Li Yi breathed deeply, as if he had to breathe out every breath in order to breathe enough. He knew he had to go all out. He had never met such a strong opponent. At the moment, Li Yi's back was soaked with sweat. He knew that the attack in just a short period of time had almost exhausted his energy. If you can't solve the opponent in a short time, you can exhaust yourself, which is not acceptable to Li Yi.

The old man in the white robe also saw Li Yi's fatigue, and seemed to figure out the reason why the teenager suddenly became crazy. He must have used the secret method that he did not know what to stimulate the potential of the body as much as possible. Although this approach allows people to increase a large amount of combat power in a short period of time, the load and damage that combat brings to the combatants themselves are also inestimable. But just figured out that these have not yet come and have the next action Li Yi attacked again.

Li Yi waved another air knife, followed by the right hand and quickly grabbed the old man in the robes of the white robe. This attack went forward, and even the old man's attack on himself was ignored. Li Yi seemed to be determined to follow The old man in the white robe is losing both sides. In order to let the battle end quickly, Li Yi has made it out.

However, the old man would not give Li Yi a chance to change his life, and hurriedly took the offensive shot to resolve Li Yi's attack again. Suddenly, the old man in white robe made a deafening roar, which made Li Yi in a violent state can not help but have a meal. Seizing this opportunity, the old man made a quick shot and mercilessly hit four punches in Li Yi's abdomen instantly. This time it was no longer the sound of metal impact, but the dull sound that really hit the body.

Li Yi, who was hit hard, could no longer support it, and fell to the ground in pain. Covering his hands with his abdomen, the severe pain made him rickety on the ground. Li Yi spouted a big sip of blood, but his mouth was wide open but he couldn't even groan. It seems that the four old boxings of the old man in white robe are really no more powerful for Li Yi.

Looking at Li Yi who couldn't even speak the painful words on the ground, the old man in white robe seemed to be a bit unbearable. He was ready to step forward to support this simple boy. But before waiting for him to approach Li Yi, he found that the teenager who had already fallen to the ground stood up from the ground astonishingly.

"Without your pity, we will fight again." Li Yi stubbornly refused the pity of the old man in white robe, and said that the hard man once again condensed the green mandrel in his right hand, and it was a sharp edge to shake his hand. However, the air blade at this time could not constitute any threat, and even before the old man in white robe had dissipated in the wind.

The old man was really shocked at this time. The tenacity of this young man really surprised the old man. Looking at the teenager in front of him, he was clearly shaky, but he still attacked him unwilling to lose. With this in mind, this young man is also a strong man who cannot be taken lightly. Of course, he can be regarded as shocking at this age.

Just when the old man in white robe secretly praised Li Yi, Li Yi finally couldn't support it and fell down again. Falling on the ground motionless, do not know if it is dead.

However, the old man in the white robe apparently knew what he was doing. He approached Li Yi and reached out to grab him. Regardless of Li Yi's injury, he threw him on the shoulder and carried Li Yi away.

When Li Yi woke up, he saw the old man in the white robe that made him unable to win. Then he looked around where he was and found that he was lying in a small room. It’s clearly someone’s bedroom.

Li Yi didn't know how he got here. He only remembered that after struggling and being hit hard, he finally couldn't bear it and fell into a coma. When he woke up, he found himself in the same room as the enemy he had not long ago. Looking at the old man in front of him still has an unpredictable look, which made Li Yi confused for a moment, wondering what the other party meant to stun him and bring him here.

"Wake up?" This time the old man didn't use silence to kill Li Yi's patience anymore. When Li Yi woke up, he took the initiative to speak.

"Well." Although I don't know what the tough old man had in mind, from his current situation, Li Yi knows that at least the other party is not malicious to himself. But after all, he suffered a lot, and Li Yi's answer was not too polite.

"Oh, the boy's hostility towards me is still quite big. In fact, I have seen everything from the beginning to the end, and I understand the way you use violence to solve the problem. Later, I also saw your good strength, and I loved it for a while. Mindful, try a few tricks, and by the way I want to help you solve those small troubles, the young man will not blame the old things."

