Suzuran City is really big. Although I have been shopping for a day yesterday, Li Yi found that there are still many places that have not been.

At noon, Li Yi walked into a restaurant and picked a table next to the window to sit down. Ask for a drink and watch the flow of people on the street while drinking.

After a dozen glasses of wine, Li Yi has become slightly intoxicated. With Jiujin, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The world is unpredictable. Where did I dare to think of this kind of life a year ago. After all the hardships, I survived."

Intoxicated, Li Yi really sighed. The sea of ​​nine deaths made me come over, and now I can still sit here and sigh my life. All this makes me feel a little unbelievable.

The crowd outside the window was hustle and bustle, and everything in life appeared in Li Yi's eyes.

Suddenly Li Yi felt a dazed feeling. He came here to find what he was after. Is it to seek a peace, and can you really be willing to be ordinary?

He stared blankly out the window, but his eyes showed complex emotions. Unwilling, dazed, struggling, it seems that there are more emotions hidden. I really can't imagine what kind of secrets are hidden in thinking about such problems, so that such emotions can occur at the same time.

Li Yi knows that he is incompatible with this world, and his life there once reminded Li Yi of the world. A trace of vicissitudes is hidden deep in his heart, but in order to live well here, he can only hide this deeply in his heart.

Li Yi ran out of the glass, and Li Yi suddenly realized that he had such anxiety and shook his head bitterly. Immediately, the body shook, and the drunkenness on the body disappeared instantly.

After leaving the restaurant, Li Yi walked to Suzuran College to see how this famous Tianlan College existed.

Suzuran College is beyond imagination, so big that Li Yi almost thought it was a small city. The ancient and magnificent gate, carved with vicissitudes of stone steps, all reveals the heritage of the Academy's millennium heritage.

Countless strong men came out from here. They were once the arrogants of heaven, and they shocked the mainland in the future. But whenever people talk about these strong men, they will never forget that they were students of Suzuran College.

Li Yi stood silent in front of the door, closed his eyes and felt the breath of the strong in the college.

After a long time, Li Yi slowly opened his eyes. There was a strange light flashing in both pupils, and there was no more wandering at this time.

"Why not hesitate or lose? Li Yi is destined to be a strong man with famous sayings."

"Li Yi, you escaped, you have to start a new life."

After all, Li Yi did not stay any longer and turned to leave. He knows that this Lily of the Valley College will certainly come in the future, regardless of identity.

When he returned to the blacksmith shop, old Tony was eating. When he saw Li Yi coming back, he pulled Li Yi enthusiastically and talked again.

Li Yi found that it was a relaxing thing to chat with this straightforward old man. He simply sat down with old Tony and chatted while drinking.

At the same time, Li Yi also believes that no matter how life will start in the future, it is indeed a good choice to be safe in Old Tony.

And the kind of life he experienced in the early years did indeed make Li Yi tired. Now this calmness makes Li Yi enjoy it very much.

"But seriously, Rice **** is a narrow-minded person. You offended him today, I'm afraid I'll be in trouble later."

Li Yi was talking to Uncle Tony about the customs of the Tianlan Empire, but suddenly he heard Uncle Tony mentioning the fat man and remembered such a thing. It was also from the mouth of Uncle Tony that the fat and fat idiot was called Rice.

"What about the fat man's narrow-mindedness, what can he do to me." After all, Li Yi didn't put the foolish guy in his heart, but just returned to Uncle Tony casually.

"Oh, Li Yi, you can't think of it this way. You should not offend you if you are the kind of scoundrel like Rice. He wouldn't do anything else. The ability to beat the horse is not weak. I'm afraid he wants to get some face and find someone. You can't handle it."

"Well, the uncle is right, but I have offended all offenses. Whatever method he wants to use will come out."

Seeing that Li Yi still didn't worry about Rice's things, Uncle Tony said nothing more. Once the topic changed, he began to talk about some strange anecdotes on Tianlan mainland. Li Yi listened to him. It sounds interesting.

After a dinner, Li Yi and old Tony had a good time chatting. Taking the drunk old Tony to rest, Li Yi also returned to his room.

