed, and a brilliant idea came to his mind, "That's it! Didn't you promise Liu Chang to give him that piece of meat... …"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Lei accused himself of being stupid-there was war in the southwest. As a small officer, Li Yi naturally had a hard time saving his life. Could he surely save his life when he ran into the elf's territory?

However, the words have been spoken...

"Yes! Since you are afraid of war, how about we go to Liu Chang?" Li Yi looked excited and made a very serious expression at the same time: "Elf, how are you! We are not hostile, just to honor one The promise comes..."

After he finished talking, he laughed and hugged Gu Lei for a few laps and said happily, "Gu Lei, you are so smart!"

Are you clever... Gu Lei's mouth twitched, I should be a big fool...

Li Yi laughed, put Gu Lei down and dragged her to run like the military: "Let's go! Let's go to Uncle Qi for leave!"

"The reason is... honeymoon?"

Honeymoon? ! Gu Lei didn't respond for a while. Sometimes Li Yi's mouth popped some strange words, which could not be understood, so he asked stupidly, "What is honeymoon?"

Li Yi was stunned, secretly crying out of danger, but fortunately, Gu Lei did not know the meaning of this word, otherwise, the girl had to tear herself away! He didn't change his face, and said with a grin: "Honeymoon...that's, uh...that's the meaning of travel [笔趣阁]..."

"Oh...but will the General General agree with you..." Gu Lei asked with some concern, and the word "Honeymoon" was soon forgotten by her.

"Should it be... right?" Li Yi had no idea in his heart. At this point, he proposed to go to the elf territory for "honeymoon". It is estimated that Qitian will definitely be violently thundering, will he scold himself?

However, Qi Tian's reaction made Li Yi and Gu Lei all silly.

"Honeymoon?" Qitian's eyes flashed with a weird emotion, and there was an unclear smile on his lips. "Why, so fast?"

Gu Lei didn't understand, and didn't dare to ask what Qitian meant, don't look at her as usual, but it would be fine to meet the real strongman. Moreover, the other party is still known as the general of Xinqin!

Li Yi understood it, wondering how he might know the word, but he didn't show it. He laughed vaguely: "Uh... yes... it's fast..."

Looking at Li Yizhi’s appearance, Qitian’s smile was deeper, his brows were raised, and he said to Gu Lei: "That... Shigu Chang Gu Lei, go out first! About you' honeymoon 'Let me know with Li Yi first, you should go back and wait for the news!'

Gu Lei had to obediently leave the general's room.

"Your boy, don't think I don't know what'honeymoon' means. Tell me honestly, are you sincere about this little girl!" Qi Tian stayed at Gu Lei's door and listened for a while, confirming Gu Lei I asked only after I walked away, "If it is sincere, I have nothing to say, if you are going to play..."

"Hey, hello! Do you think I'm like this kind of person?" Li Yi's face came down seriously, "I really like her, and I'm not the kind of brother-in-law, how could it be just for fun!"

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