"Small trouble? Is it only a small trouble when the street seriously injures the cavalry cavalry? Where is this, can I avoid those troubles here? Love talent? What kind of talent can I be?" Li Yi listened to the old man's story and suddenly rushed There are many problems. "This old man is definitely not simple," Li Yi thought.

"I have seen everything today, but only seriously wounded a few cavalrymen. I said you are right. Others dare not say much. As for this, you should have heard of it. This is Suzuran College. You have not arrived this year. Twenty years old, at this age, is it not a talent to have such strength?"

Hearing the old man in the white robe said that it was Li Yi of Suzuran College, I was really taken aback. Unexpectedly, I went to the famous Suzuran College in the country. But thinking about the strength, although consciously he has a bit of strength, but after fighting the strong perverted old man in front of him, Li Yi did not feel that his strength was shocking. Self-deprecating whispered: "You can't beat even an old man, and you can't be stronger."

"Oh, compared with my bad old man, I'm almost a native, and it takes too much time." I didn't expect that the old man in white robe had amazing hearing, and Li Yi's self-deprecating humor didn't escape. His ears. However, he did not care about Li Yi calling him an old man, and then explained patiently to Li Yi: "You don’t have to be pretentious, your strength is much stronger than most of the outside little guys with high eyes. But is it Can't you feel the degree of natural force that fluctuates on me, and there is nothing comparable in the level difference between you and me." Said the old man instantly released the momentum that has been converging, and the air pressure in the house suddenly reached an incredible level .

Li Yi's perceptual pressure on his face made it difficult for him to breathe in an instant. Finally he knew the obvious strength gap between him and the old man in front of him, and guessed that the old man had not yet given his full strength when he was fighting him. Having figured these out, Li Yi suffered another big blow, but then he shook his head and said to the old man in white robe: "Although I can feel the gap in our strength, but specifically to what extent the gap is not. Distinguish."

"You don't feel the degree of natural force? Do you always practice by yourself, no one guides you? If this is the case, I have to admit that you are a genius." Surprised by Li Yi's answer, the old man vomited his doubts.

"It's not entirely correct to say that I practiced myself. When I was in my hometown, I met an old man. He taught me a set of swordsmanship and a set of condensing exercises, but he only gave me a few instructions. I never told me any other information. Until I left my hometown, I only practiced the enemies according to those two sets of exercises. Although I came to Suzuran, I knew the existence of natural forces, and I felt that natural forces were just like me. The energy I've been practicing is similar, but I still don't know how to tell."

"So it turns out, so where is your hometown, and what is the strength of the people who teach you exercises." After hearing Li Yi's explanation and understanding the key to the matter, the old man in white robe is still interested in Li Yi's hometown. .

However, Li Yi apparently didn't want to talk too much about the places where he had lived, and perverted the old man in the white robe. The other party looked at him as if he didn't want to talk about it. But the old man was very enthusiastic about teaching Li Yi some knowledge about natural forces and how to feel the degree of condensation of natural forces. These are basic things that can no longer be basic, so Li Yi just digested what the old man said with a little effort.

Li Yi, who has just accepted some new things, can't wait to get through it. First of all, he felt his natural strength seriously, and the results obtained made him very happy. It turned out that according to the standards of Shengyuan Continent, his ability was already at the level of triple summit, which made Li Yi, who had been hit hard, instantly regain confidence. This kind of strength can also be regarded as a quasi-strong man in the Shengyuan Continent.

But when Li Yi felt the strength of the old man in white robe, Li Yi suddenly became a bit cold. The unsurprising old man in front of him turned out to be a seven-layer strongman. After seeing the real gap, Li Yi secretly luckily fought during the day when the old man was only a tentative attack. Even the last heavy four punches must have been precisely squeezed by the old man before they hit him. Li Yi felt that there was a chill in the back, and he even had a life with a seven-layer master.

The old man in the white robe didn't hold back his own momentum, so it was clear that Li Yi already knew what he was like. Seeing Li Yi in shock, the old man walked slowly in front of Li Yi and reached out to pat the still-surprised teenager, and said with a long heart: "Young man, I just took advantage of the time, just your current age. With such strength, the future is limitless. Are you interested in subsidizing at Suzuran College? I am confident that the help you grow up here is unmatched by the outside world."

