Unusually vigilant step by step, when approaching the end, Li Yi felt that what attracted him seemed to be at the front corner.

Prudent exercise skills, a sudden burst of murderous burst out of Li Yi's body. If there is a murderous gas field, there is a protective layer slowly formed to protect Li Yi from walking around the corner.

Walking carefully around the corner, Li Yi first sent two air blades forward without thinking, and then jumped into him quickly.

But after entering, Li Yi couldn't help being dulled by the sight in front of him.

I saw a silver coffin lying strangely in the valley, what should have been a lifeless thing, should not appear abrupt in this gloomy place. However, Li Yi felt that this coffin was incompatible with everything here, as if it should not be placed here.

A long sword was also inserted above the silver coffin, and Li Yihui's eyes were like a torch, and at a glance he saw that the sword must not be an ordinary product.

To say that things of money are not attractive to Li Yi. But for the pursuit of the pinnacle of yourself, a peerless soldier, it has an irresistible temptation.

Not wanting to be in danger, Li Yi made up his mind to accept this sword for his own use. Locking the silver coffin with his mind, he realized that there was no breath, and Li Yi walked forward slowly.

Every step was taken with extreme caution. By the time he walked to the silver coffin, Li Yi had already scared himself out of a cold sweat.

Suppressing the joy in the heart, Li Yi solemnly shot and slowly pulled the long sword out of the silver coffin. When the long sword came out of the coffin, a sound of sword sounded, which sounded like a dragon sound. After the Long Sword started, Li Yi could no longer suppress his inner excitement. Looking at the weapon in his hand, Li Yi deeply felt the strong breath revealed by this magical soldier.

Just when he was immersed in the joy of capturing the soldiers, Li Yi suddenly felt a sudden murderousness behind him. Li Yi secretly scolded himself for his carelessness. In such a dangerous place, he was so smug after he seized the sword that he forgot to be careful and alert about the surroundings.

The subconscious backhand blocked a sword, and Li Yi felt that the magical soldier in his hand was hit by a great force, and took advantage of the situation to leap forward. After standing in shape, Li Yi shouted, "Who is it!", and then quickly turned around.

After seeing everything in front of him, Li Yi couldn't help but take a breath...

Rao is Li Yi's audacity since he was a child, but he was really scared when he saw what was in front of him.

The things in front of me no longer know whether a person is a ghost or not. A human body whose body has been ruined to the extreme has rotted all over the body, but strangely, there is no blood flowing between the carrion. A scary blood hole in the throat showed that this was supposed to be a corpse. But this corpse, which was supposed to be a dead body, had a stern look, and a dazzling glare shone between the two blood eyes.

Standing in front of such a ghost, Li Yi, holding the magic soldier, didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. The murderous golden pupils, who had never been unfavorable before, did not dare to stare at them at this time. Unconsciously, the hands holding the Divine Soldier began to sweat.

"Roar, roar..." The nameless ghost roared in a low voice, as if he had a full hatred of Li Yi. The sound of cold was revealed in its voice, echoing the shadowy wind around it.

The two sides confronted each other, but no one stepped forward. Li Yi, who had never fought with such ghosts, did not dare to attack rashly at this time, but held the Divine Soldier carefully and listened to the other party's roar.

However, Li Yi, who wanted to move forward, found that it was not wise to stalemate with the other party. In this deadly place, he will lose first in the momentum before starting a war. And I found that although I had hurriedly blocked the other party's attack, but at this time, the other party was forced into a dead end, and the only way out of Chugu was blocked by the unknown ghost in front of me. If you can't spell this thing out, you may be hopeless.

Having made up his mind, Li Yi exerted all his strength, and the natural forces of large and large stocks moved along the arms to the magic soldiers, and the long sword also seemed to be psychic, and gave a soft whisper of joy.

No longer hesitating too much, he suddenly waved the long-sounding warrior in his hand, and a golden air blade cut away from the sword. I saw a golden air blade fly forward quickly, breaking the air more than once, and there was a hint of lightning flashing in the golden light.

Seeing the golden air blade attacking the unknown ghost, Li Yi's golden pupil could not help shrinking. This is the first time that such coercion has been cut. He glanced at the long sword in his hand happily, and sighed that it was indeed a weapon of the gods. Intensified the strength of holding the sword a little bit, and I felt a little more stable in my heart.

Only listening to the loud noise of "Boom", Li Yi looked up and saw that the visionary air blade was just evaded by unknown ghosts, and he slammed straight on the mountain, and suddenly the sand and stone splashed.