Li Yi, who had been struggling on the death line for more than half a year, did not feel any discomfort after experiencing so many hardships. After looking around the room where he rested, he looked up at the roof and began to be in a daze, his eyes gradually lost his mind. But it didn't take long before Li Yi lowered his head and murmured the scar across his left eye hidden behind his long hair: "Li Yi, live well."

The life in the old Tony blacksmith shop was quiet like water, and Li Yi began to integrate into such a quiet life in just one month. Occasionally, when he was hitting a long sword, he even had time to think about it. Maybe he will open a new one in the future. "Old Li Yi blacksmith shop", Li Yi also smiled meaninglessly after thinking wildly. He also knew that this kind of life would not appear on himself.

However, does it really happen? If Li Yi could predict his future life now, would he still think that some cranky thinking is just a joke. Li Yi did not know that even if he escaped from that place, it might not be the real escape from the blood. Li Yi did not know that maybe he just escaped from a small prison to a big prison. Now Li Yi knows nothing, he only Know that at least the life he wants now is not the way he is.

After several contacts, the neighboring neighborhood also learned from Li Yi’s mouth as an outsider. The neighborhood in the city of Suzuran City, who had lived for a long time, soon accepted the young man who didn’t talk much and was very neat. In their eyes, Li Yi is just an ordinary gold digger, just asking for life in the blacksmith shop.

After a few days of adaptation, Li Yi gradually had less dialogue with Uncle Tony than he had just started. After all, in addition to hoping to learn more about the things in this continent, Li Yi did not know what can really go deeper with Uncle Tony. Topics to be discussed.

Just out of respect and gratitude, and the strength revealed by Uncle Tony, Li Yi still has a little closeness to Uncle Tony. It's just that Li Yi knows that this kind of life should be over. He plans to say goodbye to old Tony after a while and really start his own journey on the continent of Shengyuan. But people are always worse than heaven, and some minor troubles have forced Li Yi to arrange some time in advance.

On this day, as always, Li Yi built weapons in the "Old Tony Blacksmith Shop", and the hammer flew over. The concentration seemed to be nothing but the weapons in front of him. But at this moment, a very dissonant voice rang in the blacksmith's shop. Even the sound of the old and young waving the hammer was not too small, and it failed to reduce the disgusting feeling in this voice.

"Boy, if I put my head so low, I can't recognize him as an uncle. Do you still remember the uncle?"

Listening to this voice and the name Li Yi knew who came to him. The result was of course looking up and seeing a fat man with fat ears shouting in front of the blacksmith shop, standing behind him. Dahan, Li Yi also wanted to understand why this fat man named Rice dare to come to him again.

With a sigh, Li Yi thought that solving their own life in the "Old Tony Blacksmith Shop" should finally be over. But then it might be better to think about it, and it is always better to go away for a reason than it was originally intended to go away silently. But when he was just about to start, Uncle Tony helped him stop the fat man's provocation.

"Les, give me a face to the old man. It's not easy for this kid to come to Suzuran City to ask for a life. You didn't even have grievances in those things before. Why did you do that?" Old Tony stepped out of the blacksmith's stand and took a few steps Right in front of Li Yi, he discussed with Rice with an iconic and kind smile.

"Old Tony, does this matter have anything to do with you? You are an outsider who protects him so much, do you really think you have this skill? When the two brothers behind me are the decoration?" Les seemed to have decided Li Yi In general, when talking to Old Tony, he still didn't forget to glaring at Li Yi behind Old Tony, but he just glared at it, remembering Li Yi's eyes that the fat man was still a little afraid.

Old Tony just wanted to say something more, and Li Yi behind him finally didn't want to see it anymore, but took action. I saw him wandering in front of Rice, casually looking at this fat man who seemed to have depended on it, and then asked: "It's not over yet, do you really think the two wastes behind you can give you Back up, left me here?"

Hearing Li Yi's unmistakable contempt, the big man behind Rice seemed extremely angry, and rushed to Li Yi in three or two steps and said angrily: "Boy, the young man is mad, but before he is crazy Pay attention to your own strength, otherwise the price you pay for your arrogance is not as simple as you think. Come out and practice, boy, let me see what is the ability to make you so arrogant."