At this moment, Li Yi finally awoke from the shock of the "Seven Powers". Hearing the old man's proposal was also a move in his heart, and he accepted the old man's proposal without much thought. He knew that it was the most suitable place for him to increase his strength. By the way, he also knew that the old man in front of him could help him solve the troubles he caused during the day. After all, Li Yi also understood the truth that one thing is worse than one thing.

"Your body is injured, let's take a rest at old age at night. I'll go to another room to rest." The old man in white robe went outside.

"Student Li Yi, I still don't know the teacher's name." The old man in white robe who had just walked to the door suddenly heard Li Yi's question, but he didn't do anything to stop. He just answered Li Yi when he was going out of the room. The question: "You can just call me Teacher Gar in the future."

"Teacher Gal." Li Yi whispered the name while sitting on the bed. This was the first seven-strong man he met in this world, and this was also his goal to surpass. Li Yi is not an easy loser, although he knows that such a transcendence may not be realized at all.

After sitting quietly for a while, Li Yi felt that the pain in his abdomen was less than half. Although there would still be some inconveniences, Li Yi was not sleepy at this time, and simply turned down the window to the outside of the house, ready to take advantage of the night Take a good look at this famous Suzuran College.

However, Li Yi couldn't think of it. This unwise move added a lot of trouble to him. Maybe our protagonist is a reincarnation, and it can trouble the upper body wherever he goes...

It is the night and the moon is rare, although it is almost late at night, but by the moonlight Li Yi can still observe this famous Tianlan Academy carefully. Li Yi seems to be back to the way he was when he entered Suzuran on the first day, and wandering everywhere can arouse some of his own interest.

Suddenly, a figure rushed towards him, before he could see the face of the visitor. This person hurriedly passed Li Yi, but Li Yi had an extra thing in his hand. When Li Yi saw what he was holding, he suddenly burst into tears and laughter. At this moment, Li Yi even held a pink apron in his hand. Although he didn't put it in his nose, he still smelled the fragrance.

When Li Yi was still confused, another person rushed to Li Yi. When the person saw what Li Yi was holding in his hand, he instantly released a boundless anger, which made Li Yi shivering.

"Well, I dare to stand here waiting for me after doing such a nasty thing. Should I boast about your boldness or curse your boldness."

Li Yi looked at an angry big beauty in front of him and glared at herself. Li Yi could only smile innocently at the other person. I thought that this woman thought that she had stolen her bellyband and fled here, but Li Yi didn't know how to explain to the other party how the strange bellyband "fly" into her own hands.

"This apron should be a girl's, but if I said that it wasn't what I took, do you believe it?" Although the other party will not believe it if he knows himself, Li Yi can't always take this bad thing to himself. In the body, he had to explain to himself daringly, trying to convince the other party of his innocence.

"Everyone has already stolen and obtained it. You can still export sophistry. The apron was not stolen by you, is it possible that it flew into your own hands?"

"Well, seriously, in fact, I can really say that. I walked in the yard well, I don't know who ran past me, and then this thing reached my hands." Li Yi was very serious Speaking of it, explain to yourself again, trying to convince the other party that things are going exactly as the other party said.

Of course, it is impossible for the beauty in front of me to believe Li Yi's "ghost words". At this time, the serious expression on Li Yi's face made her add three points of anger. Li Yi's serious expression at this time seemed to her more Like mocking yourself. No longer able to control his anger, the beauty finally shot to Li Yi, there was a lot of meaning that Li Yi died and then quickly.

Seeing the beauties running away in front of her, Li Yi finally shot herself, and Li Yi knew that it would be useless to explain. But looking at the flower-like girl with his hands, Li Yi did not want to destroy the flowers, so he stepped back and stepped away from the beauty's attack. I also saw from the other party's momentum that she had only double strength, so she was more at ease to let the other party attack herself. The attack that couldn't be avoided was easily blocked. After dozens of rounds, the opponent didn't even really touch any point of his body.

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