The unnamed ghost looked back at the broken mountain, and the fierce light was even worse in a pair of dead eyes. Roaring in a low voice, flashing suddenly struck Li Yi.

The body of the unnamed ghost is extremely flexible, avoiding Li Yi's cutting edge, and rushed to Li Yi in an instant. A pair of corrupted arms suddenly grabbed Li Yi's throat.

Li Yi lifted his sword and flicked away the ghost hand. When the **** soldier struck the ghost hand, he made a metallic collision sound. Seeing this, Li Yi was shocked again. Although it is still unclear what Shen Bing is in the hands of the sword, but the sharpness of the sword front will certainly not be ordinary, but I did not expect that the pair of ghost hands in front of the unknown ghost can actually touch the Shen Bing.

However, Li Yi was too late to think about it. The attacks of unknown ghosts came one after another. It seemed that he really did not fear the soldiers in Li Yi's hands and waved his arms to Li Yi. And with great strength, Li Yi kept raising his sword to resist, and kept screaming.

After fighting for a few rounds, Li Yi's original dangling heart was also put down. Seeing that the unnamed ghost in front of him was very strong, but it seemed that it would only attack by brute force. Although the strength and speed are not weak, but if only this level, Li Yi can still confidently cope with it.

Figured out here, Li Yi followed the opponent's flaws and counterattacked powerfully. Without thinking about it, he used his combat skills-Pluto Sword. It was supposed to be a fighting skill, but it became more comfortable due to the monotonous attack of the unknown ghost. The **** soldier was loudly shattered by Li Yi's breaking air, and Jianmang shrouded the nameless ghost like a dragon.

Under the attack of Li Yi, the unknown ghosts became more and more chaotic, unable to escape from the encirclement of the militia in Li Yi's hands. If it weren't for its unusually strong body, it must have been a puddle of mud at this time. Of course, the body of the unnamed ghost is no different from the puree.

But Li Yi, who steadily controlled the initiative, was not easy at this time. On the unnamed ghost, he could perceive the dangerous breath deeply, but the situation in front of him was so one-sided, he could not understand the situation. Fortunately, Li Yi can still take the initiative now, no matter how he has a random initiative.

Sure enough, when Li Yi's sword circle had danced in an airtight manner, the unnamed ghost suddenly and strangely punched left. A metallic sound suddenly sounded, and Li Yi's magical soldier in the hiding sword figure was so accurately ejected by the unknown ghost. Then the unnamed ghost was a swift pop-up ghost hand, slamming into Li Yi's left shoulder. Li Yi hurriedly waved his sword back to block, but was suddenly bounced off with a great force. Since then, Li Yi's Hades sword has been dismantled by the seemingly strange attack of the unknown ghost.

After stabilizing his body, Li Yi was deeply shocked. The seemingly careless two strikes of the unnamed ghost just followed the extremely hidden flaws in the Pluto sword. This kind of flaw can only be noticed by oneself, and this seemingly utterly insane ghost can also be noticed, and the fierce and rapid disintegration of his combat skills can be dismantled.

"Who was it before he died, was it a coincidence to break my Pluto sword, or can I really see my flaws? Is it fighting by the fighting instinct of his life?" Fearing the inexplicable fear of the unknown ghost in front of him At this time, Li Yi did not dare to step forward, clenching the Divine Soldier secretly thinking about things.

Obviously, the unknown ghost didn't want to give Li Yi much quiet time. Perhaps he was just trapped in Li Yi's combat skills and made it more angry. At this time, the unknown ghost stared at Li Yi's eyes and the fierce light was about to flow out.

Li Yi was thinking about the strategy, while staring at the unknown ghost with caution, lest the other party suddenly burst. Suddenly, Li Yi seemed to see something incredible again. Although he was still holding the sword tightly in both hands, he took another breath.

I saw the unknown ghost and I didn't know how to do it. In my hand, I started to have a black mang around, and then the black mang gathered more and more, and finally the unnamed ghost got a black sword in my hand.

"What the **** is this, even Dean Garr, who is a seven-layer power, doesn't have such a big deal." Li Yi is really incredible about everything in front of him. Seeing the strength of the five ghosts in front of him, Li Yi is really distressed. No more. "People die for money and birds die for food. Am I going to be buried here today because of this **** soldier?"

After the unnamed ghost condensed the long sword, the look at Li Yi became different, and even a few cold grin gave out, Li Yi couldn't help creeping when he heard it.