After he finished speaking, Li Yi turned around and walked out of the blacksmith's shop. He stood on the street and watched Li Yi with another fierce man. When Li Yi came out, he was ready to give him a hard lesson. But from the beginning to the end, they never thought that this young man who dared to despise them might have the power to defeat them. After all, a young man who looks like seventeen or eight may not have the capital to compete with them from any angle.

Li Yi still walked out of the blacksmith's shop casually, watching the two fierce men whisper and whispered to himself, "Huh, I haven't done it in a year, I don't know if I'm rusty Not yet."

Speaking of Li Yi, there was no more nonsense, and he rushed directly to the two big men. Such a move surprised both the big guys and Rice. After all, even if they had to fight, they had to explain something to each other.

But their street-fighting way of fighting is obviously not within the scope of Li Yi's consideration. From the beginning of fighting with people, he did not have the habit of talking nonsense. Start, beat each other, and then go away. The style of doing things for many years has been deeply ingrained and cannot be easily changed. Li Yi also does not want to have this kind of change. Such a habit is the criterion of survival in his hometown. It is the last word to survive, and no one will listen to the dead nonsense.

The two big men watched the oncoming young boy stunned after a stunned look. These two guys were indeed the kind of fierce characters who fought against each other. In these years, many people have been defeated in Suzuran City. Although he looked at the young man in front of him, he didn't find anything special in it. The two of them thought about how to deal with it and they were ready to fight.

But the weird scene appeared, but it was not really weird. It was just that the tit-for-tat blow that people imagined at the very least did not appear, but that the battle ended only in an instant. This seems to be unequal in itself. The battle was also reasonable and ended in a one-sided situation.

It's just that the side that won the victory is the young man who has always been careless. Looking at the two opponents who can't even move on the ground, they sigh helplessly and seem to be proclaiming that the opponent is too weak and unbearable. one strike.

And the most unbelievable at the moment is the fat man who has just returned to the air, how can he not believe that what happened just now is true.

Just the moment Li Yi was in contact with the two big men, Li Yi's strangely changed body shape and then a ruthless elbow hit a big man's face, although the other party hurriedly resisted, but the result was still "Puntong" fell to the ground with a clatter, failing to take Li Yi's blow. And another big man's stunned Kung Fu, Li Yi took the opportunity to kick him side by side and he also cleanly accompanied the previous big man lying on the ground to rest.

The two big men seemed to be playing just to give Li Yi a chance to perform. They fell to the ground in one go, causing everyone present to rub their eyes in confusion. They could not understand why it ended like this. . At the moment, Li Yi, our protagonist, is still standing, holding his fists with satisfaction, and seems to be quite satisfied with his own performance.

Fatty Rice looked at the perverted Li Yi, surprised and terrified, and even forgot to run away, or he was thinking that if the other person would kneel and beg for mercy, the other party might let him go. When holding this self-deceiving idea, Li Yi finally looked at himself, and Rice saw the look that scared him until now. Looking at this look, Rice's fear even filled his body at an incredible speed, and even he even forgot the idea of ​​kneeling and begging for mercy.

Li Yi saw his deep fear in his eyes, and his original anger dissipated. After all, he was not a person who likes to bully the weak. Rice's unrelenting performance now also made Li Yi not angry. Finally, Li Yi said with a smile: "I will still live in Suzuran City. The next time I look for revenge, it is time to remember to find some strong characters. I don't like to bully the weak."

Simply picking up the two small characters, Li Yi only sees this battle as a warm-up. After ridiculously talking to Rice, Li Yi saw Uncle Tony looking at him in astonishment in the blacksmith shop. Uncle Tony looked at Li Yi as if he were a monster. Although he had some early speculation that Li Yi was not A simple boy never thought he was such a tough boy.

Li Yi walked to the blacksmith's shop with a wry smile. Just when he was about to explain something to Uncle Tony, a sound of horseshoes came from the street. Seven cavalry hurried from the street, watching the two big men falling to the ground. Asked: "Who is so bold to fight in Suzuran?"

The smile that Li Yi had just hung on his mouth disappeared instantly. Looking at the soldiers riding the uniform black horse, he knew that he had just solved two small troubles. Then he had to find a way to solve the other in front of him. trouble.

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