
A flash of light crossed the window, and a thunder suddenly sounded, shaking their hearts fiercely!

"This feeling..." Gu Lei's breath became rapid, "It's so uncomfortable!"

Immediately, Gu Lei's face became very pale. She raised her hand tremblingly and pressed it against her chest. Her dull eyes looked at Qing Qiuyu: "I... Li Yi, he... he stayed in my consciousness. The mark in ... disappeared!"

Qing Qiuyu was terrified, and his complexion began to become bloodless. He said in a panic: "How can it disappear? If it disappears, wouldn't it... wouldn't it..."

She struggled, and finally did not say the word "dead". After all, if Gu Lei's feelings were true, then Li Yi was really... dead!

At this time, how much damage will be caused to Gu Lei!

"He... died?" Gu Lei said lightly, and then fell to the ground, murmured, "This **** bastard... turned out... dead?!"

Li Yi is dead? !

Gu Lei sat down on the ground, and Qing Qiuyu was helpless, not knowing what to do.

"Li Yi is dead... how is this possible?"

Gu Lei, who seemed to be crazy, rushed out of the house and rushed to the east in the continuous drizzle-that was the direction of the Central Mountain Range. It is said that there was a place where the gods lived and where Li Yi went.

Although I didn't believe that Li Yi would die in the depths of my heart, I didn't even know the cause of death. This chaotic situation caused Gu Lei's brain to be confused. There was only one thought left in the depths of consciousness, that is, to find Li Yi!

Qing Qiuyu stared at Gu Lei's crazy back, and her clean forehead also had some wrinkles with the frowning movement: "These **** elders, did not say that Li Yi was invited by the goddess of wind to complete a task? With the blessing of the goddess of the wind, how could he die? But Gu Lei's appearance...but it's very real..."

Shaking her head, she also went out and went outside to drink: "The soldiers on duty, send three people to keep up with Gu Lei, don't let her do stupid things!"

Three faint figures suddenly appeared in front of Qing Qiuyu, bowed their heads, and disappeared again! The speed of the wind elves is undoubtedly obvious to them.

"Hope... she doesn't really do something stupid to come out... if she really rushes to the top of the gods like this, she will be killed!"

Qing Qiuyu said na naily. Then, a scream came from her mouth, and then a giant tiger with wings spread out of the air and stopped beside her.

Turning over, Qing Qiuyu sighed, and then urged Xiang Xiang to go eastward, but her purpose was to find her aunt, Feng Zi.

The fine light rain continued to fall on this land. It seemed to have become bigger. The lightning flashed in the sky, and it seemed that the sky was constantly whimpering, releasing a cry of sorrow.

In the new Qin in the east of the mainland, Li Yuanzheng sat bored in his mansion. In the past few months, due to the half-dead state of King Qin, the battle for the imperial power has officially begun.

To everyone's surprise, Li Yuan, the third prince, did not indicate that he had the will to enter the muddy water, and lived a life that he lived in.

This behavior made Heng Shen feel fast in his heart, and he mentioned Li Yuan with Heng Zhi from time to time, saying that he knew what was happening.

There were constant rumors from the outside to the palace of the Three Princes, and Li Yuan only nodded and pondered on his chair after listening to the report of the spies under his hand. It seemed that everything outside had nothing to do with him.

But he also did not prohibit his men from continuing to collect intelligence.

Now Xinqin is almost divided into three pieces, and another faction is in charge of each area. That is, the imperial powers that have spread around the New City and are united with the Central Fire Army; and the new factions that have spread out in Xinyue City, a port city in the southeast of the new Qin, are the so-called neo-sects formed by the mutiny and seizure organizations.

And the last one is a piece headed by the Celestial Army, which has taken the southwest border as the main stronghold and recently refused to execute the orders of the Xincheng Military Department. It is said to have claimed to be its king.

Relative to the rebels in Crescent City, the Celestial Army on the southwest border is the biggest enemy of the imperial power of the New City. The three parties have fought continuously. Although the original army of the New City can completely swallow the forces of the Crescent City, it is the Qi that led by Qitian. Under the constant harassment of the Heavenly Army, Hengzhi, who governs all the remaining troops of Xinqin, can only divide troops to fight, so that the battle situation has been in a stalemate until now.

The real leaders of Xinqin can no longer come out to preside over the overall situation, and many generals of the legion are not very convinced by the two brothers Hengshen and Hengzhi. During the battle, they are in a kind of thinking of going through the field, neither letting the other party die too much. People don’t let their own people die, that’s all.

"Xinqin... It's already a mess!" Li Yuan pinched his chin, and his nearly three-inch beard was straightened by him, and there was no slight expression on his face. It seemed that these things had nothing to do with him.

The line of sight was wandering around on the layout of the table, and he quickly settled on a location, which is the location of the southwest border.

Li Yuan frowned, subconsciously pulled a beard on his chin, and said to himself in his hands: "Pray God, what the **** do you want to do? Didn't you mind what happened then? ?"

In front of Li Yuan's eyes, it seemed that the man who loved to wear a white robe had a calm expression, but his eyes were often hesitant. The face that never saw the old face was the myth of the new Qin, military merit Excellent prayer!

Immediately, the scene in front of him changed, and a fat boy appeared in front of Li Yuan, giving Li Yuan a smile on his expressionless face.

"You little bastard, you should have experienced the war now! Don't do anything!" Li Yuan closed his eyes and missed his only son in his heart. "If the war is over, come back quickly." !"

For a long time, Li Yuan opened his eyes and took a deep breath. The emotion on his face gradually became calm, and he fell into contemplation again.

It's just... this little bastard, can you protect yourself... Li Yuan's eyes shook, and he looked at the light rain just outside the window. The pattering sound made him feel bored for a while.

Somehow, Li Yuan's clear eyes gradually blurred, and as the water mist in his eyes worsened, a clear tear ran across his cheek and landed on the ground, bursting into a splash of water and splashing away.


Anger sounds echoed in this space, the clear sky suddenly covered with clouds, and straightened towards her with lightning and thunder.

"How dare you!" The voice of anger sounded again between this world and the sky, as if it directly hit her heart, making her body tremble violently, and the fear from the depths of consciousness also Then came out spontaneously.

"Shenlong, let this guy give it to me, how can I say that I am also a law enforcer, so the guys who betrayed our gods should be extinct!" The endless murderous intention stabbed her.

"Don't you tolerate a small human being riding on your head?!" She glared at the whirl, "You refuse to start against this human being, then I will do it for you! What's wrong with this?"

Dana Black volley stood on the side, and there was a strong killing air on the laughing face all year round. Her body flickered, and her emotions were obviously in abnormal fluctuations.

"You said, it's a good thing to kill Li Yi?" Dai Naihe's voice was surprisingly soft, as if the mood swings she showed did not exist. "Then... if I have annihilated your son...should It’s a good thing! After all, they are also small existence..."

Although the words are soft, the content can make people feel cold and upright.

"Dana Black! It's just a human demigod. Isn't there even less demigods among our people?" She was afraid to look at Dana Black, screaming and screaming with her eyes closed.

Xuanwuhu appeared in front of her suddenly and said blankly: "What can I say to this traitor traitor, so that the things that revenge the enemy will not be qualified to stand with us... words Again, over the years, I haven’t really killed a higher god... It’s better, let me kill you? That feeling should be good, do you say it? Goddess of the Earth, Farah? "

"Shut up!" The voice of the central dragon came again from that long mountain, still with a hint of anger in his tone, "Bring Farah out, deprive the priesthood, imprisoned! This idiot, now in this It’s a critical moment, and you still do what you want. Don’t forget the name of a god!"

"Also... Li Yi was buried for a lifetime, and Xinqin's side was dealt with by Dai Naihe. Li Yi's little girlfriend who stayed with the Feng clan, let Xuanwu handle it! The rest of the gods... just try Let the people below you qualify to wake up! How much can be awakened depends on their life..."

"Shenlong, in doing so, almost no mortal can preserve his own nature. According to the situation reported by Li Yi last time, even he will be affected by a lot..." Dai Naihe frowned. Said faintly.

The Central Dragon seemed to be in deep thought. After a while, he slowly said: "Life and death are alive. It is also a good thing to be able to wake up one more **** now. After all... the seal can't be kept!"

"Yes..." Dana Black echoed with Xuanwu, and the two waved their hands, three energy bands of different colors rolled around Farah, and took her out of Dragon Crystal.

As the three gods left, the central dragon also sighed heavily, and then the space in the dragon crystal fell into silence again.

Looking dullly at the corpse in front of me, he was originally a big boy with a silly smile on his face, but now, he has become cold Li Yi, will not regenerate the dragon, and smirked at her. .

For Li Yi, Dai Naihe never understood what position he placed in his heart. Until now, Li Yi was killed by the goddess of the earth, and she discovered that Li Yi was really very important in her heart.

He was... the first mortal who yelled at me...

Now Li Yi’s lower limbs are completely broken. When they discovered this battle, Li Yi’s two legs were also broken, even Dai Naihe desperately completed the missing rules in Li Yi’s body. He is alive.

To be honest, the deity is not omnipotent. At least in the face of death, Dana Black is really powerless, even the central dragon can only sigh.

"Li Yi has paid so much for us. At the end, he got nothing, and even died under the gods he rescued..." Xuanwu didn't know when he came to Dai Naihe, watching Li Yi With his miserable body, Leng Liyi's face can no longer maintain the expression of the past.

"Don't say, how is the **** Farah?" Dana asked with black teeth, and she could control her emotions at the central dragon, but now, when she sees Li Yi's body again, she will Can't control it anymore.

Xuanwu raised her head, and there was a light expression on her face: "She...the hands and feet were cut off by me, and the rest of the body was placed in the center of the temple to provide warning to all the gods... this is the traitor. The end! It's just that the dragon won't let me kill her, so..."

"Actually...I really want to mince her to feed the spirit fish..." Xuanwu looked at Dinahei still unhappy, casually telling a funny joke.

Dai Naihe smiled shallowly, but his thoughts returned to the moment when Li Yi and her battled the spirit fish.

"Oh... isn't the son of Shenzhao saying that he will live forever? Why does Li Yi him..." Xuanwuzhiwuwu asked, "We didn't even find the spiritual body..."

"The **** said, she also destroyed Li Yi's spirit..." Danahei's emotions fluctuated again, and she could not help but exude a trace of murderous intention, "I really want to... kill her?" !"

Xuanwu patted Dai Naihe's shoulder with comfort: "Now she is more uncomfortable than death!"

Dana Heiran stood up and walked out of the door. The spin dance was startled and asked in surprise: "Hey... don't you really want to go to the genocide?"

Dana walked black and shook her head, saying, "I'll go to Yunhai to see, maybe he is there..."

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it!" Xuanwu was shocked and quickly followed up, "I said, how could the Son of God sign..."

"Shut up! Don't you think your madness is back now? The words have changed!"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to make my good sister happy..."

"To shut up!"

Through the forest, through the desert, through the river, the end in front, do not know where.

A figure exuding the energy of dark ink landed on this hot land and flew for a few days continuously. Dai's mental strength finally fell back and fell helplessly.

Her body began to become unstable, and her mental strength was consumed a lot when she was attacking the goddess of the earth. Now she has flown for such a long distance, and the mental strength supporting the spiritual body is difficult to maintain her form.

The black dissipated, and then a faint golden color radiated out. Star Soul supported her figure at a critical moment, and a human figure with an open mind appeared again.

Along with it, there is a group of dark golden spiritual bodies that are constantly fluctuating.

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