And Li Yi even saw some jokes in the eyes of the unknown ghost, and secretly shocked in his heart: "Does this ghost have intelligence?" Now Li Yi can't figure out whether the thing in front of him is a ghost, but he changes his mind I think that since the other party may have spiritual intelligence, then treat it as a human being. After all, fighting with people can make you feel more at ease.

In fact, in the final analysis, Li Yi was only shocked by the strange performance of the unknown ghost. Either way, fighting hard is the right thing.

Before the unnamed ghost attacked again, Li Yi had already attacked again. Li Yi was never used to being beaten and beaten by others, thinking about the deflation of a few places just now, Li Yi also hated the big boy. He jumped high, raised his sword with both hands, and chopped off the unknown ghost like Taishan.

The unnamed ghost didn't dodge, holding a condensed black sword and slashed out against Li Yi's attack. Only listening to the "Bang" sound, Li Yi's original ambition was blocked by such an understatement by the unknown ghost. The unnamed ghost is still standing in the same place, not taking a step back. However, Li Yi had been leaping high and was almost hit by the force behind the mountain behind him.

Li Yi hurriedly reversed her figure before Li Yi escaped. After landing, Li Yi's chest fluctuated violently, and it seemed that the previous blow made him laborious.

At this time, Li Yi was really afraid, and he had never met such an arrogant opponent. Perhaps the strength of the unknown ghost in front of him is much more tyrannical than Dean Garr, and it is obviously impossible to expect it to love himself and let him go.

"Even if you go all out, it may not be its rival." Li Yi can only smile bitterly at this time.

However, Li Yi is not a person who gives up lightly, even if he really struggles in the end, the big deal is here. Maybe sleep here with this unnamed ghost, wake up inexplicably for many years, and then become another ghost. If it is really possible to increase his strength, it is a beautiful thing, Li Yi thought optimistically.

Of course, if you can live, you still don't want to say goodbye to this world. Putting the Divine Soldier on the ground, Li Yi lowered his head and dropped his hands. It didn't take long to raise his head again, and the original golden colleagues became blood-red again. The murderousness of the whole body rose sharply, and the Divine Soldier was pulled out of the ground again. At this time, Li Yi became a demon again.

The unknown ghost opposite Li Yi groaned strangely after seeing Li Yi's change. "Huh?"

After falling into a rage, Li Yi no longer feared anything, and rushed to the unknown ghost. The **** soldier waved and the iron fist attacked, attacking the unknown ghost without a hand.

But maybe the strength gap is really too big, Li Yi is already fighting with his life at this time, he is so injured that he can't hurt his opponent.

A black sword appears spiritually in the hands of an unknown ghost. Li Yi's attacks are easily blocked, and as long as Li Yi reveals flaws, the sword will pierce Li Yi mercilessly.

"Battle Skill-Hades Sword", "Battle Skill-Cun Beng". Li Yi is really poor, no matter what kind of attack is not effective. Rao is already in a violent state, and he is beginning to feel fear at this time.

Suddenly, when Li Yi fought against the unknown ghost, the silver coffin that had been placed in the valley slowly opened on its own.

Seeing this, Li Yi's heart was completely cold. A monster in front of him is no longer able to parry himself. If another one comes out, he may still be a little bit more comfortable if he kills himself.

When the silver coffin opened, Li Yi stopped the offensive, and the unknown ghost stood silently aside.

A long time after opening, the silver coffin sounded. Li Yi stared closely at the silver coffin and wanted to see what kind of existence it was.

But in the end Li Yi was shocked. If there is another ghost now, he will not be surprised, but Li Yi saw a person standing up slowly from the silver coffin.

The star-browed sword of this life is a beautiful man. But his face is too pale, giving a cold feeling.

The man in the coffin stood up and looked at Li Yi. He smiled strangely at Li Yi.

Then he smiled and said, "Oh, Wolf's breath."

Li Yi was really numb at this time, and today's visions appeared one by one. God knows whether there will be an elder sister in the next moment, insisting that she is her brother.

The "man" came out of the silver coffin and said something he didn't understand. He didn't know how to answer it. Li Yi simply fell down on the ground with his long sword. The wounds that appeared during the fight just now began to lie in pain. Too.

The "man" standing up from the silver coffin looked at Li Yi with a smile, and since he appeared, the nameless ghost no longer made any noise, just stood aside quietly.

After a long time, he slowly spoke to Li Yi: "Boy, you continue to fight with it." After that, he pointed to the unknown ghost standing beside him.

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