Before he could say the words, Dai had already rushed up.

After smirking, Li Yi and Dai both fell into a sense of luck for the rest of their lives.

For Li Yi, it only took one or two hours to enter the depths of consciousness, but Dai Dai told him seriously that he had been lying motionless on the ground for half a year!

It is said that Li Yi was stunned for a while. He felt quite like "one day in the sky, one year on the ground." Although he entered his own consciousness, Li Yi booed for a while.

"I really didn't expect that half a year has passed..." Li Yi let out a long breath, but his brows were closed, "I don't know what the surface has become..."

Located deep in the ground below a kilometer, Li Yi always felt a sense of depression in his heart, as if a huge stone pressed on his body, making him breathless.

"I think it should be very chaotic above the ground!" Dai said, holding his chin, looking at the rejuvenated Li Yi. "Shall we go up?"

Li Yi nodded fiercely: "Go up! Go up now! This underground is really unbearable, so depressing! I really don't know how you endured Dai..."

Dai Yang raised her eyebrows, unsure, standing up and extending her hand to Li Yi.

"Before leaving, let me feel your spiritual realm!" Dai Wei said with a smile, "Know that from ancient times to now, almost no spiritual body can wake up under the eternal nightmare, but according to us According to some elders in the clan, it seems that every spiritual body that can wake up from the eternal nightmare will reach a very high level of spiritual power-that level is called terror!"

Li Yi twitched the corner of his mouth, and subconsciously placed his eyes on his mental body that was almost exactly the same as before. It seemed...a great change!

Now that Li Yi has lost his physical body, the sea of ​​consciousness has changed a lot. The sea of ​​consciousness, which originally contained mental power, has been divided into two parts. One part is transformed into a small space in Li Yi’s head. Position, which contains all the spiritual power of Li Yi's essence, and these spiritual powers are what Li Yi needs to use every day.

In the other, it turned into a hard-to-find film, which formed Li Yi's shape, and was filled with mixed spiritual power. Surprisingly, although this film is homologous to the sea, the Star Soul can shuttle through it freely, and Li Yi’s stabilized spiritual body can also be successfully constructed.

Originally, Li Yi's spiritual body was like this, but now, Li Yi feels the slight difference in the knowledge of the sea in the head position.

The knowledge of the sea is still the same. Although it has shrunk a lot, the appearance of the sea has not changed. The island with the storage space is still located in the center of the sea, and the surrounding is the essence of Li Yi’s spiritual power.

In general, the appearance of the sea is not different, but if you look closely, Li Yi found that the blue and black spiritual power flashed a little dark golden light at this time!

This doesn't count. Before, Li Yi's mental power in the sea was like a real ocean, and he was constantly flapping the waves on the edge of the island, and now the spiritual power... is like standing water!

No, the use of dead water to describe it is actually a bit exaggerated. In fact, normally, the previous mental power is like water, but now the mental power has a colloidal feeling, sticky, and denser!

To be honest, it is a bit inappropriate to use density to describe the strength of mental power, but now Li Yi’s first impression of spiritual power is like this, a very dense viscous liquid!

"This...this is my spiritual power now?" Li Yi was surprised, could not help but looked up at Dai.

Dai frowned, thinking that Li Yi had a big problem with his mental strength. He pulled Li Yi's hand over and consciously swept the other person's body, and soon a smile appeared.

"Sticky mental power...very good!" Dai laughed. "You know, thick mental power, but you have reached what you call the **** realm!"

"Shen Ming Realm?!" Li Yi was stunned by this great good news, and after a while he slowly eased away, " this too exaggerated..."

"Is it exaggerated? Not exaggerated! Now you know that the mental power in the sea has been refined to a certain level, and the amount of your mental power has also been advancing rapidly in this half a year. The force produced a qualitative change!" Dai nodded and looked very proud. "I knew that there would be a big change when I woke up from the eternal nightmare, but I didn't expect big! I really deserve to be half of my family!"

Li Yi twitched his lips and said helplessly: "But... why is this? It is impossible to raise the state of spiritual power in plain and unexplained ways, even if you say the quantitative change and the purity change make the spiritual force produce a qualitative change. It’s true, and it’s impossible to complete it in such a short time-you know, I was extremely weak before falling into the eternal nightmare, and the mind-reading level has fallen below the level of the demi-god!"

Dai looked at Li Yi apologetically: "I don't know... no spiritual body can wake up from the eternal nightmare since ancient times, so you can't verify this situation!"

"But judging from the dark golden glitter in your mental power, it seems that your spirit power has been integrated into the existence of the star soul..." Dai narrowed her eyes. "Did you feel anything wrong now?"

Li Yi was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head fiercely: "No!"

"It stands to reason that it is impossible for Star Soul to enter the sea of ​​consciousness and integrate with spiritual power. Once such a situation occurs, your consciousness is likely to be forcibly divided into several consciousnesses. In this case..."

"Could it be schizophrenia?" Li Yi smiled bitterly. "But I feel good special feeling..."

"I hope you're fine! Otherwise, it's really troublesome..." Dai squeezed her mouth and said after a while, "Some things shouldn't have been told you so quickly, but since you are now The spiritual power has reached the level of the god, so... I can also tell you about the future of the god..."

He didn't wait for Li Yi to reply, so he hurriedly continued.

"Listen, the so-called gods now are not the form after the peak of spiritual power. The reason why the gods are gods is because they have abandoned their physical bodies in order to reach this level and live in the world in the form of spiritual bodies. In fact, although I said that I would have an endless life, I also lost the possibility of being promoted again!"

"And what I want to tell you is about the promotion of the gods in the future!"

"Now you, because of the mixing of the soul of the spirit with the spirit, there is a possibility of schizophrenia. If you really reach this step, then you are really finished! And the spiritual power of the **** stage, it is impossible for you to maintain Staying in the current consciousness, if you don’t pay attention, you will be robbed of the dominant power by the scattered consciousness in Star Soul. If you want to maintain your current consciousness, you can only reach that level—"

"Become a god, a real god, not a **** of gods!"

Li Yi listened dizzily, and found that he didn't listen to it much—Dai's argument was almost difficult for him to understand. He went around here and around, and at the end, Li Yi found that he understood one.

That is, in order to solve the hidden danger of his own star soul, he must become a real god.

The gods here are different from the gods of the Protoss. Under the explanation of Dai, Li Yi quickly understood.

The gods of the Protoss refer to their race, and the gods who become gods are beyond the gods and become the existence that can open up the earth and the earth and the earth, he is the real god!

"Of course, to become such a god, at least one condition must be met, that is, the spiritual power is completely solidified, so that your consciousness will become solid, and the sporadic consciousness in the star soul will not shake your consciousness, You can really protect yourself!"

After Dai finished speaking, she looked at Li Yi quietly, as if waiting for his answer.

What else can be answered? Li Yi nodded depressively: "I can only go this way... But after all, why do the gods not become gods?"

"I said earlier that these so-called gods, without their own physical bodies, live in the world in the form of spiritual bodies, but if they become gods, they must have their own physical bodies, so that their spiritual power can be combined with their physical bodies. Two for one, the most critical step to becoming a god, and the step to remove the characteristics of your own mortal objects!

Li Yi frowned, and he found that even though Dai had said so in detail, he didn't hear it clearly. It seemed that there was a lot less in the middle, but Dai didn't explain it in general.

But thinking about Li Yi is relieved-after all, it has been enough to solidify the mental power for a long time, and before the star soul in the mental power disrupts, it seems that the task is very difficult!

"Don't care anymore, the boat is naturally straight to Qiaotou. Let's go step by step and watch!" Li Yi squeezed his fist, then looked at Dai, "So... let's go up!"

In those eyes, something like fighting spirit seemed to flash.

Dai smiled and nodded.

In Atlantis after sunset, the stars are shining in the sky, the quiet night is blowing the breeze with sporadic insects, the hot and scorching heat in the daytime is replaced by the cool and refreshing now, it seems that everything is so Tranquility.

This is a reasonable night to sleep well, but in the eyes of some creatures walking upright, it seems to be a night suitable for doing bad things.

A group of sneaky figures was lurking in the dark, and quickly approached the brightly-lit city in front of it. The city has exposed all its weaknesses to them.

Night is the favorite moment for all creatures who like to walk in the dark. This time is the perfect stage for them to show themselves. At this moment, they are able to exert their power to the extreme!

No one knows their names, but many people know their titles.

Assassins, this is a group of occupations that walk on the edge of contractors and samurai. They don’t have much talent to become contractors, nor do they have the natural strength needed to become samurai, but they all have the same characteristics.

More or less, they all have the ability to communicate with the dark energy.

But this ability is not enough to make them become a contractor who can be ancestors of Guangzong Yaozu, so they chose second and chose the path of the assassin.

Because they can more or less summon the energy of the dark department, their hidden kung fu at night can only be matched by the real dark department contractor, but the real dark department contractor is generally scarce than the light department contractor. It is hard to see one or two on the vast land of Xinqin.

This led to their fierce reputation at night even more terrifying than those powerful contractors.

For the assassins, sneaking into a tightly defended city at night is as simple as sniping and fetching, and their assassination skills have reached a very high level under their own discipline, making them appear to be assassinated. Handy outside.

A total of twenty top Qin assassins in Xinqin were sent to Lianyu City for the purpose of assassinating those important figures in the Celestial Army.

Although the assassins' fighting skills have reached a very high level, they are still much worse than the real martial arts masters. However, the assassins' ability to communicate in the dark system allows them to start when they assassinate more powerful opponents than themselves. To a great effect.

General assassins will have two kinds of dark spells, blur and dark stealth, and Li Yi's life-saving purposes are different, assassins use these two spells to kill.

The combination of dark stealth and fiction can make it easier for them to reach the target. Under the protection of dark stealth, it is difficult for the samurai under the mental strength to find them, and even if the contractor finds them, they also have various Such means escape.

The assassins have a lot of confidence in their own skills, and it can be said that there is no fear.

This time the action was directly ordered by the regent Wang Yinghengshen, which organized the 20 top assassins that Xinqin could find to assassinate the main personnel of the killing of the Tianjun.

Over the past six months, the three parties split by Xinqin have been in full swing, and no one can do anything. This has led Hengshen to choose some more extreme methods.

Hengshen is also very confident about the abilities of these assassins. After all, even if they can’t kill Heaven, some other officers in the army will be assassinated. Unstable military at the front, resulting in a loss of battle and other situations.

This is what Hengshen wants.

The assassins are close to the city wall. Under the effect of dark stealth, even if the lights are bright, they can't see their existence, and the effect of the blur technique also allows the assassins to easily break into the city of Lianyu. Nodded and left.

Everyone has their own tasks, and correspondingly corresponds to a general who killed the army.

In the general's room at the moment, Qi Tianzheng was tasting tea alone and looking at the battle report in front of him. He was very satisfied with the situation now.

Suddenly, his face changed, and a painful expression appeared on his face. He shook his head and shook it hard, and a ripple that was visible to the naked eye swayed away, praying to heaven to slowly restore tranquility.

"I didn't expect...I can't suppress your will!" Qi Tian's face sullenly, and his right hand knocked on the desktop unconsciously, making a messy noise, and slowly closed his eyes.

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