The helpless Central Dragon stayed for a long time.

Seeing that he had no doubts, Li Yi took out the soul-loving bead and shook it under the nose of the central dragon: "Hey, Comrade Shenlong, how do you use this bead?"

"Swallow it..." the central dragon said weakly, apparently still secretly sad for Li Yi's irresponsible behavior.

Li Yi nodded, looked at Dyna Black apologetically, put the soul-addicted beads in the storage space, and said to the dragon in the center: "So... my companion is still waiting for me, I will go first By the way... By the way, when Dana Black woke up...Thank you for helping me!"

With that said, he bowed deeply to Dana Black, summoned a fresh breeze, rolled himself up and descended to the ground.

The central dragon looked at the sleeping Dana Black, a strange smile appeared on his huge dragon mouth, and then glanced at Li Yi who left, the smile on his face was even better.

Of course, the dragon's smile is no different from a simple grin.

The Wuliang Dragon yawned, flicked his tail, and swam slowly towards the direction of the top of the god. In the sky, the wretched "****** rang again.

Gu Lei knew that she could not hold on anymore. When the wolves threw up again, she already knew that her situation was very bad.

The sound in the sky attracted their attention, and the wolves also exerted force at this time, rushing into this golden land.

There were servant wolves wailing and dying under the power of lightning, but there were also servant wolves constantly stepping on the bodies of their companions and rushing forward. Obviously, they were shot out of real fire.

Gu Lei saw a huge thing in the sky falling down on them, but at the very moment of the attack, he was caught by a long thing-obviously, it was two giant beasts.

Fortunately, it didn't fall down... Gu Lei just thought so, but now it has changed to another idea.

If it breaks down, it should be able to crush a large group of Cangshan wolves...

The attack of the wolves became more and more fierce, and even the always strong and powerful were also injured. The other people’s mental energy was also consumed. In the face of the constant impact of the wolves like a tsunami, they seemed so weak. .

The wind, fire and light couples protecting them have been dissipated because of the exhaustion of energy. The only thing they can rely on now is this "shining earth" under Gu Leibu.

However, Gu Lei's spell also reached the point where the lamp was dry, and Gu Lei's mental energy was very powerful. Every aggressive lightning will draw a part of his mental energy. So many servants rushed over, Gu Lei's The mental energy is almost consumed soon.

While everyone was desperate, a strange roar sounded in the sky.

They no longer have the energy to look up and watch, they can only continue to fight desperately.

A strong wind blew from the air, and Gu Lei finally couldn't help but looked up—this look scared her to lose her face!

A huge fish hit him so hard.

What a huge body this fish was, it killed a half of the Cangshan wolves at once!

Everyone stared blankly at the fish in front of them, with a strange and shocked face.

This... Is it a giant fish in the sea, and was blown here by a tornado or the like? Such thoughts came to everyone's minds.

For a moment, the whole scene appeared exceptionally quiet, only some servant wolves who were still alive were whimpering.

Everyone looked at each other, and this giant fish that suddenly fell from the sky made their heads unable to react for a while. It took a long time for the cold electricity to cough. As the head of the bandit group, he also began to play a role now.

"Should we... chase after the victory?" Lengdian coughed and turned his eyes to others.

He squandered his teeth and exhaled: "If you want to go, then hurry! While these wolf cubs can't come slowly, we quickly destroy them!"

As he spoke, he shook his spirits, carrying his giant axe and shouting: "Family lords! Kill the wolves!"

The first one in Raphael raised his weapon and bypassed the giant fish and rushed up. His three younger brothers also looked at each other, screamed in unison, and rushed forward.

Leng Deng shook his head and smiled: "This group of lunatics..." also sparked a crazy spark in his eyes, "Since this is the case, then we also go up and join in a lively! Heavenly giant fish, maybe the goddess of the black goddess Dana Trillion..."

The other two gangsters of the "cowhide bag" bandit nodded as well, and rushed up with their bosses-of course, as orthodox contractors, they could not be as different as their brothers, they worked in their own protection After doing enough work, I trot and rushed over.

Lengdian saw Gu Lei's weakness and knew that her mental energy consumption was huge. If you forcibly consume mental energy and join the battle, it will definitely hurt the source of consciousness, and she will not let her keep up. She simply gave a few words and took The brethren stormed into battle.

When the figures of the elves gradually disappeared, Gu Lei finally couldn't support it when the shouting came, and slowly sat down on the ground, looking up at the sky.

Li Yi... Where did you go... Gu Lei was somewhat helpless, as a girl's family, although she has a lot of shallow field survival experience, you can let Gu Lei stay in a team just now. Between the elves of the day, the girl who was not afraid of the sky still couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.

Gu Lei looked at the sky aimlessly. The previous vision of heaven and earth had long since disappeared. The stars and moons in the sky also began to shine again. The fire around him continued to radiate heat, but he couldn't keep warm. heart of.

Li Yi... Gu Lei sighed, just wanted to take her gaze back, but found that a strange thing in the sky was falling towards the ground. She opened her eyes wide and wanted to look more closely, but found that the thing had disappeared somehow. Lost.

Thick disappointment surged, Gu Lei sighed, lowered his head, and sobbed slightly.

"I said, I rarely see you crying...if I took a photo and posted it online, I don't know how many people are going to be mesmerized!"

An untimely voice floated up, with a touch of emotion and laughter in his tone.

Gu Leimeng raised her head and looked in the direction where the sound came, and the tears that circulated in her eyes finally couldn't help but poured out, and two beautiful traces were drawn on her beautiful face, although she didn't understand what it was "Taking a picture", I don't know what the so-called "net" is, but the other party's voice still told her what she thought.

Li Yi... Gu Leiteng stood up and ran towards the bloated figure.

You may not be handsome, you may not be brave, or you may not be a hero, even if you are just a rogue... As long as you are by my side, I will feel a strange sense of security...

Gu Lei wanted to say this paragraph, but when she threw it into the man’s arms, all the words were turned into tears, and the anger in her heart disappeared without a trace. The next feeling of security flowed slowly in her heart.

"Hey... Brother is just... uh, you don't have to do this..." Li Yi was a little helpless. This was the first time he was actively embraced by a heterosexual, and he still cried in his arms, which made Li Yi, the first brother, seemed a little busy, but he didn't know whether to hug the other party, or let the other party hug himself, and then persuade himself?

Li Yi does not understand why Gu Lei is like this. In his heart, Gu Lei has always appeared in the image of a strong woman, and she likes her assertive personality.

After giving Gu Lei this way, Li Yi couldn't help but smile awkwardly and scratched his head-die if you die! He hugged Gu Lei, and then the pig face continued to approach Gu Lei's pretty face.

But I did not expect that Gu Lei, who had just cried like a tearful man, changed his face at this time, his cheeks became very red, and pushed Li Yi away, and then began...

"Asshole! Where did I go after such a long time! Don't you know that I will worry about you? Throw me down from the sky without saying anything, can you be patient? Dare to leave me alone and face it Is it dangerous? Haven't you promised that I will be with me forever? Why did you leave me far away at this time! If you were really dead, I would also..."

Gu Lei Xu's nagging scolded Li Yi for a while, and in the end, Gu Lei was speechless and choked with tears again.

Li Yi panicked his hands and feet again, and hurried forward to make a handkerchief with chanting, gently wiped tears for Gu Lei, and wiped while saying, "Okay, okay, don’t cry, I just go Kill a fish... Don’t cry, I’m not because you can’t let go of your hand...Oh! Don’t cry, it’ll be ugly if you cry again..."

It was at this time that Li Yi discovered that coaxing a girl was a technical job, and it was obvious that he was very unsuitable for this job-his persuasion made Gu Lei cry even worse!

What followed was Gu Lei's punching and kicking.

Ok! Master, anyway, I can be regarded as a demigod who touched the threshold of the gods, okay! You look like this...too brutal! I rely on! Endless, bit me!

Well, Li Yi can only hum in his heart, in fact, he is now chased by Gu Lei...

It was not until Gu Lei was tired that he stopped Li Yi's ravages and quietly listened to him telling himself what had happened before. When he heard that Li Yi was almost overwhelmed by the stomach fluid of the bite fish, Gu Lei's small face suddenly became pale, and he was angry and angry for Li Yi-the goddess called Dai Naihe was really abominable!

However, after hearing that Li Yi was promoted to the fourth-level high-level state of Nianshu because of these, Gu Lei began to keep silent, but stared at Li Yi with both eyes.

Li Yi's hair was gushed in Gu Lei's heart, and she couldn't help asking: "Miss Gu, what kind of eyes are you... I'm so scared to see..." He said, and also made a tweak.

On weekdays, if Li Yi dared to do this, Gu Lei would rush up and pinch, but today Gu Lei didn't do it, but just didn't speak quietly, and seemed to be thinking about these things.

Until the big show with his brother and the three gangsters of the "cowhide bag" bandit group, Gu Lei did not speak. Li Yi was also attracted by the victorious elves and turned to say hello to them.

When the elves learned that this huge fish is an invisible fish living in the sky, their surprised expression made Li Yi's heart dark, but even if he portrayed his own record, this time was different from Gu Lei talked about Li Yi as a master in bragging, and even the black goddess Dana became the existence to fight for him.

The elves naturally didn't believe these things very much, but they were very interested in the goddess Li Yi said.

"But what you said, the goddess of light and darkness, under the black crown?!" Leng Dian asked with a frown, but his eyes revealed a kind of religious piety.

There are also such eyes, and there are brothers and family members.

Li Yi scratched his head and felt that the elves had become very strange, but then thought about it, Lengdian and his brothers belonged to the light clan and the dark elf, and Danaehe was the goddess who controlled the light and the dark, and naturally they were them The object of faith.

With a clear heart, Li Yi did not pretend, simply nodded and said casually, "That, Dana Black is indeed the goddess in charge of light and darkness, but is this the **** I believe in? , I don’t know. As far as I know, except for Dana Black, the rest of the gods are sleeping..."

On the side, Gu Lei opened his eyes and looked at Li Yi. Li Yike had never told anyone about the gods, and even General Li Yi, who prayed to the heavens, did not tell the other party about the gods!

Why does he trust these elves so much?

"Brother Li Yi... to the goddess... to use honorifics..." a little weak reminder on the side.

Li Yi raised her eyebrows: "Jingyan? I haven't used it when I talked to her. Why should I use it now?"

To be honest, Li Yi has never believed in any religion since childhood. Although I have seen some religious fanatics in some novels, I did not expect to meet several of them now. The most frustrating thing is that he did not understand these at all. What is the psychology of fanatics...

Therefore, in the unhappy eyes of Lengdian and his brothers, Li Yi could only use the so-called honorific.

Dana under the black crown... Okay, under the crown... Can I just add it...

Fortunately, these elves found a more important thing in Li Yi's story-Brother Li Yi was able to get in close contact with the gods! Even the central dragon came to rescue him! To say so...

God! God! The cold electricity and the brothers in tears burst into tears, and even the eyes of the other two elves began to flash their tears-how many years have there been no souls in this land of Atlantis called by the gods! Brother Li Yi is the first! He is the messenger!

Well, our poor classmate Li Yi was just like a group of elves who were wandering in a foreign country for the name of "God Envoy". To be honest, this name sounds quite tempting, but in Xinqin's The land is not so popular, even if it is on the boundary of the elves...

Will the elders of all tribes of the elves believe what a group of elves said? Is a human being a messenger? Elders who are full of food will not think so.

However, the consequences of these elves making Li Yifeng a "god ambassador" made Gu Lei very comfortable-after all, everyone hopes that their men can stand up to their feet, and they are all echoed everywhere, although Li Yi is frustrated now. Not too many people support him, but at least it is an achievement?

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