Nothing unusual, but everyone's face has changed.

In such a deep cave, how long will it take Ma Yue to walk to the end? The rugged cave is a common sense, and no one wants to take this risk-even the brothers who are dark elves are reluctant. For them, it is one to walk into a cave that no one has ever explored. Stupid behavior.

Li Yi is no longer wrong. Just when he turned and wanted to "consider from the long" with his companions, there was suddenly a smelly cold wind blowing behind him!

Li Yi didn't want to push hard directly on the ground, flew to the sky, looked down, and at the position where he was standing, a shallow pit appeared there, and a pool of green liquid in the pit was braving from time to time. White smoke.

WTF? Li Yi quickly fell among his companions and looked into the cave.

Two green dots of light appeared in this cave. Looking closely, it turned out to be a huge triangular snake head!

This snake should not be too small. The snake head has occupied the entire entrance of the cave, but I don’t know how. The giant snake just stayed at the entrance of the cave, and the two green eyes died. Stared at Li Yi, and looked forward to seeing them alive.

"What kind of stuff is this?" Li Yi felt that he was really lucky in the past two days. He first encountered a huge invisible flying fish, and now he has encountered a huge giant snake that can spit...

Yes, this snake will spit, and the "spit" spit out is also very corrosive. It really hurts next to it, and it will die when touched!

A group of people dodge left and right, avoiding the saliva spit from the giant snake. Fortunately, this snake has a time interval to spit, and this time was well used by everyone. While dodge and discuss what to do next .

Obviously, this courageous and brave guy didn't think of this snake in a dangerous place.

"I said, slaughtered and roasted snake meat is the best!" The look of excitement in a big face, it seems that he and the snake meat have a common hatred, and I can't wait to eat the snake in one bit.

"Slaughter? How do you slaughter? You don't look at how strange this snake is, can you spit it out, take it out for exhibitions, sell money or something, it's not better than you eat?" Yes, but it seems that the possibility of being alive is not very high.

"Would you like to vote?" Lengdian threw a light arrow, breaking the beach saliva that was shot at him.

"Okay! I agree to slaughter the snake!"


"Catch it alive..."

Soon, everyone had voted. There were five votes in favor of the slaughter snake, and the total of six votes were counted in favor of the cold electricity of the slaughter snake. The remaining three votes were Li Yi and Gu Lei. This is in favor of live capture, and howling.

This normally-spoken Genie elf is rare and has no support for himself. Obviously, he is also impressed by Li Yi's "far-sighted"-you know, such a big snake is only sold to rich people who like to hunt for strange things. You can exchange a lot of gold, not to mention that they can collect the snake's "saliva". This poisonous and powerful corrosive liquid is the favorite of those who are in the dark.

Obviously, Li Yi failed without suspense.

Next, it was almost time for the performance of the brothers.

They seemed to have hatred against snakes. Seeing this giant snake one by one seemed like a drunkard who hadn't been drinking for a few days and nights. The four of them swooped in a swarm of bees, and picking up the giant axe was a mess.

The snake suddenly fleshed out, but it was only the minimal damage caused by the splitting of the outer scales by the giant axe of the brothers. It really hurt the snake.

The serpent is very angry, and the consequences are very serious-this snake rarely said that it has lived in this mountain for hundreds of years. No one has dared to provoke this poison in this way. In the face of the powerful attack of the brothers, the snake is angry. .

It opened its mouth, revealing two fangs with serrations. "Sisi" screamed twice, and then sprayed a series of smelly green venom to the brothers.

The first stroke of the third round was shot directly on the shoulder by a pool of venom. Suddenly his entire shoulder was corroded to the bones. He gritted his teeth tightly and slapped the giant axe towards the snake, quickly retreated to the crowd. between.

After Li Yi shot him a wood-based healing spell, he rushed up.

When will someone fight with me? Li Yi leaned over his mouth and came to the tip of the giant snake's nose. His teeth smiled and kicked!

"Snake, let's be a master's snake soup..."

Before Li Yi went up, he blessed the "Earth Power" of the Earth Intermediate Contract Technique on his feet and was able to convert a part of his body into any solid in the land. This foot is really powerful.

The snake took a pain, screamed, and shook its huge head wildly, trying to throw Li Yi down, and at the same time began to shrink back into the hole desperately.

Li Yi can't let the giant snake escape so easily. He stands firmly on the nose of the giant snake, no matter how the other party shakes his head, he can't move him! Seeing the giant snake trying to hide in the cave, Li Yi's mouth twitched a mocking smile.

"Snake, why do you want to go back since it came out?"

After all, the golden light flashed around Li Yi, and a spike of golden light appeared in Li Yi's hand.

"Drink!" Li Yi shouted. The sharp spike in his hand spurted down the head of the giant snake like a lightning bolt. It stabbed smoothly into the head of the giant snake. Splash out!

No blood? That is of course! Li Yi was triumphant. The spike in his hand was temporarily conceived by him to control the transformation of the Star Soul.

Ever since he discovered that the star souls around him could form wings to increase his movement speed, Li Yi began to think about the usage of these conscious debris.

Can form wings, so can Star Soul also form other shapes? For example, weapons?

It's just that Li Yi has no time to try this idea. It was only when the imaginary control of the Star Soul was combined with weapons that it was discovered that the Star Soul was better controlled than expected!

How do you say something? "Want to rub round, rub round, flatten flat!" It is estimated that this is the case.

Moreover, this weapon composed of star souls has another feature, that is, "killing without blood"! Star Soul was originally formed by the debris of the outer shell of consciousness. It is intangible and intangible, but it can be used as a weapon for mental attack. Although the weapon formed by Star Soul can appear, it is not an entity, and naturally it will not see blood.

But the weapon composed of this star soul can actually attack the opponent's mental awareness, even if it is prepared, but who will do some mental protection when seeing a golden weapon attacking ? Naturally, you will suffer a big loss because you have no precautions!

The mental trauma is generally fatal. If there is no one who is above the third level of the mind to save the person, it is almost equivalent to the death sentence.

Li Yi is confident that he can inflict a fatal injury on this giant snake. The weapons that he constitutes to the Star Soul are crowned with the name "Star Soul", just like this spike in his hand, which Li Yi called "Star" Soul thorn".

This is the only weapon that he can use with the Star Soul now. It is pointed and long, and he can poke a person into a pair at once.

But when Li Yi pulled the star soul thorn out of the giant snake's head, he found that this giant crawling creature still had a swaying head, still continuing to shrink into the cave. This strange situation gave Li Yi a moment Did not react.

"Boom!" Li Yi saw a flower in front of him, and immediately felt the hot pain on his forehead. He stared at the flower's eyes for a long time, only to find that the giant snake shrank his body toward the hole, and he stood tall on the head of the snake. On the way, I bumped into the "threshold" of the cave entrance without paying attention.

At the moment, Li Yi was on fire. Although it was said that the helmet on his head covered his forehead, there was no bleeding, but it was still very painful! Without thinking about it, Li Yi squatted down and stared at the serpent's eyes sharply, "Snake, you can make my grandfather mad!"

After finishing his speech, Li Yi pulled out the fire sword from the waist, and when his thoughts moved, the flaming sword burned.

"It seems that roasted snake meat is more delicious..." Li Yi smiled, and stabbed with a sword!


The fire sword and the scales on the snake's head collided together, and a burst of sparks appeared. In addition to the scales on the snake's head appearing a little black, the hot and extremely sharp fire sword failed to leave a scar on the giant snake!

Li Yi knows that he has encountered a hard stubble, but in contrast, this giant snake is still not entangled with the metamorphosis of the spirit fish. Since your scales are hard enough, then try the master's "invincible strong acid" flow"?

Now Li Yi spread her hands, kept her squat position and began to use the mind-manufacturing to create what she needed.

At this time, the giant snake had retracted into the cave, and continued to recede into the depth of the cave. Although he escaped the other people's pursuit, there was still a dark pool of water that followed him to the depth of the cave. .

But here can be said to be the snake's nest, and when he came here, the snake's courage became a lot bigger.

Just when it wanted to sink into the water and suffocate Li Yi, Li Yi had prepared his own unique technique of slaughtering, and a mass of pungent liquid floated between Li Yi's hands, rising and falling.

"Sample, let's taste the taste of royal water!" Although in this dark and slippery autumn hole** nothing can be seen, is Li Yi's star soul vegetarian? I have known the situation around me for a long time, and I don't hesitate at the moment. After all, the royal water must be ready for use now, and then the brain splashed into the position of the giant snake's eyes.

The snake suddenly rolled over in the water pool. The corrosiveness of the aqua regia is a must. The tough scales of the snake are totally worthless in the face of this powerful corrosiveness, not to mention that Li Yi's location is too poisonous. A little more-any creature, the position of the eyes is the weakest protection, the eyes of the giant snake were splashed by Li Yi with aqua regia, and it was suddenly corroded into a pool of pus!

But this is not over yet, the royal water that has eroded the eyes of the giant snake begins to slowly penetrate into the head of the giant snake, and directly burns the head of the giant snake into a big hole. Lost his voice.

Li Yi patted the unprecedented "dust" on his hands, smiled, and stuffed the body of the giant snake into the storage space, then began to look at the waterhole.

In fact, Li Yi is not good at knowledge such as hydrogeography, but with the help of Star Soul, is it not easy to check the secret of this water pool? You know, the existence of the giant snake is a very abnormal thing, so is the habitat chosen by the giant snake a sparse and ordinary place?

Sure enough, the star soul sent by Li Yi found a huge hole in the depth of the water pool, but because the star soul could not be too far from Li Yi, so that the hole leads to nowhere.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, this cave is the only path to the "Abandoned Land" marked on the treasure map. When I walked all the way from the cave, Li Yi didn't find any forks. Obviously he still had to pass through this under the waterhole. The hole.

Li Yi was not in a hurry. After recalling all the Star Souls, he returned the same way and told his companions about his discovery.

But it didn't take long for Li Yi and his companions to meet again.

They led the way, and Gu Lei was protected in the middle, and there was a cold voltage array behind him, and he touched it slowly. When he met Li Yi, he was too nervous and even raised a huge axe, regardless of the person who came Whoever hacked axe!

"I depend on your uncle!" Li Yi scolded after avoiding the big axe. The familiar voice made everyone stunned. Gu Lei even screamed and squeezed out of the crowd, smearing into Li Yi's arms. .

"You are stupid, don't you come in to light a torch? And you cold power, anyway, you are also a light elf? Wouldn't it be possible to make some light for everyone's lighting?" Li Yi held Gu Lei, pointing at the elves scolding Said, "And you, you are so calm, why not stop this stupid behavior, and take the lead in bringing everyone in..."

Facing Li Yi's anger, the elves feared to shrink and dared not speak.

Gu Lei hugged Li Yi's familiar body and whispered: "Li Yi... don't blame them, I asked them to come down to find you... I'm worried about you..."

Li Yi's anger suddenly dissipated without a trace in Gu Lei's soft words-he just sent such a big fire, the big ingredient is still because of Gu Lei, although Gu Lei is also a senior peak contractor, but Li Yi is still very afraid that this girl will bump into something.

"Even if you can't come down so hastily?" Li Yi said helplessly.

"Brother Li Yi, it's not that I haven't thought of using spell lighting, but there is a weirdness in this cave..." Cold Power sighed at the end of the team. "Our contractual art can't be used in this cave** at all... "

Li Yi stretched out his hand in disbelief, silently chanting the mantra to raise a flame in his hand, but after a long time, Li Yi's spell mantra had been read, but his hand did not respond at all!

Contract technology, collective failure? !

This discovery made Li Yi jump in his heart, but he was not worried-even if the contract technique could not be used in this cave, fortunately his own chanting still works!

At the moment, he told everyone what he had discovered, and at the same time created a sphere of light floating on top of his head with the power of imagination.

The elves know it all. They are all contractors and naturally use chanting. Although the level of chanting is not high, it is still possible to imitate Li Yi to create a light ball suspended above the head.

At Li Yi's suggestion, the group walked back slowly, because Li Yi wanted to roast the snake into his belly. The small pieces of dried meat in the morning were not hungry at all. This made Li Yi hungry now